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Reading Instruction Lesson Plan

Teacher: Ms. Borys

Subject Area: Literacy
Grade: Year 2
(1.RF.3.4) Distinguish beginning, middle, and final sounds in single-syllable words.
(1.RF.3.5) Segment the individual sounds in one-syllable words.
(1.RF.4.5) Read words in common word families
(1.RF.5) Orally read grade-level appropriate or higher texts smoothly and accurately,
with expression that connotes comprehension at the independent level.
(1.RL.2.1) Ask and answer questions about main idea and key details in a text.
(1.RL.2.2) Retell stories, fables, and fairy tales in sequence, including key details, and
demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.
(1.RL.2.4) Make and confirm predications about what will happen next in a story.
Day 1 - Comprehension
Learning Objectives

Make predictions prior to reading.

Infer information after reading.

Discuss the main events of the story

Write a sentence describing the main events and details.


Big book, A Party for the Alley Cats

Copies of book for each student

Writing journals

Description of Lesson
1. Introduction
a. Introduce the book by having students look at the cover and read the title
b. Discuss illustrations

c. Make predictions about what the story will be about

2. Teaching Point
a. Read through the book with students following along
b. Read with expression
3. After Reading
a. Ask inferring questions
i. Why do you think the people did not want the Alley Cats watching
them eat?
ii. What do you think the people could have done instead of shooing
the Alley Cats away?
iii. What might you say about the way the kids treated the Alley
iv. What else do you think the Alley Cats could have done to get
v. Do you think this story could be true? Why/Why not?
b. Have students draw picture and write a sentence about the book

Inferring questions

Student created sentence describing the story

Day 2 Vocabulary
Learning Objectives

Recall events and details from memory.

Read repetitive parts from memory.

Use decoding strategies to figure out tough words.


Big book, A Party for the Alley Cats

Copies of book for each student

Writing journals

Chart paper for Tough Words

Description of Lesson
1. Introduction
a. What do you know about the Alley Cats?
2. Teaching Point
a. Reread the story with students joining in at repetitive parts
b. Focus on difficult words and write down on Tough Words chart
c. Decoding strategies to teach:
i. Get your lips ready (say the first sounds)
ii. Stretch it out (stretch, put sounds together, arm chopping motion)
3. Vocabulary
a. Difficult words
i. howled, rhythm, furious, skedaddle, skeedoo, whackee-dee-doo
ii. Talk about what these words mean
4. After Reading
a. Read sentences written from Day 1

Short retell of story

Reading difficult words using decoding strategies

Day 3 Phonic Knowledge, Phonemic Awareness

Learning Objectives

Recall events and details from memory.

Read fluently and with expression.

Use decoding strategies to figure out tough words.

Understand what a word family is and come up with words to fit in a word family.

Comprehend information and events in the story.


Big book, A Party for the Alley Cats

Copies of book for each student

Writing journals

Tough Words chart

Word Family chart

Description of Lesson
1. Introduction
a. Share something you remember about A Party for Alley Cats.
2. Teaching Point
a. Have students read story at their own pace
b. Observe students reading and reinforce decoding strategies from Day 2
i. Get your lips ready
ii. Stretch it out
c. Focus on /eet/ words and write down on Word Family chart
3. Vocabulary
a. Word family /eet/
i. street, feet
b. Have students come up with words ending in /eet/
i. meet, sheet, greet, sweet
c. Add to Tough Words chart if needed
4. After Reading
a. Cut up sentences from Day 1 and have students put back together on own

Recalling events of story

On their own reading

Word family /eet/

Sentence puzzle

Day 4 Comprehension, Fluency

Learning Objectives

Recall events and details from memory.

Read fluently and with expression.

Use decoding strategies to figure out tough words.

Discuss the main events of the story and put them in order.
Comprehend information and events in the story.


Big book, A Party for the Alley Cats

Copies of story for each student

Writing journals

Tough Words chart

Word Family chart

Description of Lesson
1. Introduction
a. What are the events that happened in the story?
2. Teaching Point
a. Look at the Tough Words chart and use Stretch it out strategy
b. Focus on print conventions/change in font and how it helps with
c. Read the text together and change voices when appropriate
d. Reinforce decoding strategies
3. Vocabulary
a. Tough Words chart
4. After Reading
a. Use sentence puzzles
b. Put story events in order

Recalling events of story

Fluent reading with expression

Sentence puzzles

Day 5 Comprehension, Written and Visual Language

Learning Objectives

Recall events and details from memory.

Discuss the main events of the story.

Infer information from the story.

Read fluently and with expression.

Use decoding strategies to figure out tough words.

Comprehend information and events in the story.

Use the text as a springboard for writing.


Big book, A Party for the Alley Cats

Copies of story for each student

Writing journals

Tough Words chart

Word Family chart

3-Minute Reading Assessment passages

Description of Lesson
1. Introduction
a. What is A Part for Alley Cats about?
b. Discuss problem and solution in the story
c. Discuss characters and share something about them (Inferring)
d. What do you think this story is trying to tell/show us? (Inferring)
2. Teaching Point
a. Use text as a springboard for writing
b. Have students write what the Alley Cats may have been thinking or saying
after the ice-cream party
3. After Reading
a. 3-Minute Reading Assessments

Recalling events

Inferring questions


3-Minute Reading Assessments

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