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©) Proficiency Practice Tests with key CO five complete Proficiency tests © accurate exam specifications O detailed guidance and helpful tips O full-colour speaking section O extra writing bank and glossary Francesca Mansfield Carol Nuttall Contents Section Quickstart Exam overview Introduction Test 1 with guidance Test 2 with guidance Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Visual material OMR Answer sheets Writing bank Glossary Answer key Tapescripts >> >» >» >> Page 10 34 58 82 106 130 139 142 148 161 178 is a new series of materials for students preparing for the major EFL/ESL examinations such as Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE), First Certificate in English (FCE), Certificate of Advanced English (CAE), International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Test of English as 9 Foreign Language (TOEFL), Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) and others. The series is characterised by the close attention each component pays to developing a detailed knowledge of the skills and strategies needed for success in each part or paper of the exams. Proficiency Practice Tests helps learners become aware of the CPE exam requirements, offers details about the format and language in the exam and helps learners develop the exam skills necessary for success. The book also offers extensive practice in all parts of the exam, using the actual exam format. Taking the CPE exam The CPE is at Level 5 of the series of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. Level 1 is the Key English Test (KET), Level 2 is the Preliminary English Test (PET), Level 3 is the First Certificate in English ancl Level 4 is the Certificate of ‘Advanced English. The CPE is also at Level 5 of the ALTE framework (ALTE, the Association of Language Testers in Europe, promotes transactional recognition of levels of language proficiency and certification). itis also classified as being at C2 level of the Common European Framework. The CPE is widely recognised in commerce and industry, and by universities: and similar educational institutions as proof that the holder of this qualification can do office work or take a course of study in English, The exarn, which is usually held twice a year, consists of five papers: Paper 1 Reading, Paper 2 Writing, Paper 3 Use of English, Paper 4 Listening and Paper 5 Speaking. There is a description of each paper on pages 5-9. (Refer also to the Exam overview tables.) Proficiency Practice Tests: content ncy Practice Tests in the Thomson Exam Essentials series prepares candidates for the CPE nation by providing 5 full practice tests, following the latest exam specifications. There are two guided tests at the beginning, which feature essential tips. These tips offer guidance and general strategies for tackling each task. Other tips offer advice relevant to specific questions in the guided tests. These guided tests are followed by a further three tests (without guidance), which offer students thorough practice at a realistic exam level. PE Tests Introduction The CDs or cassettes accompanying the book include the audio materials for Paper 4 (Listening). The audio materials have been recorded so as to accurately reflect, the audio element of the actual exam. Awriting bank includes model answers for tasks simi to those found in Paper 2 (Writing). Visual materials for Paper & (Speaking) have also been included, while a language bank supplies useful language for discussing the visual material. There is also a glossary for each test, explaining vocabulary that might be unfamiliar to students. The book’s clear and straightforward design makes it easy to use. Exam overview tables ensure that key information about each paper is accessible at a glance, while a specially designed menu makes it easy to Navigate through the different papers and parts of each Practice test. Proficiency Practice Tests: principles In writing this book, we have observed three guiding principles: The first principle is that it should be useful for teachers, students sitting the CPE exam for the first time and students re-sitting the exam, whether they are working alone or in a class. Students approaching the CPE for the st time are advised to work through the book linearly, developing their skills ancl confidence; those re-sitting the ‘exam can concentrate on particular areas for targeted revision if they so wish. There is a general edition for students working ina class, as well as an edition with an answer key, which ensures that students working alone will benefit from the support provided here. The second principle is that the questions should accurately reflect those in the CPE exam. Thus students will get good idea what to expect in each paper, which will help them feel less daunted by the experience of sitting a major exam. The third principle is that the texts used in the practice tests should be varied, representative of those used in the ‘exam and interesting. Everyone finds it easier to learn if the subject matter is relevant to his or her lifestyle and interests. In choosing, editing and creating the texts here, we have done our utmost to ensure that the experience ‘of working with this book is as stimulating and rewarding as possible. Paper 1 Reading © Paper 1 accounts for twenty percent of the total marks in the exam. * You have one hour and thirty Paper. '* You must mark your answers in pencil on the answer sheet. (There is a sample answor sheet on page 139.) ‘+ Paper 1 tests your ability to understand the meaning of written English at word, phrase, sentence, paragraph and whole text level. It includes understanding of text ‘content, organisation and structure, the development of ideas, and the expression of opinions and attitudes. utes to complete this © The texts in Paper 1 can come from many different sources and may include extracts form novels, short stories, newspapers, magazines, journals etc. All texts are from authentic sources and will be in a variety of styles and register. The target audience is always the educated non-specialist reader. * Paper 1 consists of four parts and has a total of forty Part 1 © There are eighteen questions in Part 1. There is one mark for each question (i.e. there are 18 x 1 = 18 marks for Part 1). © Part 1 consists of three texts from a variety of sources on unrelated themes. The total number of words in the texts is 375-500 words. Each text has six gaps and is followed by six four-option multiple-choice questions. ‘You need to complete each gap with the correct option. © Part 1 tests your knowledge of lexis, i.e. idioms, collocations, fixed phrases, complementation, phrasal verbs and semantic precision. Part2 © There are eight questions in Part 2. There are two marks for each question (i.e. there are 8 x 2 = 16 marks for Part 2). © Part 2 consists of four texts from a variety of