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Natalia Angel

ENC 1101
Ms. Yolanda Franklin
4 August 2015
An Angels Collection
The End or the Beginning?
There is always an end to everything,
Nothing in the world will last forever.
The end could make you cry or make you sing.
It is the start of your new endeavor.
As I packed my things into my big car,
I really did not know how I should feel.
I was excited about going far,
But I was surely not made out of steel.
Never had I ever lived by myself,
Especially not living at home.
It made me feel as if I were an elf.
An elf because I was small like a gnome.
Besides those facts, it was time to blossom.
I was so ready and I felt awesome.

Dogs or People?
If I had to choose my favorite things in the world,
It would be dogs.
Dogs come in all shapes and sizes,
But they only have one goal.
The sole goal of gaining the love of everyone that they come across.
The reason why I admire that so much is because that is rare.
Todays society is cruel.
Bad days keep reoccurring, more bad than good.
However, a bad day is no match for the warmth and love that dogs give off.
You can compare it to a vibration.
It is positive in all ways.
Dogs do not only give off positivity when it has been a bad day,
Dogs know how to make the best day ever even better.
They are like people.
When something is wrong, they automatically know.
And then they just know how to cheer one up.
How do they know how to do this?
It is something that keeps me curious.
It just leaves me with the conclusion that dogs are special.

My Best Friend
We are all special in our own ways.
No one in this world is the exact same as something else.
That is what makes this earth so exciting.
There are so many people to see,
So many things to learn.
As days go by, however, I start to notice things.
One thing that I notice is the unfairness towards people that are not white.
They do not just have to be black,
They could be Hispanic or Asian.
One thing that I will always remember is the fact that my best friend was black.
Her name was Kaitlyn.
My cousin was white,
His name was Sebastian.
I would always bring her to play at my cousins house,
He did not like it.
Why did he not like it?
Just because of the minor fact that she was black.
I will never understand that mentality.
He did not get to know her, not because she was mean,
But because he didnt even want to.

King Tut, Soldier, or Elvis

Krista Franklin has created many pieces, indeed.
The one we have here, mentally takes me to many places.
The first place that it takes me is the ancient history that Egypt because of the pharaohs face.
He makes me feel as if I were walking along the pyramids,
Admiring their architecture and the history they are composed of.
The pyramids have more than we know behind them.
The second place that it takes me to is the times where there was constantly war,
Maybe the civil war.
The rocks and debris scattered around him remind me of a mess.
A mess of the battlefield,
Or a mess of the relationships held among the soldiers and their leaders.
These problems that have always been around like racism and discrimination.
The third place is the era of rock and roll because of the way this man is dressed.
The first person that came to my mind was Elvis Presley.
He came to mind because this mans outfit is quite stylish, quite
He looks like he knows what he is doing,
Just like Elvis Presley.
This piece must take others to different places,
Typically based on perspective.
Over all, this one piece of art can make one feel as if they are
taking a trip.

Throughout my life, I have been through many things. Being born in Colombia and
growing up in the United States is definitely something that has had an impact on my life. I think
it is very interesting how I was raised with two completely different cultures, yet it seems as if
those cultures merged into one. I would consider myself more American than Colombian but I
have morals and traditions that I will always keep close to me from my Colombian heritage.
When I was younger, I thought that going to college was 100 years away. The thought of leaving
my family and going into the world to start my future seemed so surreal to me and I would have
never expected it to come so soon.
My first poem is about how leaving to college is exciting yet scary at the same time. I
didnt expect this day to come so soon so I did not know how I should react. To be honest, I left
my house without feeling anything and finished my first semester of college the same way. It has
not hit me and I am not sure when it finally will. It is just crazy to me how I am in the phase of
my life in which I have to start finding myself and what I am truly passionate about in the world.
It is the time to branch off, find a real job, and be able to start supporting myself in the real
world. I guess that is why it is so overwhelming and it makes me confused as to what I am
supposed to feel.
My second poem is about my love for dogs. For my entire life, I have always been
around dogs. They are that one animal that I have a deep love for because of the way that they
are. They are so sweet and genuine, almost like people. Sometimes dogs are better than people
because dogs are always there for you, they will keep all of your secrets, and their love is so
unconditional. It is actually quite rare to find a human being with all of those characteristics. I
will always have dogs around me and my family because they are what completes a house and
they are indeed a family member as well.

The third poem that I composed was about the topic of race and a memory in which the
racial imaginary reminded me of. The one memory that I will always remember is the one about
one of my first friends living in the United States. Her name was Kaitlyn and she ended up
becoming my best friend. She was black and my cousin Sebastian always felt uncomfortable
about it. It took me the longest time to understand why because as a child, I guess I was quite
nave. When I finally came to that realization, I was so bothered because Sebastian never even
got to know her just because of the color skin that he had. That is something that saddens me
because he missed out on possibly a great friendship with an amazing girl. It is not fair how
society has become when it comes to race and the judgments that everyone jumps to
immediately. Society should teach the younger generations to change that thought process so that
in a couple of decades, everyone could be treated equally.
The last poem that I wrote about was an ekphrastic poem about the work of Krista
Franklin. Her piece of art was one that took me to multiple places. When I looked at it, I felt as if
I was in several different places and decades at the same time. She seems to have used different
body parts to create one person but all of those body parts represented an era in history. That is
the image that I saw and that it what I was reminded about.

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