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Reflect on the policy that if one ship in a company fails an SMS audit, all other ships

in the company have their certificates revoked. What do you think of this policy is it
fair? Discuss with your syndicate and respond to the answers of at least two other
syndicate members.
Rather than saying fair or unfair, in order to meet the objective of the ISM code, I
opine that this policy of revoking the SMS of the entire fleet vessel is necessary. To
justify my view point, I would like to comment as below:
As per ISM code, 3.1, It is the Companys responsibility to develop, implement and
maintain a Ship Management System which includes functional requirements.
We have to look into the processes prior carrying out SMS Audit. In the first place,
the SMS certificate is given to a ship when it is proved that the company and its
shipboard management operated in accordance with the ISM code. The SMS external
audit is generally carried out by the Class between 2nd and 3rd Anniversary date of
your SMS issued date. The company does the SMS internal audit every year and the
SMS external audit is carried out once in 2.5 years. Also, the company goes through
the annual verification audit for their Document of Compliance.
One of the objectives of the ISM code is the multi layer checking, to avoid one man
error. Therefore, if a Ship fails an SMS audit, it means that there is a serious lapse on
the companys part along with the shipboard management part. The main condition
for revoking a certificate is when there is an evidence of major non-conformity with
this code. A major non-conformity cannot happen without the companys knowledge.
Once within companys knowledge, the company has to take counter-measures and
rectify as soon as possible and disseminate this information to the entire fleet to avoid
any recurrence. If that is not happening, along with SMS, the companys DOC is also
at risk and you will lose your DOC. Once you lose your DOC, the SMS certificate of
the entire fleet vessel will get revoked anyway.
Hence it is justified to say that if one ship in a company fails an SMS audit; all other
ships in the company have their certificates revoked.

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