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Module: Dissecting the Matrix

Speaker: Eric J. Pepin

Track 1
Eric: One of the things Ive never really addressed too much is a lot of the reasoning behind what
I am doing, why I am teaching, why I teach people that I teach, or what is the purpose of it all? I
think its an unending question for everybody, because theres a lot of questions as to what thats
all about or whats going on in my mind, and I have tried and tried and tried to find different
ways to explain what is in my mind, to find words to express to you or to make you understand
in your mind what is everything. How doess it all work? Why does it work the way it works?
What is the role and purpose of each individual? And although you have many pieces, what I
would like to try to do today is to ultimately put it together even better and give you a better
understanding or a better vision as to what is really going on or what its all about and where its
heading. I dont think that it is possible in this dimension to fully understand the totality of it.
You get a very good understanding but its still going to take classes and more classes even to
understand the complexities.
Track 2
Eric: Ive explained to you in our previous classes that in movies and such how they are talking
now more about virtual reality and the concept of virtual worlds and how real they are. And I
gave you the comparison that I found it interesting that humans are mimicking what spiritual
masters do within their own mind. That those that cant really do it - per se red cells - now are
creating artificial means to create their artificial realities to create something similar but without
the function of the greater. Its very unique because it gives me another outlet to explain or help
you to understand something that most people cannot comprehend in their wildest dreams. That
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you could take a super computer that could create virtual realities and maybe in a hundred years
or a thousand years theyll have incredible machines that we can just lay under without any wires
or tubes or whatever and you could just go into this virtual reality. Maybe theyll even have
satellites that can get your body weight and frequency which give a perfect measurement, the
schematic numbers, per se, which are unique for you and make you set off into some other
Also, I mean, the possibilities are endless, but none of those are really the truer realities
of something much bigger. And Ive said to you: that if you looked at the planet as a collective
consciousness, it is a super computer beyond any we have. And that the solar system, and the
universe, and the totality which is the consciousness of God being the ultimate super computer
creates a multitude of other what you could call virtual worlds. And that in some essence we
are in one of those now, existing and theres a reason for all this. Theres a purpose for all this
and in essence it is real. In one way it is surreal. Its like in your dream you wake up for a
moment and you realise youre dreaming only to forget that you awokaye and go back to your
dream. So is it that I am waking you now by having this conversation and when we are finished
with this conversation and you leave this house, so will you fall back asleep. The more that you
can understand somehow something in your mind, it will help you to awaken more often if
I wanted to help tie things together for you and the question is really where to begin?
Where to take this all? The first thing that comes to mind is somebody had asked me: What is it
like beyond this world? What is it like beyond this material life per se when you leave your
body? Weve talked about parallel dimensions, meaning dimensions similar to this world as far
as matter goes, which really does not terribly interest me so much. What interests me more are
per se higher frequencies of the universe or dimensions per se. And ultimately somebody
said to me: Well, whats the "realest" reality? What is the real reality beyond all of these
illusions? Which, I wanna put a note in, the word illusions from spiritual masters saying that
reality is an illusion and then me saying to you in modern terms this is a virtual reality, so real
that you dont even know its not. So its the same thing. Again we get back to what our
favorite number is, the third truth.
A brief description again is almost impossible to fully describe to you with words but it is
to say that it is of energy. It is a brilliant, brilliant vastness that goes beyond time and space. If I
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was to give it a color it would be like a fucsia or a purplish/pinkish kind of color that Ive seen
seldom of, which I recently put a little clipping of the color I found in a spiritual area thats close
to it. Its not even that the color necessarily even exists. Its more that the color exists because it
is the tonature of the vibration. It can waiver depending where it is. And of course you guys think
of distances from point to A like to go outside a somewhere far away we can get there and thats
not it. Its here now, it is vibration, and it is energy. That all of these universes are all here at one
time, and how vast and how large they are depends on each universe or each dimension I should
say. So it is to say that you move through, through this space per se and you dont even
necessarily have to move, its like become it. You can be in one place and through the essence of
desire to be in another you simply just become there. And all of a sudden you are.
Its like folding space. And what you look like is to say that you can look as if youre this
haze of energy is the only way I can describe it. You can see through it, but it is a substance
within itself. It is like this fuzzy beautiful energy. Thought and ideas and concepts are just
pulsated through. I remember watching once on Discovery Channel or something they were
doing the human brain and in the process of portraying the human brain they did this rendition of
how we have little electrical impulses that move to our brain and this carries data and they show
this spark of electricity as this fuzzy thing of energy. And it just comes to me, pshhhh, and it just
moves through and they show it moving through vast space but almost instantly because it
moves through the speed of light. But they slow it down and it moves and I thought to myself
My God! Wow! Thats very similar as a great concept to explain it, but if only I couldve
videotaped it or something. But if you ever see it its kind of like that.
