Vessey World History I Classroom Expectations and Procedures Syllabus 2015-2016

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6th grade World History I

Classroom Expectations and Procedures

Students: please do not wait until the end of each grading period to become concerned with your
performance, take an active role in you learning. The key to success of the class is to stay focused and listen to
your classmates (and me, of course). Maturity and respect will be expected.
Classroom Expectations
Respect each other
o In class do not interrupt, show disrespect to, or disturb other students, the teacher, or guests while
they are speaking.
NO gum, food or drinks in class.
NO cheating or plagiarism.
o a zero, detention and e-mail home
ALL electronic devices (i.e. cell phone, pagers, IPods, etc.) must be put away during class! Use of these
items during class will result in confiscation unless otherwise advised by Ms.Vessey.
Come prepared to class everyday!
Students will follow all other school behavior policies and dress code.
Responsibility for Yourself
Bring all required materials to class each day! The teacher will not be providing extra materials for you.
The materials you need include: your planner, workbook, folder with notebook paper, colored
pencils/crayons and TWO erasable pens or two pens (blue or black) and rolling whiteout.
o There will be material checks throughout the year.
Attendance is mandatory and will be taken at the beginning of each class period.
o Students must be in their assigned seats at the beginning of class, or they will be counted tardy!
o Any absence(s) must be excused by the office to make up any work. Any unexcused absence(s)
will result in an automatic zero on missed assignment(s).
Late Work Policy
Late assignments will lose 20% for the first week
After one week, assignments will lose 50%.
After two weeks, assignments will receive zeroes
Other Rules/Procedures
The bell does not dismiss you, I DO! Please stay seated until dismissed.
When a guest teacher is in the classroom, the same rules and procedures apply. Students are expected to
treat them with the same respect as any other staff member in the school.
Passing time should be used by students to get materials, get a drink, use the restroom, etc. Students may
use the bathroom during class in emergency cases only!
Progress reports on grades will be given according to a total point system. See Student Handbook for
exact percentages and corresponding letter grades.
Grades include any projects, homework, homework checks, tests and quizzes and class participation.
A. Grades will be organized into specific categories and each category will be assigned a specific

a. Assessments 25%
b. Class work/Homework 45%
c. Projects 10%
d. Participation 20%
B. Grades are available through the Coolsis, please ask the office for an username and password if you do
not already have one. Also, progress reports are sent home periodically throughout the year.
Extra Credit
Extra Credit will be given on an individual basis. To receive extra credit, students must follow the
following steps and requirements:
o 1. Students must have 67 percent in the class at the time of the request.
Students are capped at 20 extra credit points per semester.
Promotion Policy
Please reference your student handbook for promotion policies.
**In order to be SUCCESSFUL, you must be an active participant in your learning. This means you need to be
organized, participate in classroom activities, ask questions and make sure you are turning in assignments**
Major Topics covered in World History I
Early Humans
Ancient Egypt
Origins of Judaism
Kush Empire
Ancient India
Origins of Hinduism
The Shang Dynasty
The Han Dynasty
The Persian Wars
Ancient Rome
Origins of Christianity

A1 inch binder
Loose leaf paper (college ruled)
At least TWO erasable pens or pens with
rolling whiteout (blue or black ink ONLY)
Colored pencils or crayons
Planner (for purchase through LSE)

During the course of the year in World History TV shows, movies and other audiovisual resources may be shown in
class (more than likely we will view clips rather than entire features). The content of these support materials are always pre
screened by Ms. Vessey and relevant to the content being taught at that particular period in class. The ratings of these
audiovisual recourses range from PG to PG-13.
It is my understanding that Lotus does not necessarily support all that is portrayed in the movie, but does recognize
its educational value. You may contact the teacher with any questions.
By signing the syllabus form I have given my child permission to view the audiovisual recourses relevant to the
content in this class.
I have read the above information very carefully and fully understand what my responsibilities are for this class. I fully accept
and understand the consequences of my actions should I choose to violate any of the procedures/expectations listed above.
Please sign and return to Ms. Vessey (World History).
No textbooks will be checked out to students until this is signed and returned.
Student Name

Parent Name

Student Signature


Parent Signature


Parent E-mail This is a crucial form of communication and the best way to get a hold of me as well!

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