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Blushberries: - Pink fruits slightly larger than cherries. Picked in Spring. (CtL)
Dream-a-Drupe: - Which looks like a purple nectarine and is faintly intoxicating.
A Summer fruit. (CtL)
Murmurleaf: - A blossom that curls upward at the end of the leaf. Found in the
Autumn months. (CtL)
Ertwen: - Mealy seeds inside a pod, similar to peas. In season during Winter.
Amaranthine: This goblin fruit is comparatively rare and looks like a small, red
eggplant. Eating an ama- ranthine heals the changeling of a single point of
aggravated damage. Glutting on amaranthine has no ad- ditional effect;
amaranthine restores only a single point of aggravated damage per scene.
Coupnettle: A delicate, leafy plant that grows in the Hedge, coupnettle is often
used to make tea. Wheth- er steeped as tea or eaten raw, coupnettle has a
bitter, minty taste. Consuming an entire coupnettle plant invigorates the
changeling, allowing her to restore a single spent point of Willpower. Each
additional coupnettle con- sumed in any given 24-hour period restores an
additional point of Willpower, but imposes a 1 die penalty to Composure rolls.
Fear Gortach: Hungry grass planted by wicked fae to entrap those mortals
who find themselves lost in the Hedge (or possibly those trying to escape
Faerie), fear gortach makes the person who consumes it famished. Lost mortals
and ignorant changelings sometimes eat this grass in desperation few would
willingly eat it if they knew its effects. No matter how much he eats, he madly
desires more. A character who tastes fear gortach temporarily suspends the
effects of any other goblin fruits he has eaten (if they have lasting effects
healing fruits, for example, are unaffected because theyve already restored
points of damage) and any he may eat for the remainder of the scene (healing
fruits included here). Also, a char- acter who has eaten fear gortach must
succeed at a Wits + Composure roll if he encounters it in the next scene or he
must consume fear gortach again. Characters who have the Gluttony Vice
suffer a three-dice penalty to this roll. Un- like other goblin fruits, fear gortach
also affects mortals and other creatures. (CtL)
Jarmyn: Both the leaves and the ovaries of the jarmyn plant are edible, and
each produces a distinct ef- fect. Jarmyn leaves are stimulating, and add three
bonus (224 Chapter Three: Special Rules and Systems) dice to the roll for a
character to stay awake after a period of extensive wakefulness. (See pp. 179
180 of the World of Darkness Rulebook for more information on fatigue and
staying awake). The jarmyn fruit found in the Hedge alleviates the dice pool
penalties for actions taken during extended periods of activity for the duration
of the scene in which its eaten. Consuming either the leaves or fruit of the

jarmyn (or both) cause the changeling to sleep for en- tire day after the effects
wear off, once she finally takes her rest. This sleeping effect is cumulative: for
each dose of jarmyn, whether fruit or leaves, the character consumes, the
number of days the character sleeps increases by one, to a maximum of seven
days. (CtL)
Nightcap/Buglewort: Chalk it up to the chaotic nature of Faerie, but these two
goblin blossoms look almost exactly alike, though their functions couldnt be
any more different. The two fruits are so similar that it takes an Intelligence +
Survival or Occult roll to distinguish what the changeling has foraged. Nightcap
makes anyone who eats it woefully lethargic it effectively cuts the
changelings Speed in half until the character achieves four successes on an
extended Stamina + Resolve roll, which may be attempted every hour.
Buglewort spins a character into a wild state of alertness, increasing his
Initiative by 4 for the dura- tion of the scene (though some who eat buglewort
say it makes them irritable or distracted). Additional doses dont stack effects,
though a person can be under the influence of both simultaneously. (CtL)
Pitt Moss: Pitt moss looks a bit like rubbed sage, and has a very rich, pungent
taste, used in sparing quantities in many opulent dishes in Faerie. Eaten raw, in
quantity (about a salads worth), and by itself, however, pitt moss bestows an
overwhelming dolor upon the individual. If pitt moss consumed in the field, a
point of Willpower is subtracted from the characters pool, and he is unable to
spend Willpower for the remainder of the scene. (CtL)
Gallowsroot: The gallowsroot is a ropy vine that grows on low, sprawling
bushes. It is considered an oddment be- cause the ends of its lowest-growing
vines are shaped like nooses. When slipped over the head and around the neck
of any living victim, the root immediately constricts like a hangmans rope. The
gallowsroot attacks as a Strength 3 combatant wielding a garrote for three
turns. The gallows- root may not be attacked in return all the victim can do is
hope to hold it at bay or break it like a garrote. (CtL)
Jennystones: Described somewhat poetically as the rotten fangs fallen from the
mouth of Jenny Greenteeth, a folk legend. In truth, theyre just the hard seeds
of the Jennystone bush, about as big as accords and inedibly bitter. Theyre an
oddment, though, because they stink. Jenny ob- viously didnt take care of her
teeth, and these reeking ones spilled from her mouth, as the story goes.
Jennystones exude a nauseating scent in a five-yard diameter, so potent that
they inflict a 1 dice pool penalty to anyone with a sense of smell unfortunate
enough to be in the area. (CtL)
Promise Leaves: Promise leaves are curious because theyre not a distinct
goblin fruit or blossom of their own. Rather, they grow as occasional chaotic
aberrations among the leaves of other plants among the Hedge. They look
simply like engorged leaves of whatever plant theyve attached to (or
assimilated, or whatever their unique case is) and they have a distinct,
parchment feeling. Promise leaves can extend the duration of certain Contracts
to which theyre added. Specifically, the changeling crumples the promise leaf

