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March 1, 2016

Dear [101.9 MIX MUSIC]:

The Make-A-Wish foundation of Chicago Illinois and I would like to introduce to you our
event, Carnival for a Cause, that will take place at Millennium Park on Saturday, August
6 and Sunday, August 7, 2016.
This event is a great opportunity for families of the children, volunteers, sponsors, donors
and the Chicagoland residents to gather together to enjoy a fun, two-day carnival. The
carnival is dedicated to supporting the Make-A-Wish foundation in our future endeavors
of granting childrens wishes.
We would love for you to be a part of this event to help the children and the organization
be able to grant their wishes. Since the event will be going on the 6th and 7th of August,
2016, it will create a lot of attention. We do not want you to miss out on covering this
event. This event will be relevant to Mix listeners because it will inform them of a
meaningful event that they can participate in and create a direct impact for their local
Chicagoland communities.
The Make-A-Wish foundation and I are looking forward to working with you to cover this
event and inform the public about it.
Thank you for your time,

Danielle Naccarato
206 W. Willow
Normal, IL 61761
(630) 398-7046

Make-A-Wish Illinois

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

640 N. LaSalle Drive, Suite 280

Contact: Jaclyn Frighetto

Chicago, IL 60654-6754

Phone: (708)921-3916




Chicago, Ill.- Make-A-Wish will be hosting a carnival in Millennium Park on Saturday,
August 6 and Sunday, August 7. The carnival is open to the public. Single day tickets
are $50 and two-day tickets are $75.
The carnival will have two concerts, one on each day. Ariana Grande will perform on
Saturday, and Nick Jonas will perform on Sunday. They have volunteered to perform
at the event, as they are known supporters of the organization. The cost of the ticket
includes access to the concerts. All funds will go to Make-A-Wish.
Food stands will be open to guests from restaurants including Jimmy Johns, Chipotle,
Portillos, and Pizzeria Uno. Although the costs for the food are not included in the price
of the ticket, 20% of the proceeds will be donated to Make-A-Wish.
The purpose of the carnival is for people to have fun while we make a profit so that we
can grant more wishes. The event is mainly geared towards children, as they are our
main focus, but the cool thing is that everyone can go. We have a lot of special things
planned to make it amazing so be sure to come, said Signature Events Coordinator
Kelsey Regan.
Tickets can be purchased online at or you can
call Make-A-Wishs main number (312)602-9474. Seniors and children under 12 have a
reduced ticket rate of $25.
For additional questions or concerns, visit our website or contact Kelsey Regan at
(312) 602-9430.

. .

The Make-A-Wish Foundation was founded in 1980 by Frank Shankwitz, Linda Bergendahl-Pauling
and Scott Stahl. The foundation has granted the wishes of 200 thousand children and young
teens with life threatening medical conditions. Make-A-Wish continues to grow everyday with over
25 thousand volunteers providing support and giving children, parents and families hope. These
volunteers give up much of their time to make a difference, including celebrities like Nick Jonas and
Ariana Grande. They assist the foundation by creating hope and inspiring others to volunteer and
make life changing experiences.
A seven-year-old boy named Chris Greicius inspired the Make-A-Wish Foundation. While battling
leukemia, Chris befriended a U.S. customs officer named Tommy Austin. Austin found out that it
was young Chris dream to one day become a police officer. Austin did everything he could to make
that dream become a reality. He got Chris his very own uniform and a very special helicopter ride.
Sadly, Chris passed away shortly after his wish came true, but this one wish inspired people. People
took notice to how happy Chris was during his time with the police officers. After the wish Chris left
everyone who had helped him, people he helped, and his parents with the feeling of joy. This was
when the Make-A-Wish Foundation was formed.
Originally the Make-A-Wish Foundation was named after Chris to be the Chris Greicius Make-A-Wish
Memorial. The first donation Make-A-Wish received was from a grocery store for $15 after they heard
of Chris story. Soon, after a few months, almost 2 thousand dollars had been donated which was
enough to grant another sick childs wish come true. Chris inspired the Make-A-Wish Foundation to
become a reality and after Chris, the first child to officially have his wish granted was Frank Salazar.
Frank had a similar wish to Chris. Frank wanted to be a firefighter. The Phoenix Fire Department
heard about this and helped make Franks wish come true. The firefighters got Frank his own uniform
and let him blast the fire engines horn and use the firehose. His wish was granted and he and his
family greatly appreciated all the foundation was able to do for them. Soon after this, the media got
word of what had happened and they inspired many to help Frank and his family even more. Frank
got more wishes granted. He went on a hot air balloon ride and went to Disneyland. However, soon
after all his wishes were granted, Frank returned to the hospital and passed away shortly after.
It did not take long for the rest of the country to catch on to the idea of granting wishes and how they
could have a serious effect on a childs life and everyone else involved. Make-A-Wish Foundations
goal, ever since Chris Greicius wish was granted, has be to grant as many wishes as possible and
make dreams come true for all the young boys and girls that need hope and joy in their lives now.
They might not get another opportunity in their life for their wish to come true.
For more information, go to

. .
Debbie Purcell

Tonisha Daniel

Daryl Mah Thomann

Signature Events Director

Volunteer Coordinator

Chief Operating Officer

(312) 602-9424

(312) 602-9440

(312) 602-9415

Debbie Purcell has served in

her position since 2005 She
provides regular supervisory
direction and review to
Community Fundraising
Program staff and multiple
volunteer leadership
committees with responsibility
for all fundraising events. She
also ensures the ongoing
effectiveness of our event
programs including volunteer
management, donor relations,
sponsorship sales, logistical
management, evaluation and
achievement of the financial
goals of the organization.

Tonisha Daniel has served in

her position since 2014. She
is responsible for assisting
the Signature Events Director
in overseeing the adequate
and efficient performance of
volunteer services. She is
also responsible for creating
nurturing relationships that
provide a sense of satisfaction
and achievement to the
volunteer. In addition, she
schedules and provides tours
to visitors and assists the
Development Coordinator with
public relations, marketing and
fund development efforts.

Daryl Thomann has served in

her position since 2001. She
plays a critical role in strategic
planning and executing for
the growth and evolution of
the organization. Overseeing
the day-to-day operations of
Make-A-Wish Illinois, she is
responsible for leading and
managing a comprehensive
array of services and programs.
She leads nine Directors
delivered across Accounting/
Finance, Human Resources,
Marketing/Communications, and
IT Functions, encompassing 3
locations, over 200 partners and
nearly 300 staff and volunteers.

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