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Lava Ridge Intermediate

Faculty Handbook
Revised 2015

Lava Ridge Intermediate School


Mrs. Kalyn Gubler........Principal
Mr. Greg Bozarth......................................................Assistant Principal
Mr. Doug Yates..6th Grade Counselor
Mrs. Tonya Jesienouski...7th Grade Counselor
Mr. Mike Young....6th & 7th Grade Counselor
Officer Chad Holt........School Resource Officer

Support Staff
Mrs. Julie Ellett........... Secretary
Mrs. Kim Prestwich...... Secretary
Mrs. Heather Foster........... Secretary
Mrs. Brenda Wilson....Lunch Secretary
Mrs. Shanna Anderson....Lunch Manager
Mr. Gary Stratton.... Head Custodian
Mr. Brooksby Stafford ......Custodian
Mr. Densel Lang.....Custodian
Mr. Cesar Lopez..Custodian
Mr. Dave Robinson..P/T Custodian

Lava Ridge Intermediate School

2425 Rachel Drive
Santa Clara, UT 84765
(435) 652-4742

Table of Contents




Mission Statements
Mission Statement of Lava Ridge Intermediate
Lava Ridge Intermediate School Beliefs
School District Mission Statement

Page 3
Page 4
Page 6

District Policy & Procedures

Job Summary
Personal Leave
Professional Leave
Sick Leave
Guidelines for Field Trips
Safe School Policy

Page 7
Page 8
Page 9
Page 10
Page 12
Page 13

Lava Ridge Policies & Procedures

Classroom Care
Collecting Lunch Money
Dress Code for Teachers and Students
Faculty Dues
Gum Chewing
Hall Passes
Late Work Policy
Lesson Plans
Minimum Teacher School Day
Money Deposits
New Policy Making Procedure
Parent Notification
PLC Incentive Pay
Student Absences
Substitute Teachers
TAT Meetings
Video Use


District Intermediate Guidelines


We Believe:


ife-long learning:
Quality education enhances life-long learning and creates contributing members of
Every student has the right to receive, and responsibility to achieve basic skills in
reading, writing, mathematics, problem solving, and communication.
isualize Potential:
Student success is cultivated by recognizing individual potential, setting challenging
expectations, and creating an engaging learning environment.
cademic Diversity:
A balanced academic education includes meaningful experiences in the arts, physical
activities, and vocational opportunities.


espect and Responsibility:

All individuals have worth and deserve respect.

ndividual Opportunity:
Students have the right to receive educational opportunities that emphasize their learning
styles, needs, and strengths.

edication to Students:
As societys most valuable asset, children are entitled to a quality and equitable
enuine Partnership:
Excellence in education is contingent upon strong partnerships among students, parents,
school, and community.

All individuals have the right to and are responsible for a safe and healthy learning

Washington County School Districts

District Job Summary:

Under the direction of-the school principal, the teacher is responsible for the education of assigned
students and will create a flexible program and class environment favorable for learning and
personal growth. The teacher will establish effective rapport with students; motivate pupils to
develop skills, attitudes, and the knowledge needed to provide a good foundation for further
education, and do so in accordance with each student's ability. Professional relations will be
developed and maintained with other staff and parents.
Teachers work directly under the supervision of the principal. They should receive instruction
from him/her and go freely to him/her for guidance on matters of policy and detail of work in the
building. In general, all requests from teachers-to the general administration should be sent
through the principal to the Superintendent's Office.
Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with students, school staff, District staff,
and patrons. Communicates with parents through conferences and other means discussing
academic and personal progress; interprets school programs. Communicates and cooperates with
other professional staff in academic and personal growth areas.
Has knowledge of State Core Curriculum, School District Curriculum, and adheres to the policies
of the Board of Education.
It shall be the duty of all teachers to care for the educational interests of children in the school and
cooperate with, and actively assist, the principal in the maintenance of order, study, organized play
and discipline among pupils. They shall take care that no waste occurs and that no damage is done
to buildings, furniture, apparatus or any other property; and, when injury shall be done, either by
intent or accident, the teacher shall give prompt notice of same to the principal. Every care
possible should be taken to teach economy in the matter of handling books and supplies. Supplies
should be carefully distributed to children. Each teacher will be expected to keep an accurate
record of the books loaned to children.
It shall be the duty of teachers to pay special attention to the physical condition of pupils under
their charge, making such examinations as are required by law or performing observations as
directed by the Superintendent through the school nurse. Children showing evidence of suspected
contagion shall be immediately sent out of the room and report to the principal or school nurse.
Each teacher shall provide accurate attendance information in accordance with the procedure
established by the school where the teacher is assigned.
It is expected that teachers will take the children from where they are in educational achievement
and move on to continue the child's education.
Devises and utilizes techniques which accurately measure student's progress. Evaluates student's
academic and personal growth keeping appropriate records and preparing progress reports.
Develops lesson plans, adapts curriculum to meet individual student needs, and utilizes effective
teaching techniques in translating lesson plans into productive student learning experiences which
best utilizes the time available for instruction. Utilizes computers and other technological
classroom support equipment in student instruction.


Please refer to the district polices at


Field trips should have an educational relationship with the instructional activities of the

Field trip planning should include the cooperative relationships between the teacher, pupils and

The field trip should be worth the time, expense and the effort involved.

Field trips should include planning for health and safety risks involved. Also principals should
carefully screen field trips to avoid court cases.

Field trips should receive written permission from parents for students who participate.

Field trips should have a proper ratio of adults for supervision and group control.

Charging students for supplemental funds for field trips should be approved through the
principal. Any plan requiring an assessment to students for entrance fees, foods, etc. must be
approved by the principal prior to any discussion with students. T

Teachers should plan for evaluation or follow through on what has been learned.

Teachers should understand their position in regards to possible personal liability for injuries
sustained by pupils under their supervision.

A good attitude should be promoted for proper student behavior while riding the school bus.
Students should know what is expected of them.

Intermediate schools factored at 60 students per bus.

Bus use will be billed at a rate of $30.00 per hour from start to finish. The time includes 30
minutes per day for the driver to inspect and care for the bus.


The Board of Education of the Washington County School District recognizes that every student
in the schools should have the opportunity to learn in an environment which is safe, conducive to
the learning process, and free from unnecessary disruption. To foster such an environment the
following policy has been adopted and is based on the following principles:
Each student is expected to follow accepted rules of conduct.
Each student is expected to show respect for other people and obey persons in authority at
the school.
The policy applies to students while in the classroom, on school grounds, on school
vehicles, and in school-related activities or events.
A student may be suspended or expelled from school for any of the following reasons:

Frequent or flagrant willful disobedience, defiance of proper authority or disruptive

behavior; including the use of foul, profane, vulgar, or abusive language.
Willful destruction or defacing of school property;
Behavior or threatened behavior which poses an immediate and significant threat to the
welfare, safety, or morals of other students or school personnel or to the operation of the
Possession, control, or use of an alcoholic beverage;
Possession, control, or use of tobacco;
Behavior which threatens harm or does harm to the school or school property, to a person
associated with the school, or property associated with any such person, regardless of
where it occurs.
Because of identification and association with gangs, the following will not be permitted
on school campuses or at school activities: bandannas or any article of clothing bearing
gang symbols, names, initials, insignia, or anything else that signals gang affiliation, large
baggy pants or shorts, long oversized shirts.
When a school official determines that time is needed to establish further facts of an act
or series of acts of disobedience and misconduct disruptive to the learning process which
may lead to suspension or expulsion from school.