when he invokes it within the context of a Contract. As the promise leaf is used,
the husk of the promise leaf desiccates as it falls to the ground, often blowing
away in the queer wind that arises in their proximity. (The Blessing of
Perfection clause on p. 135 is the most commonly known Contract that can
benefit from these leaves.) (CtL)
Stabapple: The fruits of the stabapple tree are benign goblin fruits, offering no
benefit or detriment to those who consume them other than a mild, savory
taste. The thorns of the fruit, however, are sharp and hard as bone, long as a
mans forearm. A changeling who breaks a stabapple thorn from the tree may
use it as a knife, wielding it in melee or throwing it as he chooses. A stabapple
thorn does one lethal damage and has a Size of 1. It can be thrown as described on pp. 6768 of the World of Darkness Rulebook. (CtL)
Hidefruit: This goblin fruit is small, comparable in size to a pomegranate seed,
with an equal blush of crimson as its color. The inside of a hidefruit, however,
provides a piquant punch of brown ooze, similar in consistency (though not in
taste) to molasses. Because the fruit is small and grows not in clusters but
alone on rare vines mixed in with the rest of the Hedge, they can be difficult to
find and procure. Assume a Wits + Survival roll is necessary, with the number
of dice subtracted from the roll determined by the thickness of the briar at that
point (thicker Hedge equals larger penalty). Consuming the fruit helps a
changeling hide from any True Fae nearby. The changeling doesnt appear
merely mortal no, to most Fair Folk, he does not appear at all, as if the fruit
imbues him with an essence demanded that he be consciously ignored. The Fae
must succeed on a Wits + Composure roll to track the changeling, but suffers
5 dice to this roll until the effects of the hidefruit expire. The effects last for a
number of minutes equal to the changelings own Wits + Resolve score. (AN)
Somnus Pollinated Goblin Fruit: Goblin fruit that has been pollinated
by a Somnus-swarm is undetectable from that which has not been. It
looks, smells, feels and tastes like any other goblin fruit of its kind.
However, after eating a Somnus-pollinated goblin fruit, the consumer
must make tests exactly as if he has been stung or bitten by a
Somnus. Those who have had the ill fortune of consuming more than
one Somnus-pollinated fruit must make additional tests for each
additional fruit consumed, every 10 minutes. (AN)
Slumberberries: These small, dark green berries grow sparsely on parasitic
vines that spread through the Hedge. The sour berries appear only in clumps of
five or six, with each branch of the vine only producing fruit at one spot. When
eaten raw, the berries cause drowsiness; if eaten just before sleeping, they will
cause a character who eats them to fall into a deep, dreamless sleep. If the
berries are boiled and the liquid drunk as a tea, it will cause vivid nightmares,
usually involving the character suffering immense pain or physical torture.
Bloodbane: This pale yellow lichen tends to grow in moist areas, and needs to
be scraped off using a sharp knife. When dried and ground up, it is easily mixed

