Cost of Capital: Coc Is A Combined Cost of Each Type of Source by Which A Firm Raises Funds

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Cost of Capital

Minimum rate of return which a company is

expected to earn from a proposed project so as

to make no reduction in the earning per share to
equity shareholders and its market price.
In economic terms there are two approaches to
define CoC:
1. It is the borrowing rate of the firm, at which it
can acquire funds to finance the proposed
2. It is the lending rate which the firm could have
earned if the firm would have invested elsewhere

CoC is a combined cost of each type of

source by which a firm raises funds.

Also referred to as cut-off rate, target rate,

hurdle rate, minimum required rate of

return, standard return, etc.
Assumption: that the firms business and
financial risks are unaffected by the
acceptance and financing of projects.
Business risk is the risk to the firm of being
unable to cover fixed operating costs.
Measured by: (EBIT/EBIT)/ (Sales/Sales)
Financial risk is the risk of being unable to
cover required financial obligations such as
interest, preference dividends. Measured

Importance of CoC
Capital Budgeting Decisions
Designing the Corporate Financial Structure
Deciding about the method of financing in

lieu with capital market fluctuations

Performance of top management
Other areas eg., dividend policy, working

Measuring CoC
A realistic measure of CoC should have the following
qualities of capital expenditure decisions:
1. It must account for the general uncertainty of
expected future returns from investment
2. It must allow for the various degrees of
uncertainty of expected future returns associated
with different uses of funds.
3. It must allow for the effects of uncertainty
associated with an incremental investment and
the uncertainty of returns from the entire asset
portfolio of the firm.
4. It must account for a variety of financing means
available to a firm.
5. It must allow for the differential effects of
financing combination on the amount and quality
of residual net benefits accruing to shareholders.
6. It must reflect the changes in the capital market.

Basic costs of capital

1. Cost of Equity Capital: the cost of obtaining

funds through the sale of common stock.

2. Cost of Preference Shares
3. Cost of Debt
4. Cost of Retained Earnings

Cost of Equity Capital

Ke is defined as the minimum rate of return that

a firm must earn on the equity-financed portion

of an investment project in order to leave
unchanged the market price of the shares.
It is the rate at which investors discount the
expected dividends of the firm to determine its
share value.
The two approaches to measure ke are i.
Dividend valuation approach and ii. Capital
asset pricing model.

Cost of Equity
Most difficult and controversial cost to work out.
Conceptually, the cost of equity ke may be
defined as the minimum rate of return that a
firm must earn on the equity financed portion
of an investment project in order to leave
unchanged the market price of the shares.
The cost of equity capital is higher than that of
preference and debt because of greater
uncertainty of receiving dividends and
repayment of principal at the end.

2 approaches to measure
1. Dividend approach dividend valuation
model: assumes that the value of a share
equals the present value of all future
dividends that it is expected to provide
over an indefinite period.
Ke accordingly is defined as the discount
rate that equates the present value of all
expected future dividends per share with
the net proceeds of the sale (or the current
market price) of a share.


Po(1-f)= D1/(1+ke) + D2/(1+ke)2 +.+


= D1(1+g)n-1/(1+ke)n

Po(1-f) = D1/(keg) or
Ke = (D1/Po) + g; where
D1 = expected dividend per share
Po = net proceeds per share/current market price
g = growth in expected dividends

Assumptions of the Dividend


The market value of shares depends upon

the expected dividends.
Investors can formulate subjective
probability distribution of dividends per share
expected to be paid in various future periods.
The initial dividend is greater than 0.
Dividend payout ratio is constant.
Investors can accurately measure the
riskiness of the firm so as to agree on the
rate at which to discount the dividends.

Note 1: if the growth rate is not uniform, then,

Po(1-f)or Po=D1/(1+ke) + D1(1+g1)/(1+ke)2 + D1(1+g1)

(1+g2)/(1+ke)3 .+
Note 2: if we limit the dividend payment upto N

years, then,
Po(1-f)or Po=D1/(1+ke) + D1(1+g)/(1+ke)2 ++

D1(1+g)N-1 /(1+ke)N +.+ PN/(1+ke)N

Where, PN is the share value at the end of the Nth year.
Example: Expected dividend is Rs.2 in 1 st year. Growth
rate expected 4% in perpetuity. Floatation cost is 2%.
What is the cost of equity? Assume market price of
share is Rs. 20.
So, 20(1-0.02)=2/ke-0.04
If there are no floatation costs, then,

