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Problem 1: (25 points)

Given vectors A=i+2j+3k and B=2i+j-k in Cartesian form. (1) Determine the angle between the two
vectors (in degrees), and (2) determine the orthogonal projection of A onto B, proj B A.

Problem 2: (25 points)

Two forces F, and Fv are applied to a bracket, and their directions are shown in the figure below. Their
resultant force R has a magnitude of 725 lb, and a direction shown in the figure. Determine the
magnitudes of F, and Fv .

Y .

Problem 3: (25 points)

The 20-kg homogeneous smooth sphere rests on the two inclined smooth surfaces as shown. Draw
relevant free-body diagram(s), and determine the support forces on the sphere at A and B.

Problem 4: (25 points)

For the following set of linear equations:
(1) Write down the augmented matrix;
(2) Find the reduced row-echelon form of the augmented matrix;
(3) Find the solution from the reduced row-echelon form

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