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According to Sigmund Freud, personality develops through a series of

stages in which the the energies of the id are focused on certain

erogenous areas. This psychosexual energy, or libido, was described as
the driving force behind behavior.
The summary chart below offers a brief overview of these stages of
psychosexual development, the approximate age levels for each stage and
the primary conflict confronted at each stage.
Freuds stages of Personality development.
Stage of Development

Main Characteristics

Examples of Unsuccessful task


Oral birth to 18

Use mouth and tongue

to deal with anxiety(For
Muscle control in
provides sensual
pleasure;toilet training
can be a crisis.
Learn sexual identity
and awareness of
genital area as source
of pleasure;conflict ends
with same sex
development of electra
complex and Oedipus
comples occurs during
this stage of
development .Freud
described this as the
childs consciousness
desire to eliminate the
parent of the same sex
and to possess the
parent of the opposite

biting,drug addiction,difficulty
sessive compulsive disorder.

During this stage, the

superego continues to
develop while the id's
energies are suppressed.
Children develop social skills,
values and relationships with
peers and adults outside of
the family.

Inability to conceptualize;lack
of motivation in school or job

Anal 18 months to 3

Phallic 3-6 years

Latency 6-12 years

Homosexually ,transsexually,sexual identity

problems in general,difficulty
accepting authority.

According to Sigmund Freud, personality develops through a series of

stages in which the the energies of the id are focused on certain
erogenous areas. This psychosexual energy, or libido, was described as
the driving force behind behavior.
The summary chart below offers a brief overview of these stages of
psychosexual development, the approximate age levels for each stage and
the primary conflict confronted at each stage.
Genital 12 years to 18 The onset of puberty causes
Frigidity ,impotence,premature
the libido to become active
once again. During this
stage, people develop a
strong interest in the
opposite. If development has
been successful to this point,
the individual will continue to
develop into a well-balanced

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