Its to say that you are made in the image of God and I think theres more truth in that
than you guys can possibly imagine. I think on a micro level in the essence, those who move
beyond the earth as red cells and move through the universe you could say that you eventually
become this energy consciousness that moves because youre a piece of God. You have
individuality but you have the harnessment of what you are also, which makes you in a sense an
aspect of God. When you move to this ultimate level as energy which goes beyond all of this
your purpose is really moving your memory, your ideas or your addressing a problem within this
embodiment of God. If you have something thats bothering you on your leg, there are a
multitude of electricities and energies, all separate and individual, all in unison all collectively
working for you to even decide for you to reach up and touch, to command the physical matter of
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this body from the electrical matter of this other dimension within you reaching out to react to it.
So there is this other level and this vastness of the universe that is beyond your comprehension.
Track 3
Eric: When this universe became it came from energy. From energy higher vibration it solidified
into matter, molecules catching onto each other like a snowball falling down a hill getting larger.
It created matter, creating the big bang per se, creating life in this dimension. So you have two
halves. You have matter and you have energy. Like a higher energy and a fusion of lower energy
creating the essence of life. Im going to jump a little ahead now. In this creation life is created
also, the breath of life which is really the energy of God. If you removed the electricity from
your body what would be left? Thered still be life. Thats what you dont realise, but it would be
all organic life. If you removed then the life from there then you have really atomic particles,
atoms making your flesh. If you remove that what do you have? Nothing. So in a sense this is the
fundamental the creation of the whole universe, that you need these elements and this kinda way
of thinking to create this reality this virtual reality per se because its still all energy in the end.
From this energy came life and as I told you before red cells are biochemical thinking
with electricity. They create consciousness but from that one in maybe fifteen thousand has a
realization moment. Not only do they say I think therefore I am, but through the evolutionary
process of this world and all other the worlds that have life, eventually there comes a point where
a few have to reach a white cell level per se in the evolution of the planet. And in so they say I
am more than what I am, and they become a soul and then one out of those fifteen thousand
white cells says I am more than just a soul and they become what is considered a super being.
Do you understand? So on and so forth.
So in the beginning you could say that the younger the earth, the younger the universe in
really a small period of time because millions of years or thousands of years really in comparison
to the universe. Everythings moving at a particular rate you could say, but I wanted to go into
who Krishna was and Budda or Christ or all these people as I said to you before that in their own
time there were fewer people who could reach a kind of Enlightenment that if you lookay at the
evolution of the planet it makes sense. Do you see what Im saying? It still was in its
evolutionary process. Now there were enlightened masters in other places in the world that you
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never heard of. And naturally, anything that you read or you hear about Enlightened teachers is
going to be about roughly five percent of the truth. Youre not really going to hear what they
didnt write or what was burned or where there werent pens and paper to write things. It was
just word of mouth and then when it was told it was diluted into other peoples ideas and their
personal points of view and so you dont every really see the truth.
But most people buy it as a truth and this has been a problem throughout time. When
Buddha or Christ or any of them reached a level of Enlightenment, when it comes to the moment
of what they call realization, realization in our modern terms, now that you guys have all these
excellent examples in this modern time that weve progressed to, the moment of realization is
when you realize that none of this is reality. Thats what they do in the movie and thus they are
able to effect time and space and dimensions with their non-real reality. So what that was for
Buddha or for Christ or for Milarepa or so on and so forth was their moment of realization.
When in the movie Neo questions in his own mind, he finds that one moment, where he does.
That was his realization and thus he was able to affect. Theres a truth in all that even though
that's a movie. It is a fable. It is the way the universe talks to the people, to find one in the fifteen
thousand per se. It is meant as a broadcast if you understand how the brain works and stuff. Now
in essence, they had their moment of realization and in that moment of realization was what
enabled them to awaken, to do their miracles, to do their things.
Now if we go back beyond them, beyond those teachers, there were other great beings
that visited the earth. You have Krishna. You have all these other supposed gods or spiritual
masters and in some ways they portrayed them as always looking different. The way Im going
to try to explain this could lead to a lot of arguments but earlier, thousands of years ago, the
matrix for the planet was not as solidly written. Does that make sense? The program wasnt so
strong to create such a solid this way of dimension. Okay? So beings from this higher place
wanted to intervene to escalate and help the consciousnesses that they see developing in this
world. So they would come into this world and materialize into physical bodies. But they would
have carry overs, like the blue skin or the energy shimmering off them or whatever. They could
still merge these two other realities because this virtual world, per se, was not as solidly
programmed. It wasnt as refined as it is now.
So the stories that you hear, theyre true. The problem is that it is hard to imagine for
thousands of years ago for us to understand that in how we see and perceive things today, that
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this reality's so much tighter as far as a virtual program per se in its progression. That its
inconceivable in some ways. And it became harder and harder as time went on where it became
that greater amounts of beings had to have a greater amount of will to exist in this dimension to
break the code so that one could function here and awaken and do or serve the higher purpose
per se. So if you look back at the older stories, there is a lot of truth. They understood a lot more.
They were trying to seed the world with this information and of course with the programming of
the world and what you could call the Darkside was doing its work to counter that and that you
have the culmination of what leads to today. It really gets back to the point of consciousness and
realization and that it is very difficult in this time and in this age to awaken. You can have
glimmers of realization and then fall back into the sleep.