sources. The texts are linked by a related theme. The total umber of words in the texts is 600-900 words. Each text is followed by two four-option multiple-choice questions. ‘* Part 2 tests your ability to read for det attitude, tone, purpose, main idea, implication and text organisation features (exemplification, comparison, reference). Part 3 © There are seven questions in Part 3. There are two marks for each question (i.e. there are 7 x 2 = 14 marks for Part 3). ‘* Part 3 consists of one long text of 800-1100 words from ‘which seven paragraphs have been removed. The ‘gapped paragraphs are placed in jumbled order at the ‘end of the main text and you need to decide from ‘where in the text the paragraphs have been removed. © Part 3 test your ability to understand how a text is structured, s0 you need to understand the principles of ‘cohesion and coherence, and be able to read for global meaning. Part 4 ‘© There are seven questions in Part 4. There are two marks for each question (i. there are 7 x 2 = 14 marks for Part 4). * Part 4 consists of one long text of 700-850 words. The text is followed by seven four-option multiple-choice questions. © Part 4 test your ability to understand detail, opinion, attitude, tone, purpose, main idea, implication and text ‘organisation features (exemplification, comparison, reference). Preparing for Paper 1 You need to have read extensively from a range of Land be able to employ appropriate reading skills as the occasion demands, for example skimming for the main idea and gist, scanning to locate specific information, or reading closely to determine the author's Precise meaning. Itis a good idea to read a wide selection of the following types of text: newspaper articles, which ‘often make use of irony and innuendo, so that you learn to become aware of these; longer magazine articles, as these often feature in Part 3; novels and short stories, which will expose you to a range of writing styles, and which often feature in Parts 2 and 4, When you read, pay attention to text organisation features, train yourself to recognise the author's purpose in writing and his or her tone, and learn to read between the lines for what is implied rather than stated explicitly. CPE Tests Introduction Paper 2 Writing © Paper 2 accounts for twenty percent of the total marks in the exam, * You have two hours to complete this paper. * You must write your answers on the question booklet in pen. * Paper 2 tests your ability to write a contextualised text (300-350 words) according to instructions in an appropriate style and register for a given purpose and target reader. ‘© Paper 2 consists of two parts and you have to answer ‘one question in each part, Parts 1 and 2 carry equal marks. Part 1 ‘There is only one question in Part 1 and it is compulsory. ‘As well as the instructions, you have to read one or more input texts, which may be accompanied by a visual prompt. The total number of words in the instructions and input text(s) will be about 100 words. You are required to write one of the following text types: tanarticle + alotter sanessay + a proposal Part 2 ‘There are four questions to choose from in Part 2. The total number of words in the instructions for each question is not more than seventy words. Question 5 is related to the set books (works of literature) which you might have studied and prepared. For questions 2-4 you are required to write one of the following text types: sanarticle — * a report +a letter + areview +a proposal If you have studied one of the set books and want to answer question §, you can expect to write one of the following text types: sanarticle — areport sanessay —- areview +a lotter Preparing for Paper 2 Keep an open mind about which questions you are going to answer in the exam. For example, it is not wise to walk into the examination room with the intention of only writing an essay or an article. You may not be pravided with a suitable question. For this reason, you need to be familiar with all the text types that occur; this includes knowledge of any layout requirements, for example the use of headings and bullet points or numbered lists in 2 report. You also need to bear in mind who your target 6 CPE Tests introduetion reader is as this will inform the register and style of your writing. Your answer must cover all the points in the instructions (and input texts in Part 1). You also need to be aware of the eriteria that will be used in marking your texts: ‘© Has the candidate achieved the purpose stated in the instructions? © Does the text have a positive general effect on the target reader? ‘* Does the text cover all the content points? els the text well organised and are ideas appropriately? Has language been used accurately? ‘© Does the text exhibit a good range of vocabulary and grammatical structures? ‘Is the register appropriate for the task? ‘Is the layout appropriate? inked In order to achieve an acceptable level in Paper 2, you must practise writing texts within the time allowed in the exam. Also, note the following: ‘* Answers that are shorter than the number of words required are penalised, © The accuracy of spelling and punctuation is taken into account. © If your handwriting is difficult to read, you will be penalised. If your handwriting is completely illegible, ‘you will receive no marks. Band scores Each piece of writing is assigned to a ‘band’ between 0-5: Band 5 | Outstanding realisation of the task set: impresses the reader and has a very positive effect Good realisation of the task set: has a positive effect on the reader Satisfactory realisation of the task set: achieves the desired effect on the reader Inadequate attempt at the task set: has a negative effect on the reader Poor attempt at the task set: has a very negative effect on the reader Band 0 | Negligibie or no attempt at the task set Band 4 Band 3 Band 2 Band 7 Within each band there are three performance levels. For example, in Band 3, Band 3.1 represents weaker performance within Band 3; 3.2 represents typical performance within Band 3; Band 3.3 represents strong performance within Band 3, ‘Acceptable’ performance at the CPE level is represented by a band of 3. Paper 3 Use of English © Paper 3 accounts for twenty percent of the total marks in the exam. '* You have one hour and thirty minutes to complete this paper. * You must write your answers in pencil on the answer sheets. For Parts 1, 2 and 3 you must write your answers in pencil in capital letters on the first answer sheet. For Parts 4 and 5 you write on the second answer sheet, but you do not have to use capital letters, (There are sample answer sheets on page 140-141.) ‘* Paper 3 tests your knowledge and control of the language system by requiring you to complete various tasks at sentence and text level. ‘© The texts in Paper 3 can come from many different sources. ‘* Papor 3 consists of five parts and has a total of forty- four questions. Part 1 ‘© There are fifteen questions in Part 1. There is one mark for each question (i.e. there are 15 x 1 = 18 marks for Part 1). © Part 1 consists of a text of about 200 words. The text has fifteen gaps and you are required to complete each gap with one appropriate word. ‘* Part 1 tests your knowledge of the structure of the language, so most of the gapped words will have @ ‘grammatical or structural function, although a few can also form part of expressions or phrasal verbs. * The words you write must be spelt correctly: will be awarded for incorrectly spelt answers. 