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The Inspector's Overview "TWO PRISONS, NOT ONE Banbury Reganal son Benbury’) compres two dine lites. They ar jim sdaincred ot prt diet cok nd on a y-to-day bs, funtion legely indpendeny, ‘Theor ecton (th: main piso!) ental hold around 230 promers. Iti predominantly a medhm-secariy pion be ako hata numberof maximan-scurty cally mail eo accowmovte sor term remand piss. nmedielysjscen to the ‘nan pon al the gto, "Uni 5 Thi ica mininn- security ni comping 37 single el, 20072010, the Deparment of Cnrective Services (he Deparment) ined eaunes o upgrade Unie 5, be nly apersted fr six nother the spades and hasbeen sed forthe pst fie yous Saang quit separa fom the mai pia i the Pre-Release Unie (PRU), “This opened nat 2008. ise contsned fey, rounded by own Fee, sud owes minimansecuity prone who meet seleton eters, With a design apacty oF 72s very similar in size and concept to the Boronia Pre-tlese Cente for Warne in Perth, riser ive share Howes and mat demons personal responsily and cltboraton, catering or themselves, looking afer ei houses, and undeeaking edtion or employment, Thefciity hss own entrance eeption, nis, heal cent, eduction centre sad ye. Trustworthy proosers who ti {onal ik semen ate able to work outside the PRU elt Sone work nthe Lange market gales, some undertake sperviedcommnity wot, and hand undertake jobseeingctvites or employment bay as fied some aor challenges oer he pst twee years tat mowed from 2 sual pron with 120 prsoers that ce el tet of oro 2300 poner iy thats performing well plays crcl olen the ol prison syn, and shoul have 3 ‘bent ite good del hs empeoned sce 201 and it a wall performing pie. ‘Loca management and st werk in all aes ate providing genely sl herpetic and productive envionment. The eso enjoy postive wal proce relations and chi const wo both secs and saey. There ae good sevies ‘rom mot ae, ichaling the provision of eh services a fleder programs ‘Te industries and garden areas are highly productive ad provide a esonable evel employment ler sng _Aldhugh Bunbury pefrming wel hi repor has identified 2 mar of ee fr imypeoverene with reset privon conan nd serves. One of thet iano / cultre. Untrtnatly wile talfsould be pov abou he pro antl pie wha chey have achive, they appeared coaficed and negative. Adesing tes sess {shared esponsibility one fr aafehenve a well floc and head fice 1am very conested letv gap inthe sasbility of Re-Socialion Programs (TRS) or fe sentence and indeterminate sentence pritanes. The RSP aos prone ‘whom the Prisoners Review Board and ce Artomney General conse suitable on advice fom the Deparment to be peed in minimum security pss. They ae subject © + ened indivdotsed program which, icompleed ces, may lend to them being ‘pant ple ‘There sno gutaee tha person onan RSP wl be releases purposes provides contd esting ground’ fr aening prnonen andes, oppreiey Toe stent toa higher degree of feedom, and an incentive to goad behavout. For priners who hate Bee a prion fr ong ine, make efet eet tage irene inthis wy rather than releasing them dey poole fom higher security Prisca, Howes, 20 percent of rte serving ie” o “indtne’ sntence in che ‘ate are ot lige fir incon in an RSP cn the cic pound hat they were feotnced under a 1963 Act of Parent ad ot 2003 Act Alma of thee men treat Banbury. They ate generally the prisones who have bee longest in the system and wrio tein mt need tutored mencialston progam. “Thecurene station makes no sense in ers ether puis or equity of entment Sar psoners, egies the Pisoners Review Boa only to choice. emay rene sch sone witout then undertaking aa RSP, which chs dae on ocson. Alea, they in ese them n higher secry pron, eventhough pzoners whom pore sme ris, nd who have ben sotenced more recently ar eligible for an RSP. The ie wa ede ou 201 report on Bunbury. We were normed in te 2011 eat amendments were tae drfed and in Novrser 201, the Attorney Genera avid Patient ha amends are er consideration. fll wndertand the ned 0 recom fy, Bt propel a Ss do excl that The se as ded (ero bog ‘ni nf-201, he PRU ws equ eo ld 108 prior, ani tht alts rooms ere daubled Daring thine, some oft prisoners were not uly “pe-elese’ Da had more hn 12 mom sil serv. In other word the PRU wt operating 3 lang term mininmunseeuriy pon aswel at are-anry Gly. Akough ibd in well, ‘nd developed mony aes of excl rate the pre of mers ade poe ‘nix compromieds lty to opete at a true re-reneli "ave conse argued tha the PRU shoud bellowed to coneneateon what it was ego to do, sane provide pete services oppure peopl far rdese el eae thei that they will ua to peon. Ths nota ese being ot on pions but sn tligee social ab ecanonnc invent In 2013-201, across the spt, cot the sate an average of 384 pr day. or alin 122,00 a yea to Keep Obe pero in Prion Sn pis Ry SE Ba BT An the indirect oscil cos of rine and inctcerton ae even gente I thereine welcome the Departent dedson Api 2014 wo reduce PRU numbers to 72 woe pre-elese’prkoners More gene 1 trongly spor the Deparment oes on rotting he cams by secre eoatane iat 2015-208 State Ph, were, Lam not puede the caent management arangenents forthe PRU willallow itt meets Fl poeta In erm oft capacity and re-entry foes i Simi in ew Bocas Pre-clese Cee for Women nd Wandoo Reintegition ity fr young mes. There are aio ries with Parla Prbon Far. Born, ‘Wands Pare ll pions ni own sight, nts to other rns “They all have is ovm badges, performance requirement management ta and sell, Wandoo, ti pity operated, subject some partially ston perranee mesures “The PRU does haves Manager bt pester ential at an adjunct othe mai pon ‘This epoet recommend tht shouldbe se yp 5 stand-alone Git dha in ters of bea office manage shold be aligned with oer minimum security prone and that fr angina anathema rite ahold have ddd tee of safle Deparent is geced il ofthese recommendations, Iwas not surpried by thi 1 was dngpoizied I stony believe the PRU wil anctin beter wih higher degre o fei and management atonomy and song performance mess. ‘Outcomes ae, howews, more important thn Arete. oak ward aeiag the fit whether the PRU hat cemented and developed it role, ako lok forwatd ‘eng evaluations ofthe performance ofthe PRU in compariton with Wandoo, Baroni, Pardes the main peso, ‘Baubury it oprting wel and hs lid ak cra ne ofthe more set and | tetr performing prions inthe state, Ax the t's poptin ncenes in the eather ‘nctopoltan confor ania Banbury, Rockingham, Manda and oe south wes os, ‘Bunbary ofr a chou site or pote expansion iw ee well equiped 6 take on sul a lllnge lo provide high quality coercion seve, ab tht ‘shouldbe fstord inte DCS ste tc planning or fare expansion. That one ‘enon tht | reviond recommended the PRU ara option fr etl pete In che shorter, conerion neat be given to the potenti we of Unit ‘nverson te 8 fit for aged or nim prisons, cohort ha wiles te number nd whic presents wry specie eed Nell Mong Je 2018

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