The matrix per se always is the Doe. Its always the vibration bringing you back into it.
Its the constant. So in order for you to wake out of it you need to be turning the wheels upstairs.
You need to be constantly having something to think about, to chew on, that's making you shift.
As you know the more spiritual you are the more you think spiritual and everybody can attest to
this the more spiritual you become. You feel as if youre making progress but youre frustrated
because the progress is taking awhile. But you can seem to sense more or to have a kind of
knowing. You dont know what to name it but theres a sensory about you, and that is more of
your spiritual awakening. Youre starting to feel the matrix is what youre really doing. Youre
starting to feel the virtual world. Youre starting to realise in ancient words the illusion. But you
dont understand that fully so you dont know where youre going with all this because its like
going down a road that youve never seen before so you dont want to speed too fast because you
dont know whats around each turn. But if youd done that road several hundred times, do you
feel comfortable speeding along knowing what to expect? Of course you do.
So this is the questioning and the frustration of not knowing. And then of course the Doe
is constantly hitting you so when youre interacting in the world and youre hit, is what we call
it, by other people in the program per se well call it, youre brought back into this reality.
Youre brought back into this Doe. And if youre not quick to jump back into your state of mind,
or to begin youre work again then youre going to fall back asleep very quickly and youre
going to forget about doing your work. Or your work will become less and less appealing, which
is to awaken or to maintain your awakeness. Does everybody understand? This is why you want
to have things in your home as Ive always said. Everything Ive ever taught you really signifies
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everything Im saying now if you really think about it. Your life, who you spend time with is
going to help you to either sleep or its going to help you to awaken. Just by who you spend your
time with, what your home looks like and what you have up for posters and things, that is whats
going to help you to either go to sleep or to awaken. And you could say, Well why dont you
have pictures up of your family and stuff. I dont put them out because it make me think too
much of the Doe. What I have out is stuff that inspires me spiritually to help maintain my energy
up which is my counter towards the Doe vibration. So everything Ive ever taught you fits in.
Track 4
Eric: The more that you can reach a level of realization, the more that you have this energy or
this shine. Its interesting. Some people in the past, very, very rare, have broken the matrix. Its
very interesting because one of the biggest things to break, really, is to fly. Because everybody
always wants to see levitation all the time or to move through the air and if you study history
there are several people documented and photographed whove actually been able to, in large
groups, have been able to levitate ten, fifteen feet in the air. Certain priests, one or two, in
thousands of years were able to reach what they would call a level of Samadhi which would be
the Vedic name for it. They didnt really know, but they would say it was an ecstatic level of
bliss. And when they would reach this state they would actually be able to float through the air
and theres written documentation of this happening and they couldnt explain it.
These are breaking the matrix. The ancient beings, you have different people and Ive
spoken about this in other tapes that are thousands of years old, that are actually living. They're
what I call physically immortal. They in a sense have been glitched into the matrix or
purposely for a higher intervention, for whatever reasons, were made to be that way. All of this
fits into everything if you can understand the dynamics of how it all works, of how its all linked.
Really the purpose of it all and the point of it all is really this: Most of the people of the world
have to remain people. They have to remain red cells because that is the totality cause we want in
the world. When I say we, I mean me and other Enlightened beings have a knowing that the
world has to reach in the future a level of its own soul per se. Now you may ask yourself What
do you mean its own soul? It is achieving its own intelligence. Its achieving its own
consciousness in a different way and Ive talked to you guys about this before.
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There are forces in the universe that dont want this to happen because if it does it means
that anything that is really truly life for the universe especially of this nature - you could say the
sun is alive but it doesnt have a conscious ability to affect anything. You can affect stuff on our
micro level. You can affect the direction of something. You can intervene on something, but you
can actively, consciously choose to in a way do this. In its own certain way the Earths
consciousness has a pivotal play in this part of the universe in the far future. And in a way that
helps the extension or consciousness of God as a totality, as a body. The Earths conscious
limitation will not just be our solar system but a micro level, a micro organism in your body
working the totality of you. Can the micro organisms reach out to anything within a two foot area
of me? No. But as a totality it can affect its entire universe even beyond it and be part of it. Do
you guys understand that? In a way the Earths consciousness is going to be able to affect more
of the embodiment of the universe helping the rest of the universe become one in the end. As
Ive always said, return back to what? To energy, pure conscious thought.
There are forces, darker forces, the anti-respect to creation, that have an interplay in this
dimension also that are using preventative measures to prevent this from happening. Like an
organism, as viruses go in, the body creates anti viruses. You could say your white cells and then
even in the human body interestingly enough. I didnt know this because I always say dont go
by what I say about the body. Do you see what I'm saying? Its an analogy. It was only recently I
was watching a science program where they were talking about super cells in the body and that
super cells are like dormant in our body. When havoc is created and all these bad viruses in the
body break out and whatever, its just a matter of time for our body to find the super cells to
awaken. And the super cells come out and they just kick ass. But they have to be discovered in
time before the rest of the bodys destroyed.
