Restriction Orifices

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W DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING PRACTICE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION pace} oF 3 REVISION: INSTRUMENT GROUP Date DEP 6612.02 RESTRICTION ORIFICES INTRODUCTION Sharp edged orifices when used as flow restricting devices or as means of introducing pressure drop in piping systems are called restriction orifices (FO). SCOPE It is the purpose of this DEP to provide standard methods for calculating bore of restriction orifices in liquid, ges and steam service. FLOW RULE METHOD - Use the Foxboro 6-inch flow rule, and arrive at a pipe taps d/D ratio from which d can be calculated: (240,30) a=Ap A, If maximus flow reading is smaller than that which canbe read on Scale Q, multiply flow by 100 and obtain é/D for a line size 10 tines the actual. When mainum flow reading is larger than that which can be read on Scale Q, divide flow by 100 and obtain d/D for a line size 1/10 times the actual. In either case use the /D so derived multiplied by the actual pipe ID to calculate the bore of the primary device. The maximua flow rate for liquids must be entered on the rule at the flowing conditions since the specific gravity scale is read at flowing temperature. For critical pressure drop use a differential of one half upstream absolute pressure to arrive at a pipe taps d/D from which d can be calculated. FORMULA CALCULATIONS - should be used for conditions outside the range of the Foxboro rule. (Refer to nomenclature at end of this DEP for clarification of the following equations). A. Liguid Service s- 1ao2a 0 Ver Ye Pressure drop less than critical AP Kon? = _on Ve_Vie 39800 vYAP B. Gas and Vapor Service FORM NO. 135.946 pace 2 oF 3 DEP 6612.02 DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING PRACTICE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION INSTRUMENT GROUP RESTRICTION ORIFICES Ye Gas and Vapor Service - (Contd) 2. Critical Pressure Drop yesp= % VE V3 mui pe? Pe Steam Service 1, Pressure Drop less than Critical AP S= wa = 152.507 V¥e VAr * for wet steam multiply by _a_ Dry Stean 100 2. Critical Pressure Drop Yes, = By : Fi 350 DYVTe Ve ALTERNATE SOLUTION An alternate method for calculating the bore diameter of a restriction orifice is to size for a Cy as if data was for 2 control valve, The diameter of the orifice (in inches) is then: 2+ fe This method will result in an error of epproximetely 5-102 from the previous method. NOMENCLATURE operating factor from which 4/D is obtained, Refer co Table 13, pages 174 - 179.* Operating factor from which d/D is obtained. Refer to Table 32, pages 397 ~ 398.* Operating factor from which 4/D is obteined. Refer to chart on page 384.* Tome ON MOE FonM No. 135.946 DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING PRACTICE FOSTER WHEELER ENERGY CORPORATION "85° 3, OF 3. NSTRUMENT GROUP DEP 6612.02 RESTRICTION ORIFICES NOMENCLATURE (Contd) Wa * Maximum rate of flow in lbs/br D = Inside diameter of pipe in inches Ge = Specific gravity at flow texperature AP = PL - Pp in pst Te = Flowing absolute temperature, °R = °F + 460° Qh = SCFH G = Specific gravity of gas or vapor Pg = Inlet pressure P] in psia Pages 333-345 * * REFERENCE Principles & Practice of Flow Meter Engineering L. K. Spink, 9th edition The Foxboro Company, Foxboro, Massachusetts Liquid Flow Measurement ane 13 5 VAWUES FOR FUL-FLOW TAPS (21D AND #0) = 0.589250 + 0.27258" — 0.8258" + 1.758 (B s Da ¢d s “ora asses 0071 coos4o3 109 .007264 vess00 110 7408 cosine Mi 007337 oses» ‘2 0076s ; costes ‘3 ames 001270 “0st 003883 114 007956, soisze “me 03981“ 115 .008098, aoises 004081 116 .008242 cosy 004183, 117 .008386 ooisos ne 004285, 118 .008533, Shape ‘ost worse "| 95 “noae> 9. 