The Fincon Ltd. is planning an equity issue in Jan

1998. it has an EPS of Rs.25 and declared a

dividend of Rs.15 per share in the current year. Its
present P/E ratio is 8. It wants to price the issue at
market price and floatation costs are expected to
be 10% of the issue price. Determine required
rate of return for equity shares before issue and
after the issue. How will dividend tax under the
Indian Income Tax Act affect your calculations?
Cost of present equity:
Ke=[EPS/P0(1-f)]=[D1/Po(1-f)]+g=reciprocal of P/E
Ke=1/8=.125=12.5% OR Ke=15/200+25/200(115/25)=.125=12.5%

Cost of equity for new issue:

Under new tax laws:
OR Ke=D1/P0+g
But 10% tax is paid by company out of profits.
Thus, retained earnings or g alone is affected.
Thus, revised formula for g is:
g=EPS/P0[1-DPS(1+dt)/EPS] or g=[EPSDPS(1+dt)]/P0
where, dt is dividend tax
For existing issue, Ke=D1/P0+[EPS-DPS(1+dt)]/P0

For further issue of equity, Ke=D1/P0(1-f)+[EPSDPS(1+dt)]/P0(1-f)

The new tax laws would result in:
a.Lower cost of equity
b.Perhaps it would promote investment also.

Example: suppose current dividend (D0)=Rs. 2

Current share price P0=Rs.100

Company growth rate: upto 5th year 10%
6-10th year=8%
11th year & beyond=6%
Then, P0

= 2*1.10(1.1)n-1/(1+ke)n +


D6(1.08)n-1/(1+ke)n +

D6(1.06)n-1/(1+ke)n +

2. Capital Asset Pricing


The CAPM explains the behavior of security

prices and provides a mechanism whereby
investors could assess the impact of
proposed security investment on their
overall portfolio risk and return. In other
words, it formally describes the risk-return
trade-off for securities.
The basic assumption of CAPM are related to
A. the efficiency of the market, and
B. investor preferences.

A. Efficient Market implies

All investors have common

(homogeneous) expectations regarding

the expected returns, variances and
correlation of returns among all securities;
All investors have the same information
about securities;
There are no restrictions on investments;
There are no taxes;
There are no transaction costs; and
No single investor can affect the market
price significantly.

B. Investors preference assumption is that all

investors prefer the security that provides the
highest return for a given level of risk or the
lowest risk for a given level of return. That is,
investors are risk averse.

Risk to which security investment is

exposed to are of 2 types:
Diversifiable/unsystematic risk: is the

portion of the securitys risk that is

attributable to firm-specific random causes;
can be eliminated through diversification. Eg.,
management capabilities and decisions,
strikes, unique government regulations,
availability of raw materials, competition.

Systematic/Non-diversifiable risk: is

the relevant portion of a securitys risk that

is attributable to market factors that affect
all firms; cannot be eliminated through
diversification. Eg., interest rate changes,
inflation or purchasing power change,
changes in investor expectations about the
overall performance of the economy and
political changes.
Since diversifiable risks can be eliminated
through diversification, investors should be
concerned with only non-diversifiable risks.

Market Portfolio
Systematic risk can be measured in

relation to the risk of a diversified portfolio

which is commonly referred to as the
market portfolio of the market. According to
CAPM, the non-diversifiable risk of an
investment/security/asset is assessed in
terms of the beta coefficient.
Beta is the measure of the volatility of a
securitys return relative to the returns of a
broad-based market portfolio. Beta
coefficient of 1 would imply that the risk of
the specified security is equal to the

ke = rf + (km rf);

ke = cost of equity capital;
rf = the rate of return required on a risk free
km = required rate of return on the market
portfolio of assets that can be viewed as
the average rate of return on all assets
= the beta coefficient.
for market portfolios is 1, while it is 0 for
risk-free investments.


Difference b/w CAPM and Dividend

Valuation method
Valuation model does not consider the risk as

reflected in beta.
CAPM model suffers from the problem of
collection of data.
Beta measures only systematic risk.
Example: =1.4, rf=8%, km=12%

Note: CAPM approach is theoretically sound

but has limitations:

1.It does not incorporate floatation costs.
2.Difficult to get values.
3.Poorly diversified investors would be
concerned with not only systematic but total
So, dividend approach is better.

Cost of Preference
They are a hybrid security between debt and equity.

The shareholders are paid a dividend yearly. Though,

this payment is not tax-deductible but the company
is required to make payments; since, if it does not
pay, it cant pay dividends to the equity holders.
Also, preference dividend, if unpaid, gets
accumulated over years. Preference shares may be
redeemable/irredeemable. (now irredeemable
preference shares are not allowed. Have to be
redeemed in maximum 10 years)
Cost of preference share capital is the annual
preference share dividend divided by the net
proceeds from the sale of preference shares.
Perpetual security (irredeemable)
Cost of redeemable preference share

Cost of Preference Shares

The preference shareholders carry a prior right to

receive dividends over the equity shareholders.