I find it very interesting, as I said we are made in the image of God, that in a micro macro
level you have the same kind of scenarios. The difference is that the body could die and with it
everything, so it doesnt always end with a happy ending. When I speak about super cells or
super souls, super spiritual beings, this is what Im referencing. Im not talking about anybody
who can sit down and meditate or anyone who professes to have healing powers or spiritual
abilities. Im talking about something that is profoundly beyond that. Very unique individuals.
Very rare, very hard to find. In essence, I believe there is a destination point where you could say
destination point zero per se where youre going to have a moment, and when I say a moment a
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moment can be a hundred years on this earth, where a door will open up and more energy is
going to open temporarily. Much like it was thousands of years ago. Allowing circumstances to
either conflict with the Darkside, or be ruled by it or counter ruled by it by a force of positive
energy per se. Or interests and there is an interest from the universe to be sure that it has made all
the propagations and preparedness for that time.
Your body when it senses a problem, will already release certain endorphins and certain
things to prepare. Okay? Its very similar again. Some people might say that, where are most of
the conflicts? Where is it and how is it that we do what we need to do? Its multileveled. On this
level its very hard because the program is so strong that its very hard to break outside of
whatever is written in this reality, this code, this matrix. It takes very powerful people to even
effect it.
Track 5
Eric: When I say to you guys spiritually, you can tie all of this together as you meditate. You will
hear from other people that you havent heard from in a while. They can bring you back into
their world. What is that doing? Its another way of this matrix, as youre moving out of it, the
programs saying warning and its pulling you back in. But the real interesting question is that
mostly everybody here can pretty much attest that when they do become more spiritual that all of
a sudden theres interesting factors that come up trying to pull them out of it. Always be aware of
if. It seems like coincidence, fine, but theres a point when it goes beyond coincidence and that in
itself must be used in a way of acknowledgment because it helps you to awaken spiritually. Do
you understand what Im saying? Thats a little mental trick to say to yourself Im falling
deeper in the matrix, but wait a minute. When you question the matrix, just by questioning it,
you awaken. Its a flip that you have to utilize.
There are beings here. You have to operate physically like anybody else. You have to
work inside the levels of the matrix. If you dont, if you bump the matrix too much, the matrix
starts to pile up on you so its very difficult to power up on people even. Its not really difficult,
but we have to work within a function that doesnt bump the system too much to draw so much
attention. Only the most powerful can really be here right now but even then it was hard to do
things. I mean back in the, you could say, in Krishnas times you could do even bigger things
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more often because it wasnt so rigid of a consciousness grid. The reasoning behind it all is that
you have to make either a choice where you want to progressively go. Either you stay in the
sleep or youre spiritually gonna stay awake or work to stay awake. But the bottom line is there
are forces in a way naturally keeping you in this place and there are forces that want to keep you
here in this way. I think very few people will actually achieve it. Any questions on this at all?
Student: What you were saying about like before the matrix was less tight than it is now, what
made it be tighter right now?
Eric: Excellent. The human race. The human race is the central nervous system of the planet.
Because we think, we emit energy. Because we work in unison, we fundamentally create a grid.
Were like bees. Were like ants. Were just more complicated. Do you see what Im saying?
Everything we create, all the manufactured goods, structural houses, how we design everything,
everything is done in such a manner that compliments structural thinking. Do you follow what
Im saying? So all the books you read, the television programming, radios, all of this stuff
formulates how every person thinks very similar. Whereas what you are is what youre exposed
to. So if youre exposed to certain things thats how you fundamentally develop your thinking.
Student: Not to overanalyze this but what if there are alien races who came to this planet? Would
it be less tight for them or? Wouldnt their consciousness
Eric: Well because systematically the universe follows a very strong patternization as weve seen
in all creation, a sea shell verses a galaxy, same patternization, I mean chaos theory or whatever
you want to take it to. They are within the same levels of the grid. The grid does not function just
for the Earth. It just functions differently in some ways. But all of this whole universe is similar.
It depends on what the acceleration of that planet is and how evolved they are. As I said before,
some alien races have already progressed further than us spiritually. The matrix is some level,
but as long as this universe exists we must follow within some level of pattern of the matrix
because in itself the matrix is a beginning and an end. Do you see what Im saying? Theres a
reason for it. There are mandates of containing and directing it all so its not corrupted. In other
words, in ways that its not warped into where everything dissipates to where its a conscious
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thought of God. Aliens can have an easier time here, yes. Not completely one hundred percent
because when they come in here its not the same kind of code either.
Student: But if theyre more spiritually advanced and they come here and were less spiritually
advanced, they already understand things that our consciousness hasnt prepared for.
Eric: Precisely. This is the interest also in them observing our world before theyre ready to
communicate with us. When the earth reaches a certain level they will communicate with us
because the whole of evolution, even red cells will progress on a spiritual level.
Student: Theres different levels of the matrix basically?
Eric: Correct
Student: So they just kind of have their own programming.
Eric: Precisely.
Student: But theres the Universal programming.
Eric: Theres a mass Universal programming.
Student: So what sets that tone?
