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iver Lake College — Administrator Leadership Practicum — Concluding Report Candidate: Gregory Baza SLC Supervisor __| Larry Ballwahn License area: | Director of Instruction #10 Date submitted Report and Evaluation of Practice and Learning Directions for use - Candidate: Complete this form, share it with your onsite supervisor, save it to your own computer and then upload it to your Joule Account. Send an email notifying your SLC Supervisor that you have submitted the form ‘A web conference is then arranged for the final approval. Sign-off e ; Site Supervisor ate SLs signe no. 9 + | Date SLC Supervisor Signature Practicum Term: ‘Summer 2015 Date of Final Conference: __TBD Approximate Number of Practicum Hours: __160+ Conference Participants: Gregory Balza Kaye Jacobs. , Larry Ballwahn ‘School or District St. Mary School, Luxemburg | Site Supervisor Kaye Jacobs | Tillelroie Principal, Holy Trinity School, Casco Diversity Activities Developing a technology plan for equal opportunities for all students Site of activity St. Mary School ‘A. | How did this practicum experience prepare you to fulfill the typical responsibilities of a job in your licensure area? Reference Wisconsin Administrator Standards and Critical Skills and Dispositions for a person in the licensure role. This practicum experience prepared me to fulfil the typical responsibilities of a director of instruction because of the crucial role | played in making this instruction change at our school. | worked with my people to come up with a new scope and sequence for our technology plan. We used many resources, including standards to drive our new: improvement plan. We had to be honest, direct, and fair for all individuals involved in this new learning opportunity for our students, As my logs show, | was able to tie my activities into the Wisconsin Administrator Standards. For example, my vision (standard two) to improve our technology will take full implement the upcoming school year. This vision is important for us to stick to in order to show our growth and learning, B, | How did this practicum experience facilitate your growth as a visionary leader, resourceful manager, and/or reflective educator (the dimensions of the AL program conceptual framework)? ‘Visionary Leader - We had a vision to improve our overall echnology department at our school. This vision to improve our technology has stuck with me this entire time. We have made improvements in equipment, facilities, instruction, and personnel to all better assist our vision of improving our technology Resourceful Manager - Resources need to be used appropriately and wisely when it comes to technology. We managed to reduce statf, purchase new devices, and create a scope and sequence within this past school year. We were very resourceful using all ideas provided by our technology committee. All these changes would not have been possible without sharing resources and skils ofall individuals. Reflective Educator ~ | was @ reflective educator when | heard ebout all the weaknesses in our technology area when | arrived at St. Mary. | knew we had to come up with a plan and make the necessary changes to improve this area. | will continue to be reflective as | move into year two of this role. | need to reflect on all the changes make and make sure these changes will beneft our future leaders. Reflection is an ongoing process that can not be forgotten day in and day out. - | Were you able to complete the goal evaluations that you set forth in your plan? Results? in regards to the three goals that | set at the beginning ofthis practicum, Ihave met each one. Over the summer, | ‘a8 able to work with different members of the school community to create the new school technology plan. We ame together to design a scope and sequence of the different technology standards we wanted to implement at leach grade level. We broke apart the technology skills and applied them to each grade level. For example, we gave hool emails to students in grades 3-6. We bul the idea that third graders have universal passwords, fourth yaders have all different passwords but follow a patter, and fith and sixth graders create their own passwords. This is only an example of how we are building on skills from year to year in the area of technology. We ave and continue to work closely withthe public school to ensure a seamless transition to the middle school. The iggest part ofthe plan that stil needs attention is evaluation and feedback. We need to start on the plan and make changes as we see fit_1 am excited to see the plan after a few years of implementation, D._| Most valuable leadership opportunities during the Practicum: “The most valuable leadership opportunity during this practicum was learning the importance of patience and input. My patience was tested during the development of our technology scope and sequence. We have some much input that a clear decision was hard to create. With different backgrounds, we all brought our own viewpoint to the discussion table. | had to be