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Writers Notebook: HW #6

Purpose of Chosen Profile

The profile I read pertained to a woman named Sophia Manfredi and detailed her experiences
with cancer and chemotherapy. The purpose of the profile was to give the reader an inside look
at the emotional and physical turmoil that results from cancer and the treatment. The author
established this by going in depth and making personal statements about specific instances of
each type of pain they went through. An example of this would be when she states I didnt
know that cancer is watching my mother Saran-wrap the catheter in my arm every morning to
describe the emotional pain experienced by her and her family.
Miami Dolphins Profile
The author of this profile employs a lot of information which could only be obtained through
interview in his piece. Had he not interviewed the student, he wouldnt have known many of the
personal details used. Examples of this include knowing that he bought an empty frame to drive
him to graduate, to knowing that his grandma sewed a NFL quilt for him when he was younger.
By incorporating these details, it makes the story more personal and thorough.
Interview Questions
1. How do you feel the season went overall, from training, to effort, to performance in
2. What would you change about the end of the season taper or preparation for
championship season knowing what you do now?
Modules 2 & 3

Citations and summaries

1. Wood, Greg, Jordet Geir, and Mark Robert. "On Winning the lottery:
Psychological Preparation for
Football Penalty Shoot-outs." 33.17 (n.d.):
n. pag. University of Arizona Library Database. Web. 29 July 2015.
This article doesnt particularly pertain to swimming, however it discusses
universally important information. It discusses how penalty shooters utilize their
psyche and attitude to better perform under high stress. I think that this would
translate well into swimmers and their performances.
2. Cruickshank, Andrew, Dave Collins, and Sue M. Minten. "Driving and
Sustaining Culture Change in Professional Sport Performance Teams: A
Grounded Theory." 20 (n.d.): n. pag. University of Arizona Library Database.
Web. 29 July 2015.

This article again doesnt necessarily discuss swimming. It does discuss team
management and how to address a group to best fit the cultural norms of the team.
This again would be relatable to my head coachs experiences and could be
referenced to show supporting details.

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