Vampyre Game Booklet - Compressed

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For 2-6 Players Ages 12 and Up “The flowing list of number and types of plaving pieces hasbeen provided fr quick relerence. Your VAMPYRE game should con tai the following counter: Count Dracula Werewot Ghost Gargoyle Zemtse Brides (The Brides of Dracula) Demon Swarm of Rats Gypsies Trap Day Guard Madam Mina Marry Dr. dn Seward Lod Gedling Mr. Quincey Morris Jonathan Harker Dr Van Helsing “The How Silver Crein ‘Siker Bullet Holy Water Nothing Coit Dacia Atacks! Nosferatu Player Werewolf Day Night Bite! Bonk PF ‘VAMPYRE™ Game ofthe Hunt for Dracula Rules of play INTRODUCTION ‘Dracula, Bram Stoker’s 1897 horor clase, was abesteer when it fist came out, and is even mare popular today. The Dracula ‘myth has inspired more books and fis than almost anyother published book Ils the sory of sixmen al women who set out torrid the eath ofthe most feored of sapematurl creatures, the Lord of the Vanpites, Count Dacula, Inthe book, Jonathan Harker, th main character, aveled ram Klausenburgin Hungary tothe village of Bist in Transyania, ‘nd trom there through the Borgo Pass to Castle Dacia. All of ‘hese authentic locations are marked on the game board, as well as other places one might expect to find in Transylvania ‘The VAMPYRE™ game is faithful to Stoker's orginal novel. iy be lag iyo te prep onch ai te ol cet Stoker's characters” Many of the game elements are alo derived from the book: In Stokers novel, Dracula did indeed hide coin ‘various secret cations so that be would always have a place fo Fade during the day, shoul his principal are discovered. Dracula bd have vampiric brides and could command wolves, rats bears land other supernatural beings. Fifective against these mead ‘creatures were The Host, holy water, cruciees and ser bullets: ‘ottomention the hammer and stake —toolerenuited tr dspateh ng vampires. OBJECT OF THE GAME The VAMPYRE" Basic Gare tas place onthe map of Tran- sylvania, The game i race between the vampire hunters 0 see ‘rt vel be the fst to ind and destroy thew of Count Drala’ biden cofins. “The Extended Game is played on the reverse side of the map, Dracula's Castle after the players have finished the Basic Game. Here the players have already destroyed Dracula's hslden coffin Now they must track down ard destroy the Count in his heavily suarded bait. ‘VAMPYRE wa tademark owned by TSR Hotes Ines ' EXPLANATION OF MAPS AND COUNTERS ‘Transylvania This map represen a section of the Carpathian Mountains, also know asthe Transylvanian Alpsor simply Treneylvania. The map Is broken up by a gral which divides the area ilo any sce spaces known as hexagons. For smplcty these hexagons wll be telered to as “heres” Each hex represents one space on the game bord. The map ie made up of several diferent types of train, each with ts own special features. These train iypes are detailed below. Large Hexes: Located across the map are ten oversized hexes labeled Klausenburg, Bistits, The Old Abbey. Borgo Pass, ‘The Witch's Cottage, The Ruined Castle. The Stones, The Crypt, Targovite nnd Castle Dracula These-large hhexes arothe only leations on the map where Dracula can ides colfins. [nthe course of the game, players wil vst all of these hexes. Connecting the large hexes is @ networks of roads, The highways are wide dit ran partly enwerd wih cltionne Clear Terrain: The unmarked hexes represent “cleat” tera, These lands ae low and mostly Nat, covered with sal frre, A “clear” areashave been ol wild beasts and ave, forthe most pat, Free of supernatural ereatires, Forest Terrain: These trc-flled hexes stand for forested land ‘Thewoodsaredarkand gloomy. Here, wld animals uch asboars, wolves, and even bears have been known to allack Wavelers ‘without provocation during the hows of darkness. “Mountain Terrains The mounisin hense are over with tall ‘ragey peaks of hate, gare rock. Although shepherc wil ace: ‘Sonaly graze ther herds of sheep and cattle onthe lower pals of these hills, the upper reaches are avoided whenever possible, Wolves andbearsareknown to frequent the mountain slopes alter nighall, ‘Areas Under Evil Influence (shaded areas): In Transylvania. there ave certain areas that have fallen under the dak cloak of ev doe to Dracula's demonic powers. These once fete fields ane 113559 mounlainaides are now bamen. The licess ground i co vered with sharp, kellie stones all pointing upwards as though a pushed up out of Helitsell Theres evidence that thewe dark lands ae inhbied by wereveles, demons end a mide of other ‘creatures just a ful. Cate Dracula ‘The ancestral home of Count Dracula is located inthe highest reaches of the Transylvanian Alps. The castles carved frm dark ‘oneand he sigh imooraelmary potted spines, Gargoyles and ‘other archaic batts adorn the castle wall ‘The representation of Castle Dracula displays an aera view of the fortress inner keep and grounds. This map has three kinds of “terrain”: gray (castle walls and impassable thorn patches), white (castle grounds, hallways and passages), and green (encounter areas). The groon and white areas are dived into spaces for ‘overnent by dark green lines Counters ‘The paying pees inthis game ave caledcouters. Thee ae 84 Fiften of the counters (red) stand forthe guardian monsters the players wil encounter inside Castle Dracula, They willbe used in the Extended Game Soc the counters (rey) stand forthe players: Jonathan Harker, ‘Madam Mina Murray, Dr. Van Helsing, Lord Godalming. Me (Quincey Moras and Dr.John Seward. fhe trac) hing ta i lasers Telolertia Seca’ cnet hebreelane Chee Cote The id Abbey we These pects at mantel “COTFRE, NO THING’. “HOLY WATER", “THE HOST, “SILVER CRU. CIFIX®, KNIFE”, SUN, “SILVER BULLET’, and 7DRAC ULM ATTACKS! ‘Ten ofthe counters (black) ae used when a vampire hunter is (fecal ees alacaba (arpa player) ov aye weverll ‘These counters wl place the players orginal counter. “Two counters are used with the printed clock to ep track of ime ring the Extended Game. These counters are marked “DAY” ‘and "NIGHT". 3 ‘The remaining counters are blank, These can be wed i printed ‘counters lost or damage Materials Your VAMPYRE game should contain the following items rulebook (you're holding it), 1 map (printed onboth sides), and 84 ented counters. The couners are die-cut froma singe sheet and ‘may sil be attached to iin places. To insure hat the couriers ae fot dameyed, use care’ when removing. ther (store are recommended, ‘Aside eam the parts provided with his game, you will ned one of two dice. In additon, paper and pencils should be aed to keep track ofthe “useful tims” each player hs found, as wells how many times th vamnpite hunter has been bien a . mam THE BASIC GAME. Preparation fr Pay — Tranayvanin ‘Separate all of the playing pieces by color. Set all of the red atleast es be to exrtoreatial "DAY and “RIGHT: From he emaining ple al coonteeachpayer lect one ofthe ceurrcfunter einer ber play cetera ‘tbe game, Ath used vp bts ae ae ord wil Sele daring theres the game Al the comers marked ITED" ee trad actyRctee ayo ba lop aed tecses hy lk ved aero The lack counters thee shou be 27 of them) av turned face ew an rowdy mixed Tres cout aren ace ace dawn neat lrg ex except Kiusenburg Ge vam hater ave ated comply searched as own Alle players lace the plying pieces in Klausenbur. Each player lls one Ge. The igh ol goes tad ply propestes TET cs pe Enh player lel td wma as Eads cor er to Sequence of Play — Transylvania 1. Movement 2 Search or check for encounter 3. Combat 44 Conversion to noserat oF werewolf, Possension, 4 Movement Sarting with the igh roller, play proceeds clockwise. Each player rollsone de and moves his orber counters certain ure ol exes in any direction desed. The player may not move through the fame hex tice in ane tn. ‘The die rol wil allow the player to move a numberof spaces that depends on the type of train the player enters The tera elects fare explained below Road: A player who moves long. road wll ove thefullnumber of exes rolled onthe die. Clear Terrain: Movement tough these spaces is only 1-3hexes. Hithedierollisa or2, the playermoves only Lhex. the deol 1 3ord the player moves 2 spaces Ite lla Sor, the player moves 3 spaces Forest: Players will move only 1-2 spaces in the forest. I the de rolls 1,2,0°3theplayermoves I space. the die ralli 4, 5,or 8 the player moves 2 paces. Mountaine or Areas Under Evil Influence: Movemant through these hoxes is imted to one space only, resardless ofthe de al A player moving through voor more dllerent kinds of terrain does soatthe movement rate of the wora ype a terran entered during the ene move. This means that a payer rling a 6 may move 6 layer verains on the road, 3 spaces i the player "hex during the move, 2 spaces the payer entre ‘and only one space ithe player enters the mountains. A player must usually move the entire number af spaces deter ‘mined by the roll ofthe de. However, the player has the option to sont (| reature hostile to the vampie hunters). Ending mavement by tether ofthese two methods is always upto the player. Encounters Althe end ofeach tur (1 day) each player makes carp. During the night there is a chance thatthe player sell encounter hole ‘creature. This chance, ad the creature encountered, depends on the terrain inthe hex where the player spends the night, [No encounters will occur in any’of the large exes orn “clear” tervain became selier readily available these ares, 5 A player who ends his or her movement in the mountains, the {oes orn an area under eviinfluence, must roll on the appro: pate chat to determine any special encounters. NOTE THAT ‘ALL ROADS ARE CONSIDERED THE TERRAIN OF THE SURROUNDING HEX FOR THE PURPOSE OF ENCOUN. "TERS, To determine i a special encounter takes place, roll two ice and check the appropriate chart FOREST RM 2 cg ne or eros 2 Vampire = Beat 456789 No Encounter 10 Boar u Walt 12 Strange Occurence Rell 2 3.10 au 58,789 No Encounter 2 Strange Occurrence [AREAS UNDER EVIL INFLUENCE Ral 238 ‘Vampire 4567 No Encounter R10 Werewall ti Deron 2 Strange Occurrence proceeds lockwie Ia creature ie encountered, the player mus Tight itimmediately Ia "Strange Occurrence” rll, ol two dice on the following chart to determine what type of "Strange (Gecsrence™ has bealen the player. 6 [STRANGE OCCURRENCE ll Occurrence a ‘As you pass trough a local vlage, a com cerned old woman recognizes your ques nd gives you her silver eri 3 {A strange fog closes around you and onaciournes sly follows. When you wake you lind yoursell among The Stand ing Stones. 4 Your passage i halted by a fierce storm. Lose one rn. 5. ‘You are lst. Let the player on your lft move your counter 15 hexes (rll one die) From your preset location. Tera effects se ignored 6 ‘When you aseaken inthe morning, you find that yur camp has been ransacked by gyp- ‘es. Lose all af your useful tes ‘You wake upto the sounds of tering vine and find two small punctures on Your tech. You have ben ten by a vampire! 8 [As you make your way through small wi lage, you meet a nendly pest who gives you 3 ial of holy water. 8. Luckily, you chance wp skied metal smith, Gain silver bullet. 10 You are able to vist a nearby church. Gain The Host. un You come upon the body ofa recently de ceaaed gypey. He's canying 2 gun, 2 Huge laws pluck you rom the ground and ‘you are bulleted into unconsciousness. Wham you come to, pus area The Crypts. Searching a Large Hex: ‘Any player who ends a move in large hex that containe a facedown counter may “search. To search, the player takes the top counter in the hex and turns it over, There are four diferent types of counters that will be found Nothing: Dracola has cided the players search. The vampize Inanter has found nothing el mat search sleeve Dracula Altacks!: Dracula has discovered the player's purpose and alacks the vampire hunter. Combat takes place mmediaely. ‘A “oo reat” ora victory” for the player means that Dracla is kept at bay uni sunrise, forcing the vampire lord to ee Failare to defeat Dracula means the player hasbeen bitten. Reyardes ofthe bates outeome, Dracula wil disappear aflervards. ‘The Host, Holy Water, Knife, Gun, Silver Crucifix, oe Silver Bullet: The player has not found one of Dracula's cofins bt has tha the good fortune to acquire “useful tem”. These countert should be kepthy the player wo finds them, Usfultememay not ‘beaded, lento talkenby other layers Fora detled description ‘of cachitem and ts powers ace Appendix il. The flowing shart Isr quick ceerence tothe items" powers. USEFUL ITEMS or Knife ‘Addis +1 to Mele Combat vols, Gon ‘Aéds +2 to Mie Combat rolls The Host ‘Aéds +1 to Supernatural Combat rll, ‘Silver Crucifix Acie +1 to Supernatural Comba rll Holy Water _“Actomatically dpe (destroys) one demon Siver Bullet Avtomatcally lays one non-player werewolf ‘N player werewol wil be killed permanently with 2 "V" (icon) rau lor allt used, Coffin: The player has found and burned one of Dracula's foal resting place, The counter shoul be kept to prove how many olin each player has destroyed, player who has searched lage hex mus vst another lrgehen “and return before searching the area again, Afterall hr counters have bee removed from single location, the area is considered “lean” and may not be searched forthe rest ofthe game, Players may sill sop in these areas to avoid spening the right in the ‘wderness oF vist ther beloreretuing to hexes tht still have ‘Counters, deied, oe i wwv vv Vv vv Vv wwwvvvvvy wwwwvvvvy wVvVvVvVVV¥VV¥ wwvyyvvvyy¥ wwWwWwVvVVVvVy¥ wwwwvvvvy wwwwwvvvy wwwwwwvvy wwwwvvvvy WwWWV¥VVVVy¥ wwvvvvvvv wwwvvvvvv SUPERNATURAL COMBAT Fea plang aad Monster 123" 48 67 Duca 8 B BB BN V V Demon oP P PP VY VV V Brides 9B B BB BV V V Nodes B BBN V VS S Ghot FOF POF VV VV Gagosle 1 1 1 1 vv vv Vampire B BB BV VV V Combat Inthe ques! to destroy Dracula the players wilhave igh many ddilrent creates aside fom the Count himscll. Some ofthese ae ‘merely denizens of the dark forests and high mountains. Chel ssmong these creatures te boar, wolves ane bears, Other creatures Gla ore ell and sipermatral origin, These monders incbde lemons, ghosts, gargoyles and vampires; including, of course, (Count Dracula hissel Combat with these creatures is of two types: Mele (physical) Combat. nd Supernatural Combat. The creatures that the players willmeet are divided into two groups, based on whether the atlack 1 physical or supernatural. To determine the outeame of any ‘comb, the player ols a die, adds any onases he or she has for ‘sel tems (or the time of day in the Extended Game: see Time 9 Inside Caste Dracula) and ehocks the vesul against the monster being fought. “The combat venus given aa single code leer. The code eters ae expined below COMBAT CODE LETTERS ‘V.Vietory: Th player has deleted hs or her opponent In the Rene Game Wasnt th payer's tan, Llosa and player werewolves arerersoved aed veappearin The Crypt a the Sarto the owning players ext move however, a player werent Kiedy aver ble pervaneily out ofthe game), A victory result agsinata“Possesed” varie ner willcausea Wound” ‘on that vampire hints and end the possession, Ia °V" ress ‘tained against Count Dracula, the Count is een ves olf by the player Inthe Extended Game, victor cet susinly the same, except that elated nosferae and player werewolves wl reappea in The ‘Tower. In addon i ths es ated weighing Count Dracula. the vam hunters sede in destroying the Lond ofthe Vamptes ad han the ge! W.Wound: The player has been wounded. If tis occurs during the Basic Game, the player's counter mediately placed in ‘Klausenburg. On the following turn the player plays ox (using been healed by the dctrs inthe et) In the Extended Game (inside Castle Dracula), to wounds wil Kila player. A wounded player has tivo choices, Fat, the wounded player can lsc his or her next tun and eure the wound ding that time. hist be done onthe player's turn immediately following thewound. The wound ena considered healed until the endo he turn ostf the wounded player iaacked and wounded ngnin on the tain apent to heal the danny he ayes wil he, Sexo, ie player can choose to ignare the wound and continae playing normal Ifthe player is wounded again, he or she wll ie and be removed from play. ‘The only exception fo ths rule is a wound from a werewoll. A player who has been bitten twice bya vampire willbe weak enough to contractthe dead sone of canthropy. This wl matanty hom the vampice hunter sto. player werewll. Fo detailed descrip tion of werewolves and lysanhropy, see Appendix I IN-No Result: The bate has not yet been reslved. The player ‘may not move and must ight the opponent on his o her next hum until oneside has won a lear victory (a non-N esl) I bool the 10 ‘combatants are players the bate contiones on the soonest turn of either player. ‘Salvation: The player has suceeded in destoying the noslera- {u. The vampite payers dead end removed rom play. By slaying the nosera, the player has saved the vampire players oul rom Satan's gp. This result only allects noaterats Be Tc lap tne oy ie Win lar bite thrge times he or the wil become a nosferat, 9 vamrpie player For a detailed account ofthis phenomenon see Vampirie Conversion Inadktion,acharacterssho hasbeen itentwice wil turn into player werewolf wounded by a werewall P-Postession: The playersbody hasbeen aken aver by a demon Inthe players next urn, the possessed individual willmove twice his or her normal apeed (rll two dice for movement) towards the ‘eares living player and attack him or her. Possestion lasts 1-6 tors (the rll of one dc), or unl a varmpre hunter scores a "V" teat on the possessed player in combat. The possessed player does nat have to roll or encounters F-Fear: The playerbas last his or hr nerve and has led, intent on leaving Castle Dracula and Transylvania forever. Th player must move back towards The Portes, When the player reaches this ‘athe orehe wil stp and relies orber oly. The rent tur, the player may besin the vampire hust anew. ‘This eau is only possible inthe Extended Game. [Limmebility: The vampite hunter hasbeen paralyze by the bite ‘of gargoyle. The player loses two turns. If the paralyzed charac teris attacked while immabiized the attacker subtracts two from the combat rll This onl ieonly posublein the Extended Game, ‘Vampirie Conversion ‘When a playerhas been bitten theo times he or she wil become a nosleraty a player vampire, The vampare hunter counter i placed with a noseratu counter. All rfl ers ae lost. On the turn following the third bite, the player wll begin atackng the remainingliving ¥ampire hunters. To nove the noseratrols only ‘one defor movement, but moves the ull ol regardless f train. (hiss duet the abit ofthe nosferatuto transform isl into » bat and ly across the Transylvanian countryside) ‘Combat between ving players and noferatacan occurin any area ‘onthe map of Transylvania excep! forthe ten large hexes Either the vampire hunter rth noferatsean attack simply by ending his ‘aver main the hee asi by the other Combat pened a n ‘normal wth the attacker ang one die and consulting the Super natural Combat table. Clearly the ving player wil wan! to ol ae high a possible wile the nsteratu wll wish to rol low Wa vampire player is defeated, (9 "Victory" esl i atained the nosferata dissolves nto cloud of vapor. The noseat counter wil reappear on the falleing tam in The Crypts. However i te ‘special ‘Salvation’ esl is indicted, the nesleraty is destroyed 8nd removed frm play. ‘When a vampire player has successfully bite a vampire hunter, the neseraus sated and the noserata counter iremoved irom the board. Tw tums later, the nosferats wll reappear at The Crypts, hungry once more. Werewolf Conversion. A player with two warpirciles who'then wounded by aeerewol oes not retum to Klausenburg, but immediately becomes player werewol, Allusetul items ate los. A player werewall must try to attack and il the surviving vampire hunters. Player were- wolves move mali vampire hunters, except they cannot entre Tere henes. Werewolves do not alfor encounters, I dleated in combat, player werewall ix removed from the board. At the begining the owning player's next ar, the werewall appears tn The Crypts. I the werewol x deeated wih adver bullet, tis dead aed permanently onto pay. ‘The Standing Stones A player may be eared of vampire bites by visting the mystic Standing Stones. Iie player spends one turn here, the magic of the stones wileute the vampire hunter and erase the etait rom his or her soul ll the “Bite!” markers the player has accumulated are removed). Fach vampire hunter can use the healing powers of the Standing Stones ony once ding the game ‘The Standing Stones wil not affect soserata in anyway How to Win The fist player to find thee of Dracula's coins has won the Basic Game. He or she wll begin the Extended Game fly healed ofall ‘vampire bites and wil gain the useful em of his ober choice. W al ofthe coffins are found, yet no ane has thee of them, the player with the highest numberof coffins wins. two oF more players have the same number of coffins, ench rls die ae the high rller wins. A player who seine without Finding three colina {ain the tem a iso her choice, bt any bite wil not be healed 12 ‘THE EXTENDED GAME Preparation for Play — Castle Dracula “Take all the ved counters (there should be 15 other), turn them face dowa, and mix the thoroughly. Flip te map over to show Castle Dracula. Pace one othe red counters face down in each seen area on the map. Place the vampire hunters ia the space ‘marked Portals and all the aoserat an player werewolves the space marked The Tawer. Sel the cock at 12 oock (noon) using the counter marked "DAY". The Extended Game i nom ready to play ‘Time Inside Castle Dracula During each player’ tum, the dock is set ahead ane hour. This must be done before the player rolls ior movement. A player who {orgetslones his orher tar, bute clocks not advanced, Note that when atm s lot for anyother reese, the clock i advanced. During the hours of daylight all supernatural eeatures lve pert of their strength. Between 6 a.m. (sunrise) and 6 pum. (unset all ‘vampire hunters add +1 to thei Supernatural Combat rolls. At tiaet the lence oh ell epsn Une fel powers and rat once te be fought a ther hl eng Sequence of Play — Castle Dracula 1, Set locke 2, Moverent 3. Reveal Counter 4 Combat 5. Conversion to nasleratu or werewall. Possession 6, Restocking the Map (Mbit turn oaly) Forthe most par ply inside Caste Dracula's the sareas playin the Base Gare. Any dillerences are described herealer Movement Play besine withthe winner of the Basic Game and proceeds ‘lockwise. Each player turn et the clock shead one hour rd ralls one die The umber ales the numberof spaces the payer will move that turn. Nosleaty, player werewolves, and possessed players also move 1-6 spaces por tum. Aplayermay not move over the same space twicein one turn, nor ‘move less than hs or he fll rol. However, when entering a green encounter area with face-down counter init, or when entering Space occupied by an opponent, the player may stp moving and attack, sie the player sags agree apace containing a faceclown gute ian counter, the player vat mediately ip the pce over and 13 fight the revealed guardian. Thre are only two exceptions to this rule, These are the counters “TRAP” and’"SWARM OF RATS". The coumes and heres ae descr m deta in Append Combat Combat inside Cale Dracula is aknost the seas combatin the Basie Came. The only difference isthe bonus gained by the ‘vampire hunters daring the hours of dayiht (sce Time Inside Castle Dracula). ‘When the combat is ove, regardless of the outcome, the non: ‘vampire hunter counter is removed from the board. The ony ‘exception to ths rule is Count Dracula himself, When the piece representing him is revealed, Dracula remains i the room ni ‘her hes sin or unl the clock reaches rh Converted Players “These are the vampire huntest who are nosferat, player were wolves, possessed atthe end of the Basic Game or who undergo Conversion during the Extended Game. These players begin the Extended Came nm The Tower. Like the vampire hunters, ll of them sell move 1-8 areas each tn, and eam go anywhere the vampire hunters do Converted players never reveal guardian counters a their only goal sto attack nad destroy the vampire hunters, Immediately ater attacking o being attacked, the counter ofthe converte players removed, to reappear in The Tower atthe beyianing of isorbernest move. (Of course, nosferaty and player werewal ‘sho ar ill permanently and players whose posresion x ended will ot reappear at The Tower) Renenbe that anosertun bes scsi itera Restocking the Map ‘When the clock reaches midnight, all tbe guardian counters remaining on the board are removed. These pieces are combined ‘witha the guaedian counters that were removed eather that day through combat. The counters ar then turned facedown, mixed ‘horoughiy, and replaced inthe green areas. A vampirs hunter ina greenspace at midnight, cannot move nis or her tur. Instead, the player must reveal the new counter and ‘lear the area before leaving. ‘This 24 hour epee of revealing and restocking wll continue unt either Dracula is dead or all the players are led or tured into apes orwerewoher. Winning the Game Inder to win the Extended Game, Dracula must be destroyed “Although al ofthe vampires coffins may have been destroyed i the Basie Game, this only small vctory df Dracula survives, ‘When aplayer turns over the counter marked “COUNT DRACU: LA” horse mused nae the vampire in Supermat al Combat Il the player i vilonous be or she has succeded in diving a stake through Dracula's heart and has won the game! cReDITs: Design: Philip A. Shell ‘Additional Design & Development: Paul Reiche Il Development: Kevin Hendry, Evan Rebinson Editing: Jon Pickens, Patrick L. Price ‘Ant Jeli Dee, David 8. Laforee, Erol Otus, im Reso, ‘Bi Wingham “Typeseting: Roxanne M. Percey Pasteup: Rober J. Diler Playesing: David Cook, Al Hammack, Kevin Hendeyx, Erol Otus, Bran Pitzer, Paul Reche IM, Evan Robinson, Lawrence Schick APPENDIX I: MONSTERS Gypsies: The gypsies of Transylvania are Slav race without {ear or any religion save supertion. One tive of these Slavs ‘now as the Szgany) has joined Count Dracula and act as his servants. Although the sypsies speak erly thet own barbaric tongue, they ae strongand very clever. When payerrevealsthe eae saying" GYPSIES hor shemustrllone dc tndtcmine ‘Swarm of Rats: Deocult con summon a host of rodent ales from the dar sewers beneath Castle Dracula and send them to aac the vampite hunter. The player who reveals this counter wil lose ‘one tum while fending ff the wretched menace “Trap: Dracula has prepared forthe warmpice hunter's aval eth several “narpies”. When this counter revealed, a trap door wil pen beneath the player, dropping him ar he into m deep, spike filed pit To avoid he trap, the player mustrolla Sor 6on one de; otherwise the player takes one wound 15 APPENDIX Il; USEFUL ITEMS. Knife: These weapons are quite commen throughout Transsiva- nia A kif willad + to any mele combat oll. Thal isto say, player was ightinga gypsy adroled »2, he or he would actly have a Sif he or she were carrying ake, Gun: Frearmsare more rare than knives but can be most useful in dhapatching bears or large numbers ‘Sl eles cutter mare we land akrle together wil give F3homstomele combat. ‘ore than one kifenrane gun willl give any akon bene ‘The Host The Hos! the consecrated bread ofthe Eucharat. Th sacred matenalisa potent espn agaiaallorms of mapersatiral tei. Any player hoholds The Host wil gain to any pernate tal combat de ll. Silver Crucifix: The crcifix is another powerl weapon agains ‘supernatural creatures, for they shy from its hey form and pre substance. A vampire hunter wih a silver ruc will add #1 to ‘ny supernatural cemmbat rolls. Ax with guns and knives, The Host and a sive cracx wil eambine bonuses, However, having more Shan oe of either will ok xref Vial Of Holy Water: Althouch each vial contains only smal potion of the blessed kqud, itis a most elective weapon agai! Semons, Any player who haea wal of holy water may automatical- Iy lel estoy) the fst demon who attacks him or her by ashing the holy thd on the demon's gaseous form. Each val of holy water may’be used only once. Silver Bullet: Like vamptes, werewolves cannot be slain by normal weaponry. The only thing that can kil a werewll is a ‘weapon made of siver In this case, the weapon srepresented bya silver bil (a gun snot needed touse this item). ‘When a player holding a aver bullet is attacked by a non player swerewal; the bull snay be fied and wil tsatclly slay the breast: However, ifthe werewol ia tanslormed player, the var pire hunter mast declare whether the sve bullet wil bused bere the combat die is rolled. Ifthe player dove not use the bul combat is esclved as urual, and a defeated player worewol reap pears next tum ateither The Crypts or The Tower depending on the stage ofthe game). the player daesuse the slver bullet, meee combats ole for usual adding any appropriate bonuses. Ifthe vampite buner ‘wounded, the bullet i lot and the variire hunter suffers the normal wourd effets, But the vampire hunter is victorious, the ‘werewoll slain and removed frm pay. 6 FROM JONATHAN HARKER'S JOURNAL — (Kept in shorthand) “31 October. Klausonburg — Arrived this evening by tain at 5:20 pm, jos belo sunset. We are all here now: Dr- Var Helaing, a wise mon ol some yearitha stout uid and avesoate will; Dr John Seward, the lunatic aryl chap, teribly nercous Fellow: Quincey Moris, the young oguish American: Lord Go doling, tell end ouster with ack ofa qanite cil ho iy love and ofcourse yell. Weare grim fellowship ‘Only sixshort months ago, who would have suspected tha today ‘wewould be ravelling by carige through he gray, snow covered Carpathians in acarchol en inurnan monster ~ Count racule!” Like the original quest oll Drala, this game i fraught with danger: But that is o be expected, since puting an end to Count vaclaisas challenging an endeavoras canbeimagined. Dracula an be killed, bothin the orginal book andi this game. requires bravery ond the willingness to take tebe riko, But hare "Dena de Todt eten schnell” — (“or the deo travel fast). VAMPYRE™ Minigame ‘by Philip A. Shreffler ©1861, TR Heb ‘A Reser VAMPIRE a der umd by TSR Mh “Tengo ded nt pre Une es Ames ay ‘eihied la i caper nen pron TS an be tnt othe nk ren he Und Stns by Raa Hose ead i (ately Banden eel Cnc Ld Data ty ry ‘ea rn TSR Hebe P08 36 Lae Gre WISE PRINTED INUSA, om

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