patient and work through multiple drafts of the plan to ensure acceptability by all with the student's best interest at the forefront of our plan. Both of these skills are important to have to ensure great leadership in the building =, | Summarize the Wisconsin Administrator Standards, Critical Skills and to practice/demonstrate during your Practicum Experience? Examples? ;positions that you had a chance “1 | have demonstrated my knowledge of the ten teacher standards during this practicum through the creation of a new technology plan school wide. Working together with my staff and school board, we have created a new technology curriculum based off of research and collaboration through the diocese. Using the teacher standards as a base, | have integrated technology into daily teaching and my staff have provided evidence that these are being ‘met in their classroom. 2 The second standard was demonstrated throughout the entire practicum. | used feedback from the school ‘community to drive a change for the school. When conducting my welcome interviews, it became increasingly clear that technology needed an upgrade. | took it upon myse'f to take the initiative to start the ground work on what would have to happen in order for us to make this vision a reality. With the help of many individuals, a new plan was developed and will be integrated in September. 3 This standard was planned, but will be fully implemented during the school year, The changes have been made physically with a redesigned computer lab and distribution of forty new devices (5 in each classroom). There have also been changes that can not be seen. Training for teachers on how to properly use the devices and how to incorporate them seamlessly into their daily lessons will be conducted during inservice at the end of August. With these changes, | as an administrator am making sure a proper leaming environment is in place. 4. This standard is shown in the way that the appropriate finances were found to accommodate the new devices. During the first few months of the school year, | reached out to the Home and School Organization and requested that their fundraising efforts be contributed to the 40 new devices for our school, After the new devices were acquired | worked counties hours to ensure that they were organized, set-up, and appropriated managed via ‘our Google for Education account 5 - Standard five is another standard that was an integral part of this process. Without the community invowement from supporting our fundraiser to volunteers who used their skills to wire the school for our new wireless system this ‘could not have been possible without great collaboration and communication. There has been so many individuals ‘who helped from the beginning planning stage up until the end of setting up and distributing devices that collaborating with families and community members is a definite resource that was invaluable in this process. 6 - Acting with integrity, faimess, and in an ethical manner are traits of an incredible administrator. | have shown these qualities through my use of collaboration with the school board to start the process of a new technology plan. I have shown great faimess in the amount of devices that each classroom receives and the order of which it happens, 7 - Ihave demonstrated this standard through my problem solving strategy recently. During the set-up process there were a few road bumps in the fact that | had to rely on the Google company to walk me through the process of seiting up devices. This shows understanding and interacting with the world outside the schoo! setting, but affects the learning that is happening inside the school on a daily basis, E-2 Critical Skils and Dispositions Acritical skill that | have found in myself during this practicum was problem solving. From beginning to end my goal of a new technology plan was full of speed bumps. Some of these were mis-ordered supplies, no intemet in the building, schedules not syncing, miscommunication, and negative attitudes. Each of these problems required a solution that took time to think through possible push-backs. | learned to think of effects of implementing a solution before actually implementing, so that other problems don't arise. | also learned that you can’t foresee every issue that will arise during the implementation of a large scale plan like a new technology plan, but you can roll with the ‘punches and deal with them the best you can always keeping in mind the students best interest Lessons: State one or two main lessons you learned through this experience. ‘The biggest thing | learned in this practicum is that we all have strengths and need to focus on them to make the school better. During this summer, our technology committee involved many people to implement our plan. For example, | took care of the management of our Google Admin account, | made certain we had sub-groups for each grade level, passwords were changes, etc. for the upcoming year. Another strength our committee had was a arent who teaches at the public school. This parent was