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Aft oat fea — — tt eiverratipa dia afta PDF Creation and Uploading by: Hari Parshad Das (HPD) on 15 November 2014. INTRODUCTION. A unique feature of the Advaita philosophy as taught by Sri Sankaracharya is that it can bear summing up in the shortest compass. In the words of the late M. N. Dvivedi it can be expressed “in half a verse or a quarto volume of many hundred pages.” This philosophy which in the words of Dr. Theodore Goldstucker “tis the subli- mes machinery set in motion by oriental thought” yet rests upon a minimum number of postulates and needs for its defence but a few simple arguments based upon the facts of our daily experience. It is this profound simplicity which has enabled Vedanta writers to compose those gems of short treatises or Prakaranas as they are styled which so richly abound in the literature of the Advaita Vedanta and which in a few telling but homely verses bring home the cardinal doctrines of Advaita even to the unlettered multitude. The Advaita- makaranda of Lakshmidhara is one of these price- less gems. Its marvellous brevity and the com- pelling force of its arguments remind one of the ii sill more wonderful Dasasloki of Sri Sankaracharya. In the short compass of 28 clean-cut anushtubh slokas the entire philosophy of the Advaita is dealt with, with a comprehensiveness, simplicity and precision which are simply admirable. The closely reasoned thesis contained in each sloka can well be expanded into a volume. The commentator is therefore thoroughly justified when he states “‘aa- aq gine ag ameanita ait aeeggiamearat aqaeart svaq war aeuaseqmanargqan”? In fact the Advaitamakaranda must be got up by heart by those who want to provide themselves with an armoury of arguments in defence of the Advaita position. Of Lakshmidhara Kavi the author -of the Advaitamakaranda we have very little information. Besides the Advaitamakaranda he has composed Amritatarangini a commentary on the . Srimad Bhagavata and Bhagavannamakaumudi. At the end of the latter work he says: 34 nradaeareat sagaarinol aganaee sg dseiraasaeta ul (vide p. 878 of the Triennial Catalogue of Mss. collected for the Government Oriental Manuscripts Library Madras). From the . Bhagavannamakqumudi iii we also learn that Lakshmidhara was the disciple of Anantananda Raghunatha Swami. Regarding his date no positive information is forthcoming. Mahamahopadhyaya Vasudeva Sastri Abhyankar of Poona, in his valuable edition of Sarvadarsanasangraha (p 538) assigns Lakshmi- dhara to 1320 a. p. No ground is however stated for this statement. Bodhendra Sarasvati the re- nowned devotee and apostle of the namakirtana cult in South India states in his Bhagvannamamri- tarasodaya that Lakshmidhara flourished in the reign of King Bhojaraja of the 11th Century a. p. (ataai ara qraasadraetira:). This statement also requires confirmation, coming as it does from a writer who flourished so late as the second half of the [8th century a.p- A critical examination of Bhagavannamakaumudi and Bhagavata tika may furnish details regarding Lakshmidhara. As we have at present no access to these works we shall simply content ourselves with