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TO: Dr.

FROM: Dalton Turner
DATE: 12 August 2015
SUBJECT: Reflective Memo

Reflective Memo
Learning Outcomes
During the course of the semester I feel that I have achieved numerous learning
outcomes. The creation and process of the first community event essay I was able to revise
multiple items as well as review a peers essay and make suggestions to better their final product.
As a result of this revision process I was able to meet outcomes by responding to feedback by
making edits that help create a stronger and more efficient essay for myself. After the creation of
the project I also was able to reflect on the process as a whole. The specific learning outcomes
exhibited during the process of creating and completing this project were: adapting composing
and revision processes for a variety of technologies and modalities, produce multiple revisions
on global and local levels, suggesting useful global and local levels, evaluate and act on peer and
instructor feedback to revise their texts, reflect on their progress as academic writers.
While creating the profile essay project I employed a different way to research methods
by using search tools provided by the University of Arizonas library as well as gaining primary
research through interviewing someone from the military community. I took the information
from the research methods to synthesize research findings in development of an argument. The
specific learning outcomes that were met during this project were: employing a variety of
research methods, including primary and/or secondary research, for purposes of inquiry,

demonstrate facility in incorporating evidence, such as through summaries, paraphrases,

quotations, and visuals, synthesize research findings in development of an argument, support
ideas or positions with compelling discussion of evidence from multiple sources, compose
persuasive researched arguments for various audiences and purposes, and in multiple modalities.
Last, the last genre essay project I achieved learning outcomes by appropriately analyzing
how different genres shape reading and composing practices. I also learned how to analyze the
ways a texts purposes, audiences, and political contexts. Applying citation conventions
systematically in my work also was a learning outcome I believe I met throughout the semester
on this project as well as the previous projects by citing and creating works cited pages. Through
this learning outcome I gained a lot of important knowledge about genres that will help me in
future writing.
Course Keywords
Throughout the semester I have used many of the key words located in the syllabus.
Each of the projects that were completed during the semester incorporated the keywords
audience, community, and purpose. During the community event essay, profile, and genre essays
the principle of writing to a particular audience or community was imposed. Purpose was
important in these essays because without purpose, the compositions had no true meaning or
main topic or idea.
The project that I chose to revise and redesign was the community event reflection essay.
I chose this essay because I feel I had the most fun doing. Being that I had the opportunity to go
out into the community and participate or view a community car show and toy drive made it the

most fun. During the process of revising I incorporated images from the actual event. I made
this alteration to give the audience a better glimpse of the event through photographs. A leaning
outcome that was accomplished was adapting composing and revision processes for a variety of
technologies and modalities. A keyword that was reflected in this revision process was
community and audience. The photographs taken at the event give the audience a view of the car
club community and event as a whole.
Additional Supporting Documents
The additional works that I provided in my portfolio were samples of the work that I felt I
learned the most from and were particularly proud of. I was proud of my writing about the
military genre and the profile of military family and children. Being prior military I never
thought to research some of the most important things that affect service members. Through
those essays I feel I learned a lot about the military community as well as how to apply my
research to my own life, being that I am now a military spouse. I included a rough draft as well
to show that I used the revision process to better my work during the course of the semester.

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