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Dynamic Period Control

Status 16.11.2004


Customizing Settings .................................................................................................................... 4


Schema Structure ..................................................................................................................... 4


Rate Category ........................................................................................................................... 5


Installation ................................................................................................................................. 5


Scheduling Billing...................................................................................................................... 5


Meter Reading Data in DPC ......................................................................................................... 5


Enhancement ............................................................................................................................ 5


Programs................................................................................................................................... 5


Executing DPC Billing................................................................................................................... 7


Real Meter Reading Results ..................................................................................................... 7


Floating Backbilling ................................................................................................................... 7


Alternative Portion..................................................................................................................... 7


Dynamic Backbilling .................................................................................................................. 7


Billing Enhancements................................................................................................................ 8


Consumption ............................................................................................................................. 8


Consumption History.......................................................................................................... 8


Preconsumption Values in the Billing Document............................................................... 8


Consumption Values in the Installation Facts.................................................................... 8


Bill Display................................................................................................................................. 9


Budget Billing Amounts ............................................................................................................. 9


Corrections from Dynamic Backbilling in the Periodic Billing Period ........................................ 9

Dynamic period control (DPC) allows you to manage any number of billing and correction periods.
You can generate billing documents based on estimate meter readings. You can use the meter
reading functions to estimate the meter reading results and save them on the database or you can
generate them during billing. Entering an actual meter reading result, at any time, triggers dynamic
backbilling back to the last actual meter reading result. The system corrects any billing periods that
are based on estimated meter reading results.



Billing based on actual meter reading results

Invoicing of billing documents




Monthly billing based on estimated meter reading results - start

Monthly invoicing of billing documents - start







Monthly billing based on estimated meter reading results

Monthly invoicing of billing documents










Billing based on actual meter reading results

Invoicing of billing documents

Figure 1: Dynamic Period Control

Dynamic period control allows flexible billing in deregulated scenarios where actual meter reading
results are no longer available in grids set by scheduling, but are transferred between utility companies
whenever they are needed.
In the billing schema, you can use the time slice generator to create individual correction periods. This
enables you to recalculate the consumption prices in a billing document, without changing the fixed
rental price. You can define which billing steps are to be executed for actual meter reading results, and
which are to be executed for estimated meter reading results. You can also choose whether you want
the whole correction period or just the individual, partial correction periods to be corrected.
In addition to this, you can execute advance billing, which can also be backbilled.
In dynamic period control, you can use a simulated period to generate extrapolated, postingrelevant billing lines, or info lines in the billing document. You can then correct these lines with
subsequent billing. This allows you to display any number of extrapolation periods on your
customers bills.

1. Customizing Settings
You can find the Customizing tables relevant for DPC in Customizing for SAP Utilities under Contract
Billing Billing Master Data Rate Structure Schemas Dynamic Period Control Define
Dynamic Period Control. You can also find a description of how to create a sample schema, here.

1.1. Schema Structure

In the billing schema header data, specify that you want the selected schema to be used for dynamic
period control. You can only use the schema in rate categories that are classified for dynamic period
Make the following settings in the billing schema steps:

Depending on the category of the current billing period, the time slice generator determines the
periods for which the schema step is set up. At the moment, there are four categories based on
whether the meter reading results that specify the billing period are real or estimated (see the
Category of the Current Billing Period table (TE655)).
If you use a schema with dynamic period control, you must enter a time slice generator for every
schema step. SAP provides 0000 as the default value. The system proposes this value for all
steps when you create a schema. In the table of periods to set up (EPERDET), you have to
allocate the periods that you want to generate to your schema for every time slice generator and
for every category of the current billing period. If you want a schema with dynamic period control
to always bill the current periodic billing period, you have to specify the periodic billing period.
You do not have to allocate a period to the time slice generator for every category of the current
billing period. You can also allocate several periods simultaneously to a time slice generator for
each category of the current billing period. You can find information on how to control the
periods for billing in the Customizing menu for SAP Utilities under Contract Billing Billing
Master Data Rate Structure Schemas Dynamic Period Control Information on
Dynamic Period Control.

