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Principle of


Principle of Holistic

The early childhood

curriculum reflects the
holistic way children
learn and grow.

Strand 1: Well-being Mana Atua

Children experience an environment where their
health is promoted and their emotional well-being is
Goals: Children will develop..
an ability to identify their own emotional
responses and those of others;

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be

upon him) said "The faithful, in their love for
one another and in their having mercy for
one another and in their kindness toward one
another, are like one body; when a member
of it ails, all (the parts of) the body call one
another (to share the pain) through
sleeplessness and fever." (Muslim)

Children learn through

responsive and
reciprocal relationships
with people, places,
and things.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be

upon him) said Anas (Allah be pleased with
him) relates that the Messenger of Allah (peace
and blessings be upon him) said, None of you
believes until they love for their brother
what they love for themselves. (Bukhari and

Strand 5: Exploration Mana Aotroa

They develop working theories for making sense
of the natural, social, physical, and material

Strand 3: Contribution
Children experience an environment where they are
encouraged to learn with and alongside others.

Goals: children will develop...

Goals: children will develop..

Theories about social relationships and

social concepts, such as friendship,
authority and social rules and
Respect for one another and develop a
sense of responsibility for the well-being of
both living and the non living environment

a range of strategies for solving conflicts in

peaceful ways, and a perception that peaceful
ways are best.

A sense of responsibility and respect for the

needs and wellbeing of the group including
taking responsibility for the group decisions.

Strand 4: Communication
Children experience an environment where they develop verbal communication skills for a range of purposes.
Goals: children will develop
language skills for increasingly complex purposes such as stating and asking other about intentions;
expressing feelings and attitudes and asking others about feelings and attitudes; negotiating, predicting,
planning. Reasoning, guessing, story-telling; and using the language of probability, including words
such as might, cant always, never and sometimes.

Learning Outcomes for children over two:

Children will..
Realize that within social settings they have to co-operate, share, listen to each other, take
turns, share their ideas/emotions/intentions, etc
Learn to respect each other and give each other space and time when necessary ,i.e. child
doesnt want to play and wants to be alone.
Understand that their actions have consequences for others
Learn that there are rules and that breaking rules have consequences for them
Develop language to share their emotions, stating intention, reasoning and guessing
Learn to solve conflicts by talking through or asking a teacher for help, rather than using
hands and feet
Realize that as Muslims we have a duty to care and respect each other as well as the
Learning Outcomes for children under two/toddlers:
Children will

Begin to develop language to state their opinions, intentions and emotions

Begin to feel that their actions have consequences that affect others.
Begin to develop social language i.e. please, thank you, can I have a turn, stop it etc
Begin to develop concept of sharing, taking turn and waiting for turn
By: Teacher Madiha

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