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Developing working


Child: Sibghah
Date: June 2015
Written by: T. Bushra and T. Natasha
This morning Sibghah we were making breakfast as a class, as part of our week
long skip-a-thon planned by T. Bushra and T. Natasha. You were on the toast
making station with friends Kamila, Najma, Zaina and Fawwaz. As you put the
toast down we talked about how it looked red and felt warm. We discussed how
the process of heat would crisp the soft bread. Once the toaster went POP it was
time to put our knife skills to the test to put on the spreads. After putting spreads
on you suggested cutting the bread in triangles what a wonderful idea Sibghah.
You carefully cut pieces in both big and small triangles of two or four per piece.
Review of learning
By participating in our breakfast morning you were joining in a nutrition session
where we focused on the importance of breakfast and the types of food we should
consume such as yoghurt, fruit, toast, cereal and eggs. This is an important
aspect of life skills, which can easily be incorporated in to home life.
You were using a lot of fine motor and eye-hand co-ordination skills which can
take years to develop. I was impressed with your spreading skills only making one
By discussing the process of heat you were exploring science concepts as well as
using all of your senses to explore and make working theories ka pai.
Where to next?
In the short term this session will be supported by the rest of our week long skipa-thon in which we have two special nutrition and physical sessions planned daily.
Longer term we would like to encourage you through both have other baking or
cooking sessions but also through the provision of dramatic play resources as you
assimilate your new knowledge while strengthening friendships.

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