in with other foods and prevents the bloods clotting agents from working. The
single dose can cause gut cramps or minor bleeding into the lungs and the
effects wear off after a day and a night. However, if it is consumed regularly, it
attacks the characters bone marrow, preventing creation of new blood cells,
and can cause massive internal bleeding. If consumption is stopped, the
character will eventually recover, although they will be sick for some time.
Bloodbane is Toxicity 3 with one dose, but rises to Toxicity 6 if taken more than
once in a month. (NHGF)
Fuguespores: These brown spores come from a type of fungus that grows on
the briars of the Hedge. When ingested, they tend to lodge in the intestines,
growing slowly through the gut wall and releasing toxins into the bloodstream.
These toxins, over time, can cause hallucinations or dizzy spells. When the
fungus matures inside the body, more spores can be released into the
bloodstream to grow in other parts of the body. If a spore lodges in the
characters brain, the fungus destroys the characters memories, leaving him in
a fugue state (see World of Darkness Rulebook, p. 100). In extreme cases, it
can put the character in a coma or cause permanent brain damage.
Fuguespores are Toxicity 5. (NHGF)
Bloodapple: A dark crimson fruit, splotched with small patches of deep reddish
purple, the bloodapple is shaped like a slightly knobby and irregular version of
an ordinary apple. Its skin is slightly tough, but edible, concealing cloyingly
sweet, pulpy, extremely juicy flesh the color of freshly spilled blood. A tight
seed cluster at the center of the fruit forms something of a pit. Consuming a
bloodapple changes one point of aggravated damage into one point of lethal
damage. A changeling may only benefit from the use of one such fruit in a
single scene, however. (NHGF)
Ghouls Shroud: A lacy, light gray moss that sprouts up from the cracks in rock
faces and falls in hanging curtains, ghouls shroud can be dried over a fire and
ground into a meal that becomes a bland but sustaining porridge when added
to hot water, but it must be consumed in its raw form tough, fibrous and
almost painfully tangy for its more otherworldly qualities to take effect. For
the remainder of any scene during which she eats raw ghouls shroud, a
changeling ignores any poison with a toxicity of less than 4. During this time,
her eyes weep constantly and her throat is parched, and no amount of water
will slake her thirst. (NHGF)
Serpent Gourd: A long, narrow, shiny black gourd that grows high up, atop
tangled clusters of woody vines bristling with slender, vicious thorns longer
than a grown mans finger, apt to cause harm to anyone trying to pluck one of
the fruits. When it is split open, the serpent gourds ivory-white flesh comes
apart in long, thin strands (hence its name). When boiled, the gourds flesh has
a slightly woody, savory flavor, but no special properties. When boiled with a
fistful of the thorns from its vines, though, and strained, the fruit produces a
thin, clear, syrupy elixir with a somewhat bitter flavor. For up to a day after
consuming this brew, a changeling benefits from a +1 die bonus to all
oneiromancy and oneiromachy pools. Note that the serpent gourd stubbornly

resists all attempts to cultivate the fruit in any way that would make its harvest
less perilous; under such circumstances, it simply will not grow. (NHGF)
Widowroot: This oddment can be spotted by the single, small blue flower that
sprouts from it, with seven petals and long, drooping leaves. The root itself
usually rests two or three feet below the surface and is a writhing tangle of
hard, woody stalks about the size and shape of a football. When an entire root
is chopped up and smoked over glowing coals for a few hours, it sweats a tiny
quantity of a clotted amber-colored sap. If this sap should enter the
bloodstream (say, on the end of a bladed weapon), it erodes an individuals
sense of conviction. Those thus affected lose two points of Willpower. A single
root creates enough sap to coat a single weapon for a single strike and a
person may only suffer from the effects of one dose of widowroot on any given
day. (NHGF)
Flower-Of-One-Hour: Also called Tiger Mallow, is a weedy hibiscus that grows
rampant in hotter, more humid parts of the Hedge. The blooms look first like
thistles before unfolding swiftly and unfurling velve- teen petals of impossible
black. The blooms pistil and stamen are fierce orange: the color of the sun or a
tigers fur. The flower only blooms for a single hour a day, but not the same
hour each day. To harness the properties of Tiger Mallow, a changeling must
brew it into a tea during its blooming time; if the changeling drinks the tea
after this hour has passed, the tea tastes of bitter licorice and chills the bones.
If con- sumed during the proper time, however, the tea fills the drinker with
warmth both literal and figurative: tender, sunburned skin paired with a fiery
passion (or sometimes an uncon- trollable rage). For the next hour, the changeling may trade points of Resolve to either Strength or Stamina. If she moves
more than two dots in this manner, however, she burns out after the hour is
completed. Burning out means the character feels empty, exhausted, even
occasionally confused. She must im- mediately sleep for eight hours or suffer a
3 penalty to all dice rolls until she does. One final permutation: these effects
only apply to those who possess dots in Summer Mantle. Tea brewed from
Flower-Of-One- Hour has no effect on those possessing Mantle from other
seasons beyond its taste. (LoS)
Cocorange: These massive seeds are about the same size and shape as a
football, with a hard outer shell. They grow in tropical and subtropical climes
and contain pulpy, fibrous, citrus flesh that can be eaten raw, squeezed for its
juice or cooked. When consumed, it produces a mild intoxication, equivalent to
about one shot of liquor. (GM)
Coralscalp: Harvested from under the waves where the Hedge and the ocean
meet, coralscalp resembles kelp from a distance. Only close inspection reveals
it to be made up of long, fine, hair-like fibers. When dried and smoked,
coralscalp bolsters a changelings sense of self for the remainder of the scene;
she gains a bonus die on perception rolls and rolls to avoid losing Clarity.
Afterwards, however, the character experiences mild hallucinations, suffering a
-2 penalty to all perception rolls for the following scene. (GM)

