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Spiritual Quantum

Science for Inner


Scienza dello Spirito Quantum per la trasformazione interna

Ana-Stasi Fennell Blogspot - 29 June 2015

The Luminous Universe, Acrylics, shimmer, Anastasia Fennell.



Quantum Physics opened for us an Unlimited Unified Energy Field
of All Possibilities. Their definition of Quantum is the smallest
light particle of the universe. All physical matter is nothing else as a
field of quantum energy the One Unlimited Ocean of Light!
Everything is woven from light and information, everything
belongs to Supreme Universal Laws, which rule the Universe.

Spiritual Quantum Science opens a new dimension for the

Quantum Physics. It gives us the Divine Blueprints of the Universal
Matrix Itself (the Grand 'Architect' of All multidimensional reality
considered as an 'Unlimited Quantum Field of All Possibilities: the
Absolute of Supramental Consciousness the Omnipresent Mind the Divine Intelligence of Cosmos, very well described in the
bestselling book by Gregg Braden, "The Divine Matrix" ). Our definition of Quantum Reality,
directly connects with the conception of Soul, which is the
immortal individual smallest quantum unit of the Universe. There
is an ancient wise expression: There is no physical reality unless
the soul experiences it. So, every one of us is an individual
quantum projection, which exists not only in 3D world, but has its
own extensions in the higher dimensions of the Universe. The
Motherland of our Souls is the Divine Universal Matrix, where
every Soul receives Its personal light code the identification of


Personality ! These codes are stored in our subconsciousness and

have their physical blueprint in our DNA.

Our souls our Supreme Identities can co-create our own realities
through the interaction with this Quantum Ocean of Divine Matrix.
We can attract more health, love and wealth into our life and the
lives of our beloved ones.


I choose to believe that there is a 'Divine Creator' the Universal
Supreme All-Intelligent Quantum Field of All Possibilities - the Absolute
of Consciousness, which Scientist named as 'the Divine Matrix', which
has created all this beauty and diversity. And Our Soul is a micro
particle of her luminous vibrations the quantum intelligent substance,
the Holographic Projection of Supreme Omnipresent Mind.

Our Goal is to cognize our Soul and become Enlightened (Homo
Sapience Luminous). For this we need to open ourselves our
inner multidimensionality, connect with the Divine Matrix and heal
our body-spirit-mind through Mystic Arts (meditation,
visualization, affirmations, prayers, mantras, yoga, sound-therapy,
colour-therapy, painting, music, art and many other activities
which resonate with the Spirit)

The Masters teaching within all cultures have said that all of
creation, mystical knowledge, sciences, and indeed all that is and is
not; all of this exists within your own being as inseparable from
your own body/mind energy field. Everyone who has attained to
Mastery has done so encountering and en-kindling with awareness
the totality of this mystical knowledge within.

Trust in the all-pervasive and limitless Energy of Infinity which is
now directly touching you to bring new awareness and

opportunities in life. The thinking mind has all different sets of

games it can play with itself as to the perception and nature of self,
life, and reality. Allow the mind to set aside these old thinking
modes and views, to hold space for this energy to work during
sessions with the self and others, and with that space created
receive "downloads" or "packages" of energy carrying pure

These high frequency energies packed with information can be in
regards to what informs the manifestation of a structure of energy
which appears as a physical body composed of its interactions of
vibration and particles that assume the form of matter. Or the
downloaded energy can be carrying information to re-organize
patterns and energy structures of mental perception as well as
emotional patterns of reacting, and can also be working to clear up
any physical, mental, or emotional toxic build up. The Energy Wave
carrying immense amounts of information can be working at
incredible speeds on multidimensional levels of being
simultaneously, bringing any and all necessary information to
inform all areas of the life-energy field to one's highest capacity to
accept well-being.

It has been observed by scientists that atomic particles sometimes
actually behave as a wave, carrying information of super-position
and multiple possibilities. In the same way these energy waves of
information coming from the Infinite Quantum Field can inform
the energy field of the recipient and cause a desired total reorganization of the energetic and atomic structures.

Through the energy and awareness of this quantum field, there
truly is no limit to what can be discovered, experienced and
achieved. In the way that scientists have prodded at reality in
laboratories it has been slow halty progress, but finally after
generations of scientists a modern science has brought forth a view
of reality that echoes the ancient cosmology of the Vedas.

The benefit of being a conscious and aware being is that this force
of Awareness itself can discover and tap into the very fabric of
reality because it is Pure Awareness itself. The subtler and smaller
physicists break up and experiment with the matter of reality, the
more conscious and unified it appears.

You are One with all Infinity, and your awareness is not different
from the Unified Awareness of the Zero Point Field/Planck Scale.
Magic and miracles can become a reality in everyday life; the reality
of everyday life is the miracle of the infinite possibilities of the
Quantum Field. The blazing intention of Enlightenment,
Empowerment, and Mastery sourced from that frequency of the
combined attainment of all Masters, is stronger than any of our
doubts, indulgences, or limited modes of thinking. This Pure
Awareness with Unlimited power and resources to Being- is
Ultimate Reality.

Be open to the Infinite Possibilities of the Universe and willing to
experience something brand new but also timeless at this very
moment. After you finish reading these chapter take a moment to
settle into awareness of the present moment through the breath.
Suspend any expectations and increase awareness, and imagine
however it might be to your imagination, an all-pervasive Energy
Field of Infinite Possibilities.

Stay Tuned, on the waves of Light.

Best Enlightened Vision, Ana-Stasi Fennell, MA in Ed.


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