Present Ar Verbs 1-Sentence Matcher

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Sentence Match Quiz for Category: present_ar_verbs_1

Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
1) Pedro y yo caminamos a casa.
- A: The computer does not work.
- B: Some advertising agencies use public bathrooms to place their advertisements.
- C: John needs to study.
- D: Pedro and I walk home.
2) Pensamos mucho en nuestro abuelo.
- A: Pedro and I walk home.
- B: We think about our grandfather a lot.
- C: He walks several times a day.
- D: Juan is also thinking about traveling.
3) Ellos estudian las palabras para la clase de espaol.
- A: They study the words for the Spanish class.
- B: We sail more than two hours on the river.
- C: Then, he shows the whole hotel to her.
- D: Juan is also thinking about traveling.
4) Nosotros trabajamos para una empresa privada.
- A: We work for a private company.
- B: Hand-lugagge cannot weigh more than 10 kg.
- C: Sometimes I spend hours investigating (researching) topics.
- D: Good morning. What do you need?
5) Yo viajo en la estacin seca.
- A: He walks with the dog
- B: The computer does not work.
- C: We make this with a computer integrated system.
- D: I travel in the dry season.
6) l camina con el perro.
- A: He walks with the dog
- B: Hand-lugagge cannot weigh more than 10 kg.
- C: What does ... mean?
- D: Sometimes I spend hours investigating (researching) topics.
7) Nosotros fabricamos sto con un sistema integrado por computadora.
- A: We make this with a computer integrated system.
- B: He walks with the dog
- C: They talk at the same time.
- D: What does ... mean?
8) A veces paso horas investigando temas.
- A: They talk at the same time.
- B: Sometimes I spend hours investigating (researching) topics.
- C: He speaks too fast.
- D: The computer does not work.
9) Qu tiempo le dura el dolor?
- A: I travel in the dry season.
- B: We make this with a computer integrated system.
- C: They study the words for the Spanish class.
- D: How long does the pain last?

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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: present_ar_verbs_1

Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
10) La computadora no funciona.
- A: The computer does not work.
- B: They talk at the same time.
- C: I travel in the dry season.
- D: Tomatoes bother him.
11) Yo confieso.
- A: I confess.
- B: Hand-lugagge cannot weigh more than 10 kg.
- C: You don't usually ask the prices.
- D: Juan is also thinking about traveling.
12) Este carro usa muy poca gasolina.
- A: This car uses very little gasoline.
- B: We make this with a computer integrated system.
- C: Some advertising agencies use public bathrooms to place their advertisements.
- D: What does ... mean?
13) Nosotros no cobramos comisin.
- A: We don't charge commissions.
- B: We work for a private company.
- C: How long does the pain last?
- D: They study the words for the Spanish class.
14) El equipaje de mano no puede pesar ms de 10 kg.
- A: No, I take ibuprofen, 800 milligrams
- B: Yes sir, I come back later.
- C: I confess.
- D: Hand-lugagge cannot weigh more than 10 kg.
15) Cundo presiono aqu?
- A: We think about our grandfather a lot.
- B: Pedro and I walk home.
- C: You don't usually ask the prices.
- D: When do I press here?
16) Usted no acostumbra a preguntar los precios.
- A: We work for a private company.
- B: Juan is also thinking about traveling.
- C: The computer does not work.
- D: You don't usually ask the prices.
17) Entonces, l muestra el hotel completo a ella.
- A: Pedro and I walk home.
- B: Good morning. What do you need?
- C: Then, he shows the whole hotel to her.
- D: This car uses very little gasoline.
18) El ratn juega con el gato.
- A: The mouse plays with the cat.
- B: What does ... mean?
- C: He speaks too fast.
- D: John needs to study.

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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: present_ar_verbs_1

Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
19) Qu significa ... ?
- A: We make this with a computer integrated system.
- B: We work for a private company.
- C: Pedro and I walk home.
- D: What does ... mean?
20) Buenos das, qu necesita?
- A: Good morning. What do you need?
- B: Yes, Im looking for a car for my wife.
- C: I confess.
- D: Then, he shows the whole hotel to her.
21) S, claro, regreso ms tarde.
- A: How long does the pain last?
- B: Then, he shows the whole hotel to her.
- C: This car uses very little gasoline.
- D: Yes sir, I come back later.
22) Habla demasiado deprisa.
- A: Yes, Im looking for a car for my wife.
- B: The mouse plays with the cat.
- C: How long does the pain last?
- D: He speaks too fast.
23) S, busco un carro para mi esposa.
- A: John needs to study.
- B: Tomatoes bother him.
- C: He speaks too fast.
- D: Yes, Im looking for a car for my wife.
24) Nosotros navegamos ms de dos horas en el ro.
- A: We sail more than two hours on the river.
- B: He walks with the dog
- C: How long does the pain last?
- D: They talk at the same time.
25) Juan necesita estudiar.
- A: I take it today.
- B: Some advertising agencies use public bathrooms to place their advertisements.
- C: Pedro and I walk home.
- D: John needs to study.
26) l camina varias veces al da.
- A: What does ... mean?
- B: He speaks too fast.
- C: He walks several times a day.
- D: I take it today.
27) Ellos hablan a la vez.
- A: They talk at the same time.
- B: The mouse plays with the cat.
- C: They study the words for the Spanish class.
- D: I confess.

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(continued) Sentence Match Quiz for Category: present_ar_verbs_1

Mark the sentence that matches each item below.
28) La tomo hoy.
- A: Tomatoes bother him.
- B: I confess.
- C: I travel in the dry season.
- D: I take it today.
29) Juan piensa tambin viajar.
- A: Juan is also thinking about traveling.
- B: The computer does not work.
- C: We work for a private company.
- D: When do I press here?
30) Algunas agencias de publicidad usan baos pblicos para colocar sus anuncios.
- A: Some advertising agencies use public bathrooms to place their advertisements.
- B: I confess.
- C: John needs to study.
- D: Yes, Im looking for a car for my wife.
31) No, tomo ibuprofeno de ochocientos miligramos.
- A: They study the words for the Spanish class.
- B: He walks with the dog
- C: We think about our grandfather a lot.
- D: No, I take ibuprofen, 800 milligrams
32) El tomate le molesta.
- A: We work for a private company.
- B: Tomatoes bother him.
- C: Yes, Im looking for a car for my wife.
- D: Some advertising agencies use public bathrooms to place their advertisements.

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Answer Key for Worksheet fff84

Sentence Match Quiz starting on page 1
1 = D , 2 = B , 3 = A , 4 = A , 5 = D , 6 = A , 7 = A , 8 = B , 9 = D , 10 = A , 11 = A , 12 = A , 13 = A , 14 = D , 15 = D , 16 = D ,
17 = C , 18 = A , 19 = D , 20 = A , 21 = D , 22 = D , 23 = D , 24 = A , 25 = D , 26 = C , 27 = A , 28 = D , 29 = A , 30 = A , 31 =
D , 32 = B

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