Eric: Well have you ever heard of artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence takes a spin of
information and it builds on that. No one said that when the universe was created that each
galaxy couldnt take a spin off of its own and develop its own artificial intelligence from that.
But theres still a unison collecting it all together. An artificial intelligence in a way, takes the
data that it has to work with and it builds on that. Do you follow what Im saying? Its the same
thing I told you about the culture once where they didnt have wheels and they developed a
different way through vibration to create and thats a different spin of intelligence. Well apply
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the same kind of thinking, okay, to galaxies and universes. That in itself is a matrix but its the
fundamental framework. The bottom layer, okay, is still the solidity of the structure of the
universe based on the base of the matrix. As time progresses it tightens up a development of
where its going or how its creating.
Student: If this is an experience of all this when you go from energy to matter, the energy is all
an experience. I just was trying to relate it to an experience that you had. Its like you had the
experience. Then you think about it. Then its like solidified in your mind. The experience is
done. Its over with and thats what it was. Its like while the experience was happening its all
kind of like..
Eric: Most people cant even go. Its so beyond them that theyd rather be a red cell in the end
when they look at it. So it can be just as discouraging as encouraging. Here and now you have
spiritual people who have come into the world and have constantly tried to seed or help to
awaken potential red cells to become white cells and to potentially find and encourage the
development of white cells to become super cells. Also to encourage more powerful super cells
from other parts of the universe per se to migrate here to assist the progression of this organism
with its consciousnesses. Its funny because if somebody said to me well how would you
compare there to here and the only thing I can say is that its a lot darker here. Not darker as in
evil but I mean everythings very flat, colored, energywise. Its very dark to me, rather than this
like shimmering brilliance of these other universes and dimensions where one can exist.
Track 6
Eric: The universe was created from energy, from pure consciousness of God. God wanting to
know what would be the possibilities of what would come out of this. So God created the super
consciousness, the super computer per se, the super being. And in essence birthed this
dimension. The molecules you could say or the energy slowed till it hit a certain vibration. Its
like a car going one hundred miles per hour slowing down to ten miles per hour so you can look
at what you see around you. When you move two hundred miles per hour can you see whats on
the side of the road? No. If we stopped to a hundred can we see whats on the side of the road?
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So you could say that reality has not begun to formulate yet. If we move down to fifty miles per
hour can you see whats out there? Can you experience it? No, youre very limited to your
experience. Right? Maybe you could roll down the window and smell it, catch a color, maybe
see some structures, maybe see more and more details. As you begin to slow down at ten miles
per hour can you absorb that reality? Not really. A hell of a lot better, but wouldnt it be better if
we stopped the car altogether, got out of the car and were able to walk to the side of the road,
down the side, see the stones, pick them up, feel the heat in them from the sun? Smell the
dampness of the air, look at the river, water moving and splashing, touch the water and splash
it? Could we have done it moving at two hundred miles per hour?
This is this universes birth, to see whats here. Its to see what this entire universe is.
And its infinitive for you, so its hard to imagine. But for God its like stopping the car for a
minute and smelling the flower on the side of the road. Do you understand? He's curious.
Student:Is there a certain reason at this time?
Eric: It is simply just that God exists but in the causation of His slowing down there is a law of
physics with this frequency or this kind of level. This whole dimension of frequency in here has
a counter reaction, a counter force that was created and it says it doesnt want any of this here. It
doesnt belong here. Its like a reaction. Its like pushing down on springs and then bouncing up
with the friction. Only we cant see it in this way because were all part of this. In essence it
started from energy. It solidified into matter. When I move my hand in this big circle, okay, each
tenth of my finger is a hundred million years. Each little movement of my finger is like a
hundred million years. Okay? So when you go from here, to here, to here, you could say that it s
fifteen billion years maybe. So you could say that this is what theyre finding now. The universe
is fifteen billion years in science. Okay? Its older than that.
Imagine everything from energy getting darker and solidifying and becoming balls of
mass, planets, worlds, galaxies. Now if I go back its all light and energy and liquids and just like
throwing a whole batter of liquids, oils and vinegar and just throwing it in the air and thats
energy. And before it comes down, pshhh, to take on a structure or it freezes, or it begins to
freeze because I slow it down and its freezing. Thats like all this energy solidifying until it
becomes these globulars floating in space and they become planets and worlds and galaxies and
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they start to feel the effects more so of this universes physics, its laws of physics. So it has to
decide now, what am I going to be. I must be something. So Im going to take on some design.
How can I be nothingness from nothingness? So some force helps it to take on some kind of
structure when it slows down to zero.
So as its going from there, to here, its now creating from here to here. This is where you
have worlds and civilizations being created. Do you see what Im saying? Throughout the whole
galaxy only a small handful which is still an enormous amount, become alien worlds. As it
moves, they progress and they become the neurosystem of the entire universe for God. And like
we do, we're very numb, so is the universe very numb per se until it can build up enough
neurosystems to become an electrical grid of matrix to communicate back to the source of what
you are. Your hand is not your hand. If I cut the nerve that has all the hot wiring for touch and
feel and sensation and motion and control, what do I have? What do I have? I have a living lump
of flesh which is a kind of living organisms, but until I can hotwire in with them I cannot move
from my world, my universe, my dimension to their dimension and share with what theyre
experiencing here.
