Stacey Welsh Resume

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1530 NW Crossroads Apt. 418 San Antonio, TX 78251 | | 214-535-8336

KFOX14 and CBS4, El Paso, TX
Eastside Bureau Reporter
July 2013 July 2015
-Covered East El Paso and surrounding cities; topics included city government, local school districts, border issues
and breaking news
-Experience working with photographers to go live in the field
-Wrote web stories and maintained station Twitter and Facebook accounts

CNN, Washington, DC
Medical Unit Intern
January 2013 May 2013
-Researched and assisted with health and medical stories to air on CNN newscasts
-Attended government hearings on health care policies and wrote stories for

KOMU8, Columbia, MO
Multimedia Journalist and Web Editor
September 2009 January 2013
-Wrote, shot and edited package news stories and anchored morning and evening newscasts
-Utilized AP style when writing web stories from press releases, added photos and links to web stories
-Facilitated assignment desk by filing story tips, answering newsroom emails and fielding phone calls, Columbia, MO
Writer and Producer
January 2012 September 2012
-Wrote and edited multi-source news analysis stories on deadline to be published online and mobile devices

Televisin Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Documentary Production Intern
May 2011 August 2011
-Created a short documentary project on an Argentine prison reform group
-Conducted interviews, wrote the documentary script and communicated with supervisors in Spanish

MUTV executive board, Columbia, MO

News Director
August 2010 May 2011
-Produced and anchored MUTV 23 News, a newscast aired on Mizzous student-run television station

KBIA public radio, Columbia, MO

January 2011 May 2011
-Wrote, recorded voice track and edited general assignment radio stories to air on the NPR affiliate

University of Missouri
Bachelor of Radio-Television Journalism 2013, Minor in Spanish
3.6 GPA

Technical skills
Experience editing using Avid, Final Cut Pro and iMovie software
Ability to shoot video using a variety of cameras
Experience maintaining professional social media accounts
Knowledge of XHTML and CSS webpage coding

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