10 marks Part 2 © There are ten questions in Part 2. There is one mark for each question (i. there are 10 x 1 = 10 marks for Part 2) * Part 2 consists of a text of about 200 words. The text has ten gaps and you are required to complete each gap with one appropriate word formed from a prompt word in capitals that appears to the right of the text on the same line as the gap. ‘* Part 2 tests your knowledge of how words are formed from other words. You need to understand: + all kinds of affixation (the use of prefixes and suffixes to form words and to modify the meaning of words). ‘Sometimes more than one change must be made to the prompt word, and you may need to add a prafix and one or more suffixes to the prompt word. For ‘example: obey - obedience - disobedience obey ~ obedient - disobedient - disobediently + how to form new words by making internal changes toa word. For example: ‘choose ~ choice + lhow to make compound words. For example: water ~ waterproof heat ~ heatwave '* The words you write must be spelt correctly: no marks will be awarded for incorrectly spelt answers. Part 3 ‘* There are six questions in Part 3. There are two marks for each question (i.e. there are 6 x 2.= 12 marks for Part 3). * Part 3 consists of six sets of three discrete gapped sentences. You are required to complete the gaps in each set of sentences with one appropriate word which will be the same for all the sentences in a set. © Part 3 tests your knowledge of vocabulary and lexical Patterns such as collocations and phrasal verbs. * The words you write must be spelt correctly: no marks will be awarded for incorrectly spelt answers. Part 4 © There are eight questions in Part 4. There are two marks for each question (i.e. there are 8 x 2 = 16 marks for Part 4). = Part 4 consists of eight sentences, each of which is followed by a gapped sentence and a word. You are required to complete the gapped sentence so that its meaning is the same as that of the first sentence using three to eight words including the word given, * Part 4 tests your knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. ‘* The words you write must be spelt correctly: no marks will be awarded for incorrectly spelt answers. Part 5 * Part 5 consists of two texts of about §00 words in total, with two comprehension questions on each text. There is also one summary writing task that requires you to select relevant information from both texts. ‘* There are two marks for each comprehension question (ie. 4 x 2 = 8 marks) and fourteen marks for the summary writing task (four marks for content and ten marks for surimary writing skills). So Part 5 carries a total of twenty-two marks. * Part tests your comprehension of a text through your awareness of the language (recognising and understanding the force of lexical items, rhetorical and. stylistic devices and referencing). The summary task tests your ability to select relevant information and to organise it into a well-constructed, coherent paragraph. CPE Tests Introduetion 7 Preparing for Paper 3 For Part 1, you need to develop your awareness of grammatical structures and text organisation. When you read, note carefully how a text develops and how ideas. are expressed. For example, how are particular phrases. or structures used for emphasis? How is antithesis expressed? How are negative ideas expressed? Build up your knowledge of vocabulary and how words and phrases are used. When you come across a new: word, don’t just learn its meaning in context: dees it have any other meanings or uses? How can other words be formed from it by affixation? Does it form any compounds? This knowledge will be useful to you in Parts 2 and 3. For Part 4, you need to be aware of various ways of expressing the same idea, so you need to study various sentence structures and word pattems, including collocations, idiomatic phrases and phrasal verbs. Paper 4 Listening sper 4 accounts for twenty percent of the total marks in the exam. * This paper is about forty minutes long. * You must mark your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test you will have five minutes to transfer your answers to the separate answer sheet in pencil. (There is a sample answer sheet on page 139.) ‘ Paper 4 tests your ability to understand the meaning of spoken English, to extract information from a spoken text and to understand speakers’ attitudes and opinions. * The texts in Paper 4 may include extracts form interviews, discussions, conversations, radio plays, talks, lectures, commentaries, documentaries and instructions. All are taken from authentic sources. © Paper 4 consists of four parts and has a total of twenty- eight questions. Part 1 ‘* There are eight questions in Part 1. There is one mark for each question (i.e. there are 8 x 1 = 8 marks for Part 1) © Part 1 consists of four short unrelated extracts from monologues or texts involving interacting speakers. You are required to answer two three-option multiple choice questions for each extract. © Part 1 is about four minutes long fone minute per extract). * Part 1 tests your ability to understand gist, dete idea, function, purpose, topic, feeling, at opinion. CPE Tests Intraduction Part 2 ‘© There are nine questions in Part 2. There is one mark for each question (i.e. there are 9 x 1 = 9 marks for Part 2). *Part 2 consists of a monologue or prompted monologue. You are required to complete nine gapped sentences with information you hear on the recording. Each gap is completed by one, two or three words or a number. The words you write must be spelt correctly: you will be penalised for incorrectly spelt answers. © Part 2 is about four minutes long, ‘© Part 2 tests your ability to understand specific information and stated opinion, Part 3 ‘© There are five questions in Part 3. There is one mark for each question (i.e. there are § x 1 = § marks for Part 3). # Part consists of a text involving interacting speakers. You are required to answer five four-option multiple- choice comprehension questions. © Part 3 is about four minutes long. ‘* Part 3 tests your ability to understand opinion, gist, detail and inference. Part 4 ‘© There are six questions in Part 4. There is one mark for each question (i.e. there are 6 x 1 = 6 marks for Part 4). © Part 4 consists of a text involving two main interacting speakers. You are required