Updated Schedule SPR 2015

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Updated Tentative Schedule

March 9

Chapt. 6
Defenses to Criminal Liability:

pp. 175-204; brief State v. KRL

on p.192; Oliver v. State p. 199;

March 16

Chapt. 6 cont

March 30

Chapt. 7
Parties to Crime and
Vicarious Liability

pp. 207-230; brief State v. Ulvinen

on p. 211

April 6

Chapt. 7 (cont)

Brief State v. Zeta Chi (Supp. Rdg)

April 13

Chapt. 8
Inchoate Crimes

pp. 235-267; brief People v. Kimball

on p. 239 and State v. Young on p.

April 20

Chapt 8. (cont)

Brief State v. Damms on p. 250

***Written Assignment to be posted, due April 6th***

April 27

Chapt. 9
Against Persons l: Murder

pp. 282-324; brief Byford v. State

on p. 294;
Brief Commonwealth v. Schnopps on p. 316

Mon, May 4th 1:00 3:00 pm

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