Dubbing in Asia Case 21

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Media Case 21:

Dubbing in
Category: Distribution
Location: SouthEast Asia

A major Christian
organization wants to dub some of its programs into languages
that would impact your target people groups. You know that this is a high
quality organization with some fine films. In this case it is in three nearby countries (V, T, M). You
have had experience with getting programming done before in one of the countries (T) but not the
What are the considerations on your part?:
1. Does this fit into my mandate to get EV materials into the hands of the lost?
2. Will this require significant amounts of my time.
3. What would be the first steps?
This organization is not connected in these countries but wants you to assist them in getting the
translation done, finding and vetting a quality studio and making sure the project is done
STEP ONE - locate studios in the two other countries. Email all your contacts there to see what is
available and track the studios down to see what they have done. Search the internet for studios
and start the process of getting quotes based on number of characters and duration. Networking
on my part was essential as I had both Christian and secular media contacts in these countries. In
the case of V & M no Christian films had been dubbed in country so we had to make sure the
studio saw us as a business.
STEP TWO - contract with the studio in the country you have experience (T) in and start
translation of all three languages.
STEP THREE - get the ministry to send three sets of masters with split M&E tracks - either
directly to the studios or to you for hand carrying them into the country. (We had to hand-carry
materials to V and M). While you are there, investigate the studio and talk to the sound/editors.
STEP FOUR - Negotiate the contract with both the ministry (what assistance will you provide?)
and the studios. This should include delivery of the final production, DVD and artwork adaptation.
Discussion Questions
Are the three considerations above the only ones or are there more? Are you networked enough
in even in your city to do such a project? What could you do to change that? Make a list of both
Christian and secular media groups you know. Now map out a way to meet the groups.
Media Case 21 - Dubbing in Asia - Dan Henrich

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