Writing Assignment 1

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Pfotzer ~ Senior English

Writing Assignment #1: Hero Essay Assignment
(CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.12.3b and12.4)
Assignment Summary:
A hero is someone we look up to or admire because of his or her
outstanding qualities or achievements. A hero can be someone
close to us, such as a relative, friend or neighbor. They may also
include stars of today: athletes, actors, musicians, or artists. They
can also include ordinary people who were put into extraordinary
circumstances and behaved heroically. A hero could also include
people who may lead their lives quietly helping others. Discussions
about heroes are constant themes across history and literature
texts and one that we will cover in this course. Heroes are
individuals who emerge to perform great deeds or challenge our
view of the world.
You are writing in a narrative form that will also inform the reader on
your views of what it means to be a hero. After the writing of this
assignment, you will then use the information you gather to work in
a group setting and create a presentation to the class on your
combined discoveries about your heroes.
You are writing this for yourself, but remember that this essay will
also be shared with your selected group for the project that will
You will be writing a 5-paragraph essay with a guiding thesis. Each
paragraph should begin with a topic sentence and the subsequent
sentences in that paragraph should follow that topic sentence. (See
Grading Rubric)
Complete this table to get started.

What is a definition
of a hero?

What are the

extraordinary qualities
of a hero?

Who is the person

you selected and
why did you select

Focus Correction Areas (FCA)

You will be writing a 5-paragraph essay with a guiding thesis. Each
paragraph should begin with a topic sentence and the subsequent
sentences in that paragraph should follow that topic sentence.
1.) 5 paragraph essay - 10 points
2.) Clearly stated thesis statement - 10 points
3.) Well developed paragraphs that are supported with a topic
sentence - 10 points
The assignment must be submitted through your Google drive
account. Type the essay directly in Google, and then simply share
with me upon completion.


worth 30 Points

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