to match statements on the text to either of the two speakers or to both when they. express agreement. * Part 4 is about threo '* Part 4 tests your ability to understand stated and non- stated opinion, agreement and disagreement. ‘nutes long. Preparing for Paper 4 It is important to practise listening for a specific purpose. Make sure you develop your ability to listen for gist, specific information and the speaker's overall attitude towards the subject they are talking about. Learn to recognise from the speaker's tone how they are feeling, especially when they are reacting to something someone ‘else has just said. Familiarise yourself with different kinds of spoken English, in terms of accent, intonation and speed of delivery. Listen to public announcements, which are almost invariably affected by background noise, and train your ear to pick up necessary information. Listen to English radio programmes, particularly discussions and interviews, as these usually feature in Parts 2, 3 and 4. Paper 5 Speaking © Paper 5 accounts for twenty percent of the total marks the exom. ® This paper is about nineteen minutes long. ‘© The usual format is two candidates and two examiners. (There may be three candidates occasionally.) Only one of the examiners interacts with the candidates. '* Paper 5 tests your ability to use spontaneous spoken language in order to communicate naturally. ‘* Paper § consists of three parts. Part 1 ‘* In Part 1 the examiner asks you some questions and you have a conversation, mainly with the examiner. ‘+ Part 1 is about three minutes long. ‘In Part 1 you are tested on your ability to give personal language. Part 2 ‘© In Part 2 the examiner gives you and the other candidate visual and written prompts, which you use to have a two-way conversation. ‘* Part 2 is about four minutes long. ‘* In Part 2 you are tested on your ability to speculate, evaluate, compare, give opinions, make decisions etc. Part 3 ‘In Part 3 the examiner gives each of you in turn a written question to which you have to respond. You have two minutes to talk on the question. The other candidate is asked to comment on what you have said at the end of your long turn, and you have to do the same when he/she finishes his/her long turn. Then the examiner will ask you both questions on the general theme explored by the two long turns and you are expected to develop your answers fully. ‘* Part 3 is about twelve minutes long. ‘* In Part 3 you are tested on your ability to organise a longer unit of discourse, express and justify opinions and develop a topic. Preparing for Paper 5 {In Paper 5 you need to be able to follow instructions, ask ‘or clarification, respond to your partner's comments and ‘express your own ideas clearly and fluently. It is important to gat as much practice as possible in conversational and discursive English. Practise Read each text quickly to iiiamanc a Genie and the birth of the universe. It was also believed that the egg had magical powers: meaning before you attempt it could (2)... off storms, ilinesses and the evil eye. In many sociaties decorated the task ‘eggs wore at the centre of rituals and ceremonies that (3... with the spring ~@ time i cs eee of new life and growth after the long hard winter. may be part of a fixed ‘ . [eroraeelon cokcsetoa | ‘Today eggs continue to be important in many cultural and religious events - such as, phrasal verb, ort may be 9 Easter - and shell decoration is an effective (4) ..... for demonstrating artistic skills. discourse marker which effects} The symmetrical form of the egg - often (5) ..... one of the most aesthetically the meaning ofthe text as @ pet pleasing shapes in nature - (6) ..... itself to a great variety of decorative techniques: * itcan be dyed, painted and embellished with leaves and flowers, and even gold, sil Chock the words before and and precious jewels. ‘after the gap carefully to decide what type of word you are ooking tor 1 A total B complete © absolute D very 2 A ward B put C fend D send » ce you ave rsh 3 A occurred B happened © resulted D coincided to chock that your choices make 4 Amsthod B means D drive tengo In the text as a whole. 5 A regarded ——_—B considered D soon 6 A helps B londs D provides Question 2: Which of the options. ‘meaning ‘do something to protect yourself from’? ‘Question 3: The preposition ator s the gap is regularly used with The Burlington Museum ‘one of the options, The Burlington Museum was recently re-opened after an extensive development about the activity of decorating programme that aims to make the collections (7)..... there more appealing to-a wider 99 shells and how this ean public. The Museum's fine collections can now be seen in more inspiring cermoreuete bctietic tient (8) ...... , and exhibitions include a wide range of innovative displays which allow Which option can be used to describe how something is conveyed? also (9) visitors to make use of the latest interactive information technology. The Museum ‘an excellent new education centre and art room, as well as a gift shop. ‘Question 6: One ofthe options is | Finally, ramps and wider doorways offer improved (10) ..... for the disabled and often used with a coflexive people with limited mobility. pronoun and! the preposition ‘to’ to moan ‘be suitable for being The Museum worked closely with community groups to achieve its goals. One of the Used in 8 particular way’. (11) ...... of this collaboration is a Buddhist shrine created with the assistance and. Question 7: One of the options advice of the local Buddhist community. A priest (12)... this significant exhibition ‘often collocates with ‘collections’ | and more than two hundred people of different faiths attended the event. ‘that are on display in museums ‘and art galeries. 7 A sot B placed © housed D homed ‘Question 8: The correct option is 8 A backgrounds B contexts € frameworks —_D circumstances often pes. o expreee tet 9 A boasts B prides G scores, D acquires 10 Acentrance —B access admission admittance 11 A offects B outputs © fruits D benefits Gurmaleg 1 Te cores tion 42. A installed B presided © commenced inaugurated ‘must mean ‘open a building offically forthe first time’. 10 CPETest-4 >> PAPER 4 Reading b> Part + Question 14: The correet option ‘must mean ‘unexpected Question 15: There isa rap" there, so think carefully about the structure of the sentence and the meaning intended! ‘Question 17: The correct option ‘must mean “itt something heavy’ The Early Bird Peter's plane was due to leave at 8.40 am. My father, having litle (13) my brother’ ability to get himself to the airport on time, had offered to drive him there, ‘A punctual man himself by nature, he detested the thought of any (14) ...... delays, ‘and so roused Peter as early as he dared. (16) ....., they arrived at the airport well advence of the recommended two hours prior to departure. They made their way over to the check-in desk, where @ queue was only just starting to (16) .... Up. When his turn came, Peter handed over his passport and ticket and (17)... his bags onto the conveyor belt. The check-in attendant frowned. ‘I'm sorry, sir, but you aren't ‘on the passenger list,’ she said. Then she took a closer look at his ticket and her eyes widened in surprise. ‘Now | see the problem. You're booked on tomorrow's flight! You've come a day too early!” She tured to my father, who was temporarily (18) for words, and asked, ‘Does he do this often?’ 