A student shall be suspended or expelled from school for any of the following reasons:

Any serious violation affecting another student or staff member, or any serious violation
occurring in a school building, in or on school property, or in conjunction with any school
activity, including:
Possession, control, or actual or threatened use of a real, look alike, or pretend weapon,
explosive, or noxious or flammable material;
The sale, control, or distribution of a drug or controlled substance;
The sale, control, or distribution of an imitation controlled substance;
The sale, control, or distribution of drug paraphernalia.

The commission of an act involving the use of force or threatened force which if
committed by an adult would be a felony or class A misdemeanor.
A student who commits a violation involving a real, look alike, or pretend firearm,
explosive, or flammable material shall be expelled from school for a period of not less
than one year, unless the Superintendent determines, on a case-by-case basis, that a lesser
penalty would be more appropriate.
A student may be denied admission to school on the basis of having been expelled from
that or any other school during the preceding 12 months. A suspension or expulsion under
this policy is not subject to the age limitations.

Other District Policies:

See District Web Page



Teachers will walk their students to and from the assembly in an orderly manner and sit with their
students during the assembly to provide supervision.

Students are to be quiet before and during the assembly. It is the teachers responsibility to maintain an
orderly environment.

Any class that is disruptive may be asked to leave the assembly.


Roll should be taken within the first 10 minutes of every class. It is critical that roll be taken
every class period.

Please make sure that it is Accurate. This is classified as a legal document.

The only exception to entering it on the computer at the beginning of class would be P.E. activity
classes. These classes must be entered on the computer by the end of the school day.

Students Are Not to Take Attendance!!! If there is a substitute leave class rolls on paper and
each class period have the sub send the roll to the office.

Mark students tardy that come to class late up to 10 minutes after the tardy bell. Students
that come to class after the 10 minute late point must have an admittance slip from the office.

It is schools policy that if a student misses 3 consecutive days, the teacher will contact the home
to find out the reasons for the absentees. Contact should be made with the vice principal if it is
determined there are excessive absentees, or the student is absent for the wrong reasons, or needs
home bound teaching. Please document phone call on Powerschool.


Absences will be assigned the following marks on PowerSchool:

Tardy - All tardies require immediate restitution (2 lunch periods = 1 class period)
Excused Absence - An absence excused by a parent, prior to, the day of, or up to two
days after the return from the absence.
Unexcused Absence - An absence not excused in accordance with the definition for an
excused absence.

Medical/Chronic Illness - An illness that keeps a student out of school for an extended

period of time.

Flu - Code used during the Flu season

Homebound - Illness or injury which causes absence in excess of 5 consecutive days will

Court/Detention - Absence due to required legal consequences. Must be verified.

School Related Activity - absence due to involvement in a school sponsored activity is

not be considered an absence if a homebound teacher is requested and contact is made.

part of a students educational experience.

O Office Excused I

In School Suspension - Suspension within the school. After Meeting with

administration/SRO the student will gather all classroom work and then will go to the
assigned ISS classroom.
Suspension - Suspension outside of school. Classroom work should be sent to the office so
that a parent can pick it up.

Educational Travel - Travel, with family or others may be considered an educational

activity, but requires prior notification and approval with appropriate assignments related to
the travel and completed and turned in to the teacher.

A tardy is defined as reporting to class after the bell to start class has sounded. A tardy may be excused by
a parent when an emergency situation results in a student arriving at school late. A student may not be
excused for tardiness between classes. Tardiness not only hinders a students ability to profit from
instruction at the beginning of class, but they interrupt the work of the other students who made the effort
to be on time. In addition, tardy students are usually in the hallways interrupting other classes and the
efforts of other students/friends to be to class on time. Punctual students perform better in school and at
work. If deemed necessary tardiness can result in having lunch detention.

6 unexcused tardies may warrant a U in citizenship. Tardies can also warrant lunch
detention. (Teachers are allowed to make final decision on citizenship grade.)


Any student that is out of class without excuse will be considered truant. Students must be
checked out through the office by parent/guardian before leaving campus. If a student leaves
class or campus without following proper checkout procedures they will be marked truant and
face further disciplinary action. The truant student will have 2 lunch detentions for each class
period missed and will be expected to complete all missed work.


