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School Competition for 6th Grade Primary

School Students

Students code
Points / 60

I.Read the text and answer the questions.

My name is Dion and Im 11 years old. I live in an Aboriginal community called
Bidyadanga. Its 180 kilometers from the town of Broome, in western Australia. I live
with my mother, my grandmother, my sister Rosita and my four cousins. My father
works in another part of Australia, so we dont often see him. Our house is near the
coast. We often catch fish and cook it on the beach. When we go fishing, we
sometimes see sharks. Everyone is scared of them! Weve got a TV in our house nut I
dont often watch it. I prefer playing outside with my friends.
We start school at eight oclock in the morning. I usually have my lunch at school. My
favorite school meal is hot dogs. At home my favorite meals are chicken soup and
egg on toast.
Write to me soon.
1. Where does Dion live?

2. Does he live in a big town?

3. Where does his father work?

4. Where does Dion always have his meals?

5. Where does Dion prefer playing?
6. When does he go to school?

7. What are his favorite meals at home?
II. Circle the correct word in the following sentences.
1. Can you . with my homework?
a) read
b) help
c) write
2. This is Joe. Hes . .
a) England
b) English
c) the UK
3. Mel is a singer in a .. .
a) band
b) class
c) sport
4. This is umbrella.
a) Sadies
b) Sadie
c) Sadies
5. I want to phone my parents. Can I use your .?
a) message
b) number
c) mobile

6. James has got a face.

a) difficult
b) friendly
c) short
7. Sharks .. in the sea.
a) live
b) lives
c) Doesnt live

8. I .. in a house.
a) life
b) leave
c) live
9. My friend plays a lot of sports. He is very .
a) energetic
b) helpful
c) lazy
10. I usually have .. for lunch.
a) sausages b) sandwich c) cereal
11. I usually sit I my . .
a) bedroom b) bathroom
c) hall
12. You .. argue with your brother.
a) cant
b) dont
c) mustnt
13. You can go swimming at the .. .
a) aquarium
b) sports centre c) shopping centre
14. be rude.
a) Dont
c) must

III. Complete the sentences with one of the Wh-question words: What, Where, Who or

.. is your favorite sport?

.. is Sandy from?
is your birthday?
. is Paris Hilton?
do you come from?
.. is the man sitting next to you?


IV. Write a, an, some or any

1. Youve got . keys in your pocket.
2. Have they got .. photos?
3. Theyve got . English dictionary?
4. They havent got .. friends.

5. Ive got . bike.

6. I havent got . umbrella.
7. There is .. skateboard in the hall.
8. There arent .. books in my bag.
9. Weve got . juice and toast for breakfast.
10. There are . CDs on the floor.


V. Write the time with words.

1. 6: 50
2. 5: 30

3. 1: 15

4. 8: 40
5. 10: 25

6. 11: 45

VI. Use the Present Simple Tense and complete the sentences with the right form of the
1. Carl ..(wear) a blue uniform.
2. I (not/watch) horror movies.
3. My brother ..(not/play) computer games.
4. Mary .(go) to school?
5. You always .(drink) Coca Cola when youre thirsty.
6. . your parents ..(use) a computer?
7. Tim (not/write) their homework on time.
8. James often ..(watch) music shoes on TV.
9. Our teacher .(come) from the UK
10. . you ..(listen) pop music?

VII. Translate the following sentences.

1. Excuse me. Can I ask you some questions?

2. Im thirsty. Can I have a drink?

3. My room is in a mess.

4. Whats the matter?

5. Hes a dangerous man. Everyone is scared of him.

6. What sort of books do you like?

7. Im a computer addict.


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