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Stella Obah
Jolyne Berret
English 1010
August 3, 2015
Should The United States Allow Death Penalty?
Death penalty also known as Capital
punishment is a legal system that is being
recognized in the US by the military and the
federal civilian legal system and in most part
of the country. The universal declaration of
human rights proclaims that Everyone
charged with a penal offence has the right to
be presumed innocent until proved guilty
according to law in a public trial at which he
has had all the guarantees necessary for his
defense (Article 11). Capital punishment
was a penalty for many felonies under English
common law, its application is limited by the
Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution to aggravated murders committed by
mentally competent adults and it was enforced in all of the American colonies prior to the
Declaration of Independence. The methods of execution and the crimes subject to the death
penalty vary by state and have changed over time. The most common method since 1976 has

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been lethal injection. Since capital punishment was reinstated in 1976, thirty-four states have
performed executions. This paper proposes to discuss four points of views that are being debated
about death penalty. I have organized this four points numerically as thus:
1. Majority of Americans are ambivalent about the death penalty issue that they even joke about
something as serious as that.
I believe that while all human life is sacred theres nothing wrong with the death penalty if you
can trust the legal system implicitly, and that no one but a moron would ever trust the legal
Neil Gaiman.
One group says that the debated topic (death penalty) should be implemented in the criminal
justice system to save human lives. Another group on the other hand is not sure how much
benefit can be brought about by carrying out death penalty, they wonder if it is doing more harm
than Good.
I dont think you should support the death penalty to seek revenge. I dont think thats right. I
think the reason to support the death penalty is because it saves other peoples lives.
George Bush.
Since 1973, over 130 people have been released from death row with evidence of their
innocence. (Staff Report, House Judiciary Subcommittee on Civil & Constitutional Right, Oct,
2. This issue of death penalty or capital punishment has been found to be a very sensitive one and
has been one of the most debatable topics in the criminal justice system, hence there has been a

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lot of claims from people stating that it is a violation of human right, while others see it as moral
and justice seeking in a way. They take the Judeo-Christian view of it claiming that death penalty
was first instituted by God Himself in Genesis 9:6 who so ever sheddeth mans blood, by Man
shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God made man.
The Mosaic Law, which prescribed death as punishment for murder (Ex. 21:12-14, Lev. 24:17)
The story of the first murder-When Cain killed Abel, God responded by punishing him. Cain
replied, "Behold, thou hast driven me this day away from the ground; and from thy face I shall
be hidden; and I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will slay
me." Then the Lord said to him, "Not so! If anyone slays Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him
sevenfold." And the Lord put a mark on Cain, lest any who came upon him should kill him"
(Gen. 4:14-15).
The Sermon on the Mount - "You have heard it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a
tooth.' But I say to you, Do not resist one who is evil. An "eye for an eye," moreover, is not a
demand for retaliation but a limit so that no more than an eye would be taken. Similarly, strict
restrictions were placed on death sentencing, so that at least two eye-witnesses to the crime had
to be present (Deut. 17:6-7)
They say that man didnt invent the death penalty, so man has no right to abandon it. We live in
an age where everyone is far too concerned with human right and God has been practically
ignored, as though he means nothing to his own creation.
People do not use the expression death penalty, because it makes them scared from the both
sides of the radicals. One side might say revenge, while the other side may say, wait a second,
you may execute an innocent man.

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Innocent people are always the victims of the crime, it would be unfair that a criminal who had
committed serious crime is let to go without any punishment of some sort. As long there is
evidence to prove that he is guilty he should pay a price for what he did. Death penalty should be
a way that true murderers and criminals are being punished for their crimes.
I believe that while all human life is sacred theres nothing wrong with the death penalty if you
can trust the legal system implicitly, and that no one but a moron would ever trust the legal
Neil Gaiman.
3. Many feel that the death penalty law should be abandoned because it is more expensive than
housing a prisoner for life they also believe that killing killers is killing the taxpayers, example
since 1983; taxpayers in New Jersey have paid $253 million more for death penalty trials than
they would have paid for trial not seeking execution. Our nation is wasting millions of dollars on
death penalty. According to the editorials, keeping inmates on death row in Florida cost
taxpayers about $51 million a year holding them without parole for life. The most extreme
example is California, whose death penalty cost taxpayers $114 million a year beyond the cost of
imprisoning convicts for life. The eventual cost of taxpayers in Maryland for pursuing capital
cases since 1999 is estimated to be $186 million for five executions. Base on this evidence I
think that the law is mistaken because if the statistics showed that 130 people have found to be
innocent since 1973 than the law is killing more innocent people. Money spent on death penalty
could be spent on schools, including colleges, universities, infrastructures, welfare and many
others across our nation.