13 A credit B faith © belief D assurance 44 Aimproper —_B unfounded © groundless. untoward 15 A Subsequently B Duly © Consequently D Finally 16 A build B gather € collect D grow 17 A settled B hoisted © elevated D handed 48. A stunned B shocked € lost D struck CPE Test 4 >) PAPER Reading >) Part1 11 eer You are going to read four extracts which are all concerned in some way with the sense of touch. For questions 19-28, choose the answer (A, B, C or B) which you think fits best according to the text. PAPER 2. Writing PAPER 3 Use of English PAPER 4 Listening Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet PAPER'S speaking —_,-_ Sas In touch with machines ofthe Sala shertone oon Srerteton, and some Engineers are finally beginning to recognise the value of the human touch questions may io focus on with regard tothe operation of mechanical devices. Until recently, the text. ‘makers of automated machinery seemed bent on rendering operators eee ey redundant by reducing their involvement with the machine tothe touch of poe tae ee a button. This theoretically made the user's job easier, but in. practice, they the questions. felt they had no connection with the machine or how it functioned. ine NO The relatively new field of haptics is changing all that. t focuses on land decide which pare ofthe ‘ensuring that an operator can ‘feel’ what a machine is doing. Haptic text they refer to. - = principles, which have been applied very successfully to cars and aircraft, (Look at kay words in the are now being applied to earth-moving equipment with excellent results. ‘Questions and see how they relate tothe relevant part of By programming haptic feedback into the electronic control system, See ie ee engineers are helping operators to enhance their understanding of how a words from those that appear ‘machine is responding to a particular terrain through feel, and by doing so, inthe questions and options. achieve optimum performance. It is also hoped that operators will be able cee ee to anticipate possible hazards in the ground, such as hidden water or gas. ‘answers the question oF Completes the question stem pipes, by means of haptic waming sensations transmitted through the Servite sere meaning controls and so take evasive action, Question 19: What did the ee ‘manufacturers do before that is now chaning? Cueston 20: Read tho second eee a ree see 19 The writer says that until recently, the manufacturers of automated machinery eae foe tape econ ie 2 inonded 19 make tho users of machines redundant, the muechine Roane ‘Which 8 felt no connection with the machine they were operating. So € largoly ignored the hurnan need for physical contact with « machine. D used haptic principles to develop machinery. 20 Haptic feedback A reduces the operator's understanding of how his or her machine operates. B enables the operatar to manoeuvre machinery over the ground. ‘© makes the operator's job less complex. 'D makes the operator more aware of how his or her machine is performing. 12 CPE Test 1>> PAPER Reading >> part 2 Essential tips Question 21: Read the question stom and answer options. Here, You are being asked in what way chiropractors trest patients. Find tho port ofthe text which ‘anewers this question. Which ‘option expresses the same idea ‘but in other words? ‘Question 22: Read the question ‘stom carefully. Note that the ‘writer implies that a person who ‘wishes to visit a chiropractor should do something: howaver, he does not give this advice explietly. a et Chirop ‘Are you suffering from back pain or inexplicable headaches? Any strained muscles from playing sport or perhaps whiplash from a recent accident? Then what you may need is to visit your local | chiropractor. Chiropractors diagnose and then treat problems of a neuro- musculoskeletal nature by making specific adjustments to the joints of the body — the spine in particular ~ in order to improve the function of the nervous system, and thereby enable the body's natural healing processes to do their work. No drugs or surgery, just. | gentle manipulation at the hands of a trained specialist! Chiropractic is a primary health-care profession, negating the need for a doctor's referral. Registered chiropractors are subject to rigorous regulations, and high standards of practice are maintained. Patients enthuse about the wonderful feeling of release they experience after treatment, and how much easier and more supple movement becomes. So why not give it a try? Chiropractic may change your life! ere, ce Chiropractors treat patients A by employing gentle massage techniques. B by altering the alignment of bones in the body. © by adjusting the position of nerves and muscles in the body. D by manipulating the nervous system. Before visiting a chiropractor, the writer implies you should A visit a doctor who can diagnose your problem. B obtain a referral from your doctor. © stop taking any medication. D ensure they are.a member of a recognised chiropractic organisation. CPE Test 1>PAPER1 Reading >> Part2 13 Essential tips ‘Question 23: Look for a word or pphrase in the text that moans realise’ and what the writer seve ‘after this. Which option ‘expresses the same idea in othor ‘words? Also, think about the ‘words in the options. For ‘exemple, if you ‘conform’ to ‘something, what does that ‘mean? ‘Question 24; Think about the ‘overall meaning of what the writer says in the second paragraph. What does ‘abstract 1ges from forms’ moan? What do artists try to do and how do ‘they doit? How might the sense ‘of touch help them to do this? Art and Visual Impairment Asa student artist with a minor visual impairment I had spent years trying to keep up with my peers, struggling to master the principles of colour, form and perspective, until it dawned on me one day that perhaps the skills I was attempting to develop need not necessarily be visual. I started to re-examine the way in which I worked and realised that I could change my perspective, so to speak. I started to devise a tactile approach to recording the world ‘that would complement the way I experienced it ~ rather than merely trying to reproduce it. ‘Touch is far more meaningful to the visually impaired — blind people in particular ~ than itis for the majority of people, It can ‘offer an alternative means of observation that increases one’s sense ‘of perception and it provides a unique, non-visual way for artists to abstract images from forms, Visual artists are taught to understand light, [ have been leaning to understand space and distance, volume and dimension, form and substance, and to work with materials that occasionally dwarf me. ‘What did the artist realise about herself? ‘A She had been trying to conform to established ideas about art. B She needed to improve her visual skills. € She wasn't as talented as the other students in her class. D She could improve her sight by changing the way she worked. How can touch be used in art? A It can improve one's powers of observation. B It facilitates the power of sight. € It enables artists to create without needing to see. D It helps visual artists to experience large objects. 