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Culminating Activity and Assessment

Duration 2 days
Culminating Activity (40 minutes)
Assessment (20 minutes)

Students will understand the difference between a solid, liquid, and a gas in both the
culminating activity and the @inal assessment.

Is it a solid, liquid, or a gas? Worksheet (25 copies)
Three Forms of Matter Post Assessment
Root beer
Vanilla ice cream
Clear Cups
Smart Board

Michigans Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCEs)

P.PM.E.2 Matter exists in several different states: solids, liquids and gases. Each
state of matter has unique physical properties. Gases are easily compressed but
liquids and solids do not compress easily. Solids have their own particular
shapes, but liquids and gases take the shape of the container.

Students will be able to identify whether or not an object is a solid, liquid, or a
Students will be able to give examples of a solid, liquid, or a gas.
Students will be able to draw corresponding pictures of the examples given for
each state of matter.

Assessment of Objectives
At the end of this lesson, students will be turning in their Is it a solid, liquid, or a gas? lab
worksheet, as well as their @inal Three Forms of Matter post assessment.

Anticipatory Set
Students will be making root beer @loats. All of the materials needed for the root beer @loats
will be prepped ahead of time and placed on the students desks.



Before students begin the root beer @loat activity, the instructions and rules will need to be
implemented. Students will be sitting at their desks with the supplies in front of them. The
entire class will carry out the activity together step-by-step as the teacher does it with

The modeling for the root beer @loat worksheet will be done on the Smart Board with the
entire class sitting on the carpet. The teacher will go through the worksheet with the class,
reading the directions out loud.

Since the post assessment is the same as the pre-assessment, students will be familiar with
the format. Students will get a quick preview of the post-assessment on the Smart Board,
where a brief explanation of directions will be given. Students will then return to their seats
to complete the assessment.

Checking for Understanding

Students will give thumbs up if they understand what is expected of them. If some students
still display thumbs down, the instructor will ask those students if they have a question or
what needs further explanation. The activity may need to be modeled once more,
depending on the understanding of the entire class.

Guided Practice
The root beer @loat lab and the @inal assessment are to be completed individually. The
instructor will however, be walking around the room to ensure that students understand
the root beer @loat lab n the @irst day of the lesson and to help any students who may be
confused or need more explanation. Students will not be given any help on the @inal
assessment, unless they need help reading a speci@ic word in the instructions.

After students have completed their root beer @loat lab and the worksheet that goes along
with it, they will be directed to turn it in to the turn in basket. These students may begin to
eat their root beer @loats while other students are still @inishing up. Once everyone is done,
the entire class will have a whole group discussion on their @indings and to go over the
answers that they came up with on their worksheets.

After students have completed their @inal assessment on matter, they will turn it in.
Students will then be directed to read quietly as their desks until all students have @inished.

Independent Practice/Assessment
Students will be completing their Three Forms of Matter @inal assessment. This is an
assessment that will be completed on his or her own. Once students have @inished, they will
turn it in to be assessed.

During the root beer @loat activity, the voice level may be a tad noisier than normal due to
excitement. However, some students have a dif@icult time concentrating when the classroom

noise level gets too high. These students may wish to use classroom head phones to help to
block out some of the noise. This has immensely helped our students who have a dif@icult
time with concentration.

For the @inal assessment, some students may be pulled to go out into the pod to take the
assessment with our classroom paraprofessional. The paraprofessional will help in reading
the assessment to the students.


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