Our classrooms contribute to a positive environment for learning. Keep them as clean and free of
clutter as possible. Students need to clean up the messes they create as a class activity. Two (2)
minutes are included in 6th period for clean-up. The custodians are expected to vacuum the rooms
each night but they have a heavy load and tight schedules so dont become a burden on them.
Please make sure that all medium to large items are picked up from the floor nightly so that your
room can be vacuumed. Please be sure the windows are closed and the door is closed and locked
when you leave each night. Also turn the lights out when you leave for the day. Let the
Custodians Know if there are any unusual problems in the room (water leaks, cooler/heater
failures, loose tiles, etc.) so that they can be repaired before a greater problem develops.


Lunch money will be collected each morning before school begins by the lunch secretary (Mrs.
Teachers will be responsible to handout all delinquent notices during the beginning of 1 st period so
the student can meet with Mrs. Wilson during Channel One to make arrangements for payment
and or make a phone call home to get some lunch money here at school.
Adult lunches are $3.50 and Breakfasts are $1.25. Please keep your account current.
Student Lunches - $2.40 a day, and Breakfast is $1.00.

It is the duty and responsibility of each teacher to be directly involved with the discipline process
of the students that are assigned to their class. Teachers are empowered to discipline a student and
administrate a punishment commensurate with the offense. Discipline should be fair and just. The
following steps should be taken in the classroom.

Rules should be established, discussed, practiced, and posted in the classroom.

An organized systematic process should be followed.
Parents should be contacted early in the discipline process.
A variety of interventions should be used to solve the problem.
Documentation of interventions should be made during the process. Log all documentation in
Unless the offense is severe the administration should not be involved until several interventions
have been tried and documented. Remember once you pass the problem to others your power has
been diminished. The main role of the administrator is to support the teacher in the discipline that
is given to the student by the teacher.
The administrator is directly involved in the discipline and the teacher is bypassed if it is a Safe
School issue ie. Fighting, Illegal possession of weapon, drugs, etc.
The administrator, counselor, resource teachers, and team members are there to help. ITeam
Meetings are held on a scheduled basis to help and assist the teacher and the team.


If you are finding yourself involved in discipline beyond the normal expected things, ask
yourself the following questions:

Is the child frustrated academically, do I need to modify workload, is it too easy, too difficult, is
the curriculum stimulating and interesting? Is my room structured too much or not enough?
What is happening at home? (Family, stress, divorce, death, abuse, etc.)
Do the problems occur when I am out of the room or not adequately supervising?
Am I targeting the kid, am I unfair with them?
Are they bothered by those around them?
Do other teachers have the same problem with them? Do they need a seat change? If not, what can
I learn from others that can help me in finding success with this student?

Discipline, even though not fun is part of our responsibilities as teachers. We recognize that most tough
kids problems cant be resolved quickly, and require much effort, time, patience, love, and attention on
our part.


Employees are expected to dress in good taste and to be well-groomed according to school standards for a
professional employee. Cleanliness of self and attire, neatness, modest dress, and attractive grooming are
stressed and expected. Please refrain from tattered or distressed jeans, or any other clothing that looks
tattered and worn.

Employees should always dress in a manner that will encourage students to equally uphold the student
dress policy.

Principals have the responsibility to establish and uphold community standards in the District Employee
Dress Code. Principals have the responsibility to communicate the standards to employees. If employees
refuse to follow the established employee dress code, principals should first speak with the employee about
the concern, explaining the value and need to maintain high standards and to provide positive examples to

If the employee refuses to maintain dress and grooming standards, the principal may consider the
disciplinary policy to assist in correcting the problem.

If there is some reason an employee feels he/she is not deserving of the principal's interpretation of the
community standards for dress for a professional, he/she may bring in justification why the employee feels
a different interpretation fits his/her situation.


