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1) Consider the system shown below which represents the altitude rate control
for a certain aircraft.
(a) Design a compensator so that the dominant poles are at -2 +/- 2j.
(b) Sketch the Bode plot for your design, and select the compensation so that the
crossover frequency is at least2* 2^0.5 rad/sec and PM >=50deg.
(c) Sketch the root locus for your design, and find the velocity constant when
crossover frequency > 2*2^0.5 and damping ratio >=0.5.


>> %Our aim is to design a compensator D(s) that satisfies the conditions given in
>> %question
>>%Let me assume D(s)=K, i.e, some constant. Let K=1. Let me check out if the
>> %D(s)=k satisfies the required condition.i.e, it should pass through dominant
>> %poles at 2+j2 and its conjugate
>> numf=[2 0.1]
numf =
2.0000 0.1000
>> denf=[1 0.1 4 0]
denf =
1.0000 0.1000 4.0000

>> fun=tf(numf,denf)
Transfer function:
2 s + 0.1
------------------s^3 + 0.1 s^2 + 4 s
>> %In the above lines, by selecting K=1, I have found the transfer function of the
>> %uncompensated system.
>>%Now, let me find root locus of the uncompensated system and check if at all
>>%there is a need for a compensator.
>> rlocus(fun)
>>%From the root locus obtained as in fig1, it can be observed that the it never
>>%passes through 2+j2 and its conjugate, unlike the requirement in the question.
>>%Hence, compensator is required
>>%So now, I design a lead compensator with D(s)=K(s+z)/(s+p)
>>%We need to find z,p,K that satisfy the required condition

>>%First, let me find angle of departure of dominant pole at -2+2j

>> desired_pole1=-2+2*i
desired_pole1 =
-2.0000 + 2.0000i
req_angle1 =
>>%Thus, angle of departure of pole at -2+2j=-116.6996 deg
>>%Now, let me find angle of departure of dominant pole at -2-2j
>> desired_pole2=-2-2*i
desired_pole2 =
-2.0000 - 2.0000i
req_angle2 =
>>%Thus, angle of departure of pole at -2-2j=116.6996

>>%Now, the compensator zero and pole must be placed such that
>>% i)root locus passes through dominant poles
>>% ii)difference of angles made by compensator zero and compensator pole
>>%with respect to a given dominant pole equals angle of departure of the given
>>%dominant pole

>>%We can place the zero and pole of compensator in MATLAB using RLTOOL
>> rltool(fun)
>>%The root locus was obtained as in fig1.
>>%The compensator pole was placed at -9.89 and compensator zero was adjusted
>> %and placed at -0.261 such that root locus passed through the dominant poles
>>%The value of gain K was found out from CONTROLS AND ESTIMATION
>> %TOOLS MANAGER (fig2).
>>%From fig2, K=0.35577*3.8/0.1=13.5166
>>%Thus, compensator design values are z=-0/261, p=-9.89, K=13.5166
>>%Question 1(a) is solved
>>%Hence, the root locus as in fig3 was obtained
>>%Now, the system transfer function H(s)=D(s)*G(s) is obtained
>> num=[27.0332 8.183 0.3528]
num =
27.0332 8.1830 0.3528
den=[1 9.99 4.989 39.56 0]
den =
1.0000 9.9900 4.9890 39.5600

>> sys=tf(num,den)
Transfer function:
27.03 s^2 + 8.183 s + 0.3528
-----------------------------------s^4 + 9.99 s^3 + 4.989 s^2 + 39.56 s
>>%Root locus of the overall system transfer function was found out just to verify
>> %if it was passing through the dominant poles

>> rlocus(sys)
>>%The root locus is found to be passing through dominant poles as required as
>> %shown in fig4
>>%Next, Bode plot is plotted and phase and gain margin were found out.
>> bode(sys)
>> margin(sys)
>>%The obtained bode plot is shown in fig5
>>%From bode plot(fig5), crossover frequency=3.66rad/s and phase
>> % margin=67.2deg
>>%Thus, the required condition for crossover frequency and phase margin are
>> %satisfied.
>>%Question 1(b) is solved
>>%Next, for designed values of damping ratio and crossover frequency, transfer
>> %function is found out.
>> %From fig2, damping ratio=1. From fig5, crossover frequency=3.66rad/s.
>> numk=[13.4]
numk =
>> denk=[1 3.66 13.4]
denk =
1.0000 3.6600 13.4000
>> sysk=tf(numk,denk)
Transfer function:

s^2 + 3.66 s + 13.4

>> sysk=minreal(sysk)
Transfer function:
------------------s^2 + 3.66 s + 13.4
>> kv=dcgain(sysk)
kv =
>>% Velocity constant=1. Root locus is shown in fig4.
>>%Question 1(c) is solved.
>>%Thus, the given compensator is designed successfully.

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