a go-to person to establish communication between our school and the middle school. We were able to gather knowledge about the workings of the public schoo! to make ‘sure the transition was easier for our students. Lastly, | established communication with the curriculum director for the diocese. Her strengths allowed us to find the standards for technology provided by the diocese and also a ‘connection with another private school who just finished this process. As you can see, we all have strengths and we need to use them for the betterment of our students, X__ I have submitted my Practicum Experience Reflective Paper to my SLC Practicum Supervisor. | will submit my Practicum Experience Reflective Paper to my SLC Practicum Supervisor by Please check that the information about your Practicum is complete before you submit the form. ‘Thank you. Note: This Concluding Practicumn Report must be included in your Portfolio. Silver Lake College Administrator Leadership Program Practicum Assessment — Wisconsin Administrator Standards Assessment Rubric * derived from ISLC standards; used for licensing & compatible with WI Framework for Principal Leadership Candidate Gregory Balza License: #10 Director of Instruction Assessor: Kaye Jacobs Date: 08/04/15 Assessor: Gregory Balza Date: 08/03/15, Directions: Numerical rating of the work done within each of the seven Wisconsin Administrator Standards. You may be unable to rate every standard during this practicum. In addition, please provide a brief explanatory rationale for your rating making reference to specific descriptors where appropriate. General =used to nit of standards any ‘3 Proficiant ~ Refers to successful professional practice as ated by the Ste Supervisor, described in candidate logs, and supported by arfacts and rationale. 2 Basle ~ Refers to professional practice that demonstrates some knoweedge and skils to infuence student and organizational learning, but the application ie inconsistent as rated by the Site Supervisor, nat caretuly described in logs, or well supported by artifacts. Unsatisfactory — Refers to professional practice that does not display understanding ofthe concepts underlying the responsibilies, Intensive intervention and suppor is needed. NA. Not Applicable or NONot Observed ifthe situation ofthe practicum warrants t 1 General Administrative Standards ~ Practicum Assessment 1. The administrator has an understanding of and demonstrates competence in the teacher standards under s. Pl 34.02. (Teacher Standards) The SLC Administrator Candidate is expected fo understand and be able fo practice the teacher standards atthe level which will ‘enable them fo help teachers implement the standards in their classrooms. Rationale for your rating: Cand. | sitesupy. | SLC Supy 3 3 As a former educator, | have a thorough understanding of the Wisconsin Teacher Standards. (Over my years of experience I have been evaluated on my implementation of the standards ‘multiple times and have exceeded the expectations of my administrator ‘As an administrator, | have used my prior experience to guide my evaluations and Construction of the scope and sequence of our new technology plan. Students will be evaluated according fo the standards as well, 2. The administrator leads by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared by the school community. (Vision) A Wisconsin Principal will demonstrate proficient performance in the following knowledge and skills: ‘A. Use @ collaborative process for developing and implementing a vision for student achievement. B. Align the schools vision with the district and the community at large. G.Communicate and build support for the vision with stakeholders. 1. Support the vision by creating a results-oriented focus to increasing student achievement. E. Use data to inform the development, support, and evaluation of a shared vision and mission. F. Lead the process of setting and monitoring the goals based on the vision, G. Lead the change process to increase student achievement H. Construct and implement evaluation processes to assess the effectiveness of the schoo''s vision and progress toward goals. Rationale for your rating: Cand. | sitesupv. | sic supy | met this standard through our communication and collaboration of our technology ‘committee. We worked together on this committee that was composed of educators, parents, and community members. We put the plan together based on the scope and Sequence and standards. This committee will meet four times during the upcoming schoo} year to evaluate the plan. We have ownership at al levels of our program. 