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Advance Art

Class Syllabus

*Ms. Rumler: 584-7486 ex 47484

ex 47493

The rules in this document are made not only to protect the equipment and supplies available in this school, but
are also made to enable you, as students in this class, to have the freedom to learn about art in a safe and orderly
environment. You will be asked to sign a statement saying that you agree to follow the rules outlined below.
Equipment & Supplies
1. Keep desks clean. (inside and out)
2. Students are assigned trays to store works in progress, notebooks & grade slips.
3. You are responsible for all tools and equipment. All tools are collected and counted before class is dismissed.
Misuse of supplies will result in a loss of privileges. Students who abuse supplies will be charged for them.
4. A cover-up like an old shirt is recommended.(Your teacher is not responsible for any damage done to your clothing)
5. Students will use the materials given. Otherwise, ask for assistance.
6. Because we use consumable products in this class attached is a supply list. Each student will need to purchase the
supplies for their personal use for this class. Please have all supplies by the second week of school.

Studio Points
*Every day you earn 5 studio points by doing the following..
1. Be prepared & on time (Having your I.D, pencil, folder and current project are considered being prepared)
2. Participate.
3. Follow directions.
4. Respect yourself and others.
5. Clean up properly. Each student will be asked to do a clean-up job at one time or another throughout the semester.
Please comply when called upon without hesitation or back talk.


Assignments will be returned after the grade has been recorded or after display.
Sufficient class time is allotted for assigned work. Due dates will be posted and announced.
There will be vocabulary quizzes.
Work & studio points can be made up by coming in during conference time.
Students are responsible for understanding the assigned work. If there is any doubt about the assignment or if the
explanation of the problem was missed, it is the duty of the student to set up a conference with the teacher to make
up missed work.
Make-up is to be done before or after school not during class time.
Excessive absences & tardies may affect your grade.
All make up work from suspensions must be turned in the day you return.
Students are expected to stay in assigned seats unless otherwise specified. Conversation with other students should
be art related. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.

1. The quarter grade will result from adding all class assignments, quizzes, tests and studio points earned by following
the class rules.
2. First quarter points are added to second quarter to get the semester points and grade.
3. It is possible to pass the course by never doing more than the minimum requirement, but extra time spent in class
results in more participation points. Be sure to sign the log-in sheet.
4. Keep all graded assignments to check accuracy of grades, should any differences occur, the grade slip must be
shown to the teacher for correction.
5. Students are expected to show continuous improvement in the work submitted for grades.

We will use Making the Grade and upload a minimum of two scores once a week.
Teachers will assess student learning in a variety of ways over time.
The progress report grade will be reported as a letter grade based on the following
Evaluative Feedback Grading Scale:
Falls Far Below

Rules and Regulations for Students

1. No eating or drinking in class. Items will be thrown away. Water bottles are OKAY.
2. A tardy student will enter the classroom quietly and must sign the tardy sheet. Being tardy to this class will result in
loss of studio points for the day. The school tardy policy will be enforced.
3. No electronic devices. This includes phones, music devices, or games. (Having these things out during class will
result in loss of daily studio points. If this becomes a problem (chronic usage) then referrals and parent contact will
4. Passes are not given the first/last 15 minutes of class.
5. The school dress code will be enforced.

Safety Rules
Art classrooms have many hazards. Under the best circumstances accidents could easily occur. Responsible behavior is
not only expected but required.
1. Horseplay is unsafe and will not be tolerated.
2. Keep the floor clean of liquids and articles that might cause a person to fall. Place all scrap and waste material in
proper containers.
3. Know your exits in case of an emergency. In case of a fire alarm, stop work. Go out the door and turn left, go
outside to the 22nd street fence and walk left until you get to the basketball court. All students must report to the
4. Tossing or throwing of objects is not permitted.
5. Report defective equipment to the instructor immediately.
6. Report any injuries to the instructor.

Teacher Copy:
Student Name
Art Class Contract!
I have read and will follow the rules given for the Art class. I have discussed the
procedures and grading policy with my legal guardians. Should there be any questions
about the rules, grading, or procedures I will talk to the teacher immediately or have my
legal guardian call:
Student:(signed)______________________________________________ Period: __________
Parent Signature: (printed)__________________________________________
(signed)___________________________________________ Date: _____
Phone number and/ or email address:

Students Name:

Cell Phone/Music Player Policy


My signature on this paper acknowledges that I understand the cell phone/music player rules and expectations as
outlined in TUSDs Students Rights and Responsibilities document. The first time my teacher sees me with a cell
phone/music player he/she will warn me and direct me to put it away. The next time, he/she will issue me a lunch
detention and a phone call will be made home to inform my parent/guardian of my continued violation by the end
of the day. Should the problem persist for a third time, the phone will be taken and given to an administrator and
my parent or guardian may pick it up at the end of the day.
Log of infractions:
Action Taken:

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