Moreover, preference shares are usually
cumulative which means that preference dividend
will keep getting accumulated unless it is paid.
Further, non-payment of preference dividend may
entitle their holders to participate in the
management of the firm as voting rights are
conferred on them in such cases.
Above all, the firm may encounter difficulty in
raising further equity capital mainly because the
non-payment of preference dividend adversely
affects the prospects of ordinary shareholders.

A. Irredeemable (perpetual)

kp=dp/P0(1-f); where,
dp=constant annual dividend,
P0=expected sales price of preference share
f= floatation costs
Example: a 12% irredeemable preference share of
face value of Rs.100, f=5%. What is kp if
preference share issued at i. par, ii.10% premium,
iii. 10% discount
i. At par, kp=12/100(1-0.05)=12/95=12.63%
ii. At 10% premium, kp=12/110(1-0.05)=11.48%
iii.At 10% discount, kp=12/90(1-0.05)=14.03%

B. Redeemable preference shares


Po(1-f)= dp/(1+kp)n +PN/(1+kp)N ;


Example: 14% preference dividend on face

value of Rs.100 to be redeemed after 10
years. Floatation cost is 5%. Kp?

100(1-0.05)= 14/(1+kp)n +100/(1+kp)10 ;


By trial and error kp=15% approximately.

Cost of Debt
Debt is the cheapest form of long-term

debt from the companys point of view as:

Its the safest form of investment from the
point of view of creditors because they are
the first claimants on the companys assets
at the time of its liquidation. Likewise they
are the first to be paid their interest.
Another, more important reason for debt
having the lowest cost if the taxdeductibility of interest payments.

Cost of Debt
It is the interest rate which equates the

present value of the expected future receipts

with the cost of the project. The present value
of tax-adjusted interest costs plus repayments
of the principal is equated with the amount
received at the time the loan is consummated.

Cost of Debt
Cost of debt is the after-tax cost of long-

term funds through borrowing.

Net cash proceeds are the funds actually
received from the sale of security.
Flotation cost is the total cost of issuing
and selling securities.
Cost of perpetual/irredeemable debt
Cost of redeemable debt

Cost of Perpetual/Irredeemable debt

The nominal cost of debt is the periodical interest paid on
it. The interest rate/market yield is said to be cost of debt.
Suppose a bond is issued to procure perpetual debt. Then,
ki=I/SV; where I is annual interest payment (coupon
payment); SV is sale proceeds of bond/debenture.
kd=I(1-T)/SV; where T is tax rate.
Example: A 12% perpetual debt of nominal value of
Rs.100000. Tax rate is 50%. Cost of debt when issued at i.
Par, ii. At discount of 5% and iii. premium of 10%.
i. At par ki=12000/100000=12%
At discount of 5%, that is value received is 95,000.

iii. At a premium of 10%, that is value

received is 110,000.
So here (ii) 6.32% is highest cost followed by
(i) 6% or (iii) 5.45%.

Cost of Redeemable debt

To find the cost, initial net proceeds are to be

equated with net outflows.

Co= In/(1+kd)n +PN/(1+kd)N ; if principal

payment is made
the end of Nth year


Co= In+PN /(1+kd)n ; if payment of principal is

done in



Example: 15% debentures of Rs.1000 (face value)

to be redeemed after 10 years. Net proceeds are

after 5% floatation costs and 5% discount. The tax
rate is 50%. What is the cost of debt?
Year Cashflows
0 1000-5%of 1000(floatation)-5%ofdiscount
1-10 Rs. 15% of 1000(1-0.5)=Rs.75
10 Rs. 1000 (repayment)

So, 900= = 75/(1+kd)n +1000/(1+kd)10


By trial and error; kd =9% approx.

Note: ki route is preferred over kd route.

Example: of redemption on yearly basis (coupon

rate=15%). The par value of debenture is Rs.100000.

the floatation cost is 10%. Principal to be paid back in
5 equal installments at the year end. Tax rate is 50%.
Net proceeds=100000-10%=90000
Outflows: Net coupon
Principal Total
Yr 1 15000(1-0.5)=7500 20000
Yr 2 80000*.15(1-0.5)=6000
Yr 3 60000*.15(1-0.5)=4500
Yr 4 40000*.15(1-0.5)=3000
Yr 5 20000*.15(1-0.5)=1500
So, 90000=27500/(1+kd)+26000/(1+kd)2 +24500/
(1+kd)3 +23000/(1+kd)4 +21500/(1+kd)5
By trial and error, kd=12% approx

Cost of Retained Earnings

May be defined as the opportunity cost in terms of

dividends foregone by/withheld from the equity

Cost of retained earnings is the same as the cost of an
equivalent fully subscribed issue of additional shares,
which is measured by the cost of equity capital.
Retained earnings are dividends withheld, that is, if
were in the hands of the investors (shareholders) they
could have earned on these by investing somewhere
else. The assumption is that the firm is earning at
least equal to ke on these retained earnings. So the
cost kr is approximately equal to ke (a little less than
ke because of floatation costs are not there, kr<ke)

Weighted Average Cost of

Capital (WACC)
This gives us the overall cost of capital.

