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The pie charts show the percentage of occupation between

male and female of Great britain in 1992 . there is 6 different

occupation types , Which is clasified by different types of
manual and non manual occupation .
The most popular male occupation is manual . but for Female ,
The most popular occupation is non manual . we can see the
small percentage of general laboures between female and
male are the same .
The large percentage of managerial and professional
occupation is male with percentage 36 % and female is only 29
% . For female the large occupation percentage is clerical or
related with 31 % , but for man is smaller just 6 % . we can see
the difference between female and male in occupation of craft
or similar is male with 24 % but female just 3%.
In conclusion, The two different chart clearly shows that the
occupation is influenced by sex .

The pie charts shows the percentage of occupations between the male
and femalepopulations of Great britain in 1992 . There are 6 different
occupation types, which are clasifiedin terms of manual and non
manual occupations.
The most popular male occupation type is
manual. However, for females, the most popular occupation type is
non-manual. We can see the small percentage of
general labourers between female and male are the same.
A great percentage of managerial and professional occupation is male
with 36 % and female atonly 29%. For female, the large occupation
percentage is clerical or related with 31 % , but
formales its smaller at just 6%. We can see the difference between
female and male in theoccupation of craft or similar is 24% for
males but just 3% for females.
In conclusion, the two different charts clearly show that
occupations are influenced by sex

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