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Editor’s Note

This consolidated issue of

CAREER DIGEST focuses on
WORK ETHICS, Where people
are expected to make professional
choices despite mounting issues
that arise within the workplace.
Ethics here, does not only apply to
the workplace but also in the
academic setting. Many of us
serve in School Organizations and
know that Work ethics do apply
within the system. By presenting
this issue, we hope to impart some
knowledge and insights in
molding one’s experiences.

Joy Gotauco

Dealing with Workplace Disagreements

By: Michelle S. Bernardo
Work disagreements These conflicts are inevitable as employees. Furthermore,
are normal occurrences in episodes in the workplace but t h e w ay w e d e a l w i t h
the workplace. Let’s face it: there are in handling it. So disagreements will reflect our
there will always be a time that such arguments would be professionalism and our
when we would not see eye prevented; there are ways to character.
to eye with a co-worker. We deal with workplace conflicts Nobody wants to find
will find ourselves in a effectively. himself in a compromising
situation where our ideas The way we handle situation. Follow these simple
conflict with those of our work conflicts can greatly tips on how to effectively
superiors. The workplace is impact our career; it can resolve work disputes:
composed of a diversity of either make or break our
people, hence, differences in reputation. It can also be a
opinions are to be expected. basis for how we are viewed continued on page 2


(from page 1)Dealing with Workplace Disagreements
Always be respectful
• No matter what the other party throws at you, address the circumstance with the intention of
improving the situation. Keep your cool and act professional. Have the patience to sort things out
and always be polite when arguing your side. Do not approach the disagreement with negativity
and the urge to complain.


Be Willing to Negotiate
• Show the other party that you are willing to compromise. Or better yet, let the other party know
this before engaging in the conversation. Be flexible and open-minded. Listen to what the other
party has to say. Look for a way to merge both ideas in order to come to a conclusion that will
satisfy both parties.

Be Solution Oriented
• Before approaching the conversation, start thinking of ways on how to solve the problem at hand.
Do not simply state the problem during an argument and belt out your frustrations when the
other party does not see it your way right away. Find out what is causing the problem then find
way on how to resolve it. An attitude which is open to resolution will make the communication

Get Help from a Neutral Third Party

• When a minor dispute turns into a heated argument and when you feel like the conversation is
getting nowhere, invite a third party to mediate. They can help facilitate a balanced conversation
and find a resolution that both parties will find acceptable. Through a third party mediator, both
parties will have the chance to be heard, hence, eventually coming to a conclusion that is in favor
of both parties.

When you find yourself in an argument, just remember to keep your cool and approach the situation
with a positive attitude in order to settle things in a professional manner.


Moving up the success ladder

How to get that promotion you’ve always wanted

By: Gabrielle Bernice Mauricio

There are numerous ways of getting ahead 1. Be the team player.
with your job. Being knowledgeable on job
hunting skills and career tools will equip Volunteer to lead projects and tasks. Being
aspirants to be able to move up the known as the person who can be relied upon in
corporate world. Here are 7 tips in gaining leading work related activities will increase your
advantage for that promotion: value to the organization.

(continuation)Moving up the success ladder

2. Expand your network.

Being acquainted with people at work that knows
how you work, knows your strengths and Promoted!
abilities, and your goals will contribute to the
expansion of your network. Develop and have a
good relationship with your co-workers would
definitely earn you a decent image among them
and would create various opportunities for you as
a business man. Be a good team mate and a fair

3.Be Flexible.

Being able to do any field of work that involves

marketing, advertising and other business oriented Don’t be scared to ask questions if you’re not
tasks can surely gain a promotion. Become easily sure about something that you need to do, be
adaptive on one’s own personal style of work with accurate on all the tasks you need to
the style of others and with the current accomplish so that you’d be able to stand out
environment.  from everyone to gain a good and respectable
4. Practice continuous learning.
6. Think outside the box.
Do not just simply rely on the things you know,
explore on new ideas. As the advancement of Have the initiative to create your own
technology is rapidly increasing, your personal opportunities. If you think that the needs of the
skills should also flourish in the process. Don’t organizations are being neglected and you think
forget to always read and be updated with the that your skills greatly suit the problem, make
current business activities of the organization. that an opportunity for you. Don’t constrain
yourself with the same old solutions to work
Become involved and willing with certain tasks related problems. Entertain new ideas and
that is not beyond your field of expertise so that methods in satisfying the desires of the
you’d impress others on how dedicated you are in company.  
acquiring new skills.

5. Be professional. 7. Commit.
If you thought of something that would be of
Look presentable all the time. Dress appropriately great help the organization, go for it. Do not
even on casual days. Keep a very positive outlook rely on luck and good karma. In the business
on all tasks being assigned/given to you, if things world you have to take risks and commit to
don’t go as planned and as you want it to be, don’t everything you do. Stick to what you think
blame others, think of alternative ways on how to would bring you success. Have your own
make up for that situation. Be a swift thinker; unique plan, create your distinctive goal and
always have a plan B if something goes wrong. have a clear direction.

