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What is Lichen Planus?

It is a long standing (chronic), recurring, non-allergic, non-infectious, non-contagious disease

of the skin, of which the exact cause is not yet fully understood.
It can affect skin, oral mucosa, tongue, scalp, genitals and nails. However, it is less likely
that it affects all the areas as stated, at the same time. It has a tendency to relapse after
some months or years. Females are more frequently affected as compared to the male
counterpart, however, uncommon to find it in children. Over 1.9% of the total population is
affected by Lichen Planus.
When the oral mucosa is affected, this condition is often neglected, reported late or
incorrectly diagnosed. Lichen Planus affecting the food pipe (esophagus) is not a commonly
encountered condition. All variants of Lichen Planus respond very well to homeopathic
treatment. It can be said with confidence that Lichen Planus is curable using homeopathy.
Homeopathy offers excellent results in Lichen Planus of the skin, mouth and genitals; in
this order.
Oral Lichen Planus is a chronic inflammatory, non-infectious disease that causes lesions on
the buccal mucosa, tongue and/or gums. It affects approximately 1-2% of the general adult
population. Although oral Lichen Planus predominantly occurs in adults older than 40
years, younger adults and children can also be affected.Lichen Planus may affect either skin
or mouth or genitals or the nails; or in any combination of two or more. In a large study
at Life Force, we have not come across many cases of children having oral Lichen Planus.
The role of autoimmunity in the pathogenesis of oral Lichen Planus is supported by many
studies. It may be induced by certain drugs (mentioned below), contact allergens in dental
materials or toothpastes, mechanical trauma, viral infection or some unidentified agents.
Causes of Oral Lichen Planus
Oral Lichen Planus may be caused by more than one cause. Some drugs often induce it.
Stress is also a major trigger factor. Genetic factor is usually found in the back ground. Oral
Lichen Planus is considered pre-cancerous. However, it is not so common for Oral Lichen
Planus to turn cancerous. Lichen Planus is found to be an immunologically mediated
disease. The exact cause of Lichen Planus is not very clearly understood. Some triggers have
been found which are clinically found to be responsible for Lichen Planus. It is one of those
conditions where the exact cause remains unknown till the date. There are theories. In some
cases there are obvious links with the facts such as
1. Modern Medicines
Certain modern medicines such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain killers (NSAID),
antihypertensive medicines, amalgamated dental filling, etc are known to induce Lichen
Planus, which has a tendency to persist despite the discontinuation of the said medicines.
It may be of interest to list the common modern medicines which are know to induce Lichen

NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)











Allopurinol (anti-gout medicine)

Symptoms of Oral Lichen Planus

Generally, the onset of oral Lichen Planus is insidious and patients are unaware of its
commencement. Usually the medical or dental practitioner identifies the clinical
changes in the oral mucosa on routine examination.

Common symptoms include sensation of roughness in the lining of the mouth,

sensitivity to hot or spicy foods, soreness of oral mucosa and gums, red or white
patches on the oral mucosa and gums, or oral ulcerations.

The lesions of oral Lichen Planus are usually bilateral.

Oral Lichen Planus lesions may be associated with patchy brown melanin (pigment)
deposits in the oral mucosa.

Oral Lichen planus presents as white streaks on the mucosa of mouth, tongue and
gums. There may be ulcers in the oral mucosa, any part of mouth. The ulceration can
be mild or extensive.

2. Chemical Contact
Contact with certain chemicals (paraphenylenediamine), drugs (Arsenic compounds, certain
metals such as Gold, Bismuth, Quinacrine), exposure to light by photography development)