1st warning:
2nd warning:
3rd warning:
4th warning:

talk to student privately (document) send student to office to change.

notify parents and (document the call) send student to office to change.
involve administration (student will call home for appropriate apparel)
student will be sent home.

All Faculty and Staff will be trained and prepared to teach students how to be safe during all types
of emergencies. We will focus on Evacuations, Earthquake Drills, Lockdowns, Bomb Threats,
Shelter in Place and Reunification. We will have 6 emergency drills during the year. You will
know the week but not the day of the drill. All teachers are expected to attend all trainings and
keep current rolls of their classes.



Full time faculty and staff members shall pay a determined amount of faculty dues which will
include the $5.00 PTA membership fess early in each school year ($35.00). Part time faculty and
staff will pay partial dues. (talk with Julie) These dues will be used for weddings gifts, flowers for
funerals and illness, gifts for babies of faculty members, faculty socials, and PTA membership


FLEX Time is 30 minutes of everyday where students have opportunities to have interventions. It
could be re-teaching, testing, homework time, reading time, Channel One or enriched learning
activities. This time is designed to engage all students with extra time and assistance in school
work and or extended learning opportunities. Throughout the week days there will be priority days
that will focus on one single content. If students do not need assistance with this particular
curriculum they can work in any other content area. This is LRIS Response to Intervention


Gecko Time is a celebration and an enriched learning opportunity of for all students who have
earned that privilege.. Each department will plan and host a Gecko Time activity at least one time
a month with the focus on the curriculum. It should be a highly engaging activity that will motivate
students to further explore various career pathways. Also, one time per trimester the counseling
department will

Students will receive 2 grades in each of their class periods. The ACADEMIC GRADE will
reflect student learning. STUDENT EFFORT GRADE will reflect non academic learning.
(See description of each below)

GRADING Academically: (A, B, C, NP)

Grading should reflect student learning. The academic grade will be given according to results
on tests, quizzes, projects, essays, labs.anything that demonstrates proficiency
Is can only be given to students if reasonable notice has been given to parents. After
two weeks into each trimester, if a student has an I the teacher contacts the parent and
documents on Powerschool. Every two weeks a progress note should go home with follow-up of a
parents signature. At midterm, again the teacher contacts the parents of any student receiving an
I, and documents, and a copy of the students midterm grades will be mailed home. Two
three weeks after midterms, again make contact with parents of any student receiving an I and
document it. At the end of the trimester if a student receives an I parents will not be surprised.
This covers our basis of No Child Left Behind. The documentation is very valuable and essential.

Any student with an I at the end of the trimester will automatically go into the Gecko
Time Intervention Class for the subject area for a minimum of the first 2 weeks of the
trimester and receive remediation in this area. After successfully completing the
intervention time and demonstrating knowledge of the content the teacher may change
the I to the applicable academic grade.

Grades will not be posted in the classroom where all students names are posted with grades.
Grades will be sent home with the students or mailed out.
If a student works hard, turns assignments in on time, but fails tests, please consider a grade


GRADING Student Effort: (A, B, C, U)

Student Effort grades should reflect a students participation in class, attitude, homework
practice, parent signatures, reading logs, tardies, following outlined class rules and procedures,
etc. Any student who has accumulated 6 unexcused tardies automatically receives a U
citizenship grade.

Any student with a U at the end of the trimester will automatically go into the Gecko
Time Intervention Class for the first 2 weeks of the trimester and receive remediation in
this area. After successfully completing the intervention and demonstrating knowledge
of the content the teacher can change the U to the applicable academic grade.