Select the schema steps to be dynamically backbilled.

Allocate a dynamic backbilling group to the schema steps. This creates a unit for dynamic
You can make the following settings in the schema steps.

You can trigger dynamic backbilling in a schema step.

To do this, enter a dynamic backbilling group in the ExD field (Execute Dynamic Period
Control). This specifies the schema steps that are to have billing lines reversed, and the
schema steps that are to be executed again in the correction periods.
This function can only be used with variants from variant category 14.

You can dynamically backbill schema steps. To do this, enter a dynamic backbilling
group in the DE1 field (Schema Step for Execution in Dynamic Period Control). This
specifies the variant that is used for executing dynamic backbilling.
If you use more than one variant to trigger dynamic backbilling in the schema, maintain
the fields DE2 to DE5.

You can reverse a schema step. To do this, enter a dynamic backbilling group in the
RDP1 to RDP5 fields (Schema Steps for Reversal in Dynamic Period Control). This
specifies which backbilling procedure is used to reverse the billing lines in the correction
periods. The billing lines are reversed when you trigger backbilling for the dynamic
backbilling group.

Dynamic backbilling is always executed when a real meter reading result that triggers billing exists.
Once this is available, you must trigger dynamic backbilling in the schema by using the Trigger
Dynamic Backbilling variant (DYNBI01). Allocate this variant a time slice generator that creates the

periodic billing period for all categories. However, you can use an IF variant to suppress dynamic
backbilling after a meter reading result has been entered.
You can use variant IF09 to prevent dynamic backbilling if a move-in is going to take place.

1.2. Rate Category

In the rate category, you specify whether the system executes billing with dynamic period control. In
the Dyn. Per. Control field, you enter a value for dynamic period control that you previously defined in
the Dynamic Period Control table (TE654). You then allocate one of the available basic categories
from the Basic Categories of Dynamic Period Control table (BASDYPERASS) to this value:

Determination of current periods via meter reading results

Estimation of meter reading results in billing

This basic category ensures that estimated meter reading results are extrapolated during billing
and are not saved in the meter reading document table.

Select the Adv.Bill. field in the rate category if you also want to execute billing in advance in a DPC.
You can control billing in advance for DPC by allocating a period with the basic category Advance
Period (5) to the time slice generator.

1.3. Installation
If you allocate a rate category with the DPC basic category estimation of meter reading results in
billing to an installation, you also have to allocate a meter reading unit to the installation in which the
Estim. in Bill. field must be selected for billing with the scheduled meter reading category Automatic

1.4. Scheduling Billing

If you use DPC with the basic category Estimation of Meter Reading Results in Billing, you have
to maintain the Estim. in Bill. field in the meter reading unit for the dates when a meter reading
result is to be estimated.
The billing order is given the status Billable; the value Billing Estimates Value from Meter
Reading Unit (01) is entered in the Estimated in Billing field.

If you use DPC with the basic category determination of current periods via meter reading
results, you do not have to make any extra settings in scheduling.

As a supplier in a deregulated scenario, you can execute your transactions independently of the
distributors scheduling. You can organize scheduling based on your billing grid. The system estimates
a meter reading result for the billing dates. If the distributor reports a real meter reading result, you
enter an interim meter reading with billing. In this billing run, the system corrects the period back to the
last real meter reading result.

2. Meter Reading Data in DPC

2.1. Enhancement
If you use DPC with the basic category Determination of Current Periods via Meter Reading Results,
you can use the Customer-Specific Independent Plausibility Check enhancement (EDMLELDV) to
implement an individual plausibility check. This check determines if the current real meter reading
results is greater than the last real meter reading result. For more information, see SAP note 398471.

2.2. Programs
If you use DPC with the basic category Estimation of Meter Reading Results in Billing, you can use
several programs to change the Estim. in Bill. field in the billing order. You can find these programs in

the Easy Access menu for the Utilities Industry under Device Management Meter Reading
Estimate Meter Reading Results in Billing.