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It would take me a long time to understand how systems inflict pain and hardship in people's
lives and to learn that being kind in an unjust system is not enough.
Helen Prejean.
4. Some feel that the death penalty is justified as a deterrent; they believe that the death penalty
can claim nothing to commit it. In fact, they say it will not bring healing of justice or restitution.
It offers no hope for a nonviolent society. It will only reinforce the heart-rending cycle of
violence; it lays the burden of yet another murder.
Some other Americans today tend to believe that death penalty cannot be way to stop murder, I
cannot accept their opinion because there are people who do such evil only deserve to die. For
example, I am not doubt that Timothy McVeigh was executed for the 168 people he had killed in
the Oklahoma City bombing, or John Wayne Gacy who was put to death for committing 33
In the article of ACLU Evolution Watch, the American Bar Association said the quality of legal
representation is substantial. Ninety nine percent of criminal defendant end up penniless by the
time their case up for appeal. They claim that they are treated unfairly. They believe most
murderers who do not have money, receive the death penalty. This statement by any means cant
be supported because death penalty does not concern about money its concern is to establish
In addition, it is very true that we cannot stop killing by killing, just like a lot of people have
opposed. Death penalty does not necessarily completely eradicate murder, but it will greatly
reduce the occurrence of loss of human lives as supposed to waiting for (God the only one that

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has the right to take life), to avenge the dead while the murderers walk free, just like the opposers
have suggested.
Many people support the death penalty, on the contrary other wish for the death penalty to
completely be abolished. They believe death penalty is cruel and inhuman punishment and
without doubt there is worldwide tendency to abolish the death penalty.
Even though death penalty is debatable in the criminal justice system; however, if people scale
this argument properly, and have empathy for the victims, they will consider being on the side of
death penalty. The truth is that many people in the United States today are in favor of it. For
death penalty to be enforced, more states need to come together. Death penalty is still
controversial issues today.
Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do
not be too eager to deal out death in judgment.
J.R.R. Tolkien
It would take me a long time to understand how systems inflict pain and hardship in people's
lives and to learn that being kind in an unjust system is not enough.
Helen Prejean.
Personally I am neither for it nor against it, but I cant help but wonder, should death penalty be
allowed in the United States?
People who are in support of the death penalty claimed that if someone had committed a crime,
he had to be sentenced to death and must suffer all the pain the victim had suffered. I do not

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have any hesitation that a murder must bear the death penalty. However, I have great concern
about the ability of the justice system to stop putting innocent people to death.
Although death penalty I believe to an extend aims to seek justice in a way , I doubt that I can
notice any positive aspects it has posed in terms of cost effectiveness to the nation and people at
More innocent lives stand a chance of being saved by implementing the death penalty law. I
believe human life is very sacred and priceless and should be preserved at all cost even if it
means implementing extreme measures to that course. Imagine if there was no death penalty in
our state, and a criminal kills someone, because he felt he could get out within few years or less
from prison then there will be no fear of death in him. I also want to emphasize that the criminal
justice department must be very critical when passing out this sentences to avoid the mistakes
they have made in the past of executing innocent citizen which they later found not to be guilty. I
will suggest that they allow a long time duration for people they have found guilty and are to be
sentenced, before executing them.
Today, there are many pros and cons to this death penalty issue; however, if people make good
argument, and have the empathy for the victims, they will be more inclined to favor death
penalty. If the criminals have the brave mind to kill an innocent, then they deserve to die too. The
law needs to protect the innocent people that they put on death row, also the cost of killing them
will be minimized for the benefits of the country. I dont necessarily agree with death penalty but
it goes a long way in saving the lives of the innocent and the law is the law.

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Work Cited

Koch, E. I. (2003) Is The Death Penalty Fair?
Executions by year since 1976. Death Penalty Information Center.
Criminal Justice Reform (1975) and Christian Lifestyle (1980).
Capital Punishment Study Resource, published by United Presbyterian Church, USA, 475 Riverside
Drive, 1244, New York, NY 120115.
Death As a Penalty by Howard Zehr, MCC US Office of Criminal Justice, 220 West High St.,
Elkhart, IN 46516,
Nasso, C. (2007). Does Capital Punishment Deter Crime?
Greenhaven Press: Farmingtom Hills, MI.
Steins, R. (2003). The Death Penalty: Is It Justice?
Fitzhenry &Whiteside Ltd: Richmond Hill, Ontario.
The Holy Bible, (Gen. 9: 6, Ex. 21: 12-14. Lev. 24: 17, Gen. 4: 14-15, Deut. 17: 6-7) searching historic decisions capital punishment)

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