Students’ Perspective:
What is ethics for you?
Harvey Uy
CBE- 1082042
I always associate work ethics with these words.. RESPECT,
Joy Anne Solei C. Gotauco
Bea Calacal 10708251
CLA-10712585 ISE-MMG
Work ethics may differ with regards to your work. It deals with the way Editor-in-chief
an individual works towards his peers and how he socializes with his
Michelle Bernardo
people. Also work ethics involves social responsibilities 10733507
Deirdre Chua
CLA-10814248 Gabrielle Bernice Maurico
Ethics in my opinion is based on different perspectives, values and morals. 10705082
I take the situational perspective, and thus, believe that ethics varies from BMG
situation to situation. Ethics in work, then varies from situation to Head Writers
Juan Penaflorida
Danielle Javier 10731695
CLA-10709703 BSA
Its culturally etched in our society, and i hate it, when people stereotype Contributing writer
women in the corporate world. Work ethics is pretty much subjective
Klariza Monique Ajoc
and different on various levels depending on one’s cultural background. 10721495
Geordan Tan
10609733-CCS Allen Richmond Ang
Its when you do something without excessive complain... 10616829
Hubert Chua Layout and Design
CBE-10405194 Editors
Essentially work ethics for me is the collective desirable behavior
exhibited by an individual or a group that is necessary to ensure a
productive work life (individual) or workplace: these includes personal Career Digest is the official
OCCS-Career Services
traits such as hard work, industriousness, punctuality, etc.
Newsletter under its new
Career Management Program.
For comments and suggestions,
please free to visit us at St.
Joseph Hall room 116, or email
us at

How to handle the tasks you hate
by: Klariza Monique Ajoc

We can never really choose what tasks to take in life. In school, sometimes, we are forced to finish
something even if we do not like it. We finish it because we are required or we want to pass. At the
back of our minds, we want to study because we want to learn. But we have to face it, there are tasks
which put up a challenge and we might discover that we can do more than we know.

Arrange your tasks by importance

From the list of tasks that you have to accomplish, rank these according to importance: urgent to least
urgent. With this, you can manage what to do first and plan ahead of time. This is also your time to
prepare yourself so that you know what you are getting into.

Set the time limit for each task

Evaluate how much time you need to accomplish each task. Write an exact and reasonable duration of
the task so that you know when to start doing it. This time limit should be compatible on your work
load and capability as well. It is important to keep track of time so that you will not be late in doing
your other tasks.

Make a schedule
For sure, there are other important things you have to do aside from your tasks.You also need time
to rest. Schedule your break time. This is to help you have a balanced day and taking time off from
Focus on it completely
The task assigned to you maybe something new. See it as a learning opportunity for you. Give it more
depth by doing research. Maybe others have done it already and you can find tips to accomplish the
task. With this, you might discover that it is something interesting for you.

Delegate the task

If you are working in a group, be sure to delegate. Talk among yourselves on how to do the task. Share
experiences and knowledge among the members.

Own it!
It's your time to finish the task. Work professionally. Be sure that you will produce a good outcome.
Maybe you will not see it's use by now, but treat it as an addition to your skills.

La Sallian Achiever
participate because he didn’t like the extra work and
responsibility. I wanted to help because the group being
new didn’t have anyone else to turn to except for me
who had already had experience in that field. After a
long discussion with my boss and his superior, he finally
agreed just as long as I would take full responsibility
and that I made sure that it wouldn’t prevent me from
doing my work.

4. Was there any instance wherein your responsibility goes

against your will or values?
I was supposed to fire someone who had just got
Name: Rexmond G. Fang married and already has a baby on the way. (He was
Course: Applied Economics Marketing from sales and his numbers was really down)
Occupation: Channels Development
5. How did you handle the situation?
Senior Specialist- CSME
Company: Globe Telecom Inc. I negotiated with my boss to give him another chance
and I suggested that he be transferred to a different
1. How was LaSalle able to train or teach program that would better suit his current situation. I
you with regards to work ethics? saw that he was more suited for the new job because
even though he wasn’t really good with selling the
Being a student leader in LaSalle I had products himself, he was really good with handling/
the opportunity to work with a variety training the people under him. He now handles the
of people inside and outside the sales agents of our Business Partners that sell products
campus. One thing that really helped for the company.
me through my college life was the
numerous talks and training given by 6.What advice can you give to La Sallians in carrying
the different organizations and of out the proper ethics in a workplace?
course the office of Student LIFE.
I do believe than prevention is always better than the
2. Have you ever encountered some sort of cure. So personally I suggest keeping away from
disagreements with your colleagues in your situations and people that you know will force you to
workplace? do unethical things. Choose a company with a good
Yes background and a good company culture. A good
company will never put their employees in situations
3. How did you handle the situation? that will force them to do unethical things, much more
The disagreement was between me jeopardize their career. But more often than not, in the
and my boss, I was volunteering to workplace, we will be in situations and also meet
head a certain project because I people that will pressure us to do things that we
believed that my expertise in that wouldn’t like to do. During these times the most
certain field would be invaluable to important thing is to have a clear head and not to make
that said group, but my boss thought of abrupt decisions. It is best to take a step back, clear
otherwise. He didn’t want us to your head and analyze the situation and then finally
participate because he thought that it make a decision. Remember that no one, especially
would be inconvenient on our part, he your boss can force you to do things that you wouldn’t
didn’t want us to participate want to do.