44 CPE Test 41>» PAPER Reading >> part 2 Essential tips ‘Question 25: Read the question ‘stom carefully. You need to find the ‘main’ reason, which implies ‘there may be other reasons too — just less important ones! ‘Question 26: Be careful not to ead too much between the lines. You may think that a text implies something, but what ‘does it sctuslly say? Which of is stated expliitty in In touch with the child ‘Touch is the first sense to develop in the embryo. Only a few weeks after conception a primitive nervous system linking skin cells to a rudimentary brain has already developed. Throughout the gestation period the foetus's tactile system develops and it will remain a potent form of communication throughout the course of a person's life. Essentially, touch aids psychological, intellectual and physical development while its absence can cause undeniable harm. Touch is a child's first language. Long before he can see, smell, taste or hear, he experiences others and himself through touch, the only reciprocal sense. In our consumer based society, we misguidedly try to meet the sensory needs of the newborn by providing artificial stimulation and security, so that we can keep ourselves at a distance. We put our children down to sleep in cots, monitoring their breathing with alarms while we sleep in the next room. Instead of holding them close to our bodies, we push them around at arms’ length in prams. We suspend them in baby bouncers in an attempt to reproduce the experience of being jogged around in human arms. But babies need their mothers, not machines and contraptions. No invention can substitute for the direct physical contact that forms the basis of the mother and child bond. ce ca 25 The main reason why touch is important is because A itis the first sense to develop. B it facilitates healthy development. C it improves our communication skills. D it teaches us how to reciprocate. 26 What is the writer’s main point in the second paragraph? A Children should never be left to sleep alon« B Most people fail to provide the right kind of security for their children. © Man-made objects cannot replace nature in providing tactile stimulation, D People should take a more active part in bringing up their children. CPE Test 1>» PAPER 1 Reading >> Part 2 5 ee) PAPER 2 Writing PAPER 3 Use of English PAPER 4 Listening PAPERS Speaking If these bones could talk To a palacoanthropologis, the past is an open book. but one that fails to tell the whole story: The covers are missing, The first chapters may never be found. There are hardly an ages, and most are so smeared and crumpled, so foxed and faded, thatthe text could mean almost anything. The cast of characters is confiasing and narrative thread anybody’ gues. Is ita detective story.a cliffhanger, or a romance? Can there be a happy ending? _ Homo floesiensis was the mysterious survivor unearthed from, @ ewe om the island of Flores im Indonesia: ny descendant, perhaps, of Homo eres, perhaps even connected to an earlier human species, but with this special feature: the bones were only 18,000 years old. So Homo sapiens, Homa erectus, Homo reandertalis and Homo florsiensis must have all shared the planet at the same time, antalisingly recently: within the last 100,000 years perhaps. Now only Homo sapiens survives. Stringer, 37, is head of human origins atthe Natural History Museum in London. One of palacoanthropology’s big Players, he has spent his eareer in pursuit of Home neanderthals and is aso one of the great proseytisers of the ‘Out-of-Africa theory, the one that says the human story begins on just one continent. Home florsienss, however, astonished him. BE ‘Nature is constantly experimenting. I think a lot of people thought that humans were somehow different; that we had this all embracing culture anid this unifying adaptation, which meant that human evolution progressed ina somewhat different way, because of our technology and the vay we probably vainly think we are partly controlling the World now; So people project backwards and think that 6 CPE Test 1 >> PAPER 1 Reading >» part 3 You are going to read an article about palaeoanthropology. Seven paragraphs have ‘been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap (27-83). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. humans are somehow special. The evidence shows us that ur evolution was as complex and as undirected, 1 suppose, as that of any other species we have studied [30] Modern humans probably popped up within the last 200,000 years, but the things that make modern humans so istinctve in the fossil record ~ symbolic art, pottery and Jewellery ~ bloomed only about 50,000 years ago. Nobody in the world of palacoanthropology considers modern humanity to be the flower of creation, either. A temporary bloom, maybe. Bq Genetic evidence suggests humans may have come close to extinction a number of times in the past, Modern hiimans shared the Middle East with Home neanderthals 120,000 Yeats ago, and as Cro-Magnons became the sole tenants of Europe 30,000 years ago. a terrain held successfully by the Neanderthals for more than 100,000 years. Did they compete? Did they co-exist? Did they trade, or cohabit 7 ] ‘I sill tend to the view that the primary message would have been: different. They would have had a different. body language, 2 completely different way of communication; they would have had different behaviours? A He and his co-author Peter Andrews ~ a former head of human origins at the Natural History Museum, and an expert on the early part of the human story ~ tried to tell the story of human evolution not just through time, but through its context, Stringer says: how you set about excavating a site, what a piece of tooth or jaw can tell you about ancient human behaviour. In chat, the ttle of the book means what it says: complete. A. ie humbling, Stringer says.