Use the Deactivation for Individual Installation program (RELDELEB) if you have set the Estim.
in Bill. indicator but real meter reading results already exist for the date selected. This generates
meter reading orders for the billing order. In the billing order, the value in the Estim. in Bill. field
changes from Billing Estimates Value from Meter Reading Unit(01) to Billing Does Not Estimate
Value Deleted by Individual report (04).

Use the Activation for Individual Installation program (RELSETEB) if Estim. in Bill. is not
maintained and there are no meter reading results available for the periodic meter reading date.
The existing meter reading orders are deleted; the value in the Estimated in Billing field changes
to Billing Estimates Value Changed by Individual Report (03).

The Activation for Multiple Installations program (RELSETEBMASS) executes the changes
described above for all installations that do not have any real meter reading results in an

3. Executing DPC Billing

3.1. Real Meter Reading Results
If you want to use DPC with the basic category Determination of Current Periods via Meter Reading
Results, dynamic backbilling must be executed every time a real meter reading result is entered. If it is
not, meter overflows occur whenever the last estimated meter reading result in the Meter Reading
Results table (EABL) is higher than the current real meter reading result that you have entered.
You enter real meter reading results during a meter replacement. The previous interim meter reading
was estimated.
You can use the Invoicing Grouping event (R403) to group the interim billing run and the next periodic
billing run together on one bill.

3.2. Floating Backbilling

You can use DPC with the basic category Estimation of Meter Reading Results in Billing to execute
floating backbilling to the last real meter reading result. To do this, you must select a period to be
created from the basic period category Current Period and Past in a Congruent Time Slice for all
categories and for schema steps for which you want to execute floating backbilling.

3.3. Alternative Portion

If an alternative portion is defined in a contract, you can use variant QUANTI26 (Simulate Billing
Period) to create a billing document up until the scheduled meter reading date for the alternative
portion. This means that all of a customers contracts can be billed for the same period. The meter
reading for the meter reading date of the alternative portion is extrapolated in the variant. The system
then simulates a document up to the scheduled meter reading date. In the variant control, you can
specify whether the document lines of the simulation document are transferred to the current billing
For further information about the control options, see the documentation for variant QUANTI26.

3.4. Dynamic Backbilling

You can use several variant programs to execute dynamic backbilling.
In these variant programs, dynamic backbilling is executed for schema steps that contain a dynamic
backbilling group from the DYNBI step. The periods represent different periods to be backbilled. If you
maintain the dynamic backbilling group in one of the fields SDP1 to SDP5 (schema steps for reversal
in dynamic period control), the amounts from the posting-relevant lines that these schema steps
generated in previous billing documents are transferred to the current document as negative amounts.
If you maintain the dynamic backbilling group in Schema Step for Dynamic Period Control, the period
that you allocated to the time slice generator for the current category is dynamically backbilled.
You can use the following variant programs for dynamic backbilling:

DYNBI01 executes dynamic backbilling back to the last real meter reading result

DYNBI02 dynamically backbills the schema steps from the previous document

DYNBI03 dynamically backbills schema steps from the last dynamic backbilling

DYNBI04 updates amounts from the correction periods in the billing period

For further information about the individual variants, see the variant documentation.

3.5. Billing Enhancements

You can use the Customer-Specific Fields in Billing Document (EBIA0001) enhancement if you only
want to display dynamic backbillings that have changed amounts from the original bill on the
customers current bill. This enhancement enables you to specify other lines as not relevant for
A lease price is charged in advance. This amount is reversed and rebilled in the subsequent billing
run. If the amount remains the same, it is not displayed on the customers bill. Normally, this amount
only changes if the billing period also changes due to a customer move-out.