Dactyl: These, oily, juicy fruits resemble dates and prosper in arid
environments. When consumed, a dactyl makes the imbiber seem new and
exciting to everyone she interacts with, granting the 9-Again rule on social rolls
for the remainder of the scene. Dactyl, unfortunately, are notoriously foul;
eating one requires a Resolve + Stamina roll, and keeping it (and anything else
recently eaten) down at the end of the scene requires a second. (GM)
Jennyapples: These misshapen, black-spotted apples hang on the low branches
of a tall shrub. The apples, if eaten, cause a roiling, acidy stomach that confers
3 to all rolls made for the rest of the day but trust me, everybody knows not
to eat a Jennyapple. As soon as the skin is pierced (easy to do, it peels away
like skin sloughing off a sore), it gives off the wretched odor of the Jennystone:
the nauseating scent spreads in a five-yard diameter, potent enough to inflict a
1 dice pool penalty to anyone with a sense of smell unfortunate enough to be
in that area. (Requires a dream to grow.) (RoS)
Nevernip: This cross-breed of blushberries and fear gortach provides the
healing benefits of blushberries, but at a steep price. Those who eat the lush
purple berries that dangle from the stalks of the tall grass find that the taste is
just too good to give up. Yes, it heals, but that doesnt stop the character from
wanting more. The character who has eaten nevernip must succeed at a Wits +
Composure roll if he encounters the plant in the next scene or he must
consume it again. Characters who have the Gluttony Vice suffer a three-dice
penalty to this roll. Nevernip, unlike fear gortach, doesnt affect mortals or
other non-fae. (Requires blood to grow.) (RoS)
Trenchmint: Should a changeling hybridize the Willpower-giving coupnettle with
the Willpower-taking pit moss, a fragile plant emerges from the cross-breeding.
With airy stems topped with curling clusters of violet leaves, trenchmint is
oddly invasive, spreading wherever it can whole fields of the stuff spring up
within a week, growing up and around the looming walls of Thorns. When one
walks through it, trenchmint erupts with an acrid, minty odor. Consuming
trenchmint raw causes the changeling to lose one point of Willpower: but, this
Willpower then grants him a +3 bonus to a Mental Skill of the changelings
choice, provided that the changeling concentrates on that Skill upon eating the
trenchmint leaves. (If he doesnt concentrate, then the +3 bonus is granted to
a random Mental Skill of the Storytellers choosing.) This lasts for the remainder
of the scene. After that scene is over, however, the changeling feels tired,
slothful. The character suffers a 1 to all Physical rolls for the remainder of the
day, unless the characters Vice is Sloth, which then doubles the penalty to 2
dice. (Requires no specific nutrients to spread; no roll required to transplant
this hybridized weed.) (RoS)
Brumebulb: Brumebulb is effectively a small, almost sour-tasting onion. It
grows beneath the ground, and gives only a minute curl of pale foliage to
announce its presence. One must first succeed on a Wits + Investigation roll to
even find brumebulb, and may suffer penalties to that roll because it so often
grows beneath heavy grasses or tangles of briar (assume a 3 penalty in such
an instance). The onion, however, provides a powerful benefit to those who find

and consume such a thing: an instant exit from the Hedge. Eating the bulb is
unpleasant, to say the least (it may require a Resolve + Composure roll to
choke down the acidic, chewy sourness), but upon doing so a characters very
flesh begins turning to a drifting vapor. The body becomes all vapor and then,
with a brief wind, is gone from the Hedge. The character reappears within a few
miles of wherever the character entered the Thorns in the first place. Upon
returning, the character vomits, suffering two bashing points of damage in the
process (its a heaving, painful regurgitation). Transplanting brumebulb requires
an expenditure of ones sanity (see above for nutrient costs). (RoS)
Hera Pear: It would seem theres hardly anything exotic or strange about this
pear tree: its leaves may be a little greener, the yellow fruits a bit more
succulent and polished. But what these pears can do is unparalleled:
completely heal one of a disease, be that person a mortal or changeling.
Consuming a single pear will rid the person of one disease of that persons
choice, anything from ringworm to bone cancer. (Derangements do not count.)
As always, though, the pear extracts a cost upfront: every Hera Pear tree is
guarded by a powerful hobgoblin. This hobgoblin may take any form, whether a
pack of briarwolves or some monstrous serpent coiled around the base of the
tree. One must defeat the hobgoblin to pluck a pear or, at least, somehow
get past it long enough to snatch one from the branches. Hera Pear trees
cannot be transplanted. Some say they only grow near the center of the
Hedge, if such a thing even exists. (Further legend suggests that to find a Hera
Pear tree means that youre at the point of no return keep going past it, and
youre now on the wrong side of the Hedge, the one closest to the kingdom of
the Keepers.) (RoS)
Wyrmthumb: This fleshy fig, black and filled with dizzyingly sweet tar-sap, is
found on the dinner tables of many Others. They seem drawn to its honeyed
goo, their fingers sticky with it. Oddly, though, the True Fae always discard the
very center of these figs, which is a cluster of milky grubs with black
mandibles. Some changelings, however, recognize that these grubs are the
true reward: eating the squirming cluster alive provides the character with
impossible flexibility. For one scene, the changeling gains +5 dice to any rolls
made to escape any kinds of bonds, whether from handcuffs, rope, a grapple
attempt or even from beneath a fallen tree. In addition, eating the worms
replenishes one lost Glamour point. Replanting a Wyrmthumb tree isnt easy.
First, it requires an Attribute dot to take root (Gift of Attribute). Second, the Wits
+ Crafts roll to replant is penalized by 4 dice. (RoS)
Tovils Ooze: In cold parts of the distant Hedge, sinkholes about a foot wide
sometimes open up and sup- purate a molasses-like substance from the
ground. This ooze, cold and gooey, provides defense to whatever its slathered
upon: if the ooze is spread across an object, it provides that object with a +2
Durability for a week. If the ooze is slathered across a living being, that being
gains two points of armor for the week. The Mask doesnt hide the ooze, it just
makes it look like thick mud; even to mortal eyes, a character protected by this
oddment looks as though shes been rolled down a muddy slope and left to dry.