Weight age is given to the cost of each

source of funds by assessing the relative
proportion of each source of fund to the
total, and is ascertained by using the book
value or the market value of each type of
capital. The cost of capital of the market
value is usually higher than it would be if
the book value is used.

Steps in Calculation of
(Ko) to specific costs.
Assigning weights
Multiplying the cost of each sources by the

appropriate weights.
Dividing the total weighted cost by the total

Weighting can be using marginal or historical

Why marginal weights? Because it is the new capital
being raised for new investment that is important so
the weighted cost of new capital is of relevance. Else,
projects with costs higher than managerial costs may
be accepted, giving negative results and vice-versa.
But the problem is that if we go by marginal weighting,
we may resort to too much borrowing and accept
many projects because of lower cost at the moment.
But, at a later date, company may have the problem
of raising more finance. Marginal weights ignore long
term view.
Thus, the fact that todays financing affects tomorrows
costs, is not considered in using marginal weights.

Historical weights take a long term view and

try to raise financing also in the proportion of

existing capital structure considered superior.
Historical weights can be divided into book value
weights and market value weights.
Calculations based on the book value weights
are more easy operationally while those based
on market values are more sound theoretically
since the sale price of securities is going to be
more close to the market value. But the
problem is how to choose the market value
because they fluctuate widely sometimes and
almost everyday their values are different.

Example: capital structure (book value based)

Debt 30% (Rs.6000) cost kd=8%

Preference shares 30% (Rs.6000)
Equity 40% (Rs.8000) cost k=14%

cost kp=13%

Ko=WACC= wiki=30%*8%+30%*13%+40%*14%

Note: ko calculated on the basis of market value is likely
to be greater than the one calculated on the basis of
book value since market values of equity and
preference shares is usually higher than book value and
hence their weight is more with respect to debt. For
example, in the above example, market values are:

Debt 25% (Rs.60000)

cost kd=8%
Preference shares 29.17% (Rs.70000) cost
Equity 45.83% (Rs.110000)
cost k=14%

Market Value vs. Book Value

MV sometimes preferred to BV for the MV

represents the true expectations of the

investors. However, it suffers from the
following limitations:
1. MV undergoes frequent fluctuations and
have to be normalized;
2. The use of MV tends to cause a shift
towards larger amounts of equity funds,
particularly when additional financing is

MV more appealing than

values of securities closely
approximate the actual amount to be received
from their sale
Costs of specific sources of finance which
constitute the capital structure of the firm are
calculated using prevalent market prices.

Advantages of BV
1. The capital structure targets are usually
fixed in terms of book value.
2. It is easy to know the book value.
3. Investors are interested in knowing the
debt-equity ratio on the basis of book
4. It is easier to evaluate the performance of
a management in procuring funds by
comparing on the basis of book values.

Relevant costs closely

related to CoC
1. Marginal cost of capital: average cost of
new or incremental funds raised by the
firm. MC tens to increase proportionately as
the amount of debt increases.
2. Explicit cost and implicit cost:
a. Explicit cost: of any source of finance is
the discount rate that equates the present
value of the cash inflows that are
incremental to the taking of the financial
opportunity with the present value of the
incremental cash outflows. The explicit cost
of a debt would be 0 if it is interest free.
The explicit cost of a gift would be 100%.

b. Implicit cost: is the opportunity cost. It is

the rate of return associated with the best
investment opportunity for the firm and its
shareholders that will be foregone if the
project presently under consideration by the
firm were accepted. It is not concerned with
any particular source of finance.
The explicit cost include only the CoC to be
paid and ignores the other factors such as
risk involved, flexibility and leverage
characteristics which are adversely affected
with an increase in debt contents in its
capital structure and these changes imply
additional but hidden costs.

3. Future cost and Historical


We always consider the projects expected

internal rate of return and compare it with the
expected (future) cost of capital while making
capital expenditure decision. Historical costs
(past costs) help in predicting the future costs
and provide an evaluation of the past

4. Specific cost and

Inclusive/Combined/Composite CoC
a. Specific CoC is associated with a specific
component of capital structure.
b. Inclusive CoC is an aggregate of the CoC
from all sources. In other words, it is WACC.

5. Spot costs and

Normalized costs

a. Spot costs represent those costs prevailing in

the market at a certain time.
b. Normalized cost indicate an estimate of cost
by some averaging process from which
cyclical element is removed.

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