3.6. Consumption
3.6.1. Consumption History
You can use the variants Write DBERCHV Info Lines for Quantities (QUANTI22) and Write
Consumption and Amount in Consumption History (QUANTI23) to update consumption amounts to the
Consumption History table (DBERCHV). If you want to include consumption values based on
estimated meter reading results in the consumption history, you can correct these during dynamic
backbilling. In the rate step for the selected variant, select the Reversible for Backbilling value in the
VC (variant control) field. In the corresponding schema step, enter a dynamic backbilling group in the
field RDP1 (to RDP5) (Schema Steps for Reversal in Dynamic Period Control). An entry is then
generated in the DBERCHV table during dynamic backbilling. This entry replaces the original entry. If
you enter a dynamic backbilling group in the SS1 (to SS5) field (Schema Steps for Execution in
Dynamic Period Control) in the schema step, the consumption for the dynamic backbilling period is
updated in the consumption history.
This enables you to guarantee that the correct consumption history is displayed in the Customer
Interaction Center (CIC) and that the correct consumption values are available for evaluation in the
Business Information Warehouse (BW).

3.6.2. Preconsumption Values in the Billing Document

You can use the variant Write Info Lines for n Previous Consumption Values (QUANTI17) to write
information lines about different preconsumption values. Note that the corrected consumption
values are not yet saved in the installation facts when this variant is executed during dynamic
period control and backbilling. In variant control, you can specify that information lines are written
for the corrected consumption values.

3.6.3. Consumption Values in the Installation Facts

There are two ways of updating consumption values in the installation facts. For the variant that writes
the consumption values to the installation facts (for example, Write a Quantity in the Installation Facts
(INFACT06)), you must use a time slice generator that has been allocated the following basic
categories of the period to be created:

Display consumption values in the installation facts for each billing period.

For categories 1000 and 2000, a period to be created from the basic category Cycle (4)

For categories 3000 and 4000, a period to be created from the Past Time Slices for Each
Individual Document (1) basic category and the Cycle (4) basic category

Display consumption values in the installation facts depending on real meter reading results

For categories 1000 and 2000, a period to be created from the basic category Cycle (4)

For categories 3000 and 4000, a period to be created from the Current Period and Past
in Congruent Time Slice (3) category.

In the rate step for the variant, choose a variant control that updates values in the billing period. This
ensures that the consumption values in the installation facts are corrected during dynamic backbilling.

3.7. Bill Display

If you use dynamic period control from the basic category Estimation of Meter Reading Results in
Billing, you should never print estimated meter reading results on a bill. The estimated meter reading
result from the previous period was not saved to the database during the last billing run. Therefore,
during the next periodic billing run, the system must extrapolate the meter reading for the start of the
billing period. If a real meter reading result has been entered in the system, this new meter reading
result differs from the estimated meter reading result in the previous period. This could have been
caused, for example, by a device replacement or an interim meter reading.

3.8. Budget Billing Amounts

As of SAP IS-U release 4.71, you can combine DPC with budget billing amounts. This allows you to
collect fixed monthly amounts from customers in the deregulated marketplace, for example. After a
period of one year, a new budget billing plan should be created using actual meter reading results. If
no actual meter reading result is available, the system creates the new budget billing plan based on an
estimated meter reading result. Once the next actual meter reading result is available, you can enter
an interim meter reading with billing. The system then corrects the entire period back to the last actual
meter reading result. You can choose whether or not to adjust the current budget billing plan on the
basis of this interim billing run.

3.9. Corrections from Dynamic Backbilling in the Periodic

Billing Period
Billings that are based on estimated meter reading results must be corrected during the next actual
meter reading. The difference between the dynamic backbilled consumption and the consumption from
the estimated period must be billed in the current periodic billing period. To do this, update the billed
consumption in the facts for any billing periods with estimated meter readings. Choose variant control
Update Sum in the Future. For periodic billing based on an actual meter reading result, use the time
slice generator to determine a period that belongs to period basic category 3 (Current period and
past in a congruent time slice). You use variant DYNBI05 to update the consumption in the periodic
billing period and to subtract the consumption from the facts. If the estimations were too high, it is
possible that a negative consumption value is billed.
Price changes in the dynamic backbilling period, for example, are not taken into account in this
procedure. You have the option to copy amounts and consumption values from backbilling periods to
the periodic billing period. You use variants DYNBI04 or DYNBI05 for this purpose.

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