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Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki & his years of pilgrimage

This book is the one I am reading now. I think this one is the softest flown write up done by Haruki
compared to his works that I came across so far. It has a simple plot and less complexity but very
much detailed on individual experience being alone or solitude.
The most important thing I observed in this work is the balance state of Borromean knot in the text
expressing the psychoanalytic topography of Harukis unconscious.
RSI is in perfect harmonious balance so do not push the peripheries of Symbolic into Real casting the
Symptom or Real into Imaginary casting Anxiety.
Pushing Imaginary into Symbolic create the Inhibition to organize itself rather appearing in the text is
the event horizon.
I would take this text as a primary way of balanced state of a Borromean Knot.

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