Ashtavakra Gita Semester Ii Examination PDF

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SECTION I Answer any 2................................... 20 marks

1) In your own words, explain what Janaka means when he says - "Namo Mahyam - I surrender to
MYSELF...10 marks
2) In your own words summarize the first 14 chapters of Ashtavakra Gita and establish a link from one to
another ....10 marks
3) Explain the 5- point rule to overcome the storms of emotions........................10 marks
SECTION II - Explain any 4 of the following shlokas in your own words:...............................20 marks
1. Muktabhimani mukto hi baddho baddhabhimanyapi Kimmvadanti satyeyam ya mati sa gatirbhavet
2. Sashariramaho vishwam parityaajya mayadhuna Kutaschid kaushaladeva paramatma vilokyate
3. Mayyan ananta maham bhodhava ascharyam jivavichayaha udyanti ghnanti khelanti pravishanti
4. Dhirastu bhojyamano api pidyamano api sarvada atmanam kevalam pashyam na tushyati na kupyati
5. Abrahma stamba paryante bhutagrame chaturvidhe Vignyasyaiva hi samarthyam iccha niccha vivarjane

SECTION III Answer any 6..................................... 30 marks

1. Describe how the 5 elements are related to the 5 senses and the associated emotional response that they
can evoke. 5 marks
2. Explain "You are not the Doer". 5 marks
3. Why does the poor merchants boat drown?.....................5 marks
4. What is the nature of the mind? What does Ashtavakra advice to deal with the same?.....5 marks
5. Describe in details the 5 principles from Ashtavakra Gita 2 ..5 marks
6 Explain in your words the meaning of 'Dissolving the doer'. Why does Ashtavakra say 'dissolve' 5 times?
..5 marks
7 Explain the gist of the talk 'Ego dissolves in Love'...5 marks

SECTION III Answer any 10.................................... 20 marks

1. What are the qualifications for listening to the Ashtavakra Gita? . 2 marks
2. What are the emotions associated with the 7 chakras? .. 2 marks
3. What are the qualities of the Self as described by Ashtavakra?...... 2 marks
4. What are the 4 illusions that Ashtavakra talks about and explain the corresponding shloka. 2 marks
5. What are the 3 paths (marg) for a sincere seeker? ..... 2 marks
6. Explain "Fear is like Salt". Why did Ashtavakra say this?..2 marks
7. Explain Taranga Phen Budbudda in your own words...2 marks

7. Explain Taranga Phen Budbudda in your own words...2 marks

8. Explain I am everything or I am nothing in your own words..2 marks
9. What is the difference between a Gyaani (Enlightened) and a Bhakt (Devotee)?...2 marks
10. What is your favorite knowledge point? Describe in your own words.. 2 marks
11. Explain the difference between enlightenent and non-enlightenment ?...................2 marks
12. Explain Dvaita mulamaho dukham nanya tasyasti bheshajam Drishyametanmrisha sarvam eko ham
chidraso malaha .......2 marks
13. What are the identifications of the mind?.....................................2 marks

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