3 3 3. The administrator leads by advocating, nurturing and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to pupil learning and staff professional growth, (Instructional Program) A Wisconsin Principal will demonstrate proficient performance in the following knowledge and skilis: eo ™ mo 9 o> Establish high expectations and build organizational systems that result ina high performing school Create and implement a comprehensive, rigorous and coherent curricular program based on the Wisconsin Model ‘Academie Standards, Establish a learning environment with instructional programs that meet the diverse learning needs and interests of students ‘and leads to increased student achievement. ‘Supervise instruction and provide support to ensure staf is increasing achievement for every student. Faciltate and supervise staff in the design and use of standards-based assessments to evaluate student learning, identify interventions, report student progress, and increase student achievement. Promote a collegial learning culture that supports on-going professional development focused on achievement for every student. Monitor the use of differentiated strategies, materials, levels of student achievement. ‘Monitor and evaluate the impact of the instructional program for continuous improvement to assure high levels of student achievement, 1nd technologies to maximize instructional time and to ensure high Rationale for your rating: Cand. | sitesupv | stesupv | have met this standard by meeting with the public school to view their technology scope and | 3 3 sequence. This was to ensure that we have @ seamless program and will be conducive to students transitioning from our schoo! into the public school. Pupil learning is atthe forefront Cf everything we do and this has shown in their growth, 4, The administrator ensures management of the organization, operations, finances, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment (Management) A Wisconsin Principal will demonstrate proficient performance in the following knowledge and skills: A 8. c. 0. a on Develop, align, monitor, and evaluate management systems through short and long-term strategic planning processes to focus on student achievement. Recruit, select, induct, evaluate, supervise and retain highly qualified staff to support effective instructional practices that lead to high levels of student achievement. Establish and sustain a safe, efficient, heathy and productive school environment that nurtures student achievement and supports the well-being of students, staff, families and community, Identify, obtain, allocate, and monitor appropriate funds and other resources for the short and long-term educational needs of the students and staff ‘Model effective communication, decision-making, time management and current technology practices for schoo! ‘management and business procedures. Ensure teacher and organizational time is focused to support effective instruction to increase student achievement. Manage all aspects of the educational organization, including co-curricular and extra-curricular school programs. Establish and sustain distributed leadership to increase the achievernent of all students. Rationale for your rating: Cand. | site supv. | sicsupv In regards to this standard, | have been working on having a balance in the budget when it ‘comes to our school’s technology. We have purchased a great deal of technology in order to ‘enhance student leaming. By purchasing twenty Chromebooks and twenty tablets we are meeting the needs of our students in the twenty-first century 5.The administrator models collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources (Family/Community Relations) A Wisconsin Principal will demonstrate proficiont performance in the following knowledge and skills: ‘A. Attend, facilitate, and participate in school-wide and community events. B. Involve diverse commurity groups to develop trust, and to support and implement programs and services to increase student achievement, ©. Identity and use diverse community resources to develop and improve programs and partnerships and to meet the needs of all students and stakeholders. D. Collaborate with families, the community, service-providers, and other key decision-makers to increase student achievernent Recognize, respect and respond to the needs of diverse families and community groups. Create and sustain celebrations, traditions, and customs that promote awareness of and respect for diversity. Employ multiple communication strategies to engage and collaborate effectively with all stakeholders. Use culturally-responsive practices that acknowledge and value diversity, romm i T Rationale for your ratins Geant | aes late con 3 3 Part of our technology plan is making certain that we meet the diverse needs of our schoo! ‘community. With the knowledge of limited access to technology outside of school, we have Created technology nights at school, This will allow parents and students to use our school's technology. This will ensure the new equipment is utilized and that families that don't have ‘access to technology they can take part, Students with ited access to technology will also bbe given extra time to finish any school projects where technology is the main component. 