determining the latest date beyond which Lakshmidhara cannot be placed- Firstly Lakshmidhara’s Bhagavannamakau- mudi was commented upon by Anantadeva (or iv Nandadeva as is found in some Mss.) son of the celebrated Mimamsa writer Apadeva and the author of Smritikaustubha, Bhattalankara (a commentary on his father’s Mimamsanyayapraka- sa) and Siddhantatattva a treatise on Advaita Vedanta. In his Smritikaustubha Anantadeva states that he was a protege of Baj Bahadur king of Kurmachala who flourished between 1644 and 1664 A.D. Hence Lakshmidhara could not have flourished later than the beginning of the 17th Century A. D. Secondly Brahmananda Bharati the author of the commentary on Bharati Tirtha’s Vakyasudha alias Drigdrisyaviveka quotes Lakshmidhara by name in his comments on the 46th sloka (31@7 aan: aad areata a a aeaaitaadtt akaag- weateha waTIAT H ahaait a aaa o- sanaag feaePaerqurus | Brahmananda Bharati is also the author of Purusharthaprabodha, a treatise devoted to the exaltation of Siva in the light of the Advaita Vedanta. Now Appaya Dikshita (1554 to 1626 A. Db.) refers to Purusharthaprabodha in his Sivatattvaviveka “Y- masa fe qerat: oddtct: § fae war araagd saraaianta wn ggzaniaa srgicmrasi a aeig Fags: aasadt aay iy sta | aat Starear a@ae ara: & ts ag viaer werugisana:, vam wanlaa: ; Far- meagieargyed ag & ages, aw aedua- f, swrmasdiae Haaradia aegutsaqra- qanag: ; a aaTMesaontaaa fava aa a afadiacafaia army, AHMET aaa; a a Sanam wee aya’ fe afvaa arafata aeaq, aarernttesrtarara- aa, Sarg Aaotisietacafaga arsHiATy- sae arrafa— ate wart ave awa ara Paitsraer faeasaists arearar- ga wareaza: 190i araet sare Par weer aed agar atta, arsiqaagaaaons: aguretaigay: | aa: faq? aae—aa gantar | awa weer fa Ke asaAHCE: | RR Rargey aed ar ata sare ae, adr araaed seeannaragizeag: | adsl eq t eae — Reade geagar Peauersh Yaradaediscr- saad Reaataad far aera a duaatead: 1 ad wae ARedeateageantte dar aqratdl seea:, Sait: daa: daia:, sa aaa, wa aieay, ag ar Gaaesara it) ara, fdisgeaaa damigitdosadta gear Saat fier) at aaa, RMereioaqontees- eqaneataa ag Psa: sara: qaaifta qaaaistae Aq; a, agra: azar. Fsaaaaatara wa salasaa saanaaeat- ainsad, way givens anaracagiT, wmaaaantaava sega (ale ara wag, weahsquneadtiengerataaarg 1 atte Asatatraa:, ar qedaraaea, ada aaa, wanisaga | age adage: —a dad afta dgfaaid ata aacun- aladaa: | ad) a fasteraarad oft adtay waa quanta: nu? aft | aaeaaeaias ea aR ASABE: | dary aft asa) agra asaqeararaargs- aiarpateraa sarong) aga Baaq— ‘adr farqeragi saad Maradtsda ad sqay | warahaqqedgaraaaqiweraaaged peasy? fe Farsrenseaaa, ae qaqa fam: qeanar, waa: afgata ead: | aaay Aart agiiearada fairaitesiarse faatrad: | age faworqay: TaaMsas— ‘Faswirg- aeqai witcaarg arzar | a talegdisraisha aaare He aay’ fu oi ag eqsisey, Sse’, “BetsER’, ‘Aiser’, ‘qatsey, ‘quiadises , Refadiseg’, “arareq’, Sfaladiseq’ gf fahketogyaaraed ada: aq Rencammicnaga gaetamacad sas araafa— a det Aet are aaa a wat a at | auaraitsyear- qrarseanaraa: nc i BLIMBCE: | a4 Be: ates: fog: ) gga fed saad agile saad gone se 1 am: asaata: | aa: daaeaaq | digietewaritasr | edger aevafe: sae Gara: | a aera gfecaear: qaant qarat staeara gad: | HI ga ore — wavaiizar | anaaiecsueary, waaal wate ger qtreqeneieigaad, wstsaanea araqt zea: sige:, waleadivienaag, gighety qaatzad: | aazagad faaq—‘aaqa: aaa waargermafggiateares aantaq’ ga Bisarar Biigarageaq’; “itz. FTAA: STARFSAT 5 “UNS AAT ATTRA. Ziaargaq’ ; ‘aetseq’ saiteadiawrargrarened qaqa; ‘Hasan’ seafeaaiaeg ‘ce: eniee:’ salzedifaaqeay tentang; aie aeagraemcaeacay ; waAaagTaMeaTasiy ar- zal, amar, Darkealsa wea cy wag ele aeg aX aaegelATaeaaar- args, gyaqaraia Raaasagacnraa witeitatia apd ays arraly— 2e BIABET: areft aan@aa: Sar. qe ATE Reraay | aitaragit=sg- aartargara |e aret Fgisracenaitoracagtzst, aal- Raa: ada qecartgsaitad: ‘qe: equa’ “qe: we ae a% gure asagqnadagaad, tatagaa marqEr:, Wa Fae, aQqyat qeaa: fraa- aay ‘ag adgr yard a saiharar qaq’ garea- f aast adargaargead: | gaydisé samen waa Sahaqhs areq, aeTe varias: | az Fque—attortariar | ager aitoragntsy- aaitait:, gitonar ungaaftora:, aese: ofe- faaq, ata gat: wtieteaga: daraa- aad: | qgeqraa adnaadt@onaraa- Roraeqafrag:Racarsien qa yaarAageercen- aidig: ape gat: | Pihie alg aalta: dalgyaa gfe Faq, adaennadenrafosatitea ee. aeqareaarmayqaa aia gears: neu aearaee: | te aeraatt Gatton aaa: ae Raquagar t a4 dadistseta aaa a asa , arené- attadivaa wdtanaed aaceaéasitedata- & ata , gamaguraasatigaa aq ara- mare— grisea a rq gagaganr 1 AAMT FART a & daar tt go il agradert ga saa aft gytaqesat:, Baa: Gas ga waa aanyar sataa gaggia, at a teaed aa:, waea- Hager aa, aagatgn: daguacer anton & aq samedat a Ga gah: | west aft, swmeama: danqdaaendt Tt gycaar SAS ana Gaigdagesagqetaa Pare seA- vata aqittereadtay, aan qemantdaeaa aa ahaa adfiaa aa ar war aNggaa- area aatieenee sataa agqeacamgal- AM. 2 we SITET | aiqauta aac: saat a wa, ggycataraad- am age atacagay: — * saatatrasa aaa agaeqragaguraa waa} agtadua- wanand adie gasit qaia aaaesaarg: 0% aft) aa oneat Reagd aeaalhara: ko Ut araaRaAa WATT THAT, we- HCH BYWaaaa GyTIMarag wa sTwzes- wagered Ranayers- aatantarmga, wiser gytt desea adamaracaa agiaaaa:, te agian; ad smmanacagaaaaiaaare— ga gfe a aaa aga cansrre | araeernaggeiat BeraseAaTa: kk a a: ga: gf a aaa a ae atsderx ua Ga: Qyeraeaara, Haar | ga: f gyitaeens- wrataaiGaa singed: | aaa ggea- aes sama acasiat a aaa:, aa: g- BAIABTE | Ww geareaaraaaeanizad: | seaeatacag— a- afgenigat | att simeaagyitat atat ger, AASEARAT, AITA:, AT AAT FM Aaa Ts @ ACT:, AEM a aadkaaew:, TWATaeiza aead: | WaTKgaa atgaq — SaRAL ag qeaqrata wait Hs TTT ET ATMA, at aeataft a @ aeaaraa acai a yeqear’ sit | age. aeaqanaameagian:— ‘east Magara Taam Gt waras aasieta araae 1 alae waaqaat aie: o: ded Masyaquaarhe: 4? aa u wt agg MSANIASaaAaNy «= AAALSTETE- ara Tag— aratacir: ofa AAA CAAT | Acar: Hew ey- ~ agmer A ear ww Raraatiaaaea Maa Aeiaeais= giaeqsad; amea cea Agagiae weal: Re APAMTES: | mummers; aa «araarmanqwiaga wan: Ywrgag wa amt gad: 1 aa: Bq? ag—aafgn gata | Pam taeaga- Pagaer aan vesynagataien F wanna aa: ggiteaaaT: st aq:t a wd. Mak | ad awa:— gyeraenai aaggirar- aatsemrararat taraagiard gia, aragitcae gata ‘qgangaecd a Pera. faq’? ot qgharpissmaqagigaa: 1 a- aad a araq, wamgee: gereasteeant | aad 4, Tea Raeaiaan) agaea- wentaaetegead | aa a sqaaitaaaan- wa gE gEaldePRdt

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