“We shouildne see ourselves as the summit of the perfection of whatever evolution is trying to achieve. We seem to be very successfil at the ‘moment in terms of our numbers but, looking at it on geological timescale, how successial will we look in 50,000 years, which is a very short time, geologically B ‘Neanderthals were certainly human and evolved as us n their own way, but they were different. They had several hundred thousand yeats of evolving their own anatomy and behaviour, Bue when these people met Europe would they have seen each other as people? Or as someone different?” he says, ‘What stories could these bones tell? And whe could have samed, before their discovery that some tree-climbing, pygmy-clephant-hunting human candidate could have sarvived on a tropical island while Homo sapiens moved into the Fertile Crescent, preparing to invent agriculture, civilisation and global terorisin? He thinks the Neanderthals perished at a: moment of maximum stres in the stop-go, hot-cold pattern of climate during the las ice age. Though they left their iark in the Pyrenees, chey never got to Britain at all. But then the human occupation of Britain itself isa bit of a riddle. There is evidence of it, most of it indirect, of litle pues of human occupation, and then a gap of 100,000 ‘years when no humans appeared to have visited Britain at all, Modern humans finally moved in and stayed only 12,000 years ago. > This part of the exam tests your understanding of how text is organised and, in particular, how paragraphs relate to ‘ach other. > Read the main text through first to get an idea of wat itis about and how the writer develops his or her subjact matter > Road the sphs before and after each gap carefully to 00 how they are connected. > Underline the names of people, organisations or places. Also, underline reference words such as ‘ths’ ‘i, ‘there’, ‘te. They will help you see connections between sentences, ‘and paragraphs. > Read paragraphs A-H and do the same, noting how each ‘may be linked to the subject matter of the main artcie. E These people were capable of making tools and butchering large beasts like thinos, They may not have killed these beasts themselves ~ they were, after all, dangerous animals ~ but even ifthey were just scavenging, ic must have taken some degree of cooperation and organisation to have driven off the lions or wolves, and secured the carcass for themselves, F There is a sory-so-far, bur that potted version of events is, forever being revised, and nobody knows that better than Chris Stringer, one of the authors of a book published The Complete World of Hunan Evolution. Stringer spent eight years on the text. Then, ar, he had to sit down in one night and compose new chapter to incorporate the discovery of Hono flosiensis, abo known 38 the Hobbit. Here is the orthodoxy, pieced together over a century of more by Darwin’ disciples: primate ereatures with a capacity for walking upright emerged perhaps twenty million years ago. From these emerged the ancestors of all Underline time references and notice any changes in tense within a text. The writer may be comparing a past situation wath the present. > When you have finished the task, read through the completed text to make sure it makes sense. ‘Question 30: Compare the paragraph before the gap with that which comes after it. Notice that in the paragraph after the ‘99p, the writer makes use of a metaphor. Look for an option which employs a similar use of language. ‘Question 32: In the paragraph before the gap, Homo neanderthais is mentioned and questions are asked. Look for ‘an option whieh addresses these questions in some way. CPE Test 1 >) PAPER 1 Reading >» Parts 7 PAPER 2 Writing PAPER 3 Use of English Eee fe PAPER 4 Listening PAPER 5 Speaking “Time to go, Joe’ Officer Dicks stands in the now ‘open doorway to freedom. I hesitate and contemplate this fact with some trepidation, oscillating between a feeling of excitement and one of utter dread. I suddenly feel as if! am standing at tthe top of a precipice, parachute attached and ready to jump, but tortured by the overwhelming fear that ‘when I jump the chute won't open. After dreaming of this moment for years, endlessly counting off the days, over and over - ever since I came here, in fact ~ Tam now gripped with a sense of terror at the thought that the time has actually arzived. Bill, my soon-to-be erstwhile neighbour, notices amy sudden reluctance and smiles, nodding sagely. ‘Hard, isnt it?’ he says. ‘You spend all your time waiting for your release only to find that when it, ‘comes down to it, you don’t want to go. Much as ‘you hate to admit it, this dump has become your hhome, and the lads, even the warden, bless him, well, they've become family’ A sarcastic quip in response to this last remark dies in my throat. It strikes me that this motley bunch of miscreants with whom I have co-existed for the last five years have indeed come to mean something to me, and that in spite of myself I will amiss them. Like a wom-out old coat that you cant throw away, we have moulded together, an unlikely yet close-knit group, not particularly fond of each ‘other, pethaps, but comfortable in the familiarity of each others presence. Bill, with his weather-beaten, Pock-marked face and his infuriating habit of whistling the same tune over and over again has become like a brother to me. He may irritate me to screaming point several times a day, and no doubt if ‘you were to ask him about me, the feeling would be ‘mutual, but we have grown used to sharing a fag and talking about nothing in particular, It suddenly ‘dawns on me that he understands me in a way nobody else ever has and I never have to pretend to bbe something I am not with him. He just seems to ‘know what is going on in my head and doesn't Mark your answers on the separate answ You are going to read an extract from a short story. For questions 34-40, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. sheet. question it, but rather accepts it philosophically I realise there is something comforting about waking up every moming to the sounds of Bill moving around his domain next door. Sighing, I take a last look around the walls of my call. Not much to look at because I never really bothered to decorate it, my mind determinedly focused on the temporary nature of my stay. Even so, it is amazing how we unwittingly leave traces of ourselves wherever we go, stamping our self on everything we touch. There is the rubber mark on the wall above my bed, made by my throwing a small ball at it every day, an activity which grated on Bills nerves but which helped me calm my own. Then the wall against which my bunk stands is spattered with writing: the lyrics of songs and the lines of poems that Ihave struggled not to forget. Wherever I look, I see things that are familiar. They define me in some way and give me my identity by which others recognise me. Out there the unknown waits to engulf me, and the loneliness of being marginalised by society; I will be branded by the fact that I have done time - just another bad apple. Tt oceurs to me that we convicts spend all our time cooped up and trapped, longing for the moment we will be free again, not realising that there is a perverse