6. The administrator acts with integrity, faimess, and in an ethical manner. (Ethics) A Wisconsin Principal will demonstrate proficient performance in the following knowledge and skills: ‘A. Formulate a building-level leadership platform grounded in ethical standards and practices that promotes a sense of Urgency for increasing achievement for every student B. Develop, implement and evaluate schoo! policies, programs and practices that ensure social justice, equity, confidertiaty, inclusion and respect between and among students, parents, faculty, and the community to support student achievement, ©. Know, understand, and articulate the relationships among social justice, culture and student achievement and promote programs to address inequites within the school community. D. Act with justice and faimess in applying federal laws, state laws and district policies as related to educational issues. E, Modal principles of self-awareness, reflective practice, transparency, and ethical behavior. Rationale for your rating: Sanat | romeo: SLC Supy “This standard will be met with the goals that | have mentioned in my fourth log. | willbe 3 demonstrating my knowledge of justice, faimess, respect among students, parents, and faculty to support student growth through the google forms to survey our school community ‘on the use of technology and if they feel itis being uflized to their full potential. The technology plan is being implemented school wide to create a level playing field forall learners and to allow they to all show achievement. 1. The administrator understands, responds to, and interacts with the larger political, social, economic, legal, and (Context affecting schooling) cultural context that affects schooling A Wisconsin Principal will demonstrate proficient performance in the following knowledge and skills: Foster collaborative relationships and generate suppor forthe school through open communication with local, state, and {federal decision-makers. ‘Advocate for school policies, programs and instructional practices that promote an equitable and culturally relevant instructional program. Identify and communicate emerging trends and issues likely to impact the school Ensure thatthe school complies with al legal, regulatory and policy requirements, A a c. _Bemonstate ugh persona acon, dexsons and expectations a respect, an appreciation of very 2 F Analyze and resolve school problems considering he larger political, social, cultural, economic and historical context Rationale for your rating: Coulee aon: ‘SLC Supy ‘This standard was met by my facilitating our main goal of updating technology in our school. | 3 We as a school community decided that technology has become a main idea in today's world ‘and wanted our students fo be able to show their knowledge through that avenue. Students Use this new technology in their learning of political, socal, and economic ideas that are ‘current in today's world, They are utilizing the technology to better understand the world around them and we as a staff are fostering that learning. 3 General Comments: Please initial each comment Silver Lake College Admii Le Disposition Assessment Rubric - Practicum rsh Program Candidate Gregory Balza License #10 Director of Instruction Assessor Kaye Jacobs Date 08/04/15 Assessor Gregory Balza Date 08/03/15 Dispositions are observed and reported in all program work. Descriptors for each disposition are found in the table below and are ‘examples only. Other descriptors may also apply and may be added in the Comments area. Please rate and intial each disposition providing, at minimum, a general explanatory comment. Rubric used to assess evidence of candidate's dispositions M.— Met Routinely exhibits the behavior consistent with the disposition, NM - Not Met Frequently exhibits behavior contrary to the disposition D_- Developing- Values the disposition and is working to develop habits of action consistent with i NO - Not Observed Not observed in this context - (of concern oniy iit appears consistently overtime). Dispo ‘Comments: Please initial | y ay, sition jour comment and rating. pierre. + Program Descriptors ti ry were and © (GB) 1 Provides resources & materials for other cancdates & program personnel | gaduat degrees 7 « Participates in online discussion and shares ideas learning from the ‘Lake College, !have been well Application in Practice Eereicneenigt po have peers fat n my + Expresses postive atitude in seminar siscussion, provide usetul feedback | Save hoarse hry to other candidates completing culminating demos ‘corns role (38) 2 | + Puts others betore self apes me re Oe | + Seetstoemponer cher inworing tomar goss rather than "ommane” | lh’ armen" B | them Share our new ecneogy plan 3 and ay 1 Sy plows hour | 2 row tat (8), ‘ae | = In discussions with Gregory | M (KJ) Bala th porcooton have gared’s hate says vate Fats inptn mating decsion, Gregor continues be of got hep ors n impomening es ard pans “ persons. Respect for + Broaram Descriptors + Selects resources tha include dversity-elated issues + Pays attention to others’ reactions during seminar discussion + Career Doseriptors + Speaks wel of cstict personnel and peers 1 Speaks respect of stucents and peers, even when discussing problems. + ‘Considerate ofthe time and expertise of others Thave doveloped a Technovoay plan that al students wil Benet from. This