Course Outline Newsletter 2015

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Lorem Ipsum

About Ms.

Hilton Head Christian Academy

Ms. Michelle McElroy

is my ninth
sed semyear
dui eleifend tristique.
-I grew up outside
Atlanta, Georgia. GO
-I was HHCAs teacher
of the year in 20142015
-I can twist my arm
all the way around!
-I enjoy baking and
decorating cupcakes.
-I have lived in both
Alaska and Hawaii!
-I am the Theater
Director here at HHCA.
-And as many of you
know, I LOVE DUCKS!!!
Room #401
6th World History I 7th World History II
Theatre Director

Dear parents,
I am honored to have the opportunity to teach
your child as I enter into my sixth year teaching here
at HHCA. Over the years I have developed a heart for
working with middle school aged students as they
grow and mature during this exciting stage of life.
Their high energy levels and enthusiasm towards life
and Christ never cease to amaze me. I believe that God
has wonderful things in store for HHCA this year, and I
feel blessed to be a part of such an amazing school
family! I look forward to working with you and your
child; please let me know if you have any questions or
God bless,
Michelle McElroy

To learn more about my classes

and HHCA theater visit my

This is my
dog, Rex!

Another Duck Production @

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Course Descriptions

[Issue] :: [Date]

6th Social Studies Course Description

The sixth grade social studies course enhances the students understanding of history through
the study of people and events from earliest man to the fall of the Roman Empire. This course
focuses on the significance of geography, economics, and government in the development of the
human story, including the conflicts and accomplishments of the people and their roles in
developing the social, economic, and political structures of the major civilizations. The sixth
grade Social Studies course incorporates reading and writing strategies centered on primary
source analysis along with a focus on map skills and applied reading comprehension skills.
7th Social Studies Course Description
In seventh grade the course focuses on contemporary cultures that continues from the
examination of early cultures in grade six. In grade seven, students examine the history and
geography of human societies from the fall of the Roman Empire to the present. They learn
about the growing interaction among these societies as well as the exchange of ideas, beliefs,
technologies, and commodities among them. Students also address the continuing growth of
the political and economic ideas that shaped the modern world. The seventh grade Social
Studies course incorporates reading and writing strategies centered on document based
questions, while also focusing on map skills, primary source analysis, and applied reading
comprehension skills.

Classroom Policies
Grading Policy:
50%- Tests and Projects
25%- Quizzes
25%- Homework, Classwork, Notebook
Students can expect written homework about one to two times per week. Homework
and class work will randomly be collected and graded throughout the week. All assignments
will be checked on Fridays during a notebook check. Students can also expect several larger
projects during the school year. Study guides will be given out two days prior to a test.
Classroom Rules:
- Always come on time and be prepared.
- Respect yourself, your peers, and your teacher.
- Be ready to learn!
Intervention Plan:
If at any time a students performance, attitude, or behavior is not where it needs be an
infraction notice will be given and parents will ne notified. A record of all infractions can be
seen on NetClassroom. Parents will be contacted after an accumulation of infractions.
Consequences could include: lunch detention, afterschool detention or ISS/suspension for more
severe infractions.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor


Issue [#] :: [Date]

I am also the theater director at HHCA! This year the

middle school will be performing G2K Once Upon A
Mattress in November and we will then have an allschool production of Beauty and the Beast in March! If
you are interested in joining the cast, come see me or
visit my webpage.

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