freedom to being inside: a freedom from all forms of responsibility. Your accommodation, food, clothing and essentials are all provided free of charge. There is no need to work and you can spend all day reading or just doing nothing if you want to. Such luxuries are hard to come by om the outside because out there you are forced to fend for yourself and perhaps for others in an unforgiving society, and it’s tough. Out there, ‘you must face life. Here, you can tum your back on it, and that seems cosy and appealing to me right nov. Reaching the door, my threshold to freedom, I look over at Bill and say wryly: TU be back before ‘you know it! 18 CPE Test 1» PAPER 1 Readiing > Part @ Essential tips > This part of the exam tests ‘your detailed understanding of ‘text, including the views and attitudes expressed. > Read the whole text quickly for its general meaning ~ the gist. > The questions follow the order ofthe text, although the last ‘question may refer to the text whole or ask about the intention or opinion of the itr » Read each question or ‘question ster and try to identify the part ofthe text which i relates to. Then read ‘the relevant part of the text carefully and think of the ‘meaning of what you are reading. Look forthe option that expresses this meaning, probably in other words. > Be careful: some options may ‘state facts that are true in themselves but which do not ‘answer the question or ‘complete the quastion stem correctly: others may include ‘words used in the text, bt this ‘does not necessarily mean that ‘the meaning is correct; yet ‘others may be only partly true. ‘Check that the option you have ‘chosen is correct by trying to find out why the other options ‘are incorrect. ‘Question 24: An option may be @ ‘rue statement in itsel, but this ddoos not necessarily mean it answers the question correctly. ‘What does the writer actually tell Us about his feelings in this, paragraph? ‘Question 38: if you do not know ‘the meaning ofthe words in the options, guess. For exemple, if ‘you do not know what ‘ostracised’ ‘Means, imagine how someone ‘who has dane time in prison ‘might be treated by the rest of society. 34 In the first paragraph, how does the writer allude to his situation? A He has mixed feelings about it B He is afraid of heights. © He thinks there may be disastrous consequences. D He regrets wasting so much time. 35. How did the writer react to Bill's comment? ‘A He couldn't think of anything clever to say. B He realised that Bill would miss him, © He suddenly saw the warden as a member of his family. D He thought Bill had made a good point. 36. The writer and Bill ‘A have nothing much in common. B dislike each other. € find solace in each other's company. D have developed some peculiar habits. 37. The writer finds it surprising that A he didn’t decorate his cell after all these years. B he has left evidence of his personality in the cell © he has spoiled the wall near his bed. D he hes forgotten the words to some songs, 38. How does the writer feel about leaving prison? A He is aware that there will be nothing familiar around him. B He is worried that people won't recagnise him any more. € He is afraid that he will be ostracised as: an ex-convict. D He is concerned about leaving his old friends behind. 39. In the penultimate paragraph, what does the writer imply is ironic? A that prison offers certain liberties B that free people have many responsibilities € that luxuries are rare in the outside world D that prison life is more comfortable than life outside 40 Overall, the writer implies that leav A is an event that is long overdue. B is a reason for celebrating. © ig not as joyful as he thought it would be. D is only a temporary situation. prison ‘Question 40: This question refers 10 the whole ofthe tox. Some of the options may be mentioned ‘somewhere in the text and 80 appear to be correct, but this does ot mean that they express what ‘the writers implying overa CPE Test 1 PAPER 1 Reading > Part 4 19 PAPER 1 Reading ‘You must answer this question. Write your answer in 300-350 words in an appropriate style, PAPER 3 Use of Engiish | Part 2 PAPER 4 Listening 1 You have read the extract below as part of a newspaper article about the way PAPERS speaking technology has affected the lives of young people. Readers have been asked to send in their opinions. You decide to write a letter to the newspaper responding to the points raised and expressing your own views. Essential tips >In Paper 2 you must answer two questions in two hours, so iming is important. ‘The infiltration of technology in our : lives is having a negative effect on our » Gaapasehy Wer Tay ty eel shildren, Wherever we turn, we see towrite an article, an essay, a young people clutching mobile later ora proposal. Al of those sitting a will be written for a particular telephones, sitting at eyber cafés, or Purpose and target reader. engrossed in some computer game. ‘Mako sure you are familisr with ‘They no longer seem to be interested oleh ctteat i aaron cetera ee s their individuality. They engage less ar 1 tests your ability to i ; ea noneTatS in wholesome physical activities, You through instructions as spend more time indoors, have fewer Ww as weit or visual Gal peetines = aven thelreaceaal Brompts inorder to produce a Hic Linteay elbebaneber eed piece of writing that makes use Performance seems to be suffering. ‘of this information in an Are we to sit back and do nothing as Seeconis sive the next generation turn into walking » Read the instructions earefully techno-zombies? ‘and underline the key words that tell you what you have to ss poets dda, Then read the written LO ‘prompt. which may be an extract from a leter article ete, land underline the relevant Write your letter. Do not write any postal addresses, information. If there isa visual Prompt as well, make sure you ‘understand what information it is conveying. You must make Use of all the information in, ‘your writing Question 1 > Here, you have been asked to» Pian your writing so that your which ean land weight to each write aletterto a newspaper, own points are clearly ot our points. Uso examples $0 think about the register — ‘organised and lead towards @ ‘wherever possible in order to how formal or informal should strong conclusion. Finish your Underline your message. inter Sats) Macs burn the exominer can i Se i ee read your writing. When you ? Aosta te pit inthe the outcome will be, rece Wai written prompt. How far do you 1ve finished, check your agree or disagree with each” > Make sure you use a good ‘Spelling and punctuation aint? Do you agree? Do you. selection of linking word disagree? Or do you agree with phrases in your writing. » a ere on pane some points to a certain extent = but disagree with others? > Think about appropriate types of writing language and expressions 20 CPETest 1 >> PAPER2 Writing >» Part 4

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