pan does not exclude any studeni based on their at ame tochnology ‘cess. We share our resources with thoso studonts ‘and families. (G8) In creating the technology plan, Twas respoctiul of al new ideas ‘and didnot allow any person to leave out their idoa. Wo iscussed each option to see it ltwould work for us. (6B) (Mr, Batea has created an ideal {technology plan that adheres fo {the environment of his schoo. The purpose of his projects and plans are to enhance a! Students education while Including the ideas of other staf members as well as students ‘and thei fami. He is very ‘complimentary of everyone at St Mary's School (Ki) M(B) MK) Collaboration ‘+ Program Descriptors * Keeps competency mentor-instructors informed of progress and findings, | + Volunteers to work with other candidates as needed * Spends time wih other candidates and program personnel + Career Descriptors + Describes collaborative experiences postive and constructively * Uses "we" more frequently than "T when speaking of leadership and acministratve work + Tistens for understanding Collaboration isan extromaly important role, especialy 8 rector of instruction. When ‘creating our scope and ‘Sequence fr tachnalogy | Collaborates with many Inswisuas: such as, public ‘school team, parents, students, ‘and teachers (GB) 1 have worked with our ‘maintenance personal o instal ‘new wireless sysiom in our building. it was greet fo work wat rim to come up with tho ‘best possible solution for our seheo!. (6) Gregory postvely encoureges Continuous progression at St Mary's Schoo! whe taking nto ‘2ccount the value ofthe ideas of others. He makes sure ‘members are inlided and fee! {hat they are an integral part of planning. (KA) MGB) MKS) Honesty + Program Descriptors * Uses aporopriate cations of professional readings and resources + Career Descriptors + Provides letters of recommendation that atest o character and behavior {Faces ciffclt issues with openness and honesty We asa schoo, Fad to make ‘some hard decisions in regards tw our technology department. | have shown honesty through ‘he resuetion ofa staff mombor {0 better utize our schoo! ‘budget and alow for ample ‘growth in our technologies. (GB) ‘consider Gregory to be very professionel in making decisions ‘and recommendations and also working with others in various ways. Hos honest with othors ‘ard handles dict situations ‘postive way. (Kd) WCB) McKay = Program Descriptors Teanve tis my responsi | (GB) + Shows postive attude in discussion at seminars and with | ude hese actons as we Sto rain id var! shai wath | gue tase actors a + Meets program deadiines, attends seminars and program activities Pirelhatpe aiid * Commis to program expectations eae = | + Consistent checks:in for seminar attendance Saoiisrale tf ny 2 | + Career Descriptors ‘esponsiy 1 make sure that | + Makes concerted efor to understand and teach students wit diflering | a eachers ae uizng the new E | “ean styles and abies technology fof ul potential. g + Meets the expectations of a professional educator (G8) + Provides recommendation letters that atest responsibilty seen by oe Gregory is very efficient at M(K) blog, implementing. and valeting projects, proposals, Sind ectos ta i meter bene at stdents. 0) + Proaram Deserstos “The goa ofthe technology pran_| Mi (GB) + Work presented evidences efforts to work with and understand how ‘is to create opportunities for all student with fering laming styles and diferent abies can be helped | Seis eer at er own & toleam —- —— 5 | « Shows postive atiude toward students in discussion at seminars and with | {22109 resources wit afow § |, prooram personne! roach al eamors (68) 3 | « Career Descriotors E | « Seeks to differentiate instruction Teachers are able to use tne 3 | + le supportive of teachers in their efforts to hep all students learn ‘ow tecoelogy to enhance 5 insicion and low 3 diterertaing teaching i techniques. (68) 3 'n proving the teachers and 3 students with added tools for M (KJ) learning, Grogery has provised ‘suger wth more ‘atonal opportunites (ki) ~ Proaram Descriptors tay al og has show ry goal] (GB) « Articulates appropriate “next steps” for own continued learning. See tie, * Pampas aeiely end cntbutes postive 0 goup work the 2 map ond een g | :SarmerDescei Sf witwor tough | + Relates professional growth fo the ultimate goal of student learning Sites and mod what we | + Evidences respect forall students in therefor to lean, can do blir. (08) g 3 Continuous evaluation opens | ¥4 (Ks) wil only el 0 reach goals and make progress, Grogrys Commiied fo ataiing goals thet, wa Poin eveyone at St i: Ian's Shoot. (h General Comment Mr, Gregory Balza is extremely dedicated to enhancing all aspects of education within his school. With the input of others, he has created a solid technology plan that will be well implemented and evaluated. This will be very beneficial to all of the students at St. Mary's School. Gregory Balza Director of Instruction Vision of Change Arriving at St. Mary School over a year ago, | came with an open mind to develop an understanding of their mission