What Happened To America? From Karl Marx To The Radical Socialism of President Obama... His Dreams, Politics and Performance in Office

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Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd

What Happened to America? From Karl Marx To The Radical Socialism of
President ObamaHis Dreams, Politics and Performance In Office
by Ralph Massey (Author)

About The Book

This is an economist-turn-businessman's view of what happened to America in his
lifetime...that is between the Depressions of 1929 and 2007. The narrative starts with
the ballooning Federal Debt. Then...it considers the competing economic
development theories of John Maynard Keynes and Milton Friedman; and it ends with
Modernized Marxism and the Presidency of Barack H. Obama Jr..
It is the story of the New Left and the Far Left in America. The critical pivot point in
this narrative is the election of President Obama in 2008. He is a Radical Socialist
whose election was, in effect, a Bloodless Coup by what is the Far Left of the
Democratic Party.
Senator Obama was a viable Presidential candidate of many gifts but precious few
accomplishments. He was elected twice and has doggedly implemented his radical
socialist agenda. The author contends that the U.S. is now in uncharted territory
where the welfare of the average American is likely to become materially worse
rather than better.

About the Author

Ralph Massey was born in 1929 in Cleveland, Ohio, son of a police officer and
grandson of a railroad brakeman and a coal miner.
There he graduated magna cum laude/Phi Beta Kappa from Case-Western Reserve
University; and then he studied at the University of Chicago in the early-1950s when
Milton Friedman emerged as a leading conservative economist. He was a Harry A
Millis Fellow in Industrial Relations and a Research Associate in the Department of
He left the University with a master's degree in Economics when the Industrial
Relations Center was closed; and then he pursued a 36-year business career at Ford
Motor, Kimberly-Clark, Johns-Manville and Chemical Bankthat now is a part of
JPMorgan Chase.
He was a founding member of the Nassau Institute and a consultant to the Hotel
Employers Association of the Bahamas. He is the father of seven children and has
been happily married for 54 years.
What Happened to America? is his perspective on a century of profound turmoil two Great Wars, two Great Depressions and periods of real prosperity - and what
America did and did not do on the road to what may be a financial abyss.

Lily Ryan, Marketing Coordinator

Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd.
CGC-33-01 25 Canada Square
Canary Warf, London, E14 5LQ
Email: marketing@austinmacauley.com

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

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