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According to UNESCO Pakistan has failed in protecting the rights of education for
girls. There are over three million girls in Pakistan who are out of schools. Director of
Global Monitoring Report on Education for All said Its tragic that it look violence for
the worlds attention to turn to the difficulties girls face in getting to school in
Pakistan. In Swat district, where Malala is from, less than a third of girls are enrolled
in school, leaving two thirds at home with little chance of fulfilling their dreams. It is
also a scandal to ignore girls education when we know it benefits not just than one
girl, but also has a huge impact on their households health and income, and
ultimately the future peace and prosperity of their country.According to UNESCOs
10th Education for ALL Global Monitoring Report released on Tuesday, Pakistan is
doing far worse in reducing gender gaps in comparison to other countries in the
region. The report stated that 78% of the poorest girls were out of schools in 1991
in Pakistan, a figure which has only reduced to just 62% today. And today Pakistan is
second only to Nigeria when it comes to the dubious distinction of having the
highest number of out of schools children in the world.

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