However, Tovils Ooze doesnt come off. At all. Efforts to remove it may result in
some of it peel- ing away but then it simply regrows over the spot. The only
way to remove Tovils Ooze is fire, which almost certainly burns the object or
character covered in the gunk. After a week, though, the ooze dries, hardens
and flakes off. This is painful to objects and characters. It pulls away paint, a
layer of wood or even a layer of skin. Items suffer two points of damage to
structure. A character suffers one point of le- thal damage. One cannot
transplant Tovils Ooze, because nobody knows where the hell it comes from in
the first place. (RoS)
Scarthistle: The flowers atop this milky thistle are as black as night, seeming to
eat any light that comes near it. But its not the flower that changelings want,
its the sharp-needled barbs that circumnavigate the flower. The Lost use these
needles to tat- too themselves. A Lost using a scarthistle needle can only tattoo herself, not another fae. Moreover, only other change- lings (and, some
speculate, other supernatural beings such as vampires or mages) can see this
tattoo, which bleeds through and marks the characters mien. When a
changeling marks herself with such a tattoo, it first appears milky, but then fills
in with whatever color she desires over the next day. At the moment the tattoo
is completed, the changelings player must choose one Social Skill for the
changeling. This tattoo is linked to that Skill from here on out. As long as the
tattoo remains on the changelings body (which is approximately a month
before it fades), the player can spend one Glamour point and gain a +1 bonus
to that chosen Social Skill for the remainder of the scene. Scarthistle
transplants require a Skill point (Gift of Skill) to take root. A character can have
up one such tattoo per point of Wyrd at any time. (RoS)
Walking Gertrude: Its a strange thing to come across Walking Gertrude for the
first time: these tall stalks, thrust together by fibrous tissue and made to look
like a spider made of sugarcane, tower over most change- lings by 10 or more
feet. And they walk. They literally move, uprooting and replanting themselves
up to 20 feet away. They dont walk quickly (Speed 2), and they arent sentient
enough to avoid attacks. Whats strange is that the slowness of this lumbering
stalklegged plant is that it can be transferred to an unwitting victim. One
must first break a stalk off the Walking Gertude, and then contained within the
stalk is a gritty, odorless residue. When the residue is rubbed on the inside of
ones shoes, that target suffers from a halved Speed while using those shoes.
The shoes must be removed for this effect to end. The shoes themselves must
be discarded or never again worn: every time the character wears them, the
effect continues. Scraping out the residue doesnt seem to end the curse. This
oddment can be replanted, but at a very high cost. While it only requires a
single stalk to repro- duce, and must only be fed some manner of carcass, the
Wits + Crafts roll to transplant suffers a 5 dice pool. (RoS)
Hog Eye: Also known as the more formal Claviger Sedge, this reed (topped by
a knobby outgrowth) is a curious oddment that grows up out of the Mire. In
breaking off a piece of Hog Eye, a changeling can use the narrow reed-end as
an impromptu onetime-use lock pick. For a single instance, Hog Eye grants +5

