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Craig Scutt

Room 1.214

Students of Berkmar High School, my name is Craig Scutt and I will be your Biology teacher for
the 2015-2016 year! My goal is to ensure that you succeed in gaining and improving your knowledge
about Biology: The Study of Life! To aid you in your goal of an A in my class, I have created an account
on This application will allow me to send a one-way text message to you and your
parents/guardians. This is to help you keep up with any assignments due, remind you of paperwork that
has to be signed, and/or allow you to recall that you should be studying for your test instead of playing
video games! Below are the codes that correspond to your class period with me that you must text to the
number: 81010. Once you text the corresponding code of your class period to this number, you will be
automatically registered to receive your reminders! Please text the code with the cell phone number(s)
that is easiest to reach you at. I hope you are as excited as I am about this course, and I look forward to
seeing your many successes over the year!

Remind Codes:
1st Period: @cscut
2nd Period: @cpbio2n
3rd Period: @cpbio3r
5th Period: @cpbio5thp
6th Period: e7eab
7th Period: @cscutt

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