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Writers Notebook: HW #8

Animal Welfare and Autism Champion

1. Along with promoting its accomplishments, the university also casts autism in a positive
light. While describing her innovations, they also highlight some of her stronger
characteristics such as a being great with mental visuals.
2. I found the profile informative however, I thought it was a bit disorganized and seemed to
jump around.
3. It discusses events in her life somewhat chronological order. Starting with her difficulties
as a child and developing how her circumstances lead her to be as successful as she is.
4. The profile gets most of its evidence from personal statements she must have made as
most of the information present would be unknown unless she said it.
Evaluate a Source
1. In some ways it is as it pertains to sports and performance.
2. Yes it presents evidence and experimental data from tests they ran. It also uses it
appropriately throughout answering its thesis.
3. Not much other than they are interested in or studying sports or physiology.
4. There isnt too much to learn as it is published in an academic journal.
5. Yes, the study was recent enough to be applicable.
6. Id say that the source accomplishes answering its thesis successfully so its
comprehensive enough.
7. Its an article published in an academic journal.
Wood, Greg, Jordet Geir, and Mark Robert. "On Winning the Lottery: Psychological
Preparation for Football Penalty Shoot-outs." University of Arizona Library

Summarize a Source
1. Author: The National Association for State Community Services Programs
Source: Veterans Put to Work Helping Low-Income Families in Colorado
2. Main Point: Veterans Green Jobs is an organization that helps lost and homeless vets
find a meaningful job that often involves environmental work.
Key Points

The Veterans Green Corps program trains and places veterans in land
conservation methods such as forest thinning and land management.
o The Veteran City Canopy program aimed towards planting a million
trees in Denver by 2025
o By August 2012 they planted 4,600 trees in Denver yards.

They also took the opportunity to join the Weatherization Assistance Program
o They were granted $11.8 million by the Colorado Governors Energy
o Veterans now weatherize low-income households in a number of
Sgt. Jordan Latva is a veteran within the program.
o He didnt know what he wanted to do after service
o He now works with low income families in and around Denver.

3. The National Association for State Community Services Programs. "Veterans

Put to Work Helping Low-Income Families in Colorado." State & Local Energy
Report (n.d.): n. pag. Print.

Respond to a Source
1. Im going to focus on why I think the organization mentioned in the State & Local
Energy Report is a good idea
2. Im going to write an agreeing response.
3. I agree with the Veterans Green Jobs organization, discussed in the article Veterans Put to
Work Heping Low-Income Families in Colorado by The National Association for State
Community Services Programs, because it provides jobs for those in need, does so
economically, and provides help to low income families.
4. Evidence:
There are many different veterans listed whom the program has worked for
The organization finds other organizations who are already working on
something and joins their efforts
Much of the work involves yard work and weatherization for low-income
5. Citation:
The National Association for State Community Services Programs. "Veterans
Put to Work Helping Low-Income Families in Colorado." State & Local
Energy Report (n.d.): n. pag. Print.

Rules for Writers Activity

1. 64-66
2. 321
3. 527-532, 583-594
4. 471, 545
5. 110
6. 324
7. 293
8. 308-314
9. 180-188
10. 306
11. 188-189
12. 314-321

a. Uniforms do create a sense of community; they do this, however, by stamping out

b. Youth is a time to express originality; it is a time to develop a sense of self.
c. The self-patrolled dress code of high school students may be stricter than any
school-imposed code; nevertheless, trying to control dress habits from above will
only lead to resentment or to mindless conformity.
d. If children are going to act like adults; they need to be treated like adults. They
need to be allowed to make their own choices.

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