Orthotouch ldNOTICE

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ORTHOTOUCH Pcinet Suto 634 Private Bag X29. Gallo Manor 2082 [NOTICE REGARDING THE LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT PREPARED BY THE [RECEIVER tl ORTHOTOUCH PROPRIETARY LIMITED (“ORTHOTOUCH") AND PRESENTLY LYING FOR InsPECTION, 1 Aintrested patos ae ase tha! Onholouch Limited has not been placed unde ulation, 2 The Liudation and Distibufon L&D") Account present hing fr inspections that account wich ptains ony othe este of OrtotouchLiited under and in terms ofthe Scheme of rangement ‘which was sanetond by Ine High Caut on 26 Novernber 204, 3 The LAD account has been sued by the Recover in tems of Clause 4 ofthe Scheme document 4 copy Cause 4 sttaced hereto and nested pats are refered in parcularto Clause 4.2 which reads 3 flows: ‘Such account ha inter al, reflect he nate of each anlevery tale credor or HS Investor whose ‘ain ha boon dy prevedr ante, the aroun ofthe clam andthe amout ofthe idend ‘ther rights obo avarcedto such rad crooror HS Inestov under he accoun.” 5 itlsunforunate that the name of the account has caused so much contusion (© The LAD Account vluniasus adit woul be immensely cost for he Reclver to dstibuto it 0 has boon requested by corti pars, oven fhe were authorized to do so, 7 The Receivoris algo nat suthoriza io extond ho period for which he LAD Account es fr ispocion {8 th rospot ho nly mato of concen might be the manner in which the investment of any party or aries may hare been rectod inthe account 8 Woappreciato tho ctcuty at someinterested parts may have in tineousy preparing and forwarding Power of Aten. 10 Ths ce prepare (on xing reasonably sated thatthe requests bona de), wut any proce {ois righs and son an etdeavour to asst seemingly bone ie requestrs who lodge the requesls ining, to provide aid eqiestar with infemation eazonaly requested by tam. 11 Any requests in this regard must be fonwarded to: adinototouch 0.20 42 Rewrtabiy the tive avaliable as nt alowed fers atc tobe ranted int the Afikaans language 4 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT 4a 42 43 44 45 48 [As soon as reasonably possible after nal determination of the clams of rade creditors and HS investors, and the implementation of this arrangement, the Receiver shal, draw a liquidation and distribution account (the account?) as if he was a liquidator under \windingup order, or otherwise in the ascretion of the Recelver, in @ manner fiting the purposes of tis arrangement ‘Such account shal nr ala reflect tha name ofeach and every trade creditor or HS Investor "whose caim has been duly proved or admited, the amount of the cm andthe amount of the dividend or other ights to be awarded to such trade creditor or HS Investor under the ‘account [Notice by email shallbe given by the Receiver tothe Company, proposer, and to al known trade creditors and HS Investors of the Company and the HS ‘Companies, that the eecountis ying fr inspection for a pari of 7 (seven) days calculated ‘cm the third business day succeeding that upon which the noice is despatched, but the {aire of the Receiver to give such notice shall in no way entitle any person toile a late HS Companies, financial objection nor shall suc failure invalidate such account or any distribution made pursuant thereto [Any potson objecting tothe acccunt shall be obliged to lodge natce of his objection (stating the ful grounds theres) withthe Receiver befor the expiry ofthe period of7 (seven) days referred to in 43 abeve,faling which the account shall be deemed to be accepted by all interested partes. The Receiver shall ule on any objection so lodged and shal give the ‘rector waiten notice of his euling, which notice shall be deivered by email ‘Any objector refered to in 44 above, or any other person, aggrieved by any ruling ofthe Receiver, shall be ered to inettute review proceedings in the Court within 14 (fourteen) days ofthe receipt by the rade creitor or HS Investor concerned ofthe notice referred to in 43 above, Fling isituton of review procoedings as aforesaid te right of obycton sha lapse and the objecter all be doomed to have accepted the account "Notwithstanding any provision tothe contrary contained in 4.1 above and 46 above inclusive, the Receiver shall be ented fo prepare liquidation and distribution account in respect of payment of dividends or awarcing of other rights, in terms of the arrangement, to trade ‘recitors and HS investors, despite finaly not yet having been reached regarding the nature ‘ani extent ofthe cli of ade exeditors and HE Investors or the identity ofall concurrent trade crettors and HS Investors, subject tothe Receiver having made proper provision for the payment of any dvidend or the award of other rights, due to any trade creditor or HS Investor whose claim nas not yet bean admitted

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