Learning Service

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Alejandra Hernandez

Prof. Catherine Giddings
Summer Semester 2015

Service Learning Reflection

I did my service hours at the Childrens Center in Kearns. I help with the class called
Team 4 for five Tuesdays between 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. The Childrens Center as its website
http://www.tccslc.org describes was founded in 1962 by Agnes M. Plenk Ph.D. The Children's
Center began as a preschool in a community church. Some of the children attending the
preschool struggled with severe behavior problems. At times, Dr. Plenk (fondly known as Agi)
had to explain to parents that their child was too disruptive and could not return.
The response of one mother changed Agi's approach to these children forever. You are
the one person in the community who can help, the mother said, and you're turning us away.
Under Agi's inspiring leadership, The Children's Center committed to its mission, which is to
provide comprehensive mental health care to enhance the emotional well-being of infants,
toddlers, preschoolers and their families.
Each year more than 2,000 families come to The Children's Center seeking help with a
variety of problems. We work with families who are experiencing a divorce or separation and
need help learning how to manage two households. We work with the child who is being
expelled from preschool because of severe bouts of aggression. We help the child diagnosed with
Autism Spectrum Disorder. We help families learn to effectively manage their child's complex
developmental needs.
They have a Therapeutic Preschool Program in which I was working during my time as
volunteer. The first weeks I was impressed by the level of aggressiveness of many children. They
beat each other, would be kicked their teachers and said bad words. Some of them threw chairs
against the floor, screaming or not followed instructions.
When they entered the classroom all changed. I could see to these children calmer, they
payed attention when the teacher was reading a story or when they did their daily school
activities. The team working with them is really wonderful; they have the tools to control and
treat these children with love. They make them feel important and loved although in their homes
they may not receive these expressions of love.

The team four have eight kids, most of them boys between four or five years old. Before I
finished my service we received a girl. The day begin with a short activity where they sit in a
blanket and the teacher can teach something related to their bodies like the size of their hands,
feet, opposites objects, etc. If they behave well they are rewarded with a small cookie, candy or
After that, they play in the playground for 45 minutes. They like to running and play to
tiki monster. The last weeks I was tiki monster and I had lots of fun with them during this time.
Then they go to the classroom, eat their lunch, and play with different kinds of toys. Also, they
have a time for a reading where they sit in mats with their names and try to pay attention to the
story. Many cannot be quiet for long time, but they do their best effort. The teacher then prepare
a classroom activity in the table like painting, playing with cornstarch and water or creating a
coconut tree. All the activities are funny and dynamics. They play again with toys, have a snack
and finally they have a time to go to the playground before they leave the preschool. These three
hours go fast.
They have charismatic teachers. I was really impressed with Judy, a teacher with more
than 15 years of experience who had worked in the School District, Head Start Program and with
the Childrens Center for the last seven years. She uses different techniques to catch the attention
of these kids, she pays them attention and play with them like if she is another child. This
country needs more teachers like her. Also, Ashley was the teacher of team four during the time I
was working as volunteer. She is so kind with their students, but also can control them when they
dont behave in the right way. Brianne is another teacher who works with team four. She told me
that they need more volunteers in Kearns. I hope that more students of this class can have the
experience of work at the Childrens Center in Kearns.
In conclusion, this experience was rewarding to me because I saw these kids with
behavioral problems with great love. They need someone who run the extra mile and cares about
them, people who understand their needs and help them to learn in the way they can do it. I could
understand why my child with autism is behaving in a certain way and I learned techniques that
can help him.
I think that government could give more support to organizations like this because many
children are living traumatic situations in their homes and they need lot of help to learn and to
know that they are valuable and important. Also, families need much help when facing problems
or having children with special needs and they do not know what to do or where to go.

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