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Gurman gill | Health 7E |

Why Eating Healthy Is Important

-Introduction (motivating)
-different types of lifestyles that vary on food
-outcomes of eating good, and eating bad
-thesis statement
-brief outline of points in conclusion such as energy levels, moods, experiences, (long
term and short term effects)
Pictures comparing two lifestyles of different eating habits

Different Types of Diets

-Second topic
-diseases issued with eating wrong, addictions
-define different types of diets
-side effects, physically (relate back to topic 1)
Pictures showing what diseases to do your inside, and the physical state of people
with eating disorders,

Identifying Healthy Foods

-Third Topic
-5 food groups (define terms and give examples)
-proteins, carbohydrates, e.g. (define terms and give examples)
-portion control relating with the points/terms above
-charts, definitions, graphs, facts
-relate back to topic 1
Pictures relating to portion control, 5 food groups, food pyramid,


The Temptations of Everyday Life

-talk about media
-lies in packaging
-fast foods, what not to eat or what little to eat of those foods
-what happens when you dont eat healthy foods
-relate back to topic 1 (temptations) and topic 2, (diets and diseases)
Pictures relating to media temptations/stereotypes, nutrition label lies, fast food
statistics, diseases caused by obesity, (plugging of arteries)

So Then What Should You Eat?

-Fourth Topic
-everyday examples for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks
-portion control with these examples
-add facts and statistics (make this relatable)
-relate back to topic 1
Delicious looking healthy meal, image example showing portion control of a normal
meal, statistics (graphs and charts) about recipes made at home

Healthy Eating Means Healthy Living!

-relate back to thesis statement
-mimic points of introduction
-include more facts and examples
-say more about importance and effects in everyday life (exercise)
-little comparison of two life styles, what healthy foods contain, what to stay away
from, everyday healthy foods, and importance of eating (summary of whole report)
Pictures of happy looking people that represent healthy eating and living




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