to a Lockpicking roll (instant or extended). When the action is over, whether

succeeded or failed, the reed seems to sense that its use is complete and turns
to dry, desiccated slivers in the hand of the user. Hog Eye has a secondary use
sometimes, the knobby bulrush tip is broken off and used as a floating
bobber when fishing among the Thorns. (Bogs And Swamps) (WM)
The Judas Yew: This tree grows up out of the walls of the desert Hedge. Be they
the hard rock walls of a deep gully or a tangle of brittlebush, the Judas Yew
grows in, around and all over the wall. Its berries are red, each no bigger than a
thumb, and grow at about the 10-yard mark and above. The berries are a
mixed blessing: consuming one is poisonous, doing one point of lethal damage
to the changeling who eats the berry (this is unavoidable regardless of Merits
or Stamina that the changeling possesses). And yet, the consumption of a
single berry allows the changeling to go three times the normal length without
food or drink. For obvious reasons, the berry is quite popular among the local
Hedge denizens all manner of strange birds, reptiles and insects come to the
tree to take a taste. Of course, opportunistic predators are rarely far behind
(Deserts) (WM)
Headgourd: In the Hedge, often around where other goblin fruits grow, one
might find whats called a Gourd- body. Tumescent vines lined with whisper-thin
spines grow up into a form that appears not unlike a scarecrow arms
dangling off a cross, legs hanging loosely just above the ground. Above the
Gourdbody is always a fat gourd, the Headgourd, that is often striated with
patterns of green and orange. It even seems to have eyes and a puckered
mouth. Cracking open the head offers a stinking, brain-like fruit that can be
eaten (some liken it to foul French cheeses), but it has a separate function, as
well. If a changeling smears the mess across his body, he becomes harder to
hit (+1 to his Defense), as the odor forms a kind of pungent and invisible
barrier around the character. Of course, doing this also causes a 2 to Social
rolls. The effects last one hour, at which point the fruits dry up and begin
flaking off. (Some collect these dry flakes in bottles to use as potent spices,
thus giving the Headgourd an additional use.) (Farmlands) (WM)
Vermsap: Its hard to tell if this sap comes out of trees, or they are afflicted
with it like some kind of fungal curse. It probably doesnt matter, given that the
ecology of the Hedge fails to abide by any kind of scientific law. What does
matter is that this flavorless and odorless amber sap sometimes drips from
trees of various types. Vermsap seems to do nothing until it touches human
or changeling skin. Does it react somehow with sweat or body heat? Nobody
knows. What they do know is what happens when Vermsap touches the skin. If
a dime-sized dollop touches flesh, after one hours worth of time that sap will
summon any number of harmless vermin gamboling mice, swarms of gnats,
parades of ants. The vermin curse the sap-smeared victim by their very
presence, incurring a 2 Social penalty and a 1 to Initiative and Defense (it can
be quite distracting). This lasts for up to one hour after the person scrapes the
sap from his skin if he doesnt notice the sap (thus failing to remove it), the
Vermsaps effects remain in place indefinitely. (Forests) (WM)

Babel Gum: This goblin fruit grows lichen-like on the surfaces of the urban
Hedge. Babel Gum resembles nothing so much as a large wad of multicolored
chewing gum that has been left on a surface to harden. Consuming the Babel
Gum (which is something like eating a hard marshmallow that releases licorice-like cordial) has a strange effect on the language center of the eaters
mind. While under the effects of the goblin fruit, the character cannot make
sense of any written words; they appear to be distorted, random collections of
familiar and not-so-familiar letters. At the same time, he becomes capable of
understanding and speaking any language he encounters. The effects of the
gum last for a scene. (Cities) (WM)
Chu Chu Culm: This bamboo-like grass, pale green and al- ways gently swaying,
is found in temperate parts of the Hedges grasslands. The story, still told in
Vietnam today, goes that a hap- py drunken man (called Chu Chu) wandered
out of his world and into this one, and eventually died blissful and ignorant
amidst the bamboo. Its further said that the bamboo that grows in that re- gion
contains part of this drunken man. Breaking open the bam- boo stems (or
culms) and drinking the blood-red liquid inside (which tastes curiously like
sour lime) is like consuming a highly potent alcohol. A single thimbleful
inebriates one utterly. The drunkard feels happy, gaining a +2 to Social rolls,
but a 2 to any dice pools based on Dexterity, Wits or Intelligence. These
effects fade entirely after one hour as ones head clears. (Grasslands) (WM)
The Cousins Trumpet: This yellow, conical flower is not a carnivorous plant like
many in the jungle Hedge, and to many it seems nothing more than a pretty
flower that gives off no aro- ma at all. Some changelings know that this socalled Cousins Trumpet is a potent hallucinogen when brewed in tea. Those
who consume this psychoactive tea in the human world undergo one hour of
powerful aural, visual and tactile hallucinations. During this time, the consumer
often feels blissful, and at one with the world around him (though
extenuating negative circumstances can easily turn this into a bad trip). The
consumption allows the character to retain a single Willpower point, but also
confers upon him a 3 penalty to all dice pools (as well as Defense and
Initiative). However, consuming this tea within the Hedge changes the teas
properties entirely. The tea confers upon the consumer no hallucinations at all,
but simply allows her a greater grasp when attempting to consciously mold the
Hedges psychoactive properties (granting her +2 to her Wyrd score for
purposes of shaping the Hedge to her whims). Note that over-consumption of
this hallucinogen or any psychoactive substance can lead to derangements,
caused at the Storytellers prerogative. (Jungles) WM)
Hoarflakes: The snows of the mountains seem to some- times have an effect on
the little rocks and scree one might find upon desolate mountain paths. Those
little rocks that sit beneath snows for very long periods of time seem to gain
some of the essence of the snow, becoming themselves like large, delicate
flakes. Hunting up such delicate rocks (that literally look like intricate
snowflakes as big as the palm of ones hand) isnt easy, but doing so offers a
strong reward. In breaking a Hoarflake and dusting one- self with the glittering