86a x oo12s 004495, 120 008829 The 9 coven osu a1 toeoT9 pian ‘or7ss “ees otro» “122 09130 ome ‘ois oossi8 123 “oone2 pid vois39 “op0. o4n28 “26 00036 The “roi9st “03037 “esse ‘coz! ‘osis2 “326. tosras ‘conve * 5368 “127 cose oar“ “ose “28 1006 ones Ds 0008 29 1022 ‘roo 2" | “one toss 130 01039 00396 “oxy ons “iat cot0ss oners ossss “32 tors ozsse ‘o99 o0s977 “33 1088 co2e3s “one “34 ont05 coms “roses 3s au2t 902795 006350 136 01138 onsrs ose77 370188 “cases cose 13801173 ‘soso ¢ ‘ost 39 o1190 “osi3e “ioe “esos 0 01207 03226 ‘toc? * aa 0122s oss “re 907130 34201243 oust ‘oats one Dir Plant Calculations TABLE 13 (ont) we. Dia 01261 1279 01297 1313 01333 91382 01370 01389 01408 107 144s 01466 01495 (91505 rset o1sas 01564 oises 01605 0625 01646 01666 01687 01708 01729 01730 oun 01793 ore 01836 01838 01880 1902 o1924 01947 01969 01992 “179 180 181 182 1183, 1134 188, 186 188 39 190 19% 192 193 1194 195 1196 197 “198 199 200 201 202 203 208 205 208 207 208 209 20 at 22 a3 au as 26 ‘neo ozs wor e239 ee ois oag ono, nag corey “rt man“ ony fe oy oars OS casa“ ners O05 ones “iS oure 08 coreg OS 02525 Sone sgnsso coasts oro. nea on6ss “One so2 2s Dit 5 VAWUES FOR FULL-FLOW TAPS (210 AND 80) 237 238 239 240 mt 22 243 248 25, a 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 03068 03096 03125 03134 3183 oni 9322 x27 03301, 03330 103360 03390 342 03431 3482 03512 3543, 3sr4 03605, 03636 0368 103699 os731 03763 03795 03827 03859 03892 103024 03957 193990 4023 94058 175 Liquid Flow Measurement TABLE 13 (cont) 5 VALUES FOR FULL-FLOW TAPS (21D AND 50) Dik «7D 25005396 2105435, 29203474 29303514 294 03554 29803504 296 05634 20708674 208 .0s715 (29905755. 30005796 “301 .05837 (30205878 30305919 304 05961 “30506003 “306 06044 30706086 30806129 30906171 ‘1006214 31062565, 31206209 31306342 31406386 31806429 316 06473 31706516 31806560 31906605 32006649 32105694 22206738, 32308783, 306828 32506874 232605919 32706965 Pe ~ fo na T 2 f P a a om ms ae a5 m6 a7 x x0 3a ae 383 5 35 36 a Plant Caleutat TABLE 13 (contd re ee (08792 aor «S098 sees S| aon 1098 cess 403-8104 oays2 wt 40s A110 ‘05006 405, ANG ‘ovoeo SE 408 123, ote SO) gor a9 ateo “8? 408 4135 ooze OH AOD «AZ oom 22 | lo ae fos at ttt oo390 8 | ate 116 oes Oe AIS AN67 conor 2" | ate ti74 o9ss7 2 AIS 1180 coos 416 1187 ‘oo AIT N93 cosa 18-1200 ‘ores OO M19 1207 coor, | aa lass ‘oss ah 1220 09957 feet 422 ART 1001 ss | ats A233. Eaoy eee 4 1240, 03 M25, 1247 1019 saat M26 1254 iad ees Aw 4261 to 4281268 1037 i 429 A274 ross 0 430 A281 1049, oo 431 1288 1033 aoe A432 1293 1061 oe 433, 1302 1067 fe 434 1309 1073 — 435 16 sory me db 1324 tous“ 4971331 1091 ate 438.1338 Dis g EPEEEREE? EEEREEEER i 5 vatues fox fu flow Ta75 ao AND a0 ee ee ee eee ET a | To. ‘aD _ i 38 439 40 Ast 82 AAS a 3 46 “a7 8 8 450 451 452 453 456 Ass 456 st 458 359 Ae 463 eh 465, 466 47 458 469 470 ant an, 3 a a5 ae 11360 "367 ats “8 1396 404 vat a9 a3 saat 1489 1437 Hae aan “1480 487 1495 1503 ast 1519 11526 11535 158 15st 1559 1567 1575, 1383 1592 1600 1608 1616 1625 W7 178 480 Ag 483 486 435 486 487 438 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 498 499 -s00 01 S02 503 “504 505, 506 507 08 509 “510 si siz 5 VALUES FOR FULL-FLOW TAPS (21D AND 80) a Sa ae og Liquid Flow Measurement TABLE 13 (com) Biz 13 si sis 516 si S18 519 520 21 323 24 525 526 sa 528 529 530 31 532 533 334 53s 536 337 538 so 540 sat 5a 543 544 55 546 a7 4 49 1939 349 2350 1969 oat 350.2362 vm | oy ars 1989, oe 552 2385, ‘99 333 08 ss 2 201s 385 aan 2029 ssa 2039 ss 2H 2049 one 558 2458, 2059 sata! 559.2467 209 560 2479 +2079 on 561 2491 2080 a 562.2503, 2100 S63 2515 2110 fet S64 2527 221 a 565.2839, bees 366.2552 oH S67 2564 Boe 568.2576 aot 569 2589 me 370 2601 a 571 2614 fee S72 2626 ae 573. 2639 ae 574 2652 bstind 575.2664 ane 576, 2677 = 577.2690 ae 378 2703 ee 379.216 fe 580.2729 wT set zr a $82 2753, sased 583 2768 oe 584 2782 ried SBS 2795, fe 586 2808 ms sw 2862 sr 2876 ait 22890 en 93-2903 son ‘942917 on 395 231 Plont Calculations TABLE 13 (conch) 5 VAWUES FOR FULL-FLOW TAPS (20 AND 40) —— SR asi B80 aa S38 6 AOI zee 1 gos arr T6082 2838 as 3393 eg 08t 2899 oe 654070 2862 283425, 6664089 2818 a se7 4108 2890 “ 3487 eh 12 2903 3473 669 AIAG 2917 3490 S10 165 231 3506 oh ata 2945 3523 (92 A208 2959 sso evs 223 2073 r 3556 om 4285 2987 asr2 S282 3002 3589 164232 2016 z 3008 (T4302 3623 18432 3640 694382 3687 16804362 3674 gat 4382 3601 62-4002 3708 6834823 3126 “ 43 ames 4 4468 S761 86 AB 3776 4505 3796 4526 3813 4547 3831 r 4568 4589 4610 4631 $652 408 4695 7 4Ti7 660 984739 4760 ~ 6 a0 4782

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