and vision. While within my first year, | learned the importance of growing into a community and becoming that active administrator who parents, students, and teachers can trust and confide in. As | grew into this role, | saw that our technology vision was unclear and needed attention. | made this my priority; to take our technology vision and develop it into a strong, driving factor for our school. Along this journey, | learned some significant things that | would use in my future decisions. | learned the importance of teamwork, collaboration, the importance of the ‘common good. Technology is an ever changing area where | believe the idea of “the more heads the better’ comes into full fruition. Each person brings new ideas, experiences, and resources to the table. With this being said, we developed an outstanding sub-committee of parents and teachers to drive our new technology plan We met over the preliminary year together to share ideas and progress for our school. ‘Our teamwork allowed us to develop our scope and sequence, install new wireless in the building, and purchase forty new devices to enhance instruction. Another important skill was collaboration between many individuals. Without proper communication, people do not show ownership and are not validated for their information they bring to the table. We collaborated with other parents, teachers, students, public school individuals, etc. This collaboration led our team to make the best decision for our technology plans. This idea leads me to my final significant growth: ideas of the greater good. We knew that not all changes made were going to be accepted by all. We knew we had to follow our vision, work together, and involve many people to ensure acceptance for the greater good. We had to create a plan that the greater good could appreciate and accept. Alll individuals may not have agreed with everything done, but the overall plan was approved because it was well thought out and proof was shown to all that it was in the best interest of the students. These are only some of the significant | learned in this experience. A belief about educational leadership that has evolved during this experience is the time and energy needed to carry out a vision, especially a vision of change. As | grew up | heard people around me say “change is hard.” | now completely understand this phrase and how hard change can be at work, home, etc. | have spent hours over the last year developing our technology plan to better our students. This journey will not be over this year. | will pick up where we left off in spring and continue to push and change for the betterment of our school during this year. The time and energy it takes is all worth it in the end. | am waiting to implement our new scope and sequence this upcoming school year and see this change taking place. We will have infiltrated the system and change will be seen. We cannot stop there; we will need to spend some more time and energy to reflect on our changes to ensure we are on the correct track. We will collect data and make any changes we feel necessary for our students. Looking back, | do not reject any time or energy that | spent on this vision. We created this vision to prove change is hard but completely doable and worth all the hard work My self-assessment relating to the practicum is strong because once again | was able to live this role throughout the entire year. | believe | grew much in the area of instruction because | was able to truly take control and make some of these decisions for our school. One of those dispositions | took extremely seriously was responsibility. | took the role that it is my responsibilty to be the element of change for our school in the area of technology. It was my responsibility to develop a vision, create a plan, implement the standards, and evaluate after some time past. This responsibility was hard because | was a lead person who was new to the school and role. Working together as a team, people each did different parts and reported back tome. My responsibility was to put all these pieces together to better serve our students. Prior to this, my experience was only bringing pieces to the table. It was sure different when people were bringing you pieces to fit into the puzzle. | also learned it was my responsibility to share these pieces with the entire group. This helped make better decisions as we were all in understanding and communicating. All the dispositions are important and play a part in education. This practicum has rekindled my fire that change is important and necessary. It also showed me that change has to be done properly and methodologically. Change is hard, but is important and can be accepted with great collaboration and communication by all individuals. | know that when | stop changing, the education career can no longer be an option for me. | am happy to say that | still have the element of change in me and | hope it was visible with the changes made during my director of instruction practicum.

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