(continuation) La Sallian Achiever
When in doubt, it is best to just turn to the company’s rules and regulations and of course the
code of conduct. It is there for a reason after all, right?
For those people who really has to learn everything the hard way. While there’s the D.O and the
pastoral office to always set you straight I suggest that that you make all your mistakes right now.
If there is a perfect time to make your mistakes this is it, but make sure you learn from them. In
college when you do something bad you might be sent off with a warning or an offense to your
name at the most. But when you graduate and you’re already working, you will be held
accountable for all your mistakes and believe me, when that happens having an offense to your
name will be the least of your problems.

What’s your work personality?
Your attitude, work ethic and personality all contribute to how you behave at work. This
behaviour determines how you are viewed by your boss and co-workers. Take our Work
Personality Quiz to find out who you are at work.

1. On your desk/workstation is…

a) A day planner, pens, a list of to-do’s, and a coffee
b) Almost nothing, my work is all filed and labelled alphabetically
c) Desk…? I think it is buried here somewhere…
d) Several half-finished projects and yesterday’s lunch

2. When you agree to complete a task for your boss, you…

a) Write it down in detail and have it done the day before the deadline
b) Finish it immediately and have it on his or her desk the next day
c) Submit it a week (or so..) after the deadline
d) Submit it in on the day of the deadline… at 5 p.m.

3. When a co-worker (that you dislike) asks for help on a project you…
a) Suck it up but get through it with a smile
b) Offer to do it for them
c) Laugh and walk away muttering, “Yeah, right”
d) Help, but complain to the rest of the office later

4. Your list of tasks is becoming more then you can handle and you are on the
verge of a meltdown so you…
a) Take a short break, a long breath, then put in a little overtime to get it done
b) Pull an all-nighter with 16 cups of coffee
c) You already forgot the first five things you had to do so you just don’t do any of them
d) You relax, do half of the work and then hand the other half in late

5. When you have to do an assignment with very little instruction you…

a) Are not worried, you know what to do
b) Are ecstatic, finally you will be able to get it done the way you want
c) Are angry, it’s not your job to figure it out yourself
d) Don’t care, your boss isn’t that much help anyway

6. When asked to go for lunch with several of your co-workers, you…

a) Go, it will be fun and will be a great break from the office
b) Decline, you have way too much work to do
c) You are the first one to say yes, then polish off three pints at the restaurant
d) You go, but really don’t enjoy it


Mostly A’s Mostly B’s

Your good attitude and work ethic will You are the office overachiever.You will do
help you climb your way to the top of anything to excel even if that includes putting
the corporate ladder.You are motivated in twice as much time as the average co-
and successful. Employers rely on you to worker. Those you work with appreciated
complete your work on time and to the your keen attitude, but don’t let anyone take
best of your abilities. You have great you for granted. Don’t take on work that’s
people skills which is the reason you are not yours or soon you will become a leaning
liked by your co-workers.You are pole for others. Your organization contributes
competitive and you enjoy a challenge. greatly to your success and helps keep you
These traits fuel your desire to succeed. from feeling stressed when under pressure.
However, if your competitiveness is not You want to be successful, hence the 100 per
kept in check, it may get the best of you. cent effort. But remember what you put on
Don’t be discouraged if you are passed paper is not everything. Meeting people and
up for a promotion because of the co- making contacts is half the battle in business,
worker down the hall.Your effort and going out for lunch with colleagues and
drive do not go unnoticed by the higher- forming a friendly relationship with the boss
ups. can be the difference between a promotion
and a demotion.


Mostly C’s Mostly D’s

You are the office slacker, and you already You are a familiar office fixture as the
know it. You get your work done most of employee who has the skills and
time, even if it is not on time.You rarely knowledge but is not sure what career
put everything you have into your job. step to take next. You are good at what
Office slackers usually either, don’t like you do and you are confidant in your stills.
their jobs, don’t know what they’re doing, But you get by doing the minimum. Your
or they just don’t care. But there is a position in the office is secure as long as
bright side; your coworkers enjoy your you keep up the consistent work.You don’t
company (when they are not picking up make much of an effort to get involved in
your slack) as you help to relieve a lot of off-the-clock work activities and you stay
office tension. You have potential, and hidden in the background. It’s good to get
could be doing well if you choose to. Don’t the job done, but without putting in the
forget that your people skills will only extra effort you will never move ahead. If
carry you so far. Eventually your boss will you work an extra night every once in
notice that you don’t hold your own awhile or step up the quality of your work,
weight. you could easily excel.You may even earn
the corner office that previously seemed
so far away.

Quiz created with information taken from the Government of Alberta Positive Works II, and Multiple choices
career handbooks.

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