remnants, a character gains the Windwing kith blessing (Gift of the Sky, found
on p. 103 of Changeling: The Lost) for a full hour. (Note that the blessing works
exactly as it does in the book, requiring Glamour expenditure to activate.)
(Mountains) (WM)
Bottlevoice: This trifle is rare in the sea-reflected Hedge, appearing sometimes
on the ground (stuck in the sand, slick with sea foam) or dangling from the
maze-like walls (perhaps on a rimecrusted fishing hook). Bottlevoice is, quite
simply, an old bottle with a cork in it. Upon uncorking it, a changeling merely
needs to breathe in the heady miasma that rises from the rim (which
sometimes erupts with the sound of a mans groan or womans sigh), at which
time the player chooses a Mental Skill to modify. For the remainder of the
scene, that chosen Skill alone gains a +3 during rolls. (Seas And oceans) (WM)
Pedicle Velvet: This goblin fruit, if it can be called as such, is actually a pale,
sage-colored lichen. Its soft to the touch and, when consumed, is said to
provide a major kick to ones potency and virility. Obtaining the Pedicle Velvet,
however, isnt that easy. Pedicle Velvet grows on the antlers and horns of
various Hedge goblin-animals like on the Bloodfoam Elk or the Bristleram.
Pedicle Velvet never grows on benevolent, meek animals always on those
beasts that seem to embody the kind of fierce virility promised by the
consumption of this lichen. Eating the lichen raw (it tastes like sucking on a
penny) provides a number of benefits. First, the lichen heals a single point of
lethal damage. Second, the lichen provides a boost to ones Stamina (+1 for
the next six hours). Third, though this ones somewhat unsubstantiated, the
lichen guarantees that the characters next sexual en- counter will result in a
pregnancy. Of course, said pregnancy may very well end in a miscarriage or
abortion, but its a conception just the same. To gain the benefits, one must eat
all the Pedicle Velvet upon a given beast. The lichen cannot be shared between
several characters. (Tundra) (WM)


Fleshy plums that pulse with a heartbeat. Dark pods whose desiccated
chambers are home to narcotic pollens. Whisper-thin grasses that keep secrets
trapped in their cellulose vesicles. The Thorns are home to some very strange
plants, indeed. Yes, you have what appears to be a normal ar- ray of foliage
cast in a faintly mythic veneer: massive oak trees, skeletal shrubs, carved
mazes of pale bamboo. The further one gets from a doorway in or out of the
Hedge, however, the more alien and incomprehensible the laby- rinthine
garden becomes. Colors become brighter. Flow- ers may seem to take on the
hint of life never-seen in our world (petals gently fluttering like a butterflys
wings, closing upon a plump red fly so that the puffy anthers can drain the bug
of its juices). Trees creak and groan as if they are turning to watch those who
pass by them. And the thorns themselves? Fatter. Sharper. Some drip. Others
twitch. In such wild areas of the Hedge, one may find various goblin fruits and
oddments (many of which can be found on pp. 223224 of Changeling: The

Lost). The question remains, though, can one cultivate goblin fruits? Perhaps
planting amaranthine along the edge of ones Hollow cottage? Or protecting a
hidden token be- hind a draped curtain of gallowsroot grown for just such a
purpose? Absolutely. That said, cultivating goblin fruits is not precisely like
tending to plants in the mundane world. Such odd foliage, like the Hedge itself,
is psychoactive born of dreams and hungry for more than just food, water,
sun. Blood Makes the Grass Grow In overly simplistic terms, cultivating a plant
in the human world is easy: plant a seed or a whole fruit (or plant a shoot or
scion of the original) and youve cultivated new growth. It works that way in the
Hedge, too, except every new planting require more than just a little water and
some sun. Plants require fertilizer. Of course, in the Hedge, fertilizer isnt
conventional. Plant food is altogether different from the expected nutrients
provided by phosphorous, nitrogen and potassium compounds. The plants here
hunger for unnatural nutrients. And, to grow, these nutrients must be provided
once, if not often. Whenever a character hopes to cultivate a new goblin fruit or
oddment, she must first take seeds or shoots or a whole fruit from the original
subject and then plant it in whatever new location she chooses. Traditional
concerns of ground quality and sun or water exposure generally dont matter
though, if the plant is obviously not suited for this area (trying to plant a
swamp flower in the middle of a bone-dry desert, for instance), then it becomes difficult, though not impossible, for the transplant to gain life. The
transplant must be fed the food that the trans- plant hungers for most. Some
goblin fruits and oddments do not have the same nutrient requirement from
planting to planting, and a character may need to try several foods for the
plant to take root. Taking root becomes very obvious, indeed: the plant
always shows some sign of success. The roots may stiffen and sink into the
earth. Leaves may instantly unfurl, or a tiny sprout may peek up through the
heady soil. Below are a number of the potential nutrients one may find that
plants desire, though Storytellers are welcome to get creative and come up
with their own. Each adds dice to the roll to officially cultivate the plant, as
noted below.
Blood (+3): A plant may hunger for fresh blood. Enough blood must be spilled
(close to a pint) to soak the ground around the plant. One concern with this is
that spilling blood may attract more voracious hobgoblins. Spilling blood causes
one lethal point of damage to whatever creature is giving up the red stuff.
Carcass (+1): Curling a dead body be it from a squirrel, cormorant,
hobgoblin or human around the plant gives it the essential life it needs. The
body decays very quickly, turning to an unrecognizable pile of moldering waste
by the end of a 12-hour period. Again, may attract carrion-feeding hobgoblins.
Dreams (+1): The character merely needs to whisper to the plant one of his
dreams from the last three nights. In giving up a dream, however, the character
can never again recall that dream (it literally leaves his mind the moment he
whispers it into the plant). The character will also suffer a 2 penalty to all
Expression rolls for the remainder of the day. Some believe that giving up ones
dreams, even nightmares, is unhealthy, a way of giving up ones thunder.