3. Stress Leads to Lichen Planus

In our in-depth studies, we have observed that certain intense and prolonged emotional
stress such as anxiety, shock, traumatic childhood, sadness; disappointment, failure,
humiliation, etc. often initiate the process of Lichen Planus. Intense stress is likely to trigger
some immunological processes which lead to development of Lichen Planus. The exact
mechanism is not yet understood. Stress has been found to be an important trigger in many
cases, but not all. It may be noted that this information is derived from the study at our
center and may not be found in the standard dermatological text books.
4. Genetic Causes
Hereditary tendency. We have observed Lichen Planus running in family. However, it is not a
rule that if you have Lichen Planus, your children will necessarily have it. Also, it is not a rule
that every patient having Lichen Planus must have their parents or relatives the same
disease. It is observed that there is some autoimmune disease such as Lichen Planus,
eczema, cancer, psoriasis, etc. in the family, suggestive of genetic link.
5. Allergic component
The studies have indicated presence of certain cells, called as HLA A-3 cell markers,
suggesting immunological and allergic links. This requires to be explored further.
Homeopathy Treatment for Lichen Planus
Though Lichen planus appears on skin, mouth, genitals, nails or scalp; its roots are found in
the immune system, which is governed by some genetic factors. It means, the treatment for
Lichen planus has to be aimed by correcting or improving the immune system. If this is
done, the disease would be treated or cured for a long time. If the treatment is done
superficially by applying cortisone or such immunosuppressive medicine, the disease will get
elevated superficially only to re-surface as soon as the effect of the medicine would be over.
Homeopathy offers research proven and highly effective treatment for Lichen Planus which
has been scientifically documented. Contrary to the conventional treatment, which is
governed by the use of cortisone, homeopathic treatment is amazingly curative, safe and
longer lasting. At Life Force, we have researched on Planus for over two decades.
The Homeopathy Treatment
The homeopathic treatment for Lichen Planus is based on the individual case study of the
patient's disease, its cause, its spread, the area affected, the genetic tendency, mindset,
etc. The treatment plans thus designed is addressed towards correcting the immune system,
in turn treating Lichen Planus from within.
Dr Rajesh Shah, M.D. has researched on Lichen Planus for over 27 years. His research based
molecules have US, Europe patent granted as (and pending). His unique treatment protocol
is made available to patients of Lichen Planus world over. At this point, there are patients
from 177 countries under Dr Shah's care, which has been a world record. Lichen Planus cure
is now possible.

The duration of treatment:

The total length of treatment varies form case to case, depending of the following factors:

Duration of Lichen Planus

Areas affected (Skin, mouth, genitals, nails, scalp)

Extent of spread (Only skin or only mouth or skin with mouth, combination of parts,

Previous medication (Extensive use o oral cortisone may delay the course of

General health and associated diseases

One may expect a definite change in about three to five months, depending on the extent.
The total length of medication may be anything between six months to two years or longer.
Why homeopathy for Lichen Planus?
The major benefits of homeopathy could be summarized as under:

It offers excellent treatment which has a success rate of over 85%

It offers immuno-correction hence gives deep-level healing

It offers long-lasting cure instead of temporary.

It is absolutely harmless, safe and free from any toxic effect.

Is the treatment (and its duration) different if Lichen Planus affects skin, mouth,
Well, the scope of improvement and the time required for the treatment of Lichen Planus
also depend on its location. Experience shows that LP on skin is relatively easy to treat, as
compared to one in the mouth or genitals. If one has it on mouth, genitals and skin, it is all
the more difficult to treat. Similarly, it would take longer it is multi-location. The medicines
are relatively different for skin LP or one in the mouth, genitals, scalp or nails.
What your doctors wont tell you about Lichen Planus
The conventionally trained dermatologists (skin doctor) may have certain opinions about
Lichen Planus and its treatment, based on the information gathered through medical training
and experience. Unfortunately, the conventional medical training gives exposure only to the
conventional therapies. As a result, any alternative solutions to Lichen Planus are never
taught to or learned by the conventional doctors.
Also, the mindset of the conventional doctors takes such a shape that they often tend to
think that there exists nothing beyond the conventional treatment, especially when it comes

to the treatment for Lichen Planus in particular and many chronic diseases in general.As a
result, knowingly or unknowingly, they become instrumental in depriving patients of the
benefits of other alternatives, especially homeopathy.
Let us see what your doctors will or won't tell you about Lichen Planus:
Cortisone or steroids is the most effective and probably the only treatment for Lichen Planus.
It is not correct, actually. Homeopathy offers an excellent treatment for Lichen Planus,
which your doctor may not tell you, largely due to ignorance.
Cortisone will cure Lichen Planus.
It rarely happens that Lichen Planus is cured using cortisone. In most cases, Lichen
Planusresurfaces after stopping the use of cortisone, which the doctors might not tell you.
Use of cortisone makes Lichen Planus more resistant. It can increase Lichen Planus is some
Unfortunately, hardly any doctor will tell you that as you use cortisone for Lichen Planus, it
becomes all the more difficult to treat. Cortisone being an immunosuppressive therapy, it
suppresses Lichen Planus lesions for some time, without curing it. As a result, some
eruptions get better after using cortisone, more eruptions (elsewhere) may appear. No
doctor may tell you that suppression of some eruption leads to appearance of more spots
of Lichen Planuselsewhere on the body.
Stress has great bearing to Lichen Planus.
Very few doctors would probably tell you about the connection between stress and Lichen
Planus. Not many doctors would review your stress in an elaborate manner and relate how
stress management would help treat Lichen Planus.
Homeopathy offers excellent treatment for Lichen Planus.
Only those doctors who have personal experience using homeopathy or have seen patients
getting treating with success, using homeopathy; would suggest you to opt for homeopathy.
Most of them would not suggest simply due to lack of knowledge. However, the mindset is
now changing; doctors in general are getting open minded and they like to check
Homeopathy does not work for Lichen Planus.
It is very easy for anyone to comment negatively about any science. However, it can be
considered valid only if the opinion comes either from professional training or personal

