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The Dos and Donts

Part 3
Who is Jesus Christ?
Often to make quick debating points, JWs often want to discuss the more complicated aspects of the doctrine of the trinity.
Keep them focused on one topic - the Divinity of Christ - for the following reason:
If you can prove the divinity of Christ, you can prove the existence of the Trinity. When you show JWs that Jesus is truly
God like the Father, then they must accept that there can be more than one person in the Godhead. Since both Christians and
JWs agree there can be only one God, you are a short step from proving the Trinity of persons in one divine nature.

JW Beliefs:
1. Jesus was originally a spirit known as St. Michael then at his appointed time he become the child in the womb of Mary then after
His death he took on a spirit form again and every time He appeared after his resurrection it was more of a ghostly appearance he
has no matter and will have no matter for the rest of eternity.
2. Jesus is St. Michael. How? St. Michael is like a nickname for them (such as how Jesus is called the Word)
3. The Bible calls Jesus Gods Son - (Jn.3:16) only begotten Son (Mt. 8:29) Son of God - Why cant we just agree that Jesus is
the only Son of God, and leave it at that? By these words JWs believe that he is only a very special man.

Our Response:

1. The way we must respond to this is by proving that Christ is God.

Remember we believe Christ has the Nature of God and the Nature of Man and JWs
can prove the nature of man very well so we dont need to focus on that.
Do this by using:
1. Scripture
2. And Reason
2. We believe that these words mean He is Truly God.
Biblical Proof - Using the NWT:
(Jn. 20:28 - 29) In answer Thomas said to him: My Lord and my God! Jesus said to him: Because you have seen me have you
believed? Happy are those who do not see yet believe
My Lord and my God. Here Jesus accepts the worship of Thomas. Instead of correcting Thomas, Jesus praises those
who would believe that He is the risen Lord and God without having to touch His wounds.
(Mt. 1:23) Look! The virgin will become pregnant and will give birth to a son, and they will call his name Immanuel, which means,
when translated, With us is God

JWs admit that this is a prophecy about Jesus, who is called Emmanuel (God is with us). Note that here Jesus is referred
to as - God - not - a god. The JWs say that God - with a capital G - always refers to Jehovah, the one true God. Therefore
Jesus, Emmanuel, is truly God.
(Isaiah 43:11) I-I am Jehovah, and beside me there is no savior
(Titus 3:6) This [spirit] he poured out richly upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior
(Titus 3:4) However, when the kindness and the love for man on the part of our Savior, God was manifested
In (Isaiah 43:11) we are told that there is no savior besides God (Jehovah).
In (Titus 3:6) Jesus is called the Savior.
In (Titus 3:4) Jesus is called our Savior, God. Therefore, Jesus, our Savior, is God. It is important to recognize that
these passages refer to a very unique type of Savior who must be divine because He redeems the entire human race.
JWs Response: Othniel is called a savior in (Judges3:9) because he delivered Israel from its enemies.
Remind them that the word - savior - here is used in a different and more limited way. Anyone can be called a - savior in the sense of rescuing or protecting someone. But this more limited meaning cannot be applied to the above Bible verses which
speak of a unique and divine savior.
(Isaiah 9:6) For there has been a child born to us, there has been a son given to us; and the princely rule will come to be upon his
shoulder. And his name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace
All JWs agree that this is a prophecy about Jesus the Messiah. Yet this Messiah is called Mighty God. This couldnt
refer to the Father because this person is a child born to us. This passage can only refer to Jesus, the Mighty God.
(Mt. 28:19) Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing the in the name of the Father and of the Son and
of the holy Spirit
The disciples are commanded to baptize in the name (not names) of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Son and the
Holy Spirit are listed as separate persons from the Father, yet they are given equal status with the Father. Note that the name is
singular because there is only one God.

Alpha and Omega:

God - (Rev. 1:8) I am the Alpha and the Omega, says Jehovah God, the one who is and who was and who is coming, the
Jesus - (Rev. 22:12 - 13) Look! I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me, to render to each one as his work is. I am
the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the begging and the end

Lord of lords:
God - (Duet. 10:17) For Jehovah your God is the God of gods and the Lord of lords
Jesus - (Rev. 19:16) And upon his outer garment, even upon his thigh, he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords

Therefore, Jesus is equal to Jehovah God.

What is the Trinity?

After proving the divinity of Christ your one step from proving the Trinity. When you show JWs that Jesus is truly God like
the Father, then they must accept that there can be more than one person in the Godhead. So all theres left to do is prove the
Holy Spirit is a person and God.

JW Beliefs:
1. Holy Spirit - The invisible energizing force that God puts into action to accomplish his will. It is holy because it comes from
Jehovah which is clean and righteous to the highest degree, and because it is Gods means to accomplish what is holy.
2. There is only one God they dont understand what we mean by trinity.

Our Response:
1. The way we must respond to this is by proving that the Holy Spirit is a Person and then God.
Do this by using:
1. Scripture
2. And Reason

Biblical Proof - Using the NWT:

(Acts 5:1-4) But Peter said: Ananias, why has Satan emboldened you to lie to the holy spirit and secretly hold back some of the
price of the field?
When Ananias lied to the Church, Peter told him that he had lied to the Holy Spirit, and in lying to the Holy Spirit he had
lied to God. This passage supports both Personhood and divinity of the Holy Spirit.
(Acts 13:2) As they were ministering to Jehovah and fasting, the holy spirit said:
The Holy Spirit speaks to the disciples, telling them to set apart Saul and Barnabas for the work God has planned for
them. A non-personal active force cannot speak like a person.
(John 16:13) However when that one comes, the spirit of truth, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak of his own
initiative, but what he hears he will speak. And he will declare to you the things to come.
This verse says three important things:
1. He hears what he hears
2. He speaks he will speak
3. He is referred to as he a personal pronoun
(Romans 8:26-27) In like manner, the spirit also joins in with help for our weakness; for the problem is that we do not know what to
pray for as we need to, but the spirit itself pleads for us with unuttered groanings. But the one who searches the hearts knows what
the meaning of the spirit is, because it is pleading in harmony with God for the holy ones.

This passage tells us that the Holy Spirit intercedes for the saints. An impersonal active force cannot plead on our
behalf. Thus, the Holy Spirit must be a person.

Various other verses worth looking up and using that describe PERSONAL attributes are:
(John 14:16) He Teaches
(John 15:26) Testifies for Christ
(1 Cor. 2:10-11) He scrutinizes and knows the mysteries of God
(Acts 21:11) He foretells future events
(Acts 20:28) He appoints Bishops
(1 Cor. 12:11) He distributes gifts as he wills
(Eph. 4:30) He can be grieved

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