Grades 6-7 will be a letter academic grade of A, B, C, or NP and these grades reflect knowledge,
skills, understanding, etc.
Grades 6-7 will be a letter student effort grade of A, B, C, or U and these grades reflect nonacademic efforts
Back-to-School will be held at the beginning of each school year to acquaint parents with
curriculum, grading, and teacher expectations.
A parent-teacher conference will be held yearly for parents to discuss their students' progress with
individual teachers.
Parents will be notified of failing grades in a timely manner.(see Grading and Parent Notification)



79% - 77%


92% -90%


76% - 73%

89% - 87%


72% - 70%



69% & Below =

82% -80%




Is & Us can only be given to students if reasonable notice has been given to parents and
has been documented.
After two weeks into each trimester, if a student has an NP or U contact the parent and
document on Powerschool.
Every two weeks a progress report will be sent home with low achievers and a follow-up of
parent acknowledgement.

At midterm, again contact the parents of any student receiving an NP or U and document.

At the end of the trimester if a student receives an NP or U parents will not be surprised.
This covers our basis of No Child Left Behind.

Two three weeks after midterms again make contact with parents of any student receiving an
I or U and document.



All STUDENTS have designated hall passes that are stored in the front of the students
organizational binder. As a student leaves your classroom have them fill it out and carry their hall
pass. Be strict that the student be gone for only three minutes. Reward those who DO NOT use
these passes.


The student has (2) two days to make up work following an absence for full credit (each situation
may be handled differently according to the digression of the teacher and/or administration.
Students who have sluffed classes can make up the work that was missed.


All teachers are expected to write lesson plans. Each teacher should use the written plan that is
most practical and usable for him/her. Lesson plans may be written in a lesson plan book,
notebook, log, journal, etc. Lesson plans shall be made available to the principal and/or
supervisor upon request.


The required minimum hours at Lava Ridge Intermediate for certified teachers are:
7:15 a.m. 3:00 p.m. (2:15-3:00) PLC Collaboration time with
the exceptions of Faculty Collaboration that will be from 2:153:30 and Early Out PLC days which will consist of (6) early out
days throughout the school year and will be 3 hrs. per session.
Tues. Fri.
7:15 a.m. 2:30 p.m.
Office permission is required if your arrival time or departure times differ.
Monday OF Each Week Will Be Used For Staff Development, Faculty Meetings, and
Department Collaboration or ITeam Collaboration. According to WCSD School Board this is
part of your contract.


All monies should come to the office window for collection. All money collections will be


A problem, new proposal, or an idea that has school ramifications is presented to the administration.
If the issue is in accordance with the District Policy, it is then given to an existing committee or a new
committee may be formed to deal with the proposed issue. The committee reviews the issue and either
tables it or makes a written proposal that is presented to the staff.
The written proposal is given to the principal for approval. If the proposal is not approved, it will go back
to the committee for revision or tabled altogether.
Upon principals approval, it is put in written form and put in staff members boxes at least 24 hours in
advance of faculty meeting.
At the faculty meeting, the committee presents the proposal to the staff as it is written. The staff has
opportunity for any clarification of the existing proposal.
The vote carries by at least 60% majority vote. Each person has one vote. A person not in attendance can
vote before the general vote but it will be sealed until the general vote is taken.
If the vote carries then the proposal issue becomes enacted. If it does not carry, the issue goes back to
committee or is tabled altogether.


PLC Collaboration:

The PLC Collaboration will consist of (6) 3 hour sessions throughout the school year. PLC Collaboration will
focus on Utah State Teaching Standards (standards that teachers are evaluated on), BEST Practices, Effective
Teaching Strategies, etc. Some of the sessions will be for the entire school and others will be district wide for
specific content areas.


District Purchase Orders are now done online. You need to fill out the following information on
a purchase order worksheet that you can obtain from Julie.
Name of Company or Vendor
Address of the Company/Vendor
Cost per item and shipping charges
Total Cost
Return the purchase order to Julie and she will process the order.
Basic school items are kept on hand in the supply room. Items such as pencils, pens, dry erase
markers, tape, staples, etc. are available upon request to JULIE. All paper will be available in
each of the workrooms. When workrooms run low on items the workroom coordinator will let
Julie know what is needed.