When God pushed into this universe, the reason for life is so that He can utilize us. Its
like when we die, what do we do with our information? And when the earth livesa few billion
years, what will it do when it finally it departs? All of that data it experienced goes out. What
happens to the universal consciousness? Wheres it go? Or to the solar system from there on and
so forth. Wheres it go? It becomes the totality right? Its just that we cant think in hundreds and
billions of years. But in the beginning there wasnt so much. There wasnt anything to harness
the information. It was like if you didnt have enough nerves in your hand to really feel, when
you touch something it would feel like it was numb. Have you had novocaine in your mouth?
Can you feel your mouth in a way? Yes. Can you feel everything? Thats how the universe felt.
The universe from here to here felt like that till it started to grow life like algae or
bacteria. It started to develop life in the universe. The only way that consciousness was ever
going to attain to get back to the total is through on the micro level, is through life. Were living
inside of this organic body so were more advanced. Its not to say that this is not a part of Him.
Its not to say this isnt a part of you. But theres a greater part of you within it all. So some areas
are what you could say more evolved, spiritually evolved. They are more of a consciousness in
tune with God rather than lesser. These little balls, okay, these planets still had to create a
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bacteria of life that creates life from nothingness. And then what does this ball do if it can gestate
enough? If the world dies out, its gone right? But what happens when it culminates like a flower
or a tree or whatever? Whats it going to do? Its going to pollinate. And its going to become a
whole solar system. That solar system then is going to become like a little ball again. And then in
time that will pollinate out to more of the galaxies. Do you understand?
And with all that pollination comes what? Its like a webbing of neuro network. Do you
follow me? Of consciousnesses, of intelligent beings capable of harnessing an intelligence to
experience and then collectively all of them like all of the cells of your body that from one touch
a thousand of them collectively all shared for that one experience and gave it to your collective.
You spread this throughout the universe and what do you have? You have a grid per se of a
whole different level. Do you understand?
Student: I dont understand the universe now.
Eric: Which part do you not understand? The universe part?
Student: I was under the impression that there was a matrix for Earth and when you reach a level
of realization or Enlightenment you break through the matrix.
Eric: Yup.
Student: And when we die we dont come back here because we already have an understanding
of it so if we break this matrix and we become Enlightened then were still trapped by the other
matrix somewhere?
Eric: Its not so much trapped. Its just that you have an understanding of the matrix and you can
choose where you want to go. In the end there is nothingness. This is what a lot of the great
spiritual teachers will say to you. In the end theres absolute nothingness. And theyre right.
Because in the end theres only a consciousness and thats God. So all the realities of time and
space and dimension and everything are within the mind of the only thing that could possibly
exist next to non-existence and that is the mind of God. All these other frequencies and
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dimensions are matter of knowing and having the choice to either become red cell in the
beginning or white, to be in control of your destiny more so than what you are now. You can
move through other dimensions of God. Theyre as real as any other dimension. But in a sense
theyre an illusion. As long as you can understand that you can appreciate all the beauty and all
the complexities and all the vastness in each individuality of everything there, it is still uniquely
On the same token, the gift that you have is to be able to move freely now. To choose
where you want to exist. If you want to exist in this world you can choose to exist here and
incarnate into a physical flesh being in order to be able to feel and touch and smell in the way
that they do. Just like other aliens in the universe are completely different than us. And how they
experience in this one dimension alone is uniquely absolute to ourselves. Its to say if you were
to be a dog and to smell, a dog that has a hundred million times greater sense of smell than us,
its sense of realitys completely different than the same sense of reality were in right now that
we experience. Yes you could say that every level is ultimately another level of the matrix but
there is a totality of something in the end that I call true consciousness, true space and that is
ultimately reality.
And thats the place that Im speaking about, this place of pure energy. That is the truest
place that is beyond all levels of the matrix because you have accepted the reality of what you
are. You are a piece of the consciousness of God in a very complex way. In some ways not very
complex and in so, you are now able to kind of reciprocate and act independently but youre still
part of it. Youre not completely independent so therefore you always are part of its matrix, its
Student: So the matrix is pretty much a big network for God to communicate or understand or
get information.
Eric: No different than any of you. What part of you is real? What part of you is real? Well?
Student: All of it.

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Eric: How is it real? Weve already discovered your bodys not you. Its made out of, theres not
one part of it thats really you. Its all living organisms that are totally really not you. Your body
is a big part of the problem because youre so hooked into it that everything you experience is
constantly bombarding you, distracting you from who you are. Now remove the body and you
still have consciousness but your consciousness has many Is. And each I is really not you. Its
really part of the organic brain thats developed those Is with you, okay, so that you could
function in this reality properly. None of those Is are really you. They are an aspect of you. Do
you understand? But theyre not your true middle pillar. But if you are of the body youre still
going to have them.
