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School Year 2015/2016

Mrs. Hawkins English Class

Shattuck Education Park; English 11, English 12, and ELD
Our English class is designed to help you get back on track, stay on track, and graduate. Throughout
the time here you will be engaged in staying on track with the requirements from Delhi High School and
working on credit recovery. The class composition relies heavily on common core. We will be engaged
in class discussion, maintaining an online writing blog, working on projects, and traditional direct

Contact Information
If you need to get ahold of me, the best way to do that is to email me. I check my email regularly.

Class Policies and Discipline

I will do my best to meet your needs. I emphasize respect. I give you respect and in return I expect to
receive it. I understand that not every day is going to be 100. If I see concerning behaviours I will do
my best to talk to you and work it out. If that does not work, I will set up a parent meeting to go over
our classroom expectations and try to come to a resolution so we can all go forward and be awesome
Our class follows the school policies and guidelines in terms of discipline, dress code, etc.

We follow a traditional grading scale of:
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 59 and below
I do allow late work. For late work that is significantly late, I may reduce the value of the assignment
depending on the circumstance. When an assignment is turned in, I will have it graded and returned
within a week of receiving it.
Because we are on a quarter system, you will receive 2.5 credits per quarter in my classroom. Due to
that, we will have a major essay and project due at the end of the quarter.

Important Dates First Quarter

September 9th-Topic Selection Essay Due
September 16th-Rough Draft Essay Due
September 23rd-Second Draft Essay Due
September 30th-Final Draft Essay Due
October 7th-Project Due and Presentations Start
October 9th-Last Day of the Quarter

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