House Bill 504 (NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND) states that any 6 th or 7th grade student who fails a tested
course area will need to have some intervention time for the specific course. This will be handled through
FLEX Time, GECKO Day, individual teacher interventions, Homework Hall, Study Skills, etc.


It is the schools policy that if a student misses 3 consecutive days, the teacher will first contact the home
to find out the reasons for the absentees. Contact should be made by the vice principal if it is determined
there are excessive absentees, or the student is absent for the wrong reasons, or needs home bound
teaching. Please document phone call on Powerschool and keep in touch with Greg.

All students will be ask to provide (1) 3-ring binder with 8 pocket folders and protective sleeves for
school along with some paper and pencils. All teachers are expected to use this binder to hold all of the
students school work. (Do not require another notebook or binder for your class). Please keep student
expenses as minimal as possible.


Lesson plans for substitute teachers should be carefully planned and written in detail. Detailed plans give
the substitute teacher a feeling of confidence and security. The lesson plans should be placed on the
teacher's desk in plain view.

Print out a class list or roll that the substitute can take attendance. Substitutes do not enter attendance in
Powerschool`. Inform the substitute to bring attendance sheets to the office and Kim will enter the
information on the computer and file the sheets.

If you are unable to be at school because of a planned or unplanned event, it is your responsibility to have
class rolls and lesson plans accessible to a substitute at any given time. Please prepare a file folder marked
"Substitute Information" with this information in it and have it at your desk at all times in the event you are
unexpectedly unable to be at school.


If you need a sub contact Heather before 10:00 p.m. or after 6:00 a.m. She will assist you or arrange with
Kelly Services to get you a sub. If you know in advance that you are going to be absent, make Heather
aware of it. The earlier that you plan, the better prepared the substitute will be. If you have any questions
regarding subs, please talk with Heather.

Note: if a substitute cannot be obtained in a timely manner it may be necessary for you to report to
school until a substitute arrives.


Commercial videos, instructional videos, and full-length movies are not to be shown during regular school
time for entertainment or reward purposes, but only for direct classroom instructional needs in accordance
with the approved District curriculum and applicable copyright laws.

Where a video or movie which has a rating that suggests parental guidance or other restrictions is to be
shown to students, the school must obtain parental consent prior to its presentation.

The school is responsible for meeting the legal requirements of applicable copyright laws & required fee.

Washington County School District

Intermediate School Guidelines
Mission Statement: The mission of Washington County Intermediate Schools is to provide every
student a successful transition from elementary to high school in a positive and safe climate by
providing an optimal learning environment, promoting intellectual capabilities, emphasizing respect
for self and others, and encouraging hope for the future.
Philosophy: Washington County School District is committed to preparing young students with the
understanding and skills necessary to cope with their own changes from childhood to adolescence
and with the academic skills and knowledge essential for continued school success and life-long
learning. The intermediate school programs must reflect understanding of the students' physical,
mental and social needs, the importance of individual values, and the encouragement of parental
and community involvement in the educational process.


Transitional Experience: Since the intermediate school years are the years in which the greatest changes
take place in a student's life (physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally), the intermediate school should
be structured to accommodate these changes.
Staff with a Personal Touch: The intermediate school staff must have a desire to work in such a school
with specific training in working with students of this age group. Every effort should be made by the staff to
be an advocate for the students in order to facilitate a positive educational experience.
Socialization: Varied opportunities for socialization and activity should be provided for all students.
Positive Student Assessment: In order to give students a feeling of success, assessment of individual
student achievement and progress should be honest and encouraging.
Parental Involvement: In order to foster a positive school/home relationship, intermediate school
administrators and teachers should involve parents as partners in the educational process.
Exploratory Opportunities: The intermediate school experience should provide students with the
educational opportunity to explore many curricular areas with emphasis toward "hands-on" experiences.

Background in Basics: The intermediate school should provide students with a background in
required basic subject.



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