Student: When we die what youre talking about today, we still, not such a physical body but
were still go into another type of body because...
Eric: You go into another type of body but with less demand from the Doe because youre not
tied into all the physical demand. Its like being in a different kind of space of consciousness but
you still are going to leave. Which really makes you kind of of a white cell, a general white cell
because you still have all of the identities of here. Do you see what Im saying? You havent set
those free. And that creates a pitch, a frequency, and that limits. Do you see what Im saying?
Its like you set yourself instead of moving now for this dimension. Lets say we want to get up
to two hundred miles per hour because thats ultimately, lets say, the highest dimension. When
you leave your body, either because you never understood this, you get sucked into the Doe for
the planet and you become part of the planet or because you understand that if you lose the body
and you have a soul and youve worked on it to some degree, which most of you guys are, youre
going to maybe move to fifty miles per hour. But youll be stuck in a way in that level, not even
knowing theres other places to go beyond because you havent set free who you think you are or
what you are.
Youre still dealing with all of your Is. Youll have less of them which allows you to go
fifty miles per hour which is profound compared to most anybody anyway. But it still does not
mean ultimately you understand it all, that youre capable of moving the entire grid, all the levels
of the grid. Darkside is just as much part of the matrix and interwoven into it as much as the
Force is. This part of it, this aspect of Him, His one I, this is one of His Is how complex it is.
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This universe, which is solidified, is now an I of the true consciousness of God. Its an aspect of
Him experiencing. On a micro level we are made in the image of God in a lot of ways so we
have Is that we fanaticize. We have Is that we love nature with. We have an I that we do music
with. We have an I thats a worker. We have an I, but thats not really who you are. If I said to
you, Is that who you are? Would you say yes? If I went to work they would say Oh you work.
You sleep\., Youre a good working guy. That must be your whole life. Do they have any idea
who theyre talking to? Thats an I that they see. Thats all they see. The totality of
consciousness, God consciousness, is by far much more complex.
Track 7
Eric: You can only move through time and space when you have absolute sincerity in your heart,
when you can remove your Is completely because you can still move through dimensions with
Is but you have to find this absoluteness within you to really move. Okay? You go to these
places and you will understand because youre not thinking in a biochemical body any more.
Your soul per se, your energy body can think as energy and can understand faster. What makes
your head spin here wont make your head spin there. You can understand better when you allow
yourself to have the fluidity to let go of everything. If everything about you that you understand
of the average human being became water right now standing up what would happen? What
would happen?
Student: Just spsshhh.
Eric: Thats right. And if that was everything, was an illusion, what would be left then if
everything turned to water? Whats left is the only thing thats not an illusion where you simply
just disappear if youre an illusion. Assuming youre not an illusion, youd be left with true
reality so if youre fluidic you let go of everything in your mind. Do you understand? Thats
what allows all time and space to open to you because the matrix can only hold onto you as long
as you can hold onto the matrix per se. As long as you accept the illusion, the illusion becomes
real. Realism is really surrender. Surrender what you think everything is. Its the hardest thing to
do. Its almost impossible. Keep in mind, you are an atom in comparison to the universe and you
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here are trying to understand the universe. It is no simple task. So you should keep that in mind.
So whats more important is whats going on here because if you take this timeline and you bring
it down, were somewheres right about here. Okay? So if we were to put it into three quarters,
okay, this here is approaching a certain date now and this is what makes it a pivotal point per se.
And when it hits here whats happening now? What happens is we go back up.
Student: We become energy.
Eric: Thats right. So whats happening at this pivotal point? Something special. Thats the
crossing point. I believe there will be many forces that will not want it to take a certain direction.
And of course there are certain forces that want it take an absolute positive direction and the
people who are going to be the most powerful to help are going to be the people who can
transcend time and space. And that is from practice. That is from meditation. That is from
training. That is from dedication. That is from just absolute dedication. And you make a choice
what youre going to spend one quarter of your life doing because one quarter of it, or one half of
it is sleep. The other quarter of it is really dealing with life. Put it to use with something
worthwhile. These people I believe will be super beings. These people, I believe, will travel to
various places in the world and in themselves go into a spiritual state of mind and be powerful
enough to:
a) achieve the necessary goal to where they need to be and to create in itself a kind of
grid collectively, to amplify it per se spiritually because their ability would be so powerful that
they can affect the downgrade of the similar tunatures of beings trying to find that tune. They can
in a sense harness the greater tuning and then separate smaller. To say that a big satellite dish
does for the cable company and then the cable company distributes it to everybodys homes so
that they can experience it. So a super being in this dimension would be able to transcend a very
powerful vibration to it and be able to transcend it out. Any other questions?
Student: This time for red cells, what would that seem like for them?
Eric: They would feel a sense of unity. They would feel a sense of camaraderie, a sense of nonwar, a sense of wanting to bring technology together so that we can get the planet to begin to
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move to the stars to pollinate. To be able to have more peace on earth, to have a sense of creating
technology that feeds the world and medicine that extends life so that we can be two, three
hundred years old, to remove all disease because this way we can pollinate the universe that
much better with life, it would be the greatest fundamental thing that the world so badly needs. It
would be a reflection of healing the earth rather than polluting it. It would generate the
consciousness of the earth to look at various things and pushing what already some of us are
progressively putting out there.
There are what I call nodes, per se, which is your Krishna people, your Buddhists, who
are already projecting out the right type of energy. In essence we would look at fuels that would
be life saving to the earth, fuels that could have us move through space, eventually stuff that can
make us move dimensionally into other places also. Just everything that would be positive, for
what have I always said was the most important thing in the universe? What is the greatest crime
I said? Not stealing I said. what is the greatest crime? Suppressing life. We are here to assist the
amplification of the consciousness of the planet so that the mentality of all people can begin to
understand, to think a little bit similar in a positive direction to help the world to progress rather
than petty greeds and petty needs and it being about monetary money and gain and industry
growing and pollution being wasted. And when people will think in terms that they will live
beyond a hundred years, believe me they will think about the pollution that they create today
because in a hundred years they will have to live in it rather than say why do I care? I wont be
alive anyway.
Track 8
Eric: This war Mahabarata, it was a spiritual war. It was a technology war and it was a war of
man. Krishna intervened spiritually and he messed with the grid as much as he could. Its so
powerful here that it has its beginning and end. Do you see what Im saying? Its running its
cycle but theres always some other force here that instead of letting it run its course, its trying
to stop it from running its course. Its like a virus. Thats the Darkside. In essence if he wants the
information, if he wants the experience he needs to try to keep it corrected so he can experience
it. Do you follow what I am saying? So in other words at times he has to intervene in places in

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the universe or worlds, to prevent the Darkside from disrupting it so much that its going to
corrupt everything eventually. Do you understand?
A virus starts in one file. If it runs its course what happens to the entire forty gigs, fifty
gigs, hundred gigs? What happens? From a five kilobyte file? The darker beings that are here,
must have some kind of opposition so that the course can continue in the right direction or they
will ruin it. They will prevent it from happening. They will destroy the mechanism from its
process per se. So when I say Darkside, there are beings, people who in their own way spiritually
affect the grid or are trying to manipulate the grid in the same way but in a way that is
destructive. Do you follow me? Thats the problem. And this is the opposition.
Ask yourself a question. Weve all watched Star Wars right? And Ive given this answer
before. We have the Empire and we have the Rebellion. The Rebellion right away were told are
the good guys and the Darkside were told are the bad guys. Now the people who work for the
empire, do they have kids? Do they have medical needs? Do you think that they knew that what
they were doing was wrong or do you think they felt that it was right? They thought they were
doing the best for the whole. They thought that the universe needed some kind of control for all
the people in the world, that with better policing would be safer places, that technology and
science to do certain things would be better, to govern how we react and do things and
how groups say what they want to do to prevent that in a direction that they felt was right for
how they felt everybody should live. They felt that they were right. And so everything they did
was absolutely correct in their heart. They didnt question it at all. This is why they did it.
When people on the Darkside feel as if a fluidic spirit of God is too intimidating to them,
they cant understand it. They cant conceive it. They cant imagine it. To them it looks like
chaos. So the only thing that they do when they fear something, what do you do to it if you have
nowhere to run? What does an animal do? Fights. It attacks. It tries to take control. Thats what
its doing. And every so often you have man being affected by this and spiritual beings who have
to intervene to kind of send a message through the grid. These are your spiritual masters. And
they affect smaller grids which go out and affect other grids and what you have is two containing
You have the world of man which is science and stuff and you have the world of
spirituality and stuff. And then you have the causations of the whole universe moving. You have
your Yin and your Yang. So your opposition are beings who want to control the direction of the
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earth and believe this is correct. You have on your other side the people who believe in fluidic
and the Universe already has a grand scheme for where its going to go. So do you get the
conflict now? If everythings a program and God created the program and you have people
trying to bump the program because they cant understand it because its too beyond them, they
dont understand that God in a way is all knowing. In a way He is but He still wants to know
what the ultimate outcome is but its beyond our understanding.
But its to say again it goes back to the superball bouncing. You bounce the superball. It
bounces all over the place. We have no idea where its going to land. Darkside wants to control
that. They want to limit its possibilities to a smaller number so that it can predict its coming and
going because the improbability is beyond it so it cant accept that. It doesnt want that. But to
God, the super computer which we can understand its already simplistic to it. God is just trying
to push it to its limit to see what might come out of it maybe somewhere hidden in those last
refinements is some other super computer counter to God and maybe in so doing God will find
somebody else to talk to.
Student: It kind of sounds like God is trying this up there and his wanting to see where it goes,
whether its to the opposition side or to the other side.
Eric: Its not so much God is trying to see if its going to go to the opposition or not. Its more or
less to experience what is here. And just by being here Hes being told Hes not welcome. And
His answer would be, Well who are you? Since when did it become your place? Do you see
what Im saying? And Hes trying to hold this off and Hes trying to see whats here. And thats
the opposition, thats this creation of what we consider evil but really its trying to push God

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