Please ask your doctor, if the opinion is based on his or her personal training. Ask, if the
doctor has evaluated clinical studies published in homeopathic medical world. It is helpful to
find out if such an opinion is a arising out serious experience or wishful assumption.
Now, when you visit your skin doctor next time, ask if he or she has studied about
homeopathy and its role in the treatment for Lichen Planus.
Lichen Planus
You must have never possibly heard the name 'Lichen Planus' until your doctor pronounced
it. You might probably face difficulty spelling it correctly, while making a search on the
Internet! This is a common experience of all those who are just diagnosed withLichen
Planus and looking for treatment. About 1.5% of the world population suffering from this
uncommon and chronic skin disorder. Lihen Planus may affect skin, mouth (oral variety) or
the genitals.
Before we proceed with a brief note, which your local doctor may not have shared with you,
let me tell you that Lichen Planusis neither serious nor a fatal disease. It is largely curable
with homeopathic treatment. Lichen Planus cure is possible.
Quick orientation about long term management of Lichen Planus:
No short cut: Lichen Planus is a chronic disease, will require a long and planned treatment.
There is no short cut.
Say No to cortisone (steroids): Most commonly used medicines for Lichen Planus in all
parts of the world is some or other form of cortisone or steroids, either oral and/or local
cream and/or injectable. In our extensive experience, any use of steroid is found to be
suppressive, temporary and hence harmful. It makes your disease more difficult to heal. Our
suggestion is to avoid steroid in any form.
Cortisone abuse: Cortisone is hardly an effective long-term treatment for Lichen
Lichen Planus is conventionally treated using cortisone. Our significant experience based on
the treatment of over 2000 cases of Lichen Planus (as on September, 2008), without any use
of cortisone has taught us many things. Some of the learning that has happened about the
use or abuse of cortisone is worth sharing with the patient as well as the medical fraternity.
1. Cortisone may help initially for a short time
2. Cortisone leads to relapse of LP in most cases
3. Cortisone treated relapse is more severe, more complex
4. Cortisone treated LP is more difficult to treat
5. It is wise to avoid cortisone during all stages of Lichen Planus (only exception is most
severe cases of oral or genital Lichen Planus.)
6. Cortisone puts you to the vicious cycle of dependency
7. Cortisone dependents have to come out of the vicious cycle
( * Observations based on a statistical study of over 800 cases of LP at our center, who were
earlier treated with cortisone.)

Short lasting: Please ask your doctor, who may prescribe you cortisone, if it is going to be
a permanent or short lived solution.
Do not fall into the vicious cycle: It may be noted that since our clinic deals with chronic
Lichen Planus, almost all of our patients present to us with a history of steroid application or
steroid intake, for many months or years. They learn it the hard way that steroids eventually
help little. It is up to you to decide if or not you want to fall into the vicious cycle of frequent
use of cortisone.
Homeopathy: Homeopathy offers promising results for all variants of Lichen Planus (Skin,
oral, genital forms). Over 3000 cases treated and documented at Life Force is one of the
largest ever collection of patients of this disease. We have deeper insight into the treatment
for Lichen Planus.
Let your doctor know: It is likely that your Family Physician may not suggest you
homeopathic treatment. This could be because of his/her ignorance about homeopathy or
may be due to an unavailability of qualified homeopathic doctor in your area.
Lichen Planus: Long term over view of Lichen Planus
Lichen Planus is not a dangerous or fatal disease. Though, ill understood, it has a tendency
to be self-limiting. However, its length of time is usually very long, running into years and it
varies from patient to patient. At the same time, it has a peculiar tendency to relapse after
One of the theories is that Lichen Planus is pre-cancerous condition. However, it is not yet
medically supported by scientific studies. Some of the complications of Lichen
Planus include Alopecia when it affects scalp. Due to eruptions on the scalp, dryness of the
Lichen Planus often becomes a medico-social disorder, especially when it shows up on the
visible part of the body, such as on the face. It is uncommon for Lichen Planus to appear on
the face.
If Lichen Planus remains untreated, it may simply stay as it for a long time or may spread to
different areas of body. If it is treated using cortisone, it again, tends to spread to other parts
of the body.
If Lichen Planus is treated conventionally using cortisone (or Dapsone), there are three
possible outcomes:
a. Temporary recovery
b. Relapse of Lichen Planus on stopping cortisone
c. Spread of Lichen Planus on other areas, even while on being on cortisone (Say, from skin
to mouth or genitals)
d. Adverse effects of cortisone

e. Relapse of Lichen Planus after some weeks or months after stopping cortisone, which will
be even more resistant (more difficult to treat)
f. Complete remission (less likely)

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