IB's Five Essential Elements

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Title of book:__One world, one day__________________________

Author(s): _______Barbara Kerley____________________________

IBs Five Essential Elements

1. Knowledge (What transdisciplinary theme(s) apply(ies)?):
Where we are in place and time; Who we are
2. Concepts (What key concepts or related concepts apply?):
Connection; Perspective
Form similarities and differences
3. Skills (What transdiscplinary skills apply?):
Social skills; Thinking skills
4. Attitudes (What attitudes/learner profile attributes apply?):
Respect; Tolerance; Appreciation; Independence; Curiosity;
Open-Minded; Inquirer; Balanced
5. Action (What student-initiated actions would you look for?):
Make their own book with pictures of their own daily routine
(reflective) share with others
Grade Level(s): Second grade
TEKS: Social Studies 7d: Identify the characteristics of different
communities, including urban, suburban, and rural, and how
they affect activities and settlement patterns.

Title of book:__One world, one day__________________________

Author(s): _______Barbara Kerley____________________________

ELA 19f: Make connections to own experiences, to ideas in

other texts, and to the larger community, and discuss textual
Possible objectives:
-SWBAT describe how routines are the same and different
around the world
-SWBAT create their own one day book

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