Gift of Attribute (+5): The plant literally draws out one of the characters
Attribute dots into itself. The character doesnt usually have the choice of which
Attribute; in deciding to give the plant any dot, the plant decides what it wants
(though sometimes this may make a bit of thematic sense: choking
gallowsroot, for instance, desires Strength while the stimulating leaves of the
jarmyn plant demand Stamina). The character regains that Attribute dot after a
number of days equal to 10 minus the characters Wyrd score.
Gift of Skill (+3): The plant consumes a dot of the characters Skill. As above,
the character retains no choice in which Skill; the transplant decides. (Again,
theme sometimes applies: gallowsroot might leech a dot of Brawl or Melee
while the magic-empowering promise leaves demand Academics or Occult
dots.) The character regains that Skill dot after a number of days equal to 10
minus the characters Wyrd score.
Memory (+2): In whispering a memory to the plant, the character forgets that
memory forever but helps the plant grow. The memory must be something
more than just a name or phone number; it must be a memory that has a story
however small attached to it. (For example: I remember swinging on the old
tire over the trout stream, and one day I fell in and almost drowned.)
Sanity (+4): The character lends the plant some of her own sanity (which helps
to stabilize the dreaming nature of the foliage, giving it the constancy
necessary to grow to fruition). In doing so, the missing sanity fills in with a
temporary derangement (mild) of the plants choosing. Once more, theme
sometimes applies: fear gortach may cause Obsessive Compulsiveness. The
derangement lasts for a number of days equal to 10 minus the characters
Wyrd score.

Cultivation: Once a plant has received its nutrient, the player must roll her
characters Wits + Crafts score. She gains a number of bonus dice appropriate
to whatever food the plant required (see above). The roll may suffer penalties
such as if the character is distracted (1) or if the fruit or oddment is
transplanted to a wildly inappropriate locale (3). This roll, which involves
physically packing the soil around the seed or shoot, can be made only once
per day. If the character fails the roll on the first attempt, successive attempts
can be made 24 hours later, and at a cumulative 1 penalty to the Wits +
Crafts score. The sacrifice of specific nutrients needs to be paid only once, up
front. (In other words, if the plant thirsts for blood, the character doesnt need
to spill new blood every day one time at the beginning does the trick.
Repeating a sacrifice will eliminate a number of penalty dice equal to the initial
bonus, however.) It usually takes several days for a plant to grow into a mature
version, and twice that time to actually provide usable fruit or oddment. To
figure the exact number of days, assume that the time is equal to 7 minus the
successes gained on the Wits + Crafts roll, down to a mini- mum of one 24-hour
day. Double this to determine how long it takes for the plants to start fruiting or
to provide functional oddments. Hedge fruits or oddment plants cannot grow
outside of the Hedge. The results of these plants the fruits or oddments

themselves can leave the Hedge with a changeling. The plants will not grow
outside the Thorns, however.

Psychoactivity: Similar to the Hedge at large but to a lesser extent,

cultivating goblin fruits and oddments is subject to the emotions of the
character doing the planting. If the character is anxious or paranoid, the plant
may grow up with an erratic, asymmetrical appearance. If the character is
happy or passionate, flowers might bloom bigger and brighter while the fruit is
juicier and sweeter. Some changelings use this to their advantage, purposefully
imbuing their cultivations with whatever suits them. For instance, a character
who daily screams foul invective at a growing Jennystone bush may find that
the resultant seeds (the Jennystones themselves) are far more pungent than
one might usually expect. Alternately, the character who whispers soothing
encouragement and platitudes to a coupnettle plant may find that the tea
brewed from its leaves is less bitter and, thus, more palatable.

Hybridization: A character could create a hybrid of two Hedge plants,

though it must always be a goblin fruit with a goblin fruit, or an oddment with
an oddment (recall that goblin fruits are largely consumables, while oddments
provide some functionality as non-consumable tools). Doing so requires that
the character place two seeds, sprouts, scions or fruits in the same spot of
Hedge earth. The process is generally the same by which one cultivates one
plant: some manner of nutrient must be provided to the hybrid so it takes root,
and a Wits + Crafts roll must successfully be made. This roll is made at a 2
penalty because of the difficulty of the hybridization process. However, it also
requires a single point of Glamour spent on the part of the grower. Once the
Glamour is spent at the tail end of the process, the hybrid plant grows.

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