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Course Syllabus Fall 2015

Honors 9th Literature/Composition

Mrs. Rionda Bell (
Room 2204
Phone: (678)331-3961 Ext. 437
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Honors 9th Literature/Composition is a class which focuses on the study of
reading and writing a variety of genres to include: poetry, drama, informational texts, memoir, novels, and short
story. Students will continue their development of vocabulary and apply effective reading strategies to a wide
range of literary and informational texts. Additionally, students will continue to refine effective writing habits
and language skills as they apply to listening, viewing, thinking, and speaking. Students will produce works
that include literary analysis, compare/contrast, persuasive, narrative, expository, and research examples.
Assignments, activities, and assessments will provide practice toward mastery of the state standards for
literature and composition standards, as well as preparation for additional honors and AP level classes.


Text Book Prentice Hall Literature: 9th Grade Literature


Night by Elie Wiesel

The Road by Cormac McCarthy
The Color of Water by James McBride
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
Pens/ Highlighters (NO RED PENS!!!)

Post-it notes
Glue stick(s)
Composition Book

Weighted Grade Allotments:
We will review this system in more detail as the semester progresses. If questions arise about your
grades, please see me immediately.

Listening/ Speaking/ Viewing
Final Exam
EOC Exam




CCSD Grading Scale

90-100 A

80-89 B

74-79 C

70-73 D

69 and Below F

Tentative Semester Schedule (subject to change):

Predicted Dates:
Unit of Study:

August 3rd September 4th

September 7th - October 9th

Fate Vs. Free Will

Inherent Nature of Man

October 12th November 6th

November 9th December 18th

The Individual in Society

The Importance of Heroes

*Each unit may be assessed by a test, essay, and project/presentation

MAKE-UP WORK: In keeping with school policy, all make-up work must be completed within one
week of the due date of the assignment for an excused absence for full credit. Students are responsible
for asking for any make up work and assigning appointments before school for make-up tests and

LATE-WORK: The purpose of assignments is to aid students in acquiring the necessary skills of the
class. With this being said students are expected to turn in all assignments on time. However, students
will be allowed to turn in any graded assignment throughout the subsequent unit plus one week.
Students will be penalized 5% each day up to 25% of the grade after the first week. Major assignments
(projects and research papers) will be accepted at a penalty of one letter grade per day, but will not
exceed 25% of the overall grade. The one difference to this rule is that presentations will not be
accepted late. There will be one make-up presentation at the end of semester that students may take
advantage of if necessary.

Tuesday and Thursday mornings 7:45- 8:15 am (other times by appointment only)

Personal Electronic Devices Policy (Please see Student Handbook for more details)

Electronic devices are not permitted UNLESS given direct permission by the classroom teacher. Some
situations and learning activities will be appropriate for use of electronic devices, others will not. The
teacher will determine when it is appropriate to use cell phones, i-pods, e-readers, or other devices.
Basic rules:
Phone calls and/or texting are NEVER permitted in the classroom unless given direct permission
by a teacher.
Using a PED to take pictures or recordings is NEVER permitted in the classroom unless given
direct permission by a teacher.

PEDs are NEVER permitted to be out during a testing environment. If a PED is out during a
testing situation it will automatically be assumed that the student is cheating.
If listening to music while working, ear pieces must be worn, and the volume must be low enough
so another person cannot hear it. Sharing ear pieces is not permitted.
Cell phones volumes should be on vibrate/silent throughout the class period to avoid distractions
If at any time the teacher believes a student is abusing the privilege of using electronic devices, the
privilege will be taken away and the student will receive an administrative referral.


The faculty and students at Hillgrove are a community of people working together. In order to accomplish our goals,
we must treat each other with mutual respect and adhere to established expectations of behavior.

Follow the simple rules laid out in your behavior contract overall, show RESPECT towards
everyone in this classroom. I expect nothing less than your best behavior at all times.
Always come prepared to class (this means pens, paper, and book).
No food or drink other than water.


Once the bell rings, be in the classroom and take out necessary materials for class and start
reviewing/working on the warm-up.
Bathroom/Hall Passes: No passes are given within the first or last 15 minutes of class. You must use
the Hillgrove pass to leave the room. Fill it out and have the teacher sign. If your request for a pass
becomes excessive, your privilege may be limited.
Class is not dismissed by the bell. Students are to remain in their seats until the teacher dismisses


Cheating is not acceptable in any academic setting. There is no toleration!

If a student is discovered cheating, the following consequences may occur:
1. Assignment of a zero for that grade
2. Student/teacher conference
3. Parent Notification
4. Possible misconduct form to be filed in students disciplinary file (depends on severity of the case)

I have read and I understand the course syllabus for Mrs. Bells Honors 9th Grade Literature
Student Name (Please print)________________________________________________
Student Signature__________________________________________ Date__________
Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________________
Please take a moment to complete and return the information below. Should you want to
contact me please dont hesitate to send me an email at as this is the
best method for communication and a timely response. I look forward to working with both
you and your student to have a successful semester!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Please print legibly as this will be my primary means of communication. **

Does your student have consistent access to a computer with a word processor? ______________

Primary Contact and relationship with student:_________________________________

Which would be the preferred way for me to contact you?

____ Home Phone _____ Cell Phone

Work Phone _____ Email
Phone: ______________________________
Home Phone:_________________________ Cell

Work Phone: _________________________ Email Address: ____________________________

Best time to be contacted: ____________________

with student:_____________________________
Secondary Contact (if applicable) and relationship

Which would be the preferred way for me to contact you?

Work Phone _____ Email

____ Home Phone _____ Cell Phone

Home Phone:_________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________________

Work Phone: _________________________ Email

Address: ___________________________

Best time to be contacted: ____________________

Any other information about your child you wish to share:

Mrs. Bell & Tuckers Classroom Expectations and Behavior Contract

1. BE RESPECTFUL towards everyone, and everything. No exceptions.

2. Arrive to class on time and prepared. When the bell rings, you are in your
3. Come to class with a positive attitude and be ready to participate.
4. Turn in all assignments at the beginning of class on the assigned due
Does your student have consistent access to the internet? _______________________

5. Personal electronics will be used for educational purposes only based on

my discretion.
6. Food and drink are not permitted. They will be taken up if you have them.

If you follow all my simple expectations, you will definitely see my

appreciation throughout the semester, and most importantly, you will be
successful in this class.

However, if you choose to break my rules, there are negative

First Time: Verbal warning from teacher
Second Time: Detention/ Student-Teacher Conference/ Parent Call
Third Time: Office Referral

*Any severe actions will result in immediate referral to


STUDENTS: I have read and understand the rules laid out in the behavior

Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____________

PARENTS: My child has discussed the behavior contract with me. I

support the teachers expectations.

Signature: ______________________________ Date:______________

TEACHER: I will be consistent and fair towards all my students in my